What the Heart Wants (16 page)

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Authors: Marie Caron

BOOK: What the Heart Wants
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Tomorrow Matthew and his wife, Lisa, who were in San Francisco for business and pleasure, would return for their children. They would take them back to their big house in Sacramento, and I would wait here for my husband to return to me once again, as I had done probably a hundred times before.

I never doubted that he would come back to me from one of his wanderings. He’d made a promise to me years ago, and he wasn’t a man who broke his promises. From the first time I saw him, John had filled a space in my heart that was meant only for him, and even though there had been hardships—not everyone had accepted a half-breed marrying a white woman—his honesty, bravery, and selflessness had won people over, and we had plenty of friends. We also had a couple of strong sons, a lovely daughter-in-law who filled our need for a daughter, and three handsome grandchildren. I figured I was as happy and as content as one woman had a right to be. I had gotten exactly what my heart wanted. What more could a woman want?

The End

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About Marie Caron

Marie’s first creative writing experience came at age twelve when she and a friend competed to see who could write the steamiest love stories about their favorite television characters. Her love of the written word never waned, and while raising her children, organizing fundraisers for their school, serving as team mother for her children’s baseball teams, and working part-time as an elementary school teacher, she tried to satisfy her need to be creative with words by editing her husband’s magazine articles and textbooks. Now that her children are grown, writing has become a major part of her life. Recently she authored nearly two hundred sexually explicit fan-fiction stories based on the popular television series
Stargate SG1.
Currently she is concentrating on romantic fiction featuring strong female characters and the men who are bold enough to love them. You can contact Marie Caron on FB, at www.stargateforever.com, and also through her new romance website: www.mariecaron.com.


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