What the Hex? (A Paranormal P.I. Mystery Book 1) (18 page)

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Authors: Rose Pressey

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BOOK: What the Hex? (A Paranormal P.I. Mystery Book 1)
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Chapter 30


Just as I was ready to run out the door, I spotted the car keys on the nearby table. Why hadn’t I brought my gun with me? It wouldn’t do much good in the car. I’d hoped that it wouldn’t come to something as drastic as gunfire though.

If I didn’t get out of there now, they would surely catch me. After snatching the keys, I ran back outside. Adrenaline rushed through my body. It was the only thing keeping me going at the moment. Without the rush, I’d probably freak out. I expected to hear Steve or Tabitha yell at me to stop any second. My legs couldn’t move fast enough.

When I finally reached the trunk, I said, “I’m here now, Derek. Don’t worry, I’ll save you.”

He would probably hate to hear me say those words. Not that he wouldn’t be grateful, just that he wouldn’t want to be a damsel in distress. But hey, we all needed help sometimes. My hand shook so badly it was almost impossible to push the button on the key fob. The trunk didn’t open.

“What the heck?” I said. “Hold on, Derek, I’m coming. I promise.”

He was probably wondering what was going on out here. I pushed it again. Still the trunk didn’t open. Luckily, the trunk had a spot to shove the key into, so I put it in and popped the trunk. I had to be tough, but I was afraid to see what was in the trunk. Had Derek been murdered?

I opened the trunk all the way. Derek lay there, looking at me. He moved his head, gesturing toward his feet. A gag was shoved in his mouth, something I’d thought of doing often.

I glanced back at the house. Luckily, I didn’t see Steve or Tabitha coming for us. I fumbled with the rope and finally got Derek’s feet unbound. With his hands still tied, he hoisted himself out of the trunk. He shook his head and glared at me.

“Oh, you want me to ungag you?”

He narrowed his eyes.

“Okay, okay, I’m doing it.” I yanked the rag from his mouth.

“Do you have any idea how dark and hot it is in a trunk?”

Actually, I was surprised that Derek had never been locked in a trunk before.

“I’ve never been stuck in a trunk.”

“What took you so long?” he asked.

“What? No thank you?” I placed my hands on my hips.

“I’ll buy you a thank-you gift after. Right now we need to take care of Bonnie and Clyde.” Derek brushed off his shirt and pants.

“Are you okay? How did you manage to call me?” I asked, looking down at his bound hands.

“I didn’t know that I’d called you. They left my phone in my pocket.” He motioned with a tilt of his head.

“So you accidentally butt-dialed me?” I couldn’t hide the laughter in my voice. 

“Looks that way,” he said. “Hey. You think you could untie my hands and we can do this little chat later?” He held his hands up for a reminder.

I took his hands in mine. “Oh, yeah, sorry. Steve must have been an excellent Boy Scout.” I struggled with the rope for a few seconds and then finally got his hands free.

“Well, he took a wrong turn when he reached adulthood,” Derek said. “It’s sweet of you to save me.”

“That’s what friends for, right?” I’d just tossed the rope down when movement caught my attention.

I should have known they’d be out here soon. Tabitha and Steve were running toward us. There was no way I could fend off a bodybuilder. Tabitha had muscles too. I needed the gun from the car. The look in their eyes let me know they were ready to kill us.

Before I knew what was happening, Tabitha had grabbed me. That was when I remembered the pepper spray in my pocket. Somehow I managed to get it from my pocket. I sprayed it in Tabitha’s face. She screamed and immediately fell to the ground.

Steve had Derek in a headlock and I knew Steve would soon choke him to death. There wouldn’t be time for me to reach the gun before Steve killed Derek. I pushed the button of the pepper spray, but nothing came out. Why was nothing working? I looked around for something to hit Steve with. 

When I glanced in the trunk of the car, I spotted a weightlifting belt. I snatched the big thing from the back. I hoisted it back and swung with all my strength. The thing whizzed through the air and made a whack sound when it made contact with Steve’s face. He let out a groan and fell to his knees.

“Good job, Cece,” Derek said.

“I told you that you should have a gun. This is a dangerous job,” I said.

“Once again you’re right.”

With Steve and Tabitha still on the ground, I ran toward my car. I hoped there was enough time before one of them managed to scramble up from the ground. Once at the car, I grabbed the gun. Now that they knew I had a weapon, it would give us a chance to keep them here long enough for the police to arrive. Just as they were getting up from the ground I rushed back over.

“You really brought him to his knees, Cece. Good job,” Derek said.

I smiled. “Thanks.”

I was kind of proud of my swing. As Derek called the cops, I pointed the gun at Steve and Tabitha.

“Don’t move or I’ll shoot,” I said.

Steve looked a little stunned by the turn of events. Steve and Tabitha held their hands up.

“Come on. You don’t want to shoot us. We weren’t doing anything to him. Just having a little fun.”

Derek snorted. “Honestly, it wasn’t that much fun for me.”

“Were you just having fun when you killed Amber?” I asked.

Tabitha shook her head. “What are you talking about?”

“I found your watch. Apparently, you didn’t realize that you left it on and it traced your movements all the way to the desert.”

“That proves nothing,” she said with a smirk.

“Actually, it proves you did it because it was at the exact time she was killed.”

“That still proves nothing.”

“That’s for the police to decide,” I said. “I know you killed Amber. You might as well admit it. I have proof.”

He stared me up and down. “Yeah, we got rid of her.”

Tabitha punched him in the arm. It probably felt as if he’d been bitten by a mosquito. “Why did you say that?”

“We’ll get rid of these too anyway. Besides it feels good to brag a little. Tabitha was the one who shot at you. She wore the Elvis costume. She wants to kill you even more than I do.” His smiled sent a shiver down my spine.

I looked at her. “You were in my backyard too?”

“I should have finished you off then,” she said.   

Just then the sirens sounded and the next thing I knew the police pulled up.

“Drop the gun and put your hands up,” the cop said.

I did as I was told.

“Officer, they kidnapped my partner.” I motioned with a tilt of my head.

“She’s lying,” Steve snapped.

“They also killed Amber Barrett and may be responsible for the disappearance of Morgan Stewart.”

This was a lot of information for the officer to process. I hoped that he believed us. I needed some kind of proof.

“Just listen to the recording on my phone,” Derek said. “I caught it all.”

I looked at Derek and he winked. “Good thinking. I wished I had thought of that.” I showed the watch. “You’ll find the information on the watch also. Tabitha was at the murder scene at the exact time of the murder.”

The cop came over and checked us for other weapons while Steve and Tabitha were getting the same search.

“The watch is in my pocket. You’ll need that for evidence,” I said.

“Thanks,” the cop said.

Steve and Tabitha had also managed to say enough on the recording for the police to arrest them right away. Steve allowed the officer to handcuff him, but Tabitha struggled to get away. That only lasted a couple seconds before the officer had her restrained too. When the cops stuffed the pair into the back of the police car I released a sigh of relief. Everyone was safer now.

Derek turned to me. “I’m impressed, Cece Cash. You’re a great investigator.”

My cheeks blushed. “You’re not so bad yourself. Good move with recording their conversation.”

He shrugged. “It was an accident. I keep hitting the buttons on the phone. I got lucky this time and it was on the recorder.”

Now that the police had finished talking with us, I headed toward the car. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Maybe you’ll get the hang of this stuff soon.”

“Does that mean that you’ll let my name stay on the door?” Derek asked.

I opened the car door. “I suppose for the time being.” 

He laughed. “Until I do something else to make you angry?” He climbed into the car.

“You’re just lucky I found you.” I started the car and pulled away.

I was thankful that things had turned out okay.

“You’ll never let me live that down, will you?” he asked.

I shrugged. “Maybe eventually. I definitely have to call home and tell everyone.”

“You don’t have to do that,” he said.

“I don’t have to, but it’ll be so much fun.”

“What do you have planned tonight? Bingo?” Derek asked.

I bit back a smile. “Well, it is extra fun night.”

Chapter 31


I was in my office when George knocked on the door. “There’s someone here to see you.”

“Who is it?” I whispered.

Would I always be this suspicious from now on? One murder case and I was forever on edge.

“Morgan Stewart,” George whispered back.

My eyes widened. “Seriously? Send her in.”

Derek would miss out on meeting Morgan. It was no surprise that he was late again. He’d probably been out all night drinking at the casino.

Morgan walked through the door. Needless to say, she looked tired. I knew she’d been through hell.

“Morgan, it’s nice to finally meet you.”

“I wanted to meet the person who saved me,” she said.

“Please have a seat.” I gestured.

She sat in the chair in front of my desk.

“I didn’t realize that you’d returned,” I said.

“When I found out that I was no longer wanted for the murder, I decided it was safe to return.”

“Well, I’m sure if you had talked to the police things would have been fine.”

She scoffed. “I’m not so sure about that, but anyway, things worked out okay. I wanted to thank you.”

“You’re welcome, I was just doing what I had to do,” I said.

“I found out that Steve was having an affair with Tabitha. Then Tabitha thought that Amber was cheating with Steve, so she killed her. Tabitha had also planned to kill me. You can understand why I would want to stay away. My life was in danger.”

I was well aware of that. They’d put my life in danger in the process too. “Why didn’t you go to the police right away?” I asked.

“I had no proof. They would have killed me before I could prove anything. I had to get away.” The stress was still evident on her face.

“I understand,” I said.

Morgan pushed to her feet. “I have a meeting at ten.”

“It was nice meeting you,” I said as I walked her to the door.

Morgan paused before walking out of the house. “One more thing, you have a lifetime membership for the gym.” 

Laughter sounded from the corner of the room. Derek was leaning against his desk. When had he slipped in?

I glared at him and then said, “Thank you, Morgan.”

“I’ll see you at the gym,” she said as she walked out the door.

Derek chuckled again.

“We have a problem,” George said as soon as she’d left.

Chapter 32


“What’s wrong, George?” I asked.

“I found another love note,” he said, waving the floral paper through the air.

I exchanged a look with Derek. He smiled.

“Well, when did you get it?” I asked.

“Someone just slipped it under the door,” he said.

“Did you see who did that?” I asked.

He sighed. “No, they didn’t open the door so that I could get a look.”

“And neither of you decided to get up and look into the hallway?” I asked as I hurried over to the door. “Do I have to do everything around here?”

I opened the door and stormed out into the hallway. I spotted her at the end of the hallway just before she was ready to leave. Good thing she didn’t move quickly.

“Agatha,” I called out.

She didn’t turn around. I would say that maybe her hearing wasn’t as good as it used to be, but I knew for a fact that she could hear those bingo numbers whispered from a mile away. I called out to her again as I ran down the hall after her. When I reached her, I touched her arm. She didn’t act surprised in the least that I was standing next to her. I knew that she’d heard me.

“Agatha, why are you sneaking around the office?”

Of course I knew why, but I wanted her to admit it.

She looked at me sheepishly. “I suppose you know that I’m the one leaving the notes.”

“I’m just glad that it wasn’t someone trying to break in.” I wrapped my arm around her small shoulders. “Come on, why don’t we go in and talk with George?”

“Oh, no, I don’t think he wants to talk with me.”

“I’m pretty sure that he does,” I said.

Her eyes lit up. “He does?”

I shook my head. “Yes, he does.”

I stepped back into the office with Agatha. George stared at us, but didn’t speak.

“George, Agatha, is here to see you.”

Now he was being just as shy as Agatha. They acted like a couple of teenagers. I might as well just come out with it.

“Agatha, has been leaving you the lovely notes. I told her you really enjoy them.”

George stared as if he’d lost all ability to talk. Derek laughed. I flashed him a look to let him know he wasn’t helping matters. I motioned with a tilt of my head for George to speak.

Finally, George caught the cue. “Oh, yes, I liked them a lot.”

I was pretty sure he blushed. They were so adorable.

“George, you can go ahead and take lunch if you’d like.”

“It’s only ten,” he said.

I shook my head. “Lunch comes early today.”

We stood in silence for a few moments longer.

“Don’t you want to ask her something?” I asked.

What was with the guys and their shyness? Couldn’t they just ask a girl out and make her stop wondering whether they really liked her? Though I supposed if a girl really wanted a date she should just ask.

Derek’s gaze was still focused on me. Those blue eyes were quite mesmerizing.

George came from behind his desk. I reached out and straightened his bow tie. Agatha was actually blushing. She looked like a teenager ready for a first date. George offered his arm. Agatha looped her arm through his and they strolled out the door.

“They made a cute couple,” Derek said. “Don’t you think?”

“The cutest,” I said.

Silence filled the office. Now it was just us.

Derek folded his arms in front of his chest and flashed his dazzling smile at me. “I had a great time with the case. As a matter of fact, I think we did a great job of solving the crime, and we made a great team.”

A blonde stormed through the door as if she was being chased by a madman. “Derek North, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

Not so fast on the ‘we make a great team’ idea. I narrowed my eyes at him. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

He held his hands up. “I’m innocent. Do I know you?” he asked the blonde.

She paced her hands on her hips. “Of course you know me. Don’t you remember?”

A snort escaped me. I couldn’t help myself.

Derek frowned. “I’m sorry… I don’t know you.”

“I’m Laura. You know my husband Sam.”

“Oh, yes, now I remember.” Derek glanced at me, as if to say,

I quirked an eyebrow.

“I need your help.”

“What’s the problem?” Derek asked.

“My husband has been accused of murder.”

Wow, that was serious.

“I want you to prove his innocence.”

It looked as if we had a new case.

“Would you like a seat? You can tell us about what happened.”

She blew the hair out of her eyes. “Apparently someone has been winning a lot of jackpots at Caesar’s Palace.”

“What does that have to do with your husband?” Derek asked. “I just saw him.”

“That’s the thing. The man who won is dead and they have a suspect.”

“I’m guessing the suspect is your husband?” I asked.

“Yes.” She looked from me to Derek. “And the last people to see the man who won alive were Derek and my husband.”

Now Derek had explaining to do… not only to me, but probably the police too. And to think I’d thought that we could work together. How could I possibly work with someone who was always in trouble?


The shop where I bought my witchcraft supplies was a mystical place. I liked spending time in there just browsing through the different items, even if I never bought anything. Though I usually left the shop with one or two things.

The place was trimmed with dark wood and the curtains were red velvet. The dimly lighting added to the atmosphere. Books lined the walls on each side of the room and candles and other supplies filled the tabletops in the middle. The owner of the shop knew me by name now. I was all alone in the place except for the owner who was behind the counter at the front of the store. 

At least I thought I was all alone in the place. Movement caught my attention. When I looked to my left, I saw a man move around one of the aisles. Maybe it was just my imagination, but he looked a lot like Derek. Had he followed me here? If so, then I was going to be extremely mad. I placed the book I’d been looking at back on the shelf. I hurried down the aisle after the man, hoping that I didn’t knock anything over. I made it to the back of the store, but he wasn’t there.

Where had he gone? I made my way around the whole store and didn’t see him anywhere. That was strange. He must have left, but I had no idea how he’d gotten back to the front of the sore without me seeing him. I knew I hadn’t imagined it. I decided to go back to the books and finish looking. I wouldn’t even ask Derek about this. If he’d followed me then he would know that the witchcraft thing was real. He was a smart guy and he’d put all the clues together. I would have to admit it this time. 

I needed to work on exactly what I would say. I just hoped that he understood how important this was to me. I pulled the book off the shelf that I’d been looking at before. The book slipped from my hands and fell to the floor. I reached down to pick it out, but a hand reached out and grabbed the book at the same time. All I saw was the hand. I followed the arm up to see who it was. Derek was staring back at me.

“Let me help you with that,” he said.

I knew that I’d seen him here.

“What are you doing here?” I asked as I took the book from his hands.

I was sure that my cheeks were red. He would probably answer by asking me what I was doing here. I was prepared to tell the truth. Honesty was the best way.

“I thought I’d check out this witchcraft thing. It sounds like a good idea to use some spells to help us solve cases.” He flashed that gorgeous smile at me and I couldn’t help but smile back. “How about we pick out books together?”

“I’d like that,” I said.  


The end

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