Whatever the Price (15 page)

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Authors: Jules Bennett

BOOK: Whatever the Price
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can’t get over how tiny she is.”

Anthony stood in the corner of Bronson and Mia’s living room as all the women—Charlotte, Victoria and Olivia—hovered around the sofa, oohing and aahing over Bella.

“And look at all this black hair,” Charlotte went on. “Lily seems so big compared to Bella.”

Mia laughed. “Well, Lily is, what…nine months old now? Bella is only two.”

Anthony glanced at Bronson. At one time the two men could barely stand being on the same movie set and now, only months after discovering they were brothers, here they were sharing baby stories.

“If she weren’t already pregnant, I’m sure this would convince her we needed one of our own,” Anthony murmured to Bronson, trying to break the ice of the awkward silence on their side of the room.

His brother laughed. “Babies are amazing creatures. She’s been here for two months and my life is so different. I’d do anything for her.”

Anthony met Charlotte’s gaze, a beautiful smile beaming from her. “I know what you mean.”

Bronson turned to Anthony. “Since the women are occupied, I’d like to discuss a project with you.”

“Olivia’s biography?” Now, this would certainly keep a conversation going and hopefully not be strained. “She spoke with me a couple days ago when she was at the house. If you’re still in need of a director, I’d be honored to team up with you.”

Bronson nodded. “That’s a relief. Mom was really adamant about having you and I wanted the best.”

Anthony laughed. “That hurt you to say, didn’t it?”

“Maybe just a little.” Bronson laughed. “But the film just needs that touch that only you can bring to it.”

Humbled by the honest words, Anthony shrugged. “I love my work just as you do. It comes through on the screen.”

“Let’s have a seat.” Bronson motioned to the sofa off to the side. “I don’t think they’ll mind if we talk shop for a few minutes.”

“Not for very long, boys,” Olivia scolded without turning her eyes from the baby. “We’re here to see Bella and enjoy family time.”

Anthony shook his head and took a seat next to Bronson. “How soon are you looking to start shooting?”

“I’d like to meet with the actors in the next month or so.”

Anthony jerked back. “Do they already have the script? Seems fast.”

“Their agents received it last week, but they’d all committed before reading it,” Bronson confirmed. “I think they all knew this was going to be a big project. And I’m pulling out all the stops with the budget, the locations. No limits on this one. This has to be the best project either of us have ever committed to.”

Anthony nodded. “I couldn’t agree more. Who is reading the scripts?”

Bronson rattled off an impressive roster of A-list actors who would certainly rake in fans of all ages. Images of scenes from various points in Olivia’s personal and public life filtered through his head. This would no doubt be the most important project of his career and he intended to devote his full attention to it.

With Charlotte by his side.

“Okay, that’s enough,” Mia said from the sofa. “No more talk of movies. You can do that later.”

“I’ll call you with the meeting details once I nail down all the agents and times,” Bronson muttered. “We’d better go over there before the women get angry. That’s never pretty.”

Anthony came to his feet and joined Charlotte, who had passed a sleeping Bella off to Victoria.

“Do you want a little brother or sister?” Olivia asked Lily as she bounced her on her hip. “You’re going to be the best big sister and cousin. Yes, you are.”

Bronson rolled his eyes. “I hope you all don’t expect me to use that silly voice when talking to the kids.”

Anthony laughed. “Want me to tell you about a couple weeks ago when I pranced through the house in Tahoe wearing only my boxers and singing ‘The Wheels on the Bus,’ ‘You Are My Sunshine’ and ‘The Itsy Bitsy Spider’ to Lily so she’d stop crying? Charlotte was trying to draw some of the scenery with her new charcoals and Lily really wasn’t my biggest fan at first. I tried it all. Believe me, you’ll do that silly voice and so much more.”

Victoria tapped the tip of her finger on Bella’s tiny nose. “You are so precious. If your daddy isn’t nice, you come find me or Uncle Anthony. We’ll make him play nice.”

Bronson sat on the edge of the couch. “I can see I’m going to be outnumbered.”

Charlotte smiled, wrapping an arm around Anthony’s waist. “Only until you give in and come to the baby side.”

“I imagine these two little girls,” Anthony said, looking from Lily to Bella, “will team up and have us all wrapped around their manicured fingers in no time.”

“Oh, manicures,” Olivia gushed. “I can’t wait until these girls get older and I can introduce them to the spa. What fun times.”

Anthony patted her arm. “Let’s slow down and let them be babies first. Don’t go scheduling any chemical peels just yet.”

Olivia sent him a smirk and Anthony knew he’d have to keep a close eye on his children so they weren’t overly spoiled. At the same time, he also wanted Olivia to enjoy her grandchildren.

“At least wait until they’re teenagers,” he begged.

“We’ll see.”

“Feel free to spoil me and Mia with manicures and chemical peels,” Charlotte piped up with a laugh. “Right, Mia?”

“Oh, yeah,” Mia agreed. “I could so use some spa time after the last two months of little sleep.”

Olivia slid her phone from her designer handbag. “I’ll make appointments for us for next week.”

Anthony shook his head as Olivia slipped out the door. This family was a gift, a second chance. He had no doubt that, as the family grew, there would never be a dull moment.

And Charlotte laughed and talked with his family as if she’d been with them for years. That thrilled him. This was the love and life Charlotte needed to keep that brightness in her beautiful eyes. He was just glad he realized it before it was too late.

* * *

Anthony stared at the image on the glossy photo…or rather the series of photos that the ultrasound tech had given them earlier.

“Can you believe it? Another girl.” Charlotte beamed as she held the pictures in her hand. “I can’t wait to tell everyone.”

“I’m surprised you hadn’t called them all already,” he told her, kissing the top of her head.

She leaned back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, settling his hands on her baby bump.

“I didn’t want to say it over the phone. Let’s have everyone over for a family dinner.”


She turned in his arms. “Is that okay? I mean, I just assumed it would be.”

He pulled her into his arms, hugging her tight. “I think that’s an excellent idea. I love that you want to get to know my new family. It’s still hard to believe that Rachel’s gone, and sometimes I feel as if I’m just moving on and replacing her, but…”

Charlotte eased back, cupping his cheek with her hand. “You’re not replacing her at all. She would have wanted you to move on. She would want you to create this family environment for Lily. And I know it’s hard, believe me—I have my moments, too—but we have to be strong. Rachel would be so proud of you.”

Anthony nodded. “I know, but that doesn’t make the guilt any easier to bear.”

“Lily is lucky to have us, to have this bond we’ve made for her. That’s what would’ve mattered to Rachel.”

The question that had been heavy on his mind for several weeks pushed its way to the surface. He knew they were making headway in their marriage, but they hadn’t necessarily discussed plans for once the guardianship was permanent. He assumed, but…

“What are your plans after the court hearing in a few weeks?”

Anthony watched as Charlotte blinked, opened her mouth then closed it. Silence enveloped them as he waited for her to answer.


He smoothed a wayward strand of hair back from her cheek, tucking it behind her ear. “How can I convince you to stay after the ninety days are over?”

“I hadn’t planned on leaving after the court date,” she told him, turning her face into his palm. “Are you having second thoughts? With this movie coming up, are you worried about us? You’ve been quiet about the pregnancy. Does another baby scare you?”

“I’ll be honest that the thought of caring for two babies while working and trying to keep our marriage strong is a little overwhelming.” He stroked her cheek. “But I’m not giving up. I’m here for you no matter what. I’m here for these babies, too.”

She closed her eyes and sighed. “I’m scared, Anthony. So scared that you’ll get overwhelmed with this new project and we’ll all be pushed to the side. I know you won’t mean to, but the worry is still there.”

He’d done this to their marriage. Over the years, he’d placed the doubts in her head, the insecurity. He had a lot of work to do to rebuild her confidence in him.

Anthony cupped both sides of her face, forcing her to look him directly in the eyes. “I know what’s important and it’s you, Charlotte. Babies or no babies, I wouldn’t have let you get too far from me. I would’ve come knocking on your door once you’d had enough time to think. And I know those months I left you alone amounted to a long time—believe me, I know. I wanted to get everything wrapped up so I could come to you, then Rachel passed and I went to get Lily. My life just snowballed and fate landed me at your door anyway.”

She started to speak, but he placed a finger over her lips.

“You have all my love,” he went on. “I know it’s not nearly enough, but you have every bit I have in me. Let’s get through this court date and then we can move forward.”

Tears settled into her beautiful green eyes. As one slid down her porcelain cheek, he swiped it away with the pad of his thumb.

“No more tears—happy or sad. We have a lifetime of happiness ahead of us if you’ll just let me give it to you.”

She glanced down to the photos of their baby growing safely inside her. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you. I really thought you could never love me as much as your job. I mean, once you started getting more and more popular I was so afraid you’d still see me as the girl from the wrong side of the tracks that you started dating. That I wouldn’t keep up with all the glitz and glamour. My confidence was a little low.”

“No,” he retorted. “You weren’t confident at all. Not in yourself and not in us. But that’s going to change. Where you came from is one of the reasons I fell in love with you. You never wanted this lifestyle for the fame and the material things, even though I love to shower you with every luxury. You are always eager to help others and you love with everything in you. How could I ever turn that away?”

Charlotte smiled. “You’ve been blindsided with two babies and now you’re going to start therapy with me. I’d say you’re stuck with me.”

He hugged her close. “I wouldn’t want to be stuck anywhere else.”

Anthony wanted to embrace this new level he and Charlotte had reached in their marriage. He wanted to treasure every moment, every memory.

Damn the fear and the doubts he had about being a good father and a good husband. With Charlotte at his side he could, and would, have it all.


nthony watched his wife—his beautiful, charming, powerful wife—work the room like a pro. Why hadn’t he given any thought to how valuable she was years ago? Oh, he’d known she was valuable as his wife, but that’s where her personal title ended.

As he stood off to the side in the Children’s Hospital’s open lobby, he remembered how she’d wowed the crowd when she’d spoken during the new-wing dedication ceremony. She’d brought to life her childhood heartache of losing a sister to leukemia, her past of financial woes, and she’d managed to captivate the room with her charm, her compassion and her beauty. He’d not only watched her deliver a stellar speech, he’d glanced around the room at the smiles on people’s faces, the lives she’d touched, and his heart had swelled with pride.

And she was all his. She wasn’t leaving, she wasn’t going to move on in her life without him. She was 100 percent his and she was pregnant and glowing with their child. Her belly had started getting a little round, and the visible reminder of their love was helping calm his fears and doubts…not completely, but little by little he was becoming more used to becoming the father of another baby.

Two months ago they were just dealing with Lily and working together for her. Now they were a family. The therapy sessions had started and, much to his surprise, weren’t excruciating.

How the hell had he gotten so lucky to be given another opportunity? Not only with Charlotte, but also with another family. The Danes had fully embraced him, though Bronson was understandably slower to come around, and now he had two children to add to the space in his heart where voids had once settled.

There would always be those three spots where his adoptive parents and Rachel resided, but at least he had much more love than heartache. He had so much to be thankful for, to work toward making his life mean something other than the next big blockbuster.

“Mr. Price.”

Anthony turned to an elderly woman who reminded him of his mother, from the flawless complexion no doubt courtesy of one of L.A.’s finest plastic surgeons, to the regal way she held her head and shoulders.

“Yes, ma’am?” he asked.

“It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person,” she gushed, laying a jeweled hand over his arm. “My name is Susan McCoy. I’m the CEO here at the Children’s Hospital. I can’t tell you how honored we are to have your wife on our board.”

“You’re a lucky woman to have someone as dedicated as Charlotte.” He beamed with pride. “She’s very devoted.”

“She’s done so much for this hospital over the years. She’s put in countless hours behind the scenes and never wants any credit for her hard work.” Susan sighed, just enough for the drama to really sink in. “I don’t think I need to tell you how humble and giving our Charlotte is.”

Anthony sipped his scotch. He knew exactly how humble and giving—make that
giving—his wife was.

“The way she hosts parties for the staff in your lovely home,” she went on. “It’s always such a shame you’re away on business when she has them. I know many of the staff here would love to thank you as well for allowing us to steal so much of your wife’s time.”

His wife’s time. The time when he’d been gone and she’d filled the void. At least something positive had come from his absence over the years. Unfortunately, she’d probably made excuse after excuse as to why he was never in attendance and she’d more than likely done so with a beautiful smile on her face, all while her heart had been breaking.

“Yes, that’s her,” he added because standing silent only made him look like an idiot. “She’s always so giving with her time and money.”

“Oh, and a few months ago when she sent one of our terminal patients to Disney with her family—that was so amazing. Make-A-Wish hadn’t been able to get her, and Charlotte stepped right up to make that little girl’s dream come true.”

Anthony watched as Charlotte turned, looking around the room and zeroing in on him. She threw him a smile that warmed him, but he couldn’t help wondering just how much his wife had done in her life while he’d been off living his. If she’d tried to tell him, had he listened? God, what a selfish prick he’d been.

Their trip to Tahoe had proven to him just how much he’d missed her, how much he needed her. But this moment, tonight, proved to him just how much he admired her, respected her.

“You two are lucky to have each other,” Susan went on. “My Eddie passed three years ago this December. I always tell young couples in love to cherish every moment. You just never know when the moment will pass. Oh, and congratulations on the babies!”

Anthony turned back to Susan and smiled. “Thank you.”

“Charlotte has talked about how sweet Lily is. I can’t wait to see her. And with Charlotte’s glowing pregnancy and her love of children, she’s going to be an amazing mother.”

He glanced across the room once again as Charlotte smiled, talking to a doctor.

“Yes, she is,” he agreed. “I’m one lucky man.”

Susan patted his arm again. “Well, I need to go see some other people, but I wanted to introduce myself and just let you know how much we appreciate everything you and your wife have done for our children.”

“My pleasure,” he told her with a smile.

As the CEO wove her way through the round tables, he wanted to know more. He wanted to know just how big an impact his wife had had here, but he had a feeling he already knew.

She’d thrown herself into her work, just as she did with everything else in life. Her whole heart had led her here and she continued to put others’ needs ahead of her own.

Drawn to that love she so freely gave, he made his way across the open lobby, stopping to say hi to several people along the way. By the time he got to his wife, she was chatting with a group of ladies, and the soothing tone of her laughter warmed him like nothing else could.

Setting his empty glass on the high tabletop, he eased his hand on her bare back and thanked the wardrobe god who’d persuaded Charlotte to wear the strapless, knee-length, white chiffon dress. She’d said it was the only dress that was dressy, comfortable and with an empire waist to accommodate her swollen waistline. Whatever the reasons, Anthony was grateful because there wouldn’t be much to unwrap her from once they returned home.

“Evening, ladies.” The slight tremble from Charlotte beneath his hand had him even more anxious to get her home. “Mind if I steal my lovely wife for a moment?”

A chorus of
of course
went around, but Anthony was already steering Charlotte away from the group and toward the dimly lit hallway. He had no idea where it led, but he did know that no one was occupying it and that’s all that mattered.

“Anthony,” she protested. “We’re being rude.”

He pulled her into a doorway, away from the lights, away from the crowd, and backed her against the wall, capturing her lips.

Immediately her arms circled around his neck, her small clutch hitting his back as she opened her mouth, taking him in.

Anthony slid his hands over her waist, loving the feel of her body, now all lush and curvier. She drove him insane with want and he wondered how much longer they had to remain at the ceremony now that the dinner and speeches were over.

Charlotte moved one hand to his chest and pushed just enough to have him lifting his mouth from hers.

“Something turn you on in there?” she asked with a grin on her swollen, moist lips.

He kissed the tip of her nose. “Yeah, my amazingly sexy, caring, compassionate wife who just so happens to be glowing with the pregnancy of our child.”

“I’m sweating, that’s the glow.” She laughed. “Seriously, what happened? You’d been mingling since my speech, then you talk to Susan and now you’re devouring me…not that I’m complaining.”

He caged her in with his arms on either side of her face. “I realized how giving you are to other people. I knew you were perfect for me, but when I hear so much praise from others, I’m just so proud that you’re mine.”

Charlotte’s eyes darted down, then back up. “There’s nothing to be proud of, Anthony. I love what I do. I love these kids, and anything I can do to make them happier is more than enough for me.”

Anthony gently kissed her lips. “That’s why you’re so amazing.”

“I couldn’t sit by and do nothing,” she told him. “Not when there are so many children in need who either have poor health insurance or none at all. They all deserve to have healthy lives.”

Anthony smiled. “The people you’ve touched—the children here, the staff, Lily. Me.” He slid his hands up her bare arms and cupped her shoulders. “You’ve put a light into all our lives, and I don’t think you realize how brightly you shine.”

Charlotte cupped his cheek, stroking his jaw with her thumb. “I’ve never heard such pretty words from you. You always keep your emotions so bottled up inside.”

“I didn’t mean to choose to let it all out here,” he confessed. “I just couldn’t contain my love for you, the pride I have and how anxious I am to get to know even more of you in our next fifty years together.”

Charlotte’s eyes welled with unshed tears. “How long can you keep going with the charm?”

“For the rest of your life,” he told her, capturing her lips once again.

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