What's Your Status? (27 page)

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Authors: Katie Finn

BOOK: What's Your Status?
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Grounded_Brian → the crew
Save the Last Dance. My salvation.

Dave Gold → the crew
We hope.

La Lisse → the crew
That was très rapide, Mark.

the8rgrrl → the crew
Well, we’re getting down to the wire here….

Jimmy+Liz → the crew
Um, what’s going on? What are you guys talking about? (this is jimmy)

mad_mac → Jimmy + Liz
Don’t worry about it, Jimmy. It’s just prom stuff.

Jimmy+Liz → mad_mac
Really? Okay. If you say so.

mad_mac → Jimmy+Liz
I’ll talk to you in English, okay?

Dave Gold → the crew
Mad, are we all set for tonight?

mad_mac → the crew
I think. Sarah? Can you confirm?

Shy Time → the crew
Um, Mad, isn’t she kind of essential?

Roth Mann → the crew
She is essential, right? Because otherwise I can’t do my bit, eh?

Glen → the crew
Dude. That’s not British, that’s Canadian.

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