When Do Fish Sleep? (36 page)

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Authors: David Feldman

Tags: #Reference, #Curiosities & Wonders

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first class versus priority
translation of foreign

Mail-order ads, six-to-eight week delivery promises of

Manhole covers, round shape of

Martinizing, One Hour

Mayors, keys to cities and

Medicine bottles, cotton in

Memorial Day, Civil War

Mickey Mouse, four fingers of

Military salutes

Minting of new coins, timing of

Money, U.S.

color of
stars on

Monkeys, hair picking of

Moon following cars

Mountains, hills versus

Murder scenes, chalk outlines at



National Geographics
, saving of

Navy and Army, Captain rank of

9 as number to get outside line on telephones

98.6 degrees Fahrenheit as comfortable ambient temperature

Noses, clogged nostrils and

Nostrils, clogged

Numbers, Arabic



Oil, automotive, grades of

Olive oil, virgin

Olives, pitting of

One Hour Martinizing



Pain, effect of warmth upon

Paper, legal-size

PBX systems


color of
numbering of

Pennies, vending machines and

Periods in telegrams

Permanent press settings on irons

Permanents, pregnancy and

Physical exams, back tapping and

Pineapple in gelatin

Plumbing, sound of running water and

Poison ivy, grazing animals and

Police dogs, urination and defecation of

Popcorn, other corns versus

Post office, translation of foreign mail and

Potato skins

Pregnancy, permanents and

Priority mail, first class versus

Pubic hair, purpose of

Punts, measurement of



Queen-size sheets



Railroads, width of standard gauges of

Ranchers, hanging of boots on fence posts by

Ribbons, blue

Rice Krispies, noise of

Roaches, death position of

Rolls, coldness of airline

Roman numerals, calculations with

Roosters, crowing and



Saloon doors in Old West

Salutes, military

Secretary as U.S. government department head designation

Shaving of armpits

Sheets, queen-size


button arrangement of
starch on

Shoes, single, found on highways

Sidewalks, cracks on

Silos, shape of

Ski poles, downhill

Snack foods and prepricing

“Snap! Crackle! and Pop!” of Rice Krispies

Sneezing and eye closure

Snow and cold weather

Social security numbers

Socks, angle of

Sour cream, expiration date on

Stamp pads and moisture retention

Starch on shirts

Stock prices as quoted in eighths of a dollar

in telegrams

String cheese

Sugar, clumping together of

Summer, first day of



Tall people, aging and

Taste, sense of, in children versus adults

Tattoos, color of


exclamation marks and
periods and


dialing 9 to get outside line
holes in mouthpiece

Telephone cords, twisting of

Telescopes, inverted images of

Tennis balls and fuzz

Television commercials, loudness of

Throat, uvula, purpose of

Throwing, sex differences in

Tickets, red carbons on airline

Toasters, one slice slot on

Toenails, growth of

Toilet paper, folding over in hotel bathrooms

Toilet seats in public restrooms

Tongues, sticking out of

Toothpicks, round versus flat

Toques, purpose of

Towels, smelly

Traffic signal light bulbs

Treasury, printing of new bills by

Trucks, license plates on

Tupperware and home parties


beards on
white versus dark meat
20-20 vision



Uvula, purpose of



Vending machines

half dollars and
pennies and

Videotape versus audio tape

Virgin olive oil




Warmth, its effect on pain and

Western Union

exclamation marks and
periods and

Whistling at sporting events

Winter, first day of

Worms as fish food



Yawning, contagiousness of

Yeast in bread

Yellow Pages, advertisements in



ZIP code, addresses on envelopes and

Master Index of Imponderability



Following is a complete index of all ten Imponderables® books and
Who Put the Butter in Butterfly?
The bold number before the colon indicates the book title (see the Title Key below); the numbers that follow the colon are the page numbers. Simple as that.



Title Key




Why Don’t Cats Like to Swim? (
formerly published as



Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise?



When Do Fish Sleep?



Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses?



Do Penguins Have Knees?



Are Lobsters Ambidextrous? (
formerly published
as When Did Wild Poodles Roam the Earth?)



How Does Aspirin Find a Headache?



What Are Hyenas Laughing at, Anyway?



How Do Astronauts Scratch an Itch?



Do Elephants Jump?



Who Put the Butter in Butterfly?


“1/2,” meaning of, in street addresses

1040 form, numbering scheme of

20-20 vision, origins of

24-second clock in NBA basketball

3-D glasses and movies

501, Levi jeans, origin of name

7-11 Stores, lack of locks on

7UP, origins of name

“86,” origins of term

9 as number to get outside line on telephones

911 as emergency telephone number

98.6 degrees Fahrenheit as comfortable ambient temperature



Absorbine Jr., origins of

Absorbine Sr., identity of

AC, and DC

Accents, American, of foreign singers


Acre, origins of

Acrylic, virgin

Actors, speed of speech of

Address labels on magazines

Addresses and ZIP codes, on envelopes

Addresses, street, half-numbers on

Advertising sales in TV programming, overrun live programming and

Aerosol cans, shaking of

After-shave lotion, stinging and

Age of majority, 21 as

Aging and effect on voices

Agitators in washing machines, movement of

Air mail and “Par Avion”

Air temperature, versus water temperature, perception of


chime signals on
cold rolls at meal service
dearth of female pilots on
honey roasted peanuts
inflation of oxygen masks
tickets, red carbons on


coffee bags in lavatories
dimming of interior lights
ear popping and
feet swelling and
numbering of Boeing jets
“Qantas,” spelling of
red and green lights on

Airplanes (

seat belts
shoulder harnesses
U.S. flags on exterior

Alarm clocks, life before


in cough medicine
proof of

Algebra, X in

“All wool and a yard wide,” origins of term


“Alligator” shirts

Alphabet, order of

Alphabet soup

distribution of letters
outside of U.S.

Aluminum cans, crushability of

Aluminum foil

and heat to touch
two sides of

Aluminum foil, on neck of champagne bottles

Ambidexterity in lobsters

Ambulances, snake emblems on

American accents of foreign singers

American singles, Kraft, milk in


Amputees, phantom limb sensations in

Anchors, submarines and

Angel food cake and position while cooling

Animal tamers and kitchen chairs


separation from colony
sidewalks and

“Apache dance”

Apes, hair picking of

Appendix, function of

Apples, as gifts for teachers

Apples and pears, discoloration of

Apples in roasted pigs’ mouths

April 15, as due date for taxes

Aquariums, fear of fish in

Arabic numbers, origins of

Architectural pencils, grades of

Area codes, middle digits of

Armies, marching patterns of

Armpits, shaving of

Army and Navy, Captain rank in

Art pencils, grades of


headaches and
safety cap on 100-count bottles of

Astrology, different dates for signs in

Astronauts and itching

“At loggerheads”

Athletics, Oakland, and elephant insignia



swiping of credit cards in
swiping versus dipping of credit cards in
transaction costs of


Auctioneers, chanting of

Audiocassette tape on side of road

Audiocassette tapes on roadsides

Audiotape, versus videotape technology

Audiotape recorders

counter numbers on
play and record switches on


batteries and concrete floors
bright/dimmer switch position
bunching of, on highways
cardboard on grills
clicking sound of turn signals
cockroaches in
cruise controls
day/night switch on rear-view mirrors
dimples on headlamps
elimination of side vents
gas gauges in
headlamp shutoff
headlights and deer
holes in ceiling of
key release button on
keys, ignition and door
“new car smell”
oil loss after oil change
oil, grades of
rear windows of
rentals, cost in Florida of
side-view mirrors
speed limits
tire tread
weight of batteries
white wall tires
windshield wipers, versus buses

Autopsies of executed criminals

“Ax to grind”




hair color
high temperatures, tolerance of

Baby corn, in supermarkets

Baby pigeons, elusiveness of

Baby Ruth, origins of name

Baby shrimp, peeling and cleaning of

“Back and fill”

Back tapping during physical exams

Backlogs in repair shops

Bad breath, upon awakening, in the morning

Badges, marshals’ and sheriffs’

Bagels, holes in

Bags under eyes

Bags, paper, jagged edges and

Baked goods

Pennsylvania and
seven-layer cakes
unctuous taste until cooled

Baked potatoes in steak houses

Ball throwing, sex differences and

Ballet, “on pointe” in

Balls, orange, on power lines

Balls, tennis, fuzz and

Balsa wood, classification as hardwood

Banana peels as slipping agents

Bananas, growth of

Band-Aid packages, red tear strings on

Bands, tardiness of, in nightclubs

Bands, marching, formation of

Other books

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The Ruby Tear by Suzy McKee Charnas
Falcon’s Captive by Vonna Harper
Catch a Falling Star by Beth K. Vogt
Coconut Cowboy by Tim Dorsey
The Cold Kiss of Death by Suzanne McLeod