When Dreams Come to Life (12 page)

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Authors: H.M. Boatman

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: When Dreams Come to Life
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When it finishes, we fall on the couch, in sheer gut-wrenching laughter.

“I miss being young and dicking around,” I say with a laugh.

“Me, too, but now you get to play with Eoin’s-”

“Shut up, dude.” I laugh so hard that I cry.

“What? Just stating the obvious,” she replies with a shrug and a silly smile.

“I know you are. It’s so choice, too! I really want talk to him but I bet he’s passed out.”

Crystal grabs my phone and dials him. I rush to my feet, only to meet the floor!

Laughing, she says, “Hi, Eoin.”
fuck, he answered!

“Lea just took a face plant trying to stop me from calling you but she was missing you so I made an executive decision and called.” She stands there with a silly grin, listening. What’s he saying?

I lay on the floor and look up at the ceiling. What’s being said in the background is hardly audible. I’m thinking about the meadow and what could have been, biting my lip and day dreaming.

Crystal pulls me back by handing me the phone. I clear my throat and shake my head.
I’m drunk and don’t want to disturb him.

“Hi there, Eoin.” No, that was a dumb way to say hello.
Fuck, Lea, get it together.

“You sound like you’re having fun, baby.”
Why must he call me that when I’m drinking?

“We’re having fun, yes. If you were sleeping, I don’t want to be a bother.” I feel bad for calling now, but why?

“I’m awake. I was looking at your profiles online, actually.”
Oh, crap!
Thank heavens I have most of it private.

“Why, Eoin! Are you sweet on me?” Oh wow, that was dumb too, but I’m rewarded with a laugh. A sigh of relief leaves me.

“Didn’t you know that already? I’m in bliss with you!”
I search for my words carefully.

“You’re being sweet. I have nothing to say other than thank you and that I’m in bliss, too.” I’ve got a stupid grin on my face.

“I’ll call you tomorrow, baby.”
Again with that word!
“I have a very long day and I’m sure you do as well. I miss you, want you and need you, so hurry up and get to me!” I hear that sexy-ass smirk in his tone.

“I’ll be there Sunday!” I hadn’t told him when I would be visiting yet, so I’m anxious to hear a response.

” I pull my ear from the phone. That was so loud! “I’ll be ready for you. I’ve already got stuff to surprise you with.” He tells me this in the cutest tone I ever thought possible and I get butterflies.

“Now I’m really ready to get there. You’re too sweet to me, Eoin,” I reply, beaming. “You have a good rest. I’ll be dreaming of you.”

“You know I’m doing the same. Goodnight, beautiful girl.”

“Goodnight to you.” I hang up the phone and turn to Crystal, only to see her passed out on the couch.

I smile and cover her up with the knitted throws she made me and head to the bathroom to get cleaned up and in bed.




I wake in the morning and begin my daily routine, hitting the farmers’ market as well as the restaurant supply to pick up my new stemware that’s finally came in. The bastards messed it up the first time so they better have it right this time. I walk in and am greeted by the store owner.

“I checked them myself, Chef Lea. All’s right in the world,” he says with a laugh.

“Thank you. I was hoping you’d say that.” I pull one out and it’s perfect.

“We’ve charged the restaurant account to save you some time. I also gave you thirty percent off for the trouble.”
Wow, that’s not like him.

“Again, thank you, and have a pleasant day.”

A young man helps me to my car with the boxes. I thank him and throw him a fifty dollar bill and a wink.

“Thank you very much, ma’am.” He has a huge smile on his face as he walks back into the store. I get in the car and head to work.

Walking to my office, I see Jessie is hard at work doing prep already.

“Morning, Jessie.” I smile, hoping he’s not still upset.

“Morning, chef. Just wanted to get a head start for the wedding party tonight.” 

“I’ll join you in a few. The new stemware finally came in and I just have to pay a few bills. Give me five?” He nods and I hurry to get it done.

Luckily, we have a set menu for tonight so it will go smoothly. They chose herb crusted halibut atop jasmine rice with a saffron sauce. For the meat eaters, they want grilled filets with hollandaise sauce, roasted fingerling potatoes tossed in truffle oil and baked asparagus.

I move into the kitchen and start getting the salmon crusted. Jessie is doing the rice.

“Make sure you get that going by 4pm. We have all day so let’s make sure we get it all perfect for the wedding party.”

“We’ve got this, chef.” He throws me a salute.

Suddenly, I’m startled by Trent - my ex-boyfriend - bursting through the service doors. He has this look that says
I’m going to murder someone
on his face. I take a deep breath in and prepare myself.

He looks so gorgeous when he’s angry, his full lips pursed, his eyes piercing mine.

“What’s this?” he asks and slams down a tabloid.

“Well, Trent, that’s a magazine,” I reply with a smirk.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this?”
Well, he’s to the point, isn’t he?
Now, I’m a bit angry with his tone.

“Trent, office!” I point and give him an equally harsh look. He’s absolutely stunning, tall with dark blonde hair and a face that’s just as beautiful as Eoin’s. I don’t even want to think about his incredible hard body, his washboard abs. I shake that picture out of my head as quickly as I can.

He and I have been going on and off, and have been off for three months now. I figure I’ll let him stew, so I make him sit in my office for a few hours. Nobody gets in the way of my work - my passion is more like it.

I finish up and wash my hands, taking a deep breath in. This will be fun…
. I walk into the office and shut the door behind me, sitting down to look at Trent.

He glares back at me. He’s going to make me start this off, isn’t he?

“I didn’t tell you for exactly this reason,” I say, waving my hands up and down at him to indicate his visible frustration. “Anyway, we’re not together and haven’t been for months, so what’s your issue?”

He opens his mouth to reply but I interrupt him before he can start. “Oh, and never come in my kitchen and interrupt me or my staff again.” He waits a second before replying.

“I apologize for that. I just wish you would have told me.” His look is almost sad, his head tilted and a pout playing at his lips.
God, his lips are sexy!
He stands, walks over to me and pulls me up, looking into my eyes. I begin to worry about his next move.

“I love you, you know I do, and I’m hurt. Why did you do this to me?” This isn’t what I was expecting at all.

I try to take a step back and he pulls me into him, kissing me deeply. I almost let it continue before I snap to my senses and push him back into the couch.

“Don’t ever do that again, Trent! I’m seeing Eoin! Get the fuck over it. I care for you, too, and we can be friends but never cross that line again!”

I feel like Trent totally just manipulated me into that. I have to tell Eoin. It would be wrong not to.

I open my mouth to talk but he interrupts me again.

“I’ll never apologize for loving you-” My turn to interrupt!

“No! I’m not letting your feelings be an excuse. Now, get the fuck out of here and when I’m ready to talk, I’ll call you!” He knows I mean business and gets up.

“I’m sorry I let you go. I hope you call soon.” He leaves and I plop down in my chair.

What the fuck was that all about? He loves me? Oh hell, I just don’t need this. I look at my watch and head back.

As we are sending out the last few plates of dessert, my phones buzzes. It’s a picture from Eoin of him loving on his cat. I feel a huge smile spread across my face and send him a text saying,


* That’s one gorgeous guy. You are also looking mighty fine, Eoi


He’s so fucking perfect! How I’m this lucky is still killing me. Then Trent pops in my head… What the fuck? Love?

think about that right now, so I begin to help cleaning the line and do a few last minute jobs on payroll as everyone leaves.

I shouldn’t have drank that much last night, which reminds me… I call Crystal to see how she is and to have her order Chinese because I’m starving.

On my way home, I go through the whole Trent ordeal. How can he say love? Now he says love, and it was a low blow, in my opinion. No way am I going to mess things up with Eoin because of him.

What’s Eoin going to say? I find myself frowning at this. I swear I’ll castrate Trent if he messes this up.

Trent’s biggest issue was the fact he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants for longer than twenty minutes around a woman he took a fancy to. I know he cheated on me numerous times, breaking my heart as he did. Why I kept going back is beyond me. He’s a very stunning man but that’s not a
go fuck whomever

I feel the tears build up as I replay the 10 years that we’ve been on and off. The last time was definitely the last straw! I came home - to my fucking house - to him and another woman.

She was lucky that I knew he’d put on a front like the place was his and that he was a single guy. He’d even moved all our pictures out of view to play it off. It was obvious he had no clue I’d be getting off early because I didn’t feel well.

Then the “I’m so sorry, baby” came and trying to get me to understand why he thought it was okay.

“She came onto me. I’m so drunk. I had no idea this would happen.” Seriously? Fuck off!

I made him get his basic shit and leave. We’d been solid and okay for almost a year then and I was so done and still am, but damn! Love? It’s so stupid that he would do this now out of jealousy.

He’s always known I was head over heels for Eoin, so maybe this is him finally realizing he lost something great, which means bringing the love bomb out.

I do know one thing - it’s not going to work. I laugh and continue to tell myself that, knowing it’s truth. Come on now, this is Eoin we’re talking about.

I pull into the garage and head upstairs. I smell delicious Chinese food when I walk in.

“Dude! That smells so good! Let me shower and then we can eat and I tell you what Trent pulled.”

“What? He’s causing you more trouble? I’m going to junk punch his ass if I see him.” I laugh and so does she.

“It was unreal dude but I’m stinky and starving, so give me twenty minutes.” I hurry to the bathroom and my shower is so refreshing, the warm water cascading over me.

I begin to think Eoin is behind me, his hands on my body. His hands running up my torso to my breasts. Whispering into my ear what he wants to do to me. I bite my lip and come back to reality, thinking to myself that soon I’ll be touching him and he me. I almost want to smack myself for doing that but fuck, I miss his tender, soft touch.

“So, what did the prick do?” Crystal says as I come into view. I love her!

“Fucker showed up at work and slammed a tabloid down, asking what the hell.” I start to tell her all about what happened and how he dropped the ‘I love you’ line.

“Are you serious? What a loser. He should have thought about that before he fucked all of Denver.”

“Hey! Not all of it.” We laugh. “I’m just flipping out about what Eoin is going to say,” I say. I’m genuinely worried he’ll never speak to me again if I tell him.

“Why even tell him, Lea?” I can’t help agreeing with her but I’ve got to.

“I’m not going to lie, and he’ll know something is up. He’s supposed to call tonight. Actually, let me try him now.” I grab my phone and dial him. He picks up on the first ring.

“Hi, my sweet Lea. Did you have a good day?” Instantly, a huge smile comes to my face.

“I did! It went great today. I missed you, though. I thought of you in the shower.” I grin this dorky cheese smile and he laughs.

“Did you? Were my hands all over your soft body?”
Grrr, yes!

“I imagined they were, yes. It was nice.” Crystal laughs out loud and I smack her leg, laughing too.

“Crystal’s there?” he asks.

“Yeah, she’s staying with me ‘til I come and visit you. How was your day?”

“Long, but so much better now. Had a crazy fan show up on set. That was fun. I thanked her but she just wouldn’t leave.” I hear tension in his voice.

“I’m sorry, babe. There are some nutty ladies out there that want your fine self,” I reply, trying to lighten his mood.

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