When Love Breaks (20 page)

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Authors: Kate Squires

BOOK: When Love Breaks
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“Heh,” I whimper nervously, which makes Logan laugh.

“Come on. It’s time to meet the family.”

My vision of what this palace would look like from the inside is pretty much spot on. There’s a winding, formal staircase, marble flooring, and carefully hung masterpieces, which line the hallway leading from the two-story foyer into the back of the house. As I take in my surroundings, I’m getting more apprehensive by the second. I feel Logan’s hand squeeze mine, and I turn my head to see his broad grin.

“Impressive, eh?” My wide-eyed nod makes him laugh. “You’ll get used to it.”

“Did you grow up here?” I’m thoroughly in awe. I had no idea he came from money.

“No. My mom remarried a few years back, when I was seventeen. All this,” He waves a hand around the room, “is a result of that.” I blink a few times, and he chuckles. “Come on. Let’s find my parents.”

He drags me down the hallway and into the kitchen, where someone, who I’m guessing is also staff, is stirring a pot. She turns toward us as we walk into the room.

“Mr. Turner!” the gray haired woman says affectionately, as she wipes her hands on her apron. “It’s so nice to see you again. And, who is this lovely, young lady?”

“Eleanor, please, just call me Logan. This is my girlfriend, Elora. Elora, meet the finest chef on the planet, aside from you, of course. Her name’s Eleanor, and she can cook anything you want.”

“Oh, you’re always going on like that,” she says, then turns to me. “He’s just being polite, dear. It’s so very nice to meet you,” she says with a smile.

I giggle.

“Likewise,” I say.

“Eleanor, where are my mother and Charles?”

“Your stepfather is sitting in the garden, and your mother should be coming down the stairs any minute now.”

“Thank you,” he says, then he leads me toward the backyard.

Logan opens the French doors to a burst of sunshine. There, on the patio, sits a man dressed casually and leafing through the Sunday paper. He looks up as we approach.

“Logan. It’s wonderful to see you, son.” The man rises to greet Logan with a polite hug and pat on the back. His eyes then land on me, and I smile shyly. “And, who do we have here?” He breaks his hold on Logan and takes a step in my direction.

“Charles, this is Elora—my girlfriend.”

Charles looks back at Logan, a little shocked, I think.

Didn’t he mention me?

“What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” he says while shaking my hand. I think I’m blushing.

“Thank you, Sir. It’s lovely to meet you.”

“What manners she has, Logan.” He brings his attention back to me. “I’m so happy to meet you, young lady.” He lets go of my hand, and Logan resumes holding it.

“Where’s mom?”

“She’ll be along. You know her, she loves to make an entrance.”

“What’s this you’re saying about me, Charles?” a voice from behind us says.

I turn to see a middle aged woman, dressed to the nines, posing in the doorway of the entrance to the house. Logan releases me again to kiss his mother on both cheeks.

“Hello, Mother. You look beautiful today,” he says to her. She smiles politely and waves him off, and I can’t help but feel like this greeting has been ingrained in him for decades.

“You’re too kind, sweetheart.” Then, she glances in my direction. “And, who is this lovely creature?” She steps down onto the stone patio and walks toward me, but looks to Logan for an explanation. Logan steps forward, snaking his arm around my waist.

“Mother, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Elora. This is my mom, Evelyn.”

Her expression is polite although, as I examine it closer, I’d say it’s more forced than natural. I extend my hand, and she takes it, shaking it gently.

“It’s very nice to finally meet you. Logan has told me a lot about you,” I say, hoping to make a good impression.

“Has he now? I hope it was all good.” She glances briefly at her son, and his exasperated look tells me a lot about their relationship.

Just then, Eleanor peeks her head outside from the kitchen.

“Lunch is ready,” she says, then retreats back inside to serve it.

Evelyn turns to walk in first, followed by me, then Logan and his stepfather. We gather around the lavishly decorated, dining table. Charles sits at the head with his wife on his right. Logan and I sit opposite her, with me closest to Charles.

I look down at the place setting before me. There are more forks than I know what to do with. I can feel my heart picking up speed as I try to reason out which one to use first. I don’t want to screw this up. Sensing my dismay, Logan leans in.

“You use them from the outside, in,” Logan whispers in my ear, then he kisses me tenderly on the cheek. I nod, thankful for his advice.

“Thanks,” I whisper back.

“What are you two whispering about?” Evelyn asks.

Logan clears his throat.

“I was just telling Elora how the color of her dress complements the subtle hues of her exquisite blue eyes.”


I chuckle nervously at his sentiment.

“Well, she
lovely. Isn’t she?” his mother says, but I can’t help but notice her expression doesn’t match her words.

“Yes, she sure is.” Logan grins at me and places his hand on my knee. And I know he, whole heartedly, believes that.

The wait staff comes in and places plates in front of us. The appetizer is a salad with mixed greens covered in a light, Italian dressing. Under the advisement of Logan, I pick up the fork to the far left of the plate. He nods his approval, and we dig in.

“So, Elora, what do you do for a living?” Charles asks.

I look at Logan nervously.

“Um, I’m a home health aide.” My voice is quiet.

“She’s also studying to be a nurse,” Logan chimes in. I look at him, and he’s smiling proudly.

Charles’s eyebrows shoot up.

“Wow! Very good. You have high aspirations. I like that,” he says with a genuine smile, which makes me relax a little. He seems nice.

“Thank you,” I say softly.

“She’s the one who took care of me,” Logan speaks up again. “She encouraged me to get my prosthetic legs too.” He gazes at me lovingly.

My eyes grow wide, and I smack him under the table. Should he have said that? What do they think of me, now that they know I’m basically dating my boss? I swallow and suddenly, I feel sick.

“Did she now? Isn’t that considered unethical?” his mother says in a snarky voice. Logan gives his mom a back-off stare.

“No, in fact, it isn’t,
. It just so happens that she quit working for me long before we started this relationship, if you must know.” He’s getting angry, so I cover his hand with mine.

“I see,” she replies, then lifts her glass and sips her wine.

“Evelyn,” her husband says in warning.

A scolding look passes between them and suddenly, the room feels too warm.

“I would never have started dating him as long as he was my patient,” I say to try to explain my actions.

“Mm,” she simply says.

The next course is served, and the conversation changes to local news, but I remain silent for the rest of the meal. Every so often, I smile and nod, just to make it seem as though I’m a part of it. The truth is, I can’t wait to leave.

After the dessert, which is a very fancy, chocolate mousse, Logan leads me out by the garden and toward the lake. The sun reflects against the tiny ripples of the water as a duck skims across the surface, breaking the pattern. Leading me toward a bench, he gestures for me to sit.

“So, that went well,” he says, then looks at me. My expression disagrees, and he laughs. “Don’t be so worried. They like you.”

“What planet were you just on? Your mother hates me. She watched me the entire time with daggers shooting out of her eyes.” He grins broadly. “What’s so funny?”

“You’re so cute when you’re upset.”


He reaches up, brushing a strand of hair from my face.

“Look, it could’ve gone worse. Believe me, I know. You were fine. My stepdad is really impressed.”

I roll my eyes.

“This has been a nightmare,” I say, covering my face. I feel Logan’s arms wrap around me, and he kisses the side of my head.

“Do you want to go?”

I look up at his face. Do I? I want to, but only if he wants to. I shrug and sigh.

“I’ll manage. Just stop telling them about how we met. It looked bad, and it embarrassed me.”

“Okay. I won’t say another word.”

I nod then, after a few more minutes of peace, we stand and walk back toward the house. Upon returning, Logan’s mother approaches us.

“Excuse me, dear, but I’d like to have a word with my son,” she says.

“Of course.” I smile and nod, but I can’t shake the feeling that her conversation with him might just be about me. Logan turns to me and rolls his eyes.

“I’ll be right back.”

I stand in the kitchen feeling all kinds of awkward, until Eleanor walks up beside me.

“Would you like some tea, dear?” she says with a warm smile.

“I’d love some. Thank you.” She nods and turns toward the stove. “Can I help?”

She scoffs.

“No, ma’am. It’s my job to serve you. Just sit right here while I get it ready,” she insists, while pointing to a stool at the breakfast bar. I nod and sit, and I do as I’m told, while watching helplessly, as she starts the water.

“How long have you worked for the Ross family?” I ask.

“Since he and Mrs. Ross got married, about a decade or so ago, I suppose. I try not to keep track,” she says with a smile.

“They seem like nice enough people.” My expression must be one of apprehension because she comes to stand at the counter in front of me, then she looks around before speaking.

“Now, don’t you go worrying about Mrs. Ross. She can seem a little hard to get to know but after a while, she’ll warm up to you.” She winks. I nod, letting her know I heard her, though I’m not sure I’m convinced. Our heads swing over to where Logan and his mother are speaking, at the sound of Logan’s raised voice. I then hear his mother’s hushed voice, although I can’t make out what she’s saying. I sigh, ruefully, and Eleanor shrugs.

When the two reappear, Logan’s face is slightly flushed. His mood seems a bit agitated, and his mother doesn’t look at either of us before going back out to the garden. A look passes between Logan and me, but his expression tells me it’s nothing, and he stands by the stool next to mine.

“We should go,” he says, and I nod. He then summons his step father to let him know we’re leaving.


“It was so nice to meet you. Please come back again soon. I’m thrilled to see Logan so happy.” Charles pulls back and smiles at me, and I know he approves.

“Thank you. I really care deeply for him. And, thanks for having me. It was a pleasure meeting you.”

Logan offers Charles his hand, and his returning hug warms my heart. I can tell he has nothing but love and respect for his stepdad. His mother approaches next.

“You should come around more often, dear. I miss seeing you,” she says while giving Logan a formal embrace. She peeks over at me. “And, feel free to bring your date too.” He releases her.

, Mother. She’s my girlfriend,” Logan reminds her.

“Uh, yes. That’s what I meant.” She chuckles awkwardly at her faux pas.

“Well, goodbye everyone. Thank you for lunch. It was delicious,” Logan says, as he nods his head toward Eleanor. Her answering grin makes him smile.

We wave goodbye as Logan opens my door, then closes it, and gets in on the passenger side. I glance over at him.

“Is everything all right?”

“Yes, it’s fine. Nothing to be concerned about,” he says then looks as though he’s trying to change the subject. “I really need to investigate my driving options. I should be driving your beautiful self around town, not the other way around,” he says as he kisses the back of the hand he’s holding.

“I don’t mind driving you. Besides, I’ll always know where you are if you aren’t able to drive around on your own.” I wink at him, and he smiles and shakes his head.

“The only place I’d want to be is wherever you are.”

I put the car in park, and we exit, heading into the house. No sooner does he open the door, when a familiar face peeks around the corner at us.

“Hey, guys,” Michael says. “What’s up?”

Logan lets out a frustrated groan and purposefully bangs his head against the foyer wall.

“Hi, Michael. It’s nice to see you again,” I say because it’s true.

“Elora! Are you still with this butthead? I thought you’d have figured out by now what an asshole he is.”

“Hey, now. You’re talking about
butthead. And, yes, I have him pretty much figured out.” I grin at Logan and wink. He rolls his eyes.

“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Logan whines at his brother.

“Nope. You only told me to leave for the night. You said nothing about today. So, where did you two lovebirds go anyway?”

“We went to see your mom and stepdad.”

Michael’s face is a picture, and I laugh.

“You don’t even have to tell me how it went. Our mother can be brutal.”

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