When Opposites Attract (2 page)

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Authors: Romina Valdes-Alsina

BOOK: When Opposites Attract
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Chapter 3


              I was sitting at the back of the class talking to Pete's girlfriend, Sakura. I remember in sixth grade both Pete and I liked her and we fought over her for weeks, until I realize that Pete and I go way back to elementary and I didn't want to throw that away, so I backed off and he got the girl. I quickly got over her. I was cool being just friends. They have been together all through middle school and almost all of high school. It was cool hanging around them; they really don't do the whole PDA thing very often. I heard my name, so I looked at Mr. Reid pointing to a seat next to Anastasia; I knew it! I picked up my books and walked over, then just let them go making a thud sound. Trying to make the best of this horrible situation I decided to try to talk to her, since I am literally stuck with her.

" I muttered. She looked the other way and I stayed quiet for a few minutes.

"Whatever Barbie
," I said the first thing that came to mind. I didn't even realize that she heard me, but then she turned around and gave me a death glare. What the hell?

" Look you scrawny, depressed, good for nothing
emo," she practically spat in my face. "I'm already pissed enough that you're in all of my classes and that on top of that, that you sit next to me so please just shut up and don't talk to me, “she stayed looking at my face for a few minutes. I raised an eyebrow, what the hell is wrong with her?

"Have it your way Barbie,
" I said. She sighed dramatically. She doesn't like being called Barbie? I thought that would be a compliment for her, not that I want to compliment her, you know what shut up! I told myself.


When that final bell rang, I swear I had to pinch my leg to keep myself from running out of the classroom. I saw, from my peripheral vision, Ang- I mean emo kid walking towards the red head whore that he was talking to at the beginning of class. I don't care I repeated over and over to myself as Hailey and I walked out of class into the crowded hallway. Since I was a cheerleader, and we were basically the most popular girls at school, the people would get out of our way. We easily got to our lockers without being shoved in the process. Anyone who would dare shove me would be dead to me. I hate my locker since its still so plain and lacking pictures. I dumped my books and got my new cute pink school bag. I looked at myself in my locker's mirror and checked my hair.

"So, how do
emo kids smell like?" Hailey asked bringing my attention to her face.

"You're not seriously asking me that?" I said smiling.

"No, but I thought it would cheer you up."

"He smells
, surprisingly, good." I told her playing along.

I drove home and walked over our ridiculously long drive way.

"Katrina, Aitana, anyone home?"

"What?" yelled Katrina walking down the stairs.

"Nothing, what's got your panties in a bunch?"

"I have been throwing up all day,
food poisoning, and that's got me cranky."

Food poisoning? 
How could that be possible you were home all weekend, we ate the same things, wouldn't I have food poisoning as well?" I asked.

She shrugged. I gasped when a terrifying idea crawled into my mind.

"Oh no. You’re not pregnant? Are you?" I asked her, my eyes were about to pop out of my head.

Her eyes widened too.

“Cause I know, I haven’t had any of that.”

"I never thought of that!" She screamed
, and then ran out. I heard her car start and drive away.

Probably going to buy a test, I thought. She is
twenty-three years old and studying to be a doctor, it would really suck if she had a baby right now. Most of the time she lives with her boyfriend, James, doing things I don't want to know about, but sometimes, like last weekend, she hangs out with me, since most of the time I'm alone at the house. I went to the fridge and took out an iced coffee drink, then went upstairs to get on video chat with my best friend. Sadly he moved away to Georgia, because his dad got relocated. What can you do? Yay he's online already.

, Chika, how was your day?" He is gay, too bad cause he is really cute a lot of girls would fall for him, but not me we were always friends. The day he trusted me enough to tell me he was gay, I knew we had something special. I was the first person he told, and I helped him through the very tough process of coming out. 

"Hey Bryton," I said taking a sip of my coffee.

"Oh no, what's wrong?" I sigh how the fudge could he tell something was wrong? We're on a freaking web cam for crying out loud!

"How did you know?"

"My gaystincts honey," I laughed and started to tell him about Angel. He was quiet the whole time, didn't make a face or anything.

"You know what I think?" He asked.

"I'm not Edward Cullen sweetie."

"Too bad..." I laughed.

"Come on tell me."

"You are both in love with each other, but are too superficial to
admit it, and let me just ass that I have always thought this."

"What? Us in
?" I burst out in fits of laughter. "Um, you need to check you gaystincts, cause you are way off!"

"Hey! Don't go making fun of the gaystincts! I have never been wrong."

I was about to say something, when I heard Katrina downstairs.

"Well, honey, you keep working on that. I
got to go, Katrina got home." I blew him a kiss then left the chat.  I promised myself to do homework later as I ran down the stairs.

"Did you get it?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said shaking the brown paper bag in my face.

"Well, what are you waiting for?"

"I'm going, I'm going."

"Want me to call James?

"Only if the test is positive," she yelled from inside the bathroom. Oh shoot! I forgot my coffee! I ran up the stair, and when I reached over my laptop for it I noticed I had a new email. I debated whether to open it since the sender was unknown, but my curiosity got the better of me. It was very short.


I want to get the stupid drama project over with, so when are we going to start it?


I clicked reply.


How did you get my email? Well I don't know, since I'm going to your house I guess the time and date is up to you.


After a few more emails I ran downstairs. Damn my coffee! I thought as I reached the bottom step. Ugh! I ran back up the stairs got in and ran back down. The bathroom was now open, so I walked in trying to catch my breath. Katrina had taken the test and was now sitting down on the closed toilet lid. She was looking down, anxiously, at the floor. When she heard me walk in, she looked at me.

"What if it's positive? I don't think I'm ready for a baby right now! I'
m too young! I'm not done with my studies and. and," she broke down crying. I instinctively ran to comfort her.

"Oh sweetie, it's okay we never know, and even if the test comes out positive those test can be wrong." I said softly as I hugged her tightly. She wiped away her tears and looked at me.

"You're right," she said as the timer beeped. We both froze. I looked at her; she wasn't even able to look at the stick on the bathroom counter. I untangled myself from her and walked over to the dreaded stick of destiny, no wait the dreaded stick of... of...of... eh I'll think of something later. I picked it up and almost screamed, but I pinched my leg to keep myself quiet. I looked over at my sister's slightly hopeful green eyes.

"I'm... I'm so sorry, but it's positive." Tears made their way down her face again and I flung my arms around her.

"You should go to the clinic and check for sure, maybe the test was wrong."

She looked at me, b
oth of us were unconvinced.

"Okay, but when Hanadi calls, tell her where I am."

"Will do, sis," I said with the most supportive smile I could manage.

I closed the front door behind her and started freaking out. Then, I remembered that I bought this baby pink nail polish with glitter hearts that are g
oing to look so cute! I know, I know, my sister is at the clinic and I'm here doing my nails, but what else can I do while I wait for Hanadi to call?




Chapter 4


I needed to know when Anastasia was going to come over, so she doesn't catch me by surprise. How can I get in touch with her? Where can I get her email? Everyone has an email right? I looked around my room.

"Oh found it!"

The stupid student email list they gave us at the useless assembly the first day.

Somerville I looked up and down the list for her. Oh wow, she's right after me no wonder I'm stuck next to her in every class.
[email protected],
 I typed.


I want to get this stupid drama project over with, so when are we going to start it?


Send. In a few minutes my computer beeped. Wow that was pretty fast.


How did you get my email? Well, I don't know like I told you before I'm going to your house; the time and date is up to you.


I smiled. Why? Why does her name make me smile? I shook my head and typed.


Student email list they gave us at the first day of school. Why don't you come over Friday at 8?


I clicked send and waited. Twenty minutes later my computer beeped. I stopped the music and opened the email.

Oh right the list, hey you can text right? I have to go to the clinic, so text at 473-8228.


Of course I can text! Just because I'm emo she thinks I don't own a damn phone. I pulled out my phone.
It’s the latest model, thank you very much.

It's Angel.

I text
her, even though I don’t know what to say.


So, can we start memorizing lines on Friday?

Can't, I have a date.

Date... why does that word make me
want to get my pocketknife, punch a wall or something. I don’t know why I lose control over my emotions so quickly with her.

Oh okay, so when then?

I text back,
feeling awkward.

Saturday at 10 am?

Sure, well bye.

This is just too awkward. Never in my life had I even imagined a moment like this.

Anastasia: TTFN!

TTFN? What the hec
k does that mean. I brought up Google.

TTFN= Ta ta for now.

Well that's just stupid. Why can't she just say good-bye like a normal person? 
. I rolled my eyes.

"Mom, when is Uncle J coming?" I asked as she passed my room.

"He called, he's on his way," she said smiling.

My mom is always so sweet and happy. I guess it's ironic that I'm
the way I am with such a preppy mom, but the reason I am is because my dad was my best friend, my hero, I really loved the guy, we did everything together. I wasn't emo back then, I was normal. Then, he died from lung cancer and my life changed completely. I started cutting and Pete was already emo, so one thing led to another and here I am. Although I try not to cut too often and I think I look way better than before. My hair straight instead of its normal curly state, sometimes I wear eyeliner, but I don’t really like the look. Luckily I didn't have to dye my hair that stuff smells way too strong. I think my mom is acting most of the time; I hear her crying late some nights. I wish I had the ability to put up a wall like her; instead I was an emotional mess for so long, until I managed to clean some of it up.


I was in my room waiting for either Aitana or Hanadi to come home. I already called both of them, my nails were dry, and I had nothing to do. Naturally, my mind wondered off. There is something seriously wrong with my brain today I can't get Angel, um, emo kid out of my head. I've known him since third grade, when he wasn't emo he wasn't so bad, in fact I actually had a crush on him. I can't even believe it myself... no sadly I do. In my defense, he was a really cute kid. I remember in 6th grade I was so excited to see him, at first I didn't recognized him, so I ignored him. Then he came up to me and I don't remember exactly what I told him, but we have hated each other since then. I was knee deep in memory when Aitana came into my room.

"What's up, banana, why s
o quiet? That's not really you." She said sitting down next to me on my bed.

"Kat is at the clinic, beca

"Why is she hurt?"
She quickly interrupted me.

"Will you

 let me finish!”


"As I was saying, she thinks she might be pregnant."

"Oh no! I got to go. Call James and yell at him
, will you?" She said as she got up to leave.

"Will do," I said and I picked up my phone as she closed the door.

"Hello?" James asked picking up.

"James, it's Anastasia, where are you?"

"With my nephew, why?"

"Can you come over?"

"I can't, I promised him that we would spend the whole day together."

"Then bring him over. This is a huge emergency!" I said over exaggerating a bit.

"What's up, banana?"

"It's Katrina."

"Hold on, I'll be right over," he hung up. I smiled to myself, it's a good thing he loves her. Half an hour later he was at the door. At least I hope it was him. I ran down the stairs almost running right into the door. 
How funny would that be?
 When I opened the door I almost had another spaz attack.
 I wonder how many of those I'll have this year? Can you die from one?
Angel? What the hell is he doing here? And where the fudge is James?

"Angel?" I said out of breath.
Seriously those stairs are killing me today.

"Anastasia?" We said each
other’s name at the same time.

Then James came out of nowhere and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"What happened?" He asked, but I didn't hear him, instead I asked him.

"Angel is your nephew?" He shook me a little.

"Yes, but what happened to Katrina?" I snapped out of it.

"Well, she thinks she might be pregnant." I slapped him hard.
 I waved my hand back and forth shaking off the pain.

"What was that for?" He asked surprised.

"Couldn't you keep it in your pants, or in a freaking condom until she finished school?! You know, no glove no love."

I heard Angel chucked,
and then felt myself blush. I totally forgot he was there.

" James started saying, but I stopped him by putting my hand in front of his face.

"Just go to the clinic," He nodded and walked to the door.

"Wait! Don't leave him here!"  I began to say, but it was too late, he was gone in an instant.

? You don't like me?" I heard Angel ask sarcastically. I slowly closed the door and turned around. I glared at him. 
You know beneath all the emo stuff he was really cute... actually as an emo he is really cute.
Gasp! Did I just say, or I guess, think that? Oh my gosh, I'm losing my pretty mind.

"What prep?" he snapped me back to reality. Making me realize that I was staring. I started to blush again, so I looked down and pouted my lips without meaning too.
I hate this.


So my favorite uncle left me at Anastasia's house, are you kidding me? The worst part is she won't stop staring at me.

"What Prep?" I asked,
it accidently came out meaner than I meant to. She started blushing, so she looked down and pouted her lips. 
She looks cute like that, with her pink cheeks and pouty lips.


I looked away from her.

"Angel," she said quietly. I didn't want to, but I looked over at her pretty face.
You know what? Fine! I admit it she might be pretty or whatever, but I still don't like her. She's a shallow prep that only cares about looks.

"Yes?" I said as nicely as I could, but something about her makes me mad, and I don't know why. I don't want to be mad at her, and not wanting that makes me even angrier
with her.

"Can we at least try to get along
, since we're going to be seeing a lot of each other?" She asked still looking down.

"You're right," I sigh. "I don't like it, but I'll try."

She stuck out her hand and I shook it. I don't know what the hell came over me, but I pulled her towards me and wrapped my arms around her. Surprisingly, she hugged me back. I'm not going to deny it, she smelled amazing, and her skin was silky soft. She felt so small and fragile in my arms. I realized what I was doing and pulled away in horror. When I looked at her face I saw something, although I was out the door before I managed to realized that she was disappointed I let her go.


I was surprised when he pulled me in and wrapped me in his arms. Automatically my arms wrapped themselves around him, like I had no control over them. Gosh, he smelled so good I was really enjoying the hug until he let go of me. I'm not going to lie to myself, I was sad and disappointed that he let go of me. I wanted to be in his arms for as long as I possibly could. He was out the door before I could say or do anything. I locked the door and ran up stairs for like the fiftieth time today and check my computer. Yes! He's online!


"Yes?" He asked with a confident smirk on his face.

"You're right I'm in love with emo ki
d, I mean Angel, I mean."

"I knew it!" He yelled interrupting me.

"Let me finish!" I yelled over him. Gosh, why doesn't anyone let me finish!

, go ahead, I'll gloat later."

"He doesn't like me. I'm not his type," I said sadly.

"Oh no, girl, my mom is going up there for a business trip in a few weeks and I'm sure as hell going. I'm going to knock some senses into that guy."

I laughed, but it wasn’t my usual laugh.

"So, since you know everything I have another question."

"Yes, young one?" He said in a really bad English accent.

"How do you break a date with a really hot guy?"

"Many ways." He said with a mischievous grin.

"Easiest one, please."

"Well, you're no fun," He said crossing his arms.

"Please," I repeated.

just don't go, or send him my way," I laughed.









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