When Will I See You Again (29 page)

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Authors: Julie Lynn Hayes

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: When Will I See You Again
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Randolph, he’ll probably give the story to Price anyway.”

“Well, he can damn well write it without my cooperation,”

Raoul declared. “I want nothing to do with that jackass.”

Alexx laid a soothing hand upon his arm. “I know you don’t, and there’s no reason you have to talk to him. We have far more important things to worry about. Let’s go talk to Mr. Randolph and then we can take it from there.”

They leaned together, their lips meeting. This felt so incredibly
good, so right. A momentary sense of panic washed over Alexx, a fear that something this good couldn’t possibly last. He refused to give in to his insecurities and pushed the feeling away. “Look, Miller wants us.” The receptionist was beckoning to them. As they approached, he told them, “Mr. Randolph says he can see you now.”

“I can wait down here,” Raoul offered, but Alexx shook his head.

“We’re in this together. All the way.” Raoul nodded his agreement.

The ride to the third floor seemed longer than usual, but Alexx forced himself not to fidget. As Alexx and Raoul were ushered into the editor-in-chief’s office, they passed Glenn Petrillo coming out.

He mumbled a quick hello to both of them, but Alexx noticed that the managing editor didn’t meet his eyes, and he couldn’t seem to leave fast enough.

The reason quickly became apparent once they’d taken their seats and gotten the preliminaries out of the way.

“Alexx, I’m glad you came by today. I didn’t want to do this over the phone.”

Alexx’s heart sank. That wasn’t an auspicious opening to anything.

“Mr. Randolph, if it’s about the murder story, that’s why I’m here.”

“Yes, it is, to be honest. Information has come to my attention regarding your involvement in the…matter…and I’m afraid you’re too close to the story to be impartial.”

“I entirely understand, sir. I came to the same conclusion myself.” He felt Raoul reach for his hand and squeeze it as he worked at evening out his breathing. He shouldn’t really be
surprised at the editor’s words. They echoed his own thoughts. He started to smile, but the uneasy expression on Mr. Randolph’s face took him aback. He seemed uncomfortable, and the reason quickly became obvious.

“Alexx, I’m afraid it’s more than that. I’m afraid your involvement with… Well, some people have implied that it smacks of impropriety. Now, wait just a minute.” He help up his hand as both Alexx and Raoul protested. “I didn’t say that I felt that way.

But it’s not my call to make. Not anymore, unfortunately. I was told in no uncertain terms to terminate your employment with the
. I refused to do that, just so you know, not without just cause, but I’m being forced to suspend you. I’m afraid that’s the best I can do under the circumstances. As soon as things get straightened out, you can come back. I sincerely hope you do, Alexx. I like you. You’ve been a great employee, and I think you have a bright future as a journalist. If you want, feel free to sub your articles to me. If they’re good enough, I can purchase them, like I would from any stringer.”

Alexx was too stunned to speak. Suspended? Him? The
was the first real job he’d ever had, not counting the part-time employment he’d held when he was in high school. He couldn’t believe this was happening to him.

“This is
right and you know it!” Raoul thundered beside him. “Impropriety? There is no impropriety here. By either one of us. I’m the only one who’s under investigation for murder. How can you tar Alexx with that same brush?”

“I’m sorry, Raoul, it’s out of my hands. I don’t think it’s fair either, but no one asked me what I thought. I’m lucky I was able to just suspend him, not fire him. Frankly, considering the constraints you’re operating under, perhaps it’s for the best.”
“How can you even think—”

“I know the terms of your situation, Raoul, and I’m not judging. I’m just saying it would be easier for Alexx to abide by them if he wasn’t tied up here all day. You can learn more on the outside, Alexx. Use your time wisely.”

Alexx rose from his chair, his back stiff, his lips set firmly.

“We should go, Raoul. We have things to do. Thank you for your honesty, Mr. Randolph. I appreciate it. I’ll keep in touch.” He heard, as well, as felt, Raoul’s exasperated sigh as he stood as well.

“Know one thing. If that pig Price Chancellor comes anywhere near me, I’ll have him arrested, so warn him to keep his distance,”

Raoul barked. They exited the office, not waiting for a reply.

Back in the elevator, once the doors had closed, Raoul pushed the stop button and gathered Alexx into his arms. “There are other newspapers. Don’t worry. This isn’t the end of the world.”

Alexx turned his face up toward Raoul. “I know it isn’t. In fact, maybe it’s what I need. Some time to evaluate my situation and figure out exactly what I want to do, where I want to go from here.”

“Go? You’re not going anywhere. You’re staying here with me.” Raoul growled possessively, producing a small smile.

“I meant figuratively. I’m not leaving you. Don’t worry. How could I leave such a pouty wolf?” He placed his finger against Raoul’s lips. “In the meantime, we have a lot to do. I have to keep an eye on you, and we have to clear your name. Plus don’t you have a ball to get ready for? It’s almost Lupercalia.”

“Oh shit, the Ball,” Raoul murmured. “Most everything is done, but there are last minute things to attend to.”

“So we’ll attend to them. Are you… I mean…” He couldn’t meet Raoul’s eyes, his gaze dropping suddenly to the floor of the

“Am I what?” Raoul tilted his face back up toward him.

“Taking a date?” Alexx’s voice sounded faint, even to himself.

“Of course.”

Alexx’s heart stopped. He wanted to sink into the ground. He swallowed hard. “Oh, okay…” Of course Raoul would have a date.

Probably one arranged a long time ago. Long before Raoul had even heard Alexx’s name.

The next moment, he felt Raoul’s lips on his own, and he found himself caught up in their passion all over again. By the time Raoul drew back, Alexx felt dizzy again.

“You’re incredibly obtuse at times,” Raoul growled. “I’m going to take you, of course. No arguments, because I’m not listening.”

“M-me?” Alexx squeaked.

“Of course you. I’ve never taken a date to the Ball. Not ever.

You’ll be the first. Don’t worry, we’ll go shopping for a tux for you.” He pushed the button and the elevator began to move once again.

“A tux?”

“Naturally. It’s formal. Nothing less will do.”

Miller caught them as they passed by reception on their way out of the building. “Well, what happened?”

“I’m suspended.”

Miller’s eyes widened.

“Look, I’ll call you later. We have a lot to do. Looks like I’m going to the Lupercalia Ball.”

Miller glanced from Alexx to Raoul, his arm about Alexx’s waist. “Some guys get all the luck.” He grinned. “Got any good-looking friends who need a date for the Ball?” he asked Raoul

“If I think of any, I’ll be sure to send them your way.” Raoul chuckled.


The cell phone provider Raoul used was conveniently located in a strip mall that lay on their route to Charisma. The parking lot was sparsely populated for a Monday morning, which more than suited Raoul. As soon as they walked into the store, the clerks fell all over themselves, trying to gain his attention. He paid them little heed as he scanned the selection of phones on hand and quickly picked out an expensive model, one complete with bells and whistles. He didn’t care about those so much, but the phone he chose did come with something he was very interested in—a high quality video camera.

“Why don’t you just buy a video camera? What’s the point of having one in your phone?” Alexx quirked a brow.

Raoul just gave him an enigmatic smile. “Later,” he promised.
“I’ll show you why later. Let’s pick up some food and head over to Charisma. And yes, I’ll take my pill,” he added, reading the question in Alexx’s eyes.

“Looks like I’m training you well,” Alexx quipped, which earned him a well-placed swat on his derriere.

They stopped at a small deli along the way and picked up bagels and coffee, which they sat and ate in the parking lot of the nightclub. Alexx had parked the Ferrari on the far edge of the blacktop, at the nearest point to the woods. There was no sign of their mysterious caller, but then again they’d arrived early deliberately, in order to utilize the home field advantage they enjoyed.

“You’re not worried, are you?” Raoul took Alexx’s hand and brought it to his lips, licking at stray crumbs on his fingers. He felt Alexx’s shiver.

“Maybe a little,” Alexx admitted. “What if he’s setting us up?

Like for an ambush or something?”

“I considered the possibility, although I think it unlikely. But that’s one reason why we’re early. We can do some reconnoitering.

Nobody knows these woods like I do. And I can scent any stranger, trust me.”

“I do. With all my heart and soul.”

They pressed their lips together for a long, heartfelt kiss, before Raoul drew back, reluctantly. “Let’s do this, then.”

They scoured the woods carefully, but there was no sign of anyone. The little shack where they’d spent their first night together was empty, and void of any scents other than their own.

Once Raoul was satisfied that the sanctity of his woods had not been violated, that no ambush had been set for them, they took up a position just within the shelter of the trees where they could
watch the parking lot while remaining unobserved.

It was just a few minutes before twelve when a late model silver car appeared. Raoul spotted it immediately as it wound about the lot in a cautious way before finally coming to a halt a few spaces away from Raoul’s sports car.

“He’s here.” He gently nudged Alexx, who glanced in the same direction.

“Looks like him,” he affirmed. “At least from here it does. Is he alone?”

“Seems to be.”

When Alexx seemed inclined to move toward the newcomer, Raoul laid a cautious hand upon his arm. “Better to be safe than sorry,” he replied to Alexx’s inquisitive look.

The stranger exited the vehicle, throwing quick glances about him as he carefully crossed the small grassy area that separated them from him. He appeared to be maybe thirty, possessed of average looks and build. He wore dark blue denim pants and a red short-sleeved checked shirt, and he held a bandaged hand close against his chest. He gazed furtively about him, as if afraid of something or someone.

Satisfied that this man was even more fearful than they were, Raoul stepped out from the cover of the trees, revealing himself.

The man veered course in his direction and warily approached.

Raoul could feel Alexx take up a stance right behind him. He maintained a protective presence between the two, not surprising considering what had happened only two nights before. He was actually surprised at his own self-control. He’d much rather tear him out a new asshole for what he’d tried to do, but he realized that would gain them nothing.

“That’s far enough.” Raoul held up his hand, halting the other’s
progress when the distance separating them dropped to about four feet. “You wanted to talk, we’re here. What have you got to say for yourself? Beginning with who are you?”

The man ran his uninjured hand through his short brown hair, a distinctive air of unease in his movements. His glance fell to the ground. He seemed to consider Raoul’s question, as if unsure what to reply, before finally answering, “Cramer. Patrick Cramer.”

“Do I know you, Patrick Cramer?” Raoul narrowed his eyes.

“Not me. You know my older brother. Francis.

“I went to school with a Francis Cramer. I don’t remember you.”

“Well, that’s not surprising. Frank’s almost ten years older than me. Look, can we step back into the trees a bit? I can’t afford to be seen.” His eyes roved the parking lot with increasing agitation.

Raoul hesitated for a moment before grudgingly stepping backward.

“Yeah, come on.”

“Thanks.” Cramer gained the relative darkness of the trees, but made no move to close the distance between them. “Look, there was nothing personal here. It was just a job I was paid to do. That’s all. Nothing more. But I didn’t know it was you, I swear it. I’d never tangle with one of you. I mean…that is, I’m not stupid that way.” He fumbled for words, and fell silent.

“You mean a werewolf?”

“Yeah, exactly.”

“So you admit you targeted me on purpose?” Alexx moved forward to stand beside Raoul, who growled protectively. “Why?”

“You, yes,” Cramer admitted. “He showed me your picture. He told me where to find you and what to do with you. Namely, I was supposed to chase you into the woods and leave the rest to fate. He
said that someone else would do the actual job, someone in the woods. I’m no killer, trust me.”

“Trust you? Ha, that’s a good one. What sort of morals do you possess that you were fine with the idea of driving Alexx to his death?” Raoul spat out the words, contempt evident in his voice.

He took a menacing step toward Cramer, who backed away from his anger, slamming against the tree that stood just behind him.

“In hindsight, maybe it wasn’t the best of ideas,” the man hastily agreed. “I was out of a job and I needed money, really badly, so when he approached me, it seemed like the thing to do.

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