Where the Bodies Were Buried (59 page)

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Abe & Louie's, 139–40, 141

“accessory after the fact,” 30, 30

Ahearn, James, 369, 383–84

Albano, Michael, 205–7, 294

Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, 78, 103

America's Most Wanted
(TV show), 11, 250

Angiulo, Donato “Danny,” 212–13, 281

Angiulo, Gennaro “Jerry,” 112–13, 156, 212–13, 277, 278–81

arrest of, 364–65, 370

Deegan murder and, 105–6

murder charge against, 92–93, 121, 278

racketeering charges, 280–81, 282, 362

wiretap of, 198–99, 279–81

Angiulo, Michele “Mikey,” 212–13, 281

Angiulo, Vittori Nicoli “Nick,” 212–13, 281

(Sherman), 105

Atlanta Penitentiary, 78–79

Attardo, Anthony, 275

audio interruption, 177, 179

Auerhahn, Jeffrey, 334

Bailey, F. Lee, 121, 277–78

Bangs, Joseph, 61

bank robberies, 61–62, 77–78, 113–14, 117–18

(Barboza), 105
, 108

Barboza, Joseph “Animal,” 103–13

Angiulo and, 92–93, 105–6, 112–13, 121, 278–79

background of, 104

Bulger trial and, 48–49

in Carney's opening statement, 48–49

as contract killer for Mafia, 6, 104–5, 105

Deegan murder, 105–8, 117–19, 121–22, 288–89, 344–46

as FBI informant, 2, 6, 7, 10, 48–49, 108, 111–13, 115–19, 121–23, 278–79

McLaughlin brothers and, 109–11

murder charge in California against, 122–23

murder of, 123

nickname of, 104–5

Patriarca and, 115–17, 121–22

Salvati and, 2, 3, 5–6, 7, 49, 118, 119

Barrett, Arthur “Bucky”

Depositors Trust bank robbery, 61–62, 183, 255

excavating and moving body, 260–62

murder of, 36–38, 39, 234, 254–57

Batista, Fulgencio, 141

Bennett, Edward “Wimpy,” 120, 126–27, 394

Berlinger, Joe, 100, 274, 415

Beth Israel Hospital, 109

(Fitzpatrick), 353, 358, 366–67

Black Mass
(Lehr and O'Neill), 126, 214–15, 215

Boeri, David, 218

Bond, Theresa, 407–8

bookmaking, 44, 84–97, 179

Boozang, Steven, 320, 370–73

(magazine), 60, 215

Boston, gangsterism in, 75–76, 80–84, 105, 165–71

Boston Combat Zone, 111

Boston Edison, 284–85

Boston gang wars, 80–84, 93–94, 105, 108–9, 111, 124, 164, 165–71, 342–45

Boston Globe,
, 126, 193, 212–15, 216–17, 320, 370

Boston Herald,
137, 216, 273, 328, 404

Boston Marathon bombing, 31–32

Boston media, 211–18, 273–75, 330

Boston Phoenix,

Boston Police Department, 199–200

Boston University, 91

Bradley, Ed, 138

Bratsos, Arthur, 346

Brennan, Hank, 41–42

background of, 59

Bulger informant file, 184–89

closing argument, 393–97

Davis testimony, 378, 379–81

Fitzpatrick testimony, 359–63, 368

Flemmi testimony, 338, 339, 340, 342–47

Foley testimony, 70–73

jury nullification, 344–46

Martorano testimony, 142–45, 151–53

media appearances, 49–50, 211, 399

Morris testimony, 197–203, 205–6

“Nee matter,” 320

objection to motion, 58–59, 60

pretrial arguments, 60

the verdict, 399

witness list, 308, 352–53

Bricco Suites, 275–77

Brinks robbery of 1950, 76

Brothers Bulger, The
(Carr), 216

Brunnick, Leo, 200–201, 360

(Weeks and Karas), 53, 55–56, 81–82, 262–63

Buccheri, Richard, 348–49

Buckley, Mike, 348

Bulger, James Joseph, Sr., 76–77

Bulger, James “Whitey”

apprehension in Santa Monica, 8–9, 16, 17, 41, 276, 349, 353

early life of, 76–77

as FBI informant, 9–10, 15, 124, 126–28, 132, 171–76, 181–207, 267–68, 309–10, 342, 347–48
, 363, 369, 381–84, 389; Carney's trial “bombshell,” 43–44, 50, 54, 283; Connolly as handler, 16–18, 43–44, 47–48, 55–56, 126–27, 169, 171–76, 182, 186–90, 192–96, 198–99, 203–4, 280–81, 355–56, 357, 376–77, 381–82, 391–92; FBI files, 45–46, 124, 169, 181–89, 199, 203, 288, 357; Fitzpatrick's efforts to close, 356–58, 360–62; and Morris, 192–204, 214; recruitment, 19–20, 78, 244–45, 279, 395

on the lam, 9, 215–16, 285

mythology of, 14, 217–19, 220

prison years, 78–79, 103

swagger of, 33–34

trial of.
See People of the United States v. James J. Bulger

Bulger, John “Jackie,” 76, 371, 387

Bulger, William “Billy,” 348

advocacy for brother, 79

Boston media and, 8–9, 212, 213–14, 216

brother's relationship with, 8–9, 13–14, 171, 212

Burton committee hearings, 284–85

Connolly and, 125, 219–20, 284

St. Patrick's Day breakfast, 219–20

as senator, 8–9, 13–14, 69

“Bulger Mystique, The” (
Boston Globe
series), 213–14, 217

Burton, Dan, 284–93

Bush, George W., 285

Café Pompeii, 1–2, 4, 7, 276, 277, 279, 293–94, 297

Cahill, Joe, 315–16

Callahan, John, 200

murder of, 130, 150–53, 409

Wheeler murder, 146–47, 200

Camuti, William, 351

Capizzi, Frank, 176–80, 277

Cardinal Cushing High School, 13, 14

Cardinale, Anthony “Tony,” 19, 276–83, 290, 335

Carney, Jay W., 59

assignment to case, 12, 41–42

background of, 41

Capizzi testimony, 179

closing argument, 393, 396–97

defense motion to adjourn, 306–9

DeMasi and, 161

Fourth of July recess, 239–40

Katz testimony, 89–90

Long testimony, 63–66

Marra testimony, 187–89

media appearances, 49–50, 211, 399

Morris testimony, 197, 203–4

“Nee matter,” 371–73

O'Brien testimony, 95–96

opening statement, 40–49, 50, 181, 204

Patricia Donahue testimony, 318–19

Sideropoulos testimony, 383–84

the verdict, 399

Weeks testimony, 263–70

witness list, 308, 352–53

Carr, Howie, 137, 139, 142, 143, 146, 216, 273–75, 403–4

Casper, Denise J., 34–35

background of, 34

Bulger informant file, 184–85

Bulger potentially taking the stand, 386–88

Capizzi testimony, 179–80

defense motion to adjourn, 308

defense witness list, 308, 352–53

Flemmi and, 340, 343–44

Fourth of July recess, 239–40

imposes gag order, 49–50

jury nullification, 345, 346

Lindholm testimony, 327–28

Long testimony, 63–66

Martorano testimony, 131

Morris testimony, 194, 196–97, 200, 204

“Nee matter,” 371–73

O'Brien testimony, 90

prosecution's motion, 60

sentencing of Bulger, 409

Twomey case, 379–80

Weeks testimony, 269

Cassesso, Ronald, 117–18

Castro, Fidel, 141

Castucci, Richard “Richie,” 145–46, 172

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 20, 78, 166

Chandler's Bar, mob summit meeting at, 82–84, 93–94, 155–56, 165

Charlestown, 80, 105, 183, 246–47, 316, 343

Ciulla, Anthony “Fat Tony,” 174

claddagh ring, 166, 305, 312

Clarke, Ramsey, 116–17

Clement, Gerald, 61, 183

Cloherty, Jack, 348

CNN, 99–100, 274, 366

cocaine, 218, 220–27

Condon, Dennis, 190–92

background of, 115

Burton committee hearings, 287–88

Deegan murder case, 107–8, 117–20, 121, 191, 287–88

McLaughlin murder, 109–10

Morris and, 191–92, 206–7, 220, 279, 378–79

Patriarca case, 115–17, 191

retirement from FBI, 220, 285

use of informants, 115–21, 123–24, 126, 127, 191, 244, 245, 285, 288

Connolly, John

Angiulo and, 279, 280, 281

author's interview with, 16–18, 173–74, 389

background of, 124–25

Bulger's relationship with, 16–18, 40, 43–46, 47–48, 55–56, 126–27, 146, 169, 171–76, 182, 186–90, 192–96, 198–99, 203–4, 212, 213, 231, 245, 279, 290, 337, 347–48
, 355–56, 357, 376–77, 381–82, 389, 391–92

Callahan murder, 150, 151

Carney's opening statement, 43–46, 47–48

corruption of, 16, 55–56, 149, 171–76, 189–90, 194, 195–96, 280–81, 289, 294, 309, 310, 343, 378–79, 391–92

criminal investigations, 16, 193–94, 215, 335

Cronin's testimony, 376–77, 378–79

Flemmi as informant, 40, 55–56, 126–27, 146, 174, 175, 245, 279, 290, 330, 347–48
, 376–77

Halloran-Donahue murder, 149, 200–202, 363

illegal drugs and, 219–20

Martorano and, 47–48, 71, 132, 133, 150, 151, 175

Miami murder trial, 16, 17, 18
, 60, 215, 289, 348

Morris and, 46, 172, 192–96, 198–204, 205–6, 220, 281, 294, 369, 391–92

retirement of, 284

Salemme arrest, 125–26, 192

Senator Bulger and, 125, 219–20, 284

use of informants, 43, 126–28, 145, 146, 200–201, 258, 281, 283, 310, 347–48

Connors, Eddie, 315

Constitution, U.S., 240–41, 397, 404, 406

Crawford, James, 376–77

Criminal and an Irishman, A
(Nee), 30, 164, 246

Cronin, Matthew, 375–77

Cuba, 140–41

Cullen, Kevin, 77
216–17, 370

Daily Beast,

Daley, Kevin, 27–29

Daly, Thomas J., 145, 217, 308

Danbury Federal Correctional Institution, 15

Davis, Debra

exhumation of remains, 311–12

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