Where the Domino Fell - America And Vietnam 1945-1995 (63 page)

Read Where the Domino Fell - America And Vietnam 1945-1995 Online

Authors: James S. Olson,Randy W. Roberts

Tags: #History, #Americas, #United States, #Asia, #Southeast Asia, #Europe, #Military, #Vietnam War, #Modern (16th-21st Centuries), #20th Century, #World, #Humanities, #Social Sciences, #Political Science, #International Relations, #Politics & Social Sciences, #Politics & Government, #International & World Politics, #Asian, #European, #eBook

BOOK: Where the Domino Fell - America And Vietnam 1945-1995
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Salon, Rail


San Antonio formula


Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.


Schlesinger, James


Schwarzkopf, H. Norman


Seale, Bobby


search-and-destroy missions


ineffectiveness of


SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty




secret police


Madame Nehru’s


Ngo Dinah Nehru’s


Seeger, Pete


Shank, Edwin G.


Shapely, Robert


Sharp, Ulysses S. Grant, Jr.


Sheehan, Neil




Shoup, David


Sihanouk, Prince Norodom


Silvers, Robert B.


Smith, Walter Bedell


Smothers Brothers


Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV),


border war between China and (1979)




Sorensen, Theodore


Southeast Asia, strategic and economic importance of


Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)


South Vietnam


1959–1960 political situation in,


corruption in government of


economy of


loss of the war


political instability of (1964–1965),


U.S. aid to
See also
ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam)


Souvanna Phouma, Prince


Soviet Union


Special Forces (Green Berets)


Spellman, Francis Cardinal


Spock, Dr. Benjamin


Staley, Eugene


Stallone, Sylvester, vii


starvation policy


State Department


State of Vietnam.


Stennis, John C.


Stone, Oliver


in U.S. Army


early life and character of


as historian


in jail






in New York


and Richard Nixon




and parents


screenplay writer


and Vietnam


at Yale


Strategic Hamlet Program


Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)




Sully, François


Suu, Phan Khac


Sweeney, Dennia


Tan So Nhut


Tan Son Nhut airbase


Taxi Driver


Taylor, Maxwell




10/59 campaign


Tet II (1968)


Tet offensive (1968)


tactical disaster and strategic




Tet offensive (1969)


Thailand (formerly Siam)


Than Van Dong


Thanh, Nguyen Chi.
Nguyen Chi Thanh


Thao, Pham Ngoc.
Pham Ngoc Thao


Thich Qui Quang


Thieu, Nguyen Van.
Nguyen Van




Tho, Le Duc


Thomas, Norman


Thompson, Robert


Thuc, Ngo Dinh.
Ngo Dinh Thuc




Timmes, Charles J.


Tompkins, Rathvan


Tonkin, North Vietnam


Ton That Dinh




Tran Do


Tran Le Xuan


Tran Thien Kheim


Tran Van Chuong


Tran Van Don


Tran Van Huong


Tran Van Tra


Trieu Au


Trung sisters


Truman, Harry S.


Truman Doctrine




Turley, William


Turner, Nick


Ugly American, The
(Lederer and Burdick)


Uncertain Trumpet, The
(Maxwell Taylor)


United Action


United States


aid to France


anticommunism in


antiwar movement.
antiwar movement


United States embassy


1965 car bombing of


1968 Vietcong attack on,
Tet Offensive


United States troops


AWOL rates among


drug abuse among


fragging epidemic


race divisions
See also
Bravo Company


University of Michigan, first antiwar teach-in (1965)


Vann, John Paul


Van Tien Dung


Vietcong, ix


1963 strength of


1964 growing strength of


Chieu Hoi (Open Arms Program) and increasing aggressiveness of (1964)


land mines used by


North Vietnamese support of,
See also
North Vietnam, infiltration of personnel and supplies


Phoenix Program and


Strategic Hamlet Program and,


and Tet Offensive


weapons of
See also
communist forces; National Liberation Front (NLF); Vietminh


Viet Cuoung Hotel








map of North/South division, invasions and evacuations (1945–1975)
See also
North Vietnam;


Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV)

Vietnamese National Army


Vietnamese Special Forces


Vietnamization policy


Vietnam Lobby (American Friends of




Vietnam Moratorium Committee,


Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang (Vietnam Nationalist party)


Vietnam veterans
See also
Rambo movies


Vietnam War Memorial


Vietnam Women’s Memorial


village culture


Vinh Yen


Vo Nguyen, Giap.
Giap Vo Nguyen


Vung Tau Charter


Vuong Van Dong


Wallace, George


Wall Street Journal


Walt, Lewis


War Powers Resolution (1973)


War Resisters League (WRL)


War Zone D.


Washington, George


Watergate scandal


Wayne, John


weather and climate


West Berlin


Westmoreland, William C.




advocates invading Laos and Cambodia


gloomy predictions in private


Khe Sanh and


killing machine


on McGeorge Bundy


resignation of


speaks to Congress (1967)


strategic thinking of


Tet offensive and


troop requests by


Wheeler, Earle G.


White, Theodore H.


White House Festival of the Arts,


Wilson, Harold


Wicker, Tom


Williams, Samuel (“Hanging Sam”)


Wilson, Charles E.


Wilson, Harold


Winter Soldier Investigation.
Kerry, John


Wise Men


women, American


Women’s Solidarity Movement and


Paramilitary Girls


World War II




Xuan Thuy


Yippies (Youth International party),


Zedong, Mao.
Mao Zedong


Zhou Enlai




Indochina, 1995. Inset: A comparison in size between Vietnam and United States.


Vietnam, showing 1954 North/South division, and routes of invasions and evacuations, 1945 to 1975.


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