Where the Heart Is (7 page)

Read Where the Heart Is Online

Authors: Darcy Burke

Tags: #Christmas, #holiday, #Contemporary Romance, #Historical Romance, #paranormal romance, #regency romance, #angels

BOOK: Where the Heart Is
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Frustration over how the evening was going boiled over. “You think that's what I'm feeling toward you?”

Her gaze locked with his. “I don't know.”

“Let me show you then.” He drew her against his chest and lowered his lips to hers in a searing kiss, suddenly overwhelmed with the need to touch and taste her and prove she wasn't some charity case. Not to him.

He wrapped his arms around her back and held her close, but judging by the grip of her hands around his neck, she wasn't going anywhere. She met his kiss with the same urgency he was feeling. She felt so good against him, her body pressed into his, her mouth opening beneath his lips and her tongue inviting his into her heat.

The kiss continued for several minutes until Derek realized he had to get a handle on himself before he tumbled her back onto his bed. He broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers. “We're standing in the middle of my bedroom, you know.”

“Right,” she said, sounding breathless. “But it's not like you lured me here to see your fish tank. I'm here of my own accord, and I'm not going anywhere.” Her gaze darted to the side. “You don't even have a fish tank. How'd you get girls to come way down here?”

“Wine cellar's next door.” He pressed his lips to hers for a heated kiss, then pulled at her lower lip with his teeth before saying, “Do you want to see the wine cellar? It's very well stocked.”

“I'm more interested in how well you're stocked,” she said, pressing her body tight to his. “Show me the wine cellar later.”

“You got it.” He resumed the kiss, and she met him with her lush tongue, coaxing him to slide into her mouth. God, she tasted great, like mint and lemon. Fresh and seductive. It'd been a long time since he'd made out with someone, but he wasn't sure he'd ever done it like this.

The feel of her breasts against his chest and her thighs tight against his sent him into a state of full arousal. He held her head and kissed her deeply. He wanted more of her. As much as he could get.

Her hands twined into the base of his hair and clasped the back of his neck, holding him tight. Maybe it was this connection between them, but every touch felt like magic.

He glided his palms down her back and savored the heat coming through the thin layer of her sweater. She looked and smelled so good tonight. Her perfume was some sort of vanilla and something herb-like, or maybe it was pine. He inhaled, getting that the pine was coming from her hair. When his hands settled at her waist, she pushed into him, her hips angling against his and stoking his desire to an even hotter level.

He moved his mouth from hers, trailing kisses along her jawline. She arched her neck to give him better access.

“I suppose we should go back upstairs,” she said, her voice hoarse.

“We probably should.” He brought his mouth back up and their lips came together.

Her hands moved down his back and then they were under the hem of his shirt, resting at his waistline. Her fingertips grazed his skin and he nearly groaned.

Taking her lead, he slid his hand up her side and lightly cupped the underside of her breast. He ached to wrap his hand around it and tweak her nipple, but he didn't want to go too fast. Not unless . . . she dug her fingers into his flesh and it was all the urging he needed. He found the hem of her sweater and pushed his hand up inside. She was so hot, her skin soft.

Then they were falling onto his bed. How'd they even get next to it? The last several minutes were a haze. A wonderful, delicious haze. She shifted so that she was underneath him, their legs tangled. She scooted up and he followed, settling his right leg between hers. Her fingers skimmed just beneath the waist of his jeans. He twitched at the contact, his hips driving against hers.

He pushed up the hem of her sweater and bared her stomach. He dragged his thumb across the silky expanse and splayed his hand over her ribcage. Again, he left her mouth in search of new real estate, and this time her neck received his attention as he licked and nibbled at her flesh. She moaned softly and widened her legs.

The Christmas music coming over the sound system in the party area outside his room faded into the background as approaching voices invaded the melody.

Recalling that the door was wide open, Derek froze. The people weren't close yet, but the downstairs bar was only ten or so feet away from his door. He lifted his head from Chloe's delectable neck and saw that she had also heard the voices. Her eyes were wide, her skin not as flushed as it had been a few moments before.

With an internal groan, he rolled away from her and jumped up from the bed. He held out his hand.

She took his hand and got to her feet. “Thank you.” She moved to the mirror hanging next to the closet and smoothed her hair.

He went to stand behind her, his gaze finding hers in the mirror. “My pleasure.” He grinned absurdly. “Really, my pleasure. That was . . . awesome.”

“No regrets?” she asked tentatively.

“Only that we were interrupted,” he said devilishly.

She turned, blushing. “Me too. Guess we should head back out there.”

“Probably. I set our wine on the bar, so we should defend it at least.”

She stood on her toes and pressed a quick kiss to his mouth. “Then you can show me the wine cellar.” Her gaze turned seductive and he was pretty sure he could count on at least a mini-makeout session among Rob's collection.

He grabbed her hand. “Absolutely.”

So much for taking things slow.

Chapter Six


like she was walking on clouds the next day after touring Derek's beautiful house on Fifth Street. It was an old Victorian with an adorable porch on the front—it even had a swing. But the inside had been completely updated with granite counters, stainless steel appliances, and warm paint colors. Someone from Rob's property management company had met her there because Derek had spent the day hanging out with his “family” before most of the kids had taken off.

On the drive back to her apartment, she felt a touch of regret over leaving the Archers so soon. She liked their family and the apartment was beyond comfortable—despite a somewhat sleepless night caused by repetitive dreams involving her, a super-hot CFO, and a wine cellar.

She smiled to herself, recalling how great last night had turned out. After their wine cellar tryst, he'd taken her on a proper tour of the house, regaling her with a variety of stories about the Archers as they went. She noticed he didn't say much about his own family, but he'd been with the Archers for a decade, and she wondered if it was hard to remember what it had been like before. Or maybe it was too painful. That thought made her sad. She didn't particularly enjoy her parents' company on a regular basis, but she loved them and would be devastated if anything happened to them.

She pulled into the driveway and passed the waterfall. As she drove into the courtyard, she saw Derek's SUV and grinned.

Grabbing her purse, she climbed out of her Civic and went to the mudroom door. She hesitated, waffling between knocking and just letting herself in. Last night, Emily had told her to come over whenever she felt like it—even to raid the fridge at midnight. In fact, she'd wholeheartedly encouraged it since they hadn't had a chance to dish Derek yet, and she was really looking forward to filling Chloe in.

Smiling to herself, Chloe opened the door and walked in. As she hung her coat and purse on a hook she called, “Hello?”

“In here!” answered Emily.

Chloe turned and walked toward the kitchen, but Derek met her in the short hallway leading from the mudroom. “Hey,” he said, clasping her waist and giving her a quick kiss.

Warmth flooded Chloe as she smiled up at him. “Hey yourself.”

He looked scrumptious as usual in faded jeans and a cozy green V-neck sweater with a gray tee. Faint smudges marred the skin beneath his eyes, prompting her to say, “How'd you sleep?”

His gaze turned hot as he gave her a pointed stare that lingered on southern regions of her body. “Fitfully.” Then he cracked a smile. “Come on, we're having coffee. Or beer. Someone's always drinking beer.”

Chloe put her arm around him as they walked into the kitchen.

“Hi, Chloe!” Sara greeted her with a small wave. They had chatted for a bit last night, and Chloe really liked her. She was a little quirky in that she was simultaneously outgoing but also seemed hesitant. Later, Derek had explained that sometimes, especially in social settings, Sara had to work hard to find certain words. It was part of her sensory disorder, but she'd come a long way in conquering many of her challenges. “Come and sit,” Sara invited, patting a seat on the bench beside her.

Chloe noted that Alex was also seated at the table and exchanged hellos.

The kitchen included a huge room with a bay-shaped side that faced the back. In the center sat a large, square table surrounded by a mishmash of chairs and benches. A stone fireplace took up part of one wall, and windows overlooking the backyard and pool marched along the back. It was a warm space meant for eating and talking and just being together. It was clearly a central gathering point and even sported a slender Christmas tree in the corner near the fireplace. Over the fireplace hung a family portrait, maybe five years old based on how they all looked. Chloe had smiled last night when she'd noticed that Derek was in the picture. He might not be an Archer by name, but he was definitely a member of this incredible family.

While she'd studied the picture, she'd zeroed in on Kyle by process of elimination. She'd asked Derek what had happened between them. They'd been best friends since the birthday party incident, but then had gone to different colleges. Derek had stayed here in town and gone to Williver College, while Kyle had gone to Portland State University. Kyle had transferred to a culinary school during after his freshman year and had done very well. He'd immediately found a position as an apprentice with one of the city's top chefs. He'd continued to find success, but then he'd lost his job when the economy had turned south, and things had spiraled downhill ever since. Three years ago he'd moved to Florida and Derek had barely spoken to him. Not because Derek hadn't tried in the beginning, but it seemed that Kyle had wanted to sever ties with everything in Oregon, including his best friend.

Chloe could feel Derek's pain over the loss, but knew there was nothing she could do except provide support, which she was happy to do.

She took a seat next to Sara, who put her arm around her for a quick hug. She'd already figured out that Sara liked to touch people. As Derek had explained, it was another part of her sensory processing—touch gave her sensory input, which helped her other senses process information.

“Can I get you some coffee?” Emily asked, getting up from the table.

“Maybe she wants a beer,” Rob said, winking at Chloe and lifting his own pint glass.

“Actually, a beer would be great,” Chloe said.

“Ha!” Rob toasted her before taking a drink. “Marry her, Derek.”

Sara giggled beside her, and Alex smiled from across the table.

Derek waved Emily back down. “I'll get the beer.” He went to the bar and drew two pints of whatever they had on tap—it looked like the seasonal, but she'd learned last night that their kitchen keg typically held some unique concoction crafted by Rob in his mini-brewery downstairs.

“It's a little similar to the Nock,” Rob said, “but there's a rich caramel finish. Great beer for Christmastime.”

“Sounds tasty.” Chloe noted that only Alex and Sara were here. “Where's everyone else?”

“Liam and Tori took off an hour or so ago,” Alex said. “Hayden and Evan are out somewhere.”

Derek set the beer on the table and sat on the bench beside her. He picked up his pint and tapped hers. “Cheers!”

Everyone else lifted their pint glass or coffee cup and joined in the toast. Chloe gleefully raised her pint and smiled before taking a drink. The dark beer was in fact caramel-y delicious.

Emily, on the opposite side of the table from Chloe, set down her mug. “So what are your holiday plans, Chloe?”

“I don't know yet.” Chloe was all too aware of Derek's heat as his thigh pressed against hers on the bench.

“You're not going back to Pittsburgh?” Sara asked.

Chloe shook her head. “I just left. I'd like to spend Christmas here in my new home.” She blushed as she realized how that could be interpreted. “Not
exactly, but here in Oregon.”

“Oh, I think you should spend it here,” Emily said. “Please, I hope you'll consider it. Rob cooks a wonderful turkey.”

Alex, seated next to his mom, said, “And Mom makes a mean stuffing and apple pie.” He started coughing then, and Emily massaged his back.

When he was done, a moment later, his skin had paled. He was breathing heavily, like he'd run up a flight of stairs.

“Okay?” Emily asked him.

Alex nodded. Chloe didn't want to feel sorry for him, she'd already figured out last night that he didn't like pity, but it was hard not to. She might've felt like the odd one out in her family, but Alex actually was. Of all his siblings, he'd been dealt the crap card. While they were out pursuing their dreams—or flaking, as Kyle apparently was—he was stuck at home hooked up to an oxygen tank. Derek had expressed concern; he worried that Alex suffered from depression, and was pretty sure he was seeing a therapist. Chloe thought that was the best thing for him. She offered him a warm smile and he smiled in return, though it just didn't quite seem to reach his blue-gray eyes.

Sara turned to Chloe as if the coughing episode had never happened. “I hope you'll come for Christmas. We always watch
It's a Wonderful Life
in the afternoon in the theater downstairs. Mom makes special Christmas popcorn—it's vanilla-flavored and sprinkled with cinnamon and nutmeg.”

Chloe looked at Derek. “You'll be here, right?”

“Wouldn't miss it.” He put his arm around her waist and gave her a squeeze. “You should come.”

Scheduling something two weeks out in a relationship as new as theirs was a big deal. Agreeing to a Christmas date was an even bigger deal. But when she looked into his gorgeous blue eyes, she thought she just might say yes to forever.

“Sure,” she said, far more calmly than she felt. She broke her gaze from his, realizing things could get a little uncomfortable if they weren't careful. They might be horndogs in the throes of a new relationship, but they were still with his family. “I just remembered I have groceries in the car,” she said, which was true, not that they would spoil on a 40-degree day. But she'd been so distracted when she'd seen Derek's car that she'd clean forgot about them.

“I'll give you a hand,” Derek said, accurately reading her mind that this was a great opportunity for them to grab some alone time.

“Thanks,” she said, getting up from the bench.

“Take your beer,” Rob said. “I hate good beer to go to waste.”

“And come back for dinner at five,” Emily said. “We're having pork tenderloin with cranberry stuffing. I love this time of year.” Chloe could hear the contentment in her voice and wondered if her own mother had ever sounded like that.

“Thanks, I'd love that. You guys are incredible.” Chloe looked around the table. “I don't know how your kids could bear to move away. If you were my family, I'd never have left home.”

At the sympathy in Emily's gaze, Chloe glanced down. She hadn't meant to reveal to them that her family was less than great. The Archers were so wonderful, and she didn't want them to know she came from such a cold family.

“Well, that's a lovely thing to say,” Rob said, breaking the tension. “And I'm glad you'll be spending Christmas with us. Your family's loss is most definitely our gain.”

Yeah, they were pretty much perfect.

Derek stood up and lightly touched the small of Chloe's back. “Let's get your groceries.” When Rob opened his mouth, Derek rushed to pick up their beers. “I got them!”

Rob smiled and Chloe laughed.

“See you later,” Sara called as they left the kitchen.

Chloe grabbed her coat and purse and opened the door to the courtyard.

Derek held up the pint glasses. “Hmm, not sure how I can juggle your groceries, unless you want to carry these?”

“It's okay, I only have one bag. You carry the beer and I'll grab the groceries.” She hurried to her car and pulled the bag from the passenger side of the car.

He met her at the doorway. While she unlocked the door he said, “You lured me over here to help with groceries. You used me.”

She laughed as she walked into the entry and pulled the door closed behind him. “Not true! I never said I needed help. You were merely playing knight again.”

“That's where you're wrong. I'm afraid my motives are not at all knightly.” He said this with such dark, seductive promise that Chloe shivered.

She turned and led him up the stairs, excited at the prospect of the bad boy coming out again.



the sway of Chloe's hips on the stairs above him, the curve of her butt beckoning him forward like a siren calling from a distant shore.

He shook his lust-clouded head and somehow made it to the top of the stairs. She set her bag on the counter and quickly put her groceries away while he placed the beer on the bar.

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