Where Words Fail (31 page)

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Authors: Katheryn Kiden,Kathy Krick,Melissa Gill,Kelsey Keeton

BOOK: Where Words Fail
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“Yeah? And the problem is?”

“You seem way too overdressed for this situation.” I reached for the hem of my shirt but he growled and pushed me against the door again. “Touch that shirt and I will tie you to the bed. Do you understand?”





My fingers inched closer to the edge of her shirt but instead of lifting it over her head, I slipped my hands underneath. Her skin was warm against my hands as I traced my fingers over the edge of her skirt.

I dropped my mouth to hers and pulled her bottom lip between my teeth and nibbled. She had been nibbling on it since we got in my truck earlier, and it had been driving me insane.

Running the tips of my fingers across her hips, up her waist until my thumb hit the curve of her breast. Her shirt rising against my forearms. She raised her arms above her head, and I continued to slide her shirt up till she was free of it.

“No bra.” I wanted to take the time to read all of the tattoos she had that I hadn’t seen yet, but I knew there would be time for that later, and I knew there was no way it would happen after what she said next.

She moaned as my fingers traced over her nipples, and they pebbled under my touch, begging for my mouth. “No panties, either.”

My head dropped to her bare shoulder, and I groaned. “Sweet Jesus. You’re killing me here.”

My hand slid down her flat stomach, my other hand continued to tease her nipple while sucking on the other one. Running my tongue over the rigid skin. I pulled the skirt down till it passed her hips and dropped and pooled next to her feet on the floor. I skimmed my fingers back up her thighs.

Her legs shook as I slipped a finger between her lips. Sliding through the wetness and circling her clit. Her hips bucked forward and her head hit the door. “So, wet.” I let her nipple slip from my mouth and pulled my finger out of her. She whimpered as she watched me slip the finger coated in her into my mouth. “Mmm, you taste better than I remember.”

“You’re killing me, Jameson.” I noticed she was putting more and more pressure on her arms to hold her up when I finally remembered that she had a cast on her leg still.

“Shit babe. Let’s get you on the bed.” I gripped the backs of her thighs and lifted her.

“Not what I meant but this works too.” She moved her hips so her pussy was sliding up and down my still covered cock. I stumbled from the feeling but caught myself on the bedpost. She laughed. “Oh sorry... Did I distract you?”

I grunted and tossed her on the bed, dragging my fingers over her tits and down her stomach again. “We never were very good at serious sex, were we?”

“What fun is that?” She asked. “We were good at the sex part. That’s all that matters. Right? I scream, you scream...” Her voice trailed off as I slid two fingers into her and her eyes rolled back a bit.

“Remember what I promised?”

“Um...” I could tell she was trying to wrap her mind around what I was saying and not the fact that I was curling my fingers into her while my thumb ran circles around her clit. Her breathing was becoming shallow and erratic. “Multiple orgasms.”


“Well hop to it, Skippy.” Her mouth dropped open, and she moaned quietly when I pushed a third finger into her. Her walls clamping down hard against my fingers.

“Skippy, huh?” I chuckled and her hips raised to meet my hand. I slipped my arm under her to keep her hips in the air. Other than her head, shoulders and feet, everything was suspended in the air. She peeled her eyes open to see what I was doing. I gave her a cocky grin and winked at her before dropping my mouth to her pussy.

When my tongue replaced my thumb she screamed. “Ahh, Jesusfuckingchrist. Sonofabitch.” Her fingers knotted into the sheets.

I slid my tongue through her slit before hitting her clit again. Keeping time with my fingers inside of her. I pulled her leg over my shoulder to give me more room. “So fucking sexy… Tastes so good.” I mumbled against her. The vibrations caused her to tense up, biting her lip again.

I pulled back and dropped her hips to the mattress and climbed on.

“Slacker,” she said as she tried to catch her breath.

I chuckled. “Oh sweetheart. You actually think I’m done with you? I could eat your pussy all day.”

“Mmm. Sounds like a plan to me. But sooner or later I’m getting that cock.”

“Don’t you worry, I promised multiple. I plan on at least two with my mouth.”

I inched down until I was lying with my face between her thighs. I wasted no time burying my tongue in her pussy, inhaling her arousal. She moaned my name, her fingers raking through my hair as she tried to pull me closer. I speared my tongue into her, teasing her clit till she was pulling my hair so hard my scalp was going numb. The sensation shooting straight to my dick. I get now why she loves having her hair pulled.

I kept up my assault till she was screaming my name, her orgasm flowing over my tongue. Her thighs ridged against my ears muffled the noises coming from her mouth. I slowed down, allowing her to ride it out before attacking again. This time I kept my fingers inside. My mouth closing over her clit, alternating between flicking my tongue over the bundle of nerves and sucking it hard into my mouth until she came again.

Kissing my way up her body as she caught her breath. I kissed her deeply, allowing her to taste herself on my lips before sitting back on my heels. I pulled her legs over my hips. Her hand snaked between us as she reached for my cock. Grabbing her hands I pinned them above her head.

“Tsk tsk woman. I’m all for having you touch me, but I’ve been waiting almost ten years to be back in your pussy. Keep your hands there or I won’t let you come again.” She giggled but kept her hands where I put them. Running the tip of my cock between her lips I inched into her and back out. The feeling caused my mind to fog over. “So.” Thrust. “Fucking.” Thrust. “Tight.” Thrust. She whimpered every time I pushed into her. I felt every muscle contract inside her.

Picking up the pace, I slammed forward again and again. My fingers digging into her hips so hard she’ll probably have bruises tomorrow. I felt her tense up and knew she was ready again. Tilting her hips so I got a better angle, I thrust harder, faster, pounding into her until she screamed my name over and over.

I needed her more now than ever. I knew I would never get enough of her. Never let her go.

I don’t remember when her hands moved but she was pulling me down to her. Pulling my face to hers and kissing me. Her tongue plunging into my mouth, keeping time with our hips before she bit my bottom lip. I pulled back as she slowed the kiss and dropped my head to her shoulder, my teeth grazing over her collarbone.

I felt my own orgasm wanting to start, but I wasn’t ready for this to be over, so I pulled out and dropped my face back down. Before she knew I had even stopped fucking her, my tongue was pushing deep inside of her, my fingers pinching her clit.

“SHIT!” She screamed as another orgasm rocked through her.

I sat back up, thrusting back into her while she was still coming. The walls of her pussy squeezing me so hard my vision started to blur. I felt the pull deep in my stomach as my body went rigid. Pumping hard into her a few more times before I came harder than I ever have.

My body dropped to hers, and I rolled us to the side to keep myself from crushing her. My fingers raking through her tangled hair as I kissed her slowly, deeply. I was still inside her as my dick softened. Her face was buried into my chest, her breathing even. The words slipped out of my mouth before I even had a chance to think about them.

“Marry me, Abby,” I whispered into her hair.

She stiffened for a second before chuckling and relaxing. She laughed into my chest. “Such a romantic.”

“Shit... I totally did that wrong.” Fuck! I’m such a dumbass. What girl would ever say yes to a marriage proposal with a fucking withering dick inside of her? I just blew my load and my chance. SHIT!!

“Damn straight Skippy... But I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

I pulled my head back and tipped her face to mine. “Wait... What?”

“Yes, you idiot.” I pressed my lips to hers, hard, and told her I loved her before slipping out of her. She whimpered at the loss of contact. I slid from the bed, searching for my jeans. My hand closed around what I was looking for and I made my way back to the bed. I quickly took Abby’s hand and slid it on to her finger.

“I’ve been carrying this around since a few days after the accident. Alex gave it to me and told me to get my ass in gear.” She looked down at the ring I had just slipped on her finger and her eyes welled up with tears.


“Yeah babe, Alex thought you would like it. I know this wasn’t perfect but I couldn’t wait another second without knowing if you would be mine.”

She climbed over to me, slid her leg over mine and straddled me. “This... The ring, the proposal after mind blowing fucking sex, knowing you couldn’t wait. It was perfect Jameson.” She kissed me. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”



If Tuesday smacks the back of my head one more time I’m going to throttle her. Seriously, once is enough. Believe me when I say this is totally the wrong time for this. Two days before my wedding was not the time I wanted to find this out.

The only reason I even went to the doctors this morning was because I had been feeling sick and didn’t want to pass it off to Alex. His immune system can’t handle much right now. When the nurse asked me if there was any chance I could be pregnant I went to my automatic response of “hell fucking no...” But stammered to a stop half way through it.

I’m on birth control. No effing way am I pregnant. But evidently my birth control mixed with some of the medications I was still on from my accident didn’t play well together. Thanks for that Goddamn warning. Not that I expected to be having sex while I was on them considering I didn’t remember who Jameson was when they went over all the precautions with me.

What can I say? I’m a total fuck up.

I came home in total meltdown mode three hours ago and instead of being at my dress fitting, we were sitting in my shower stall hiding from the rest of the world. Thank God the guys were all out getting the rest of the shit they needed and had Izzy with them. I don’t think I would have been able to handle telling Jameson without having this meltdown first.

. “Seriously, Abby... Eleven Goddamn weeks. How do you not realize you aren’t bleeding like a stuck pig for eleven fucking weeks?”

“Smack me one more time Tuesday... I swear to God...”

“You’ll what? Launch your pregnant ass over here and beat me? Bring it, bitchtits.”

I scrubbed my hands over my face and let my head fall back against the wall. “This isn’t funny Tuesday. How the hell am I supposed to tell Jameson? What if he just thinks I’m marrying him to trap him into this? What if he thinks the baby isn’t his? What if he hates me? We never talked about actually having kids...”

I was beyond panicking now and was running my mouth at warp speed. I would be really surprised if she actually got anything out of my mouth other than Imatotalfuckupkillmenow.

She finally stopped laughing and slid down the wall next to me and pulled me over across her lap. Her hand smoothed my hair away from my face and wiped the tears out of my eyes.

“Hey hey hey... That boy loves you more than anything. And I don’t just think it’s because he gets to stick his sausage in your biscuit.” I snorted around my tears. I couldn’t help it. The way Tuesday words things sometimes is amazing. “How the hell could he possibly think you were trapping him into this?
asked you the first night his piggly found your wiggly again. I highly doubt he will think the baby isn’t his. Christ Abby, he’s not going to hate you... And if he says he doesn’t want kids then he can stuff his tally whacker up his own ass and high tail it out of here and I’ll be your baby daddy. But that’s not going to happen, so take a deep breath and stop crying, pull your big girl panties up and go tell your man that his demon seed spread and you’re producing the next spawn of Satan in your uterus right now. That way if he wants to back out we still have time to put the kibosh on the nuptials before everyone shows up.”

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