Whetted Appetites (13 page)

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Authors: Anastacia Kelley

BOOK: Whetted Appetites
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     When Victoria was confident that the food was in no harm of disappearing any time soon, she felt it was okay to mingle with the guests a little while and see how they were doing.

     She smiled politely, making small talk here and there.  That is, until she spotted Travis Duncan flirting unsuccessfully with one of the Bloombergs’ daughters. 

Oh, please, dear God, don’t let him see me.  I don’t feel like getting into a sparring match with him in front of my clients and their guests. 

     She’d never be hired back again.  It would be unfortunate because she really enjoyed the Bloombergs’ company.

     Victoria excused herself as graciously as possible and made a beeline toward Melissa. 

     Melissa saw Victoria’s troubled eyes.  “What’s wrong, Victoria?  Is someone being rude to you?”

     Victoria shook her head.  “Look who’s over there trying to win someone over with his holier-than-thou attitude.”  She pointed her eyes in the direction of Travis.

     Melissa turned her head to the guy in the immaculate gray suit.  His blond hair was combed back with a hint of hair gel.  She could tell that his fingernails were manicured from where she was standing.  His body suggested that he worked out in a gym because there’s no way he would have a job that required back breaking work.  He was a handsome man but the air of arrogance that illuminated around made him off-putting and she could smell the stench a mile away.  Melissa could see why the woman he was talking to was not impressed at all with him.

No wonder Victoria couldn’t stand him.  He was all about himself.

Melissa glanced over at Victoria.  “No wonder you kicked him out of your house.  He looks like a total jerk,” she commented.

     “Let’s just hope he doesn’t notice me.  I don’t want to talk to him.  Hell, I wished I’d never laid eyes on the first-rate pig.”  Victoria shuddered in disgust.

     Much to Victoria’s dismay, Travis did spot her.  Fixing a viperous smile on his face, he strutted over to her like a too-proud peacock.  “Victoria, what are you doing here among this hoi polloi working like a proletarian?” he inquired vindictively with an icy sneer on her face.  His eyes were coldly unforgiving.

     Victoria plastered on a saccharine smile.  She lowered her voice as not to arouse the guests’ suspicions.  “Travis.  What a---surprise?---to see you.”  She saw his lips twitch menacingly.  “I didn’t know you traveled in such civilized circles.”

     Melissa tried to hide her laughter.  She chocked back a chuckle.

     Travis barely spared her a glance before turning his clouded eyes on Victoria.  He leaned over slightly, his too-strong cologne making Victoria want to sneeze.  He whispered harshly.  “You needn’t be so spiteful, dear.”

     Victoria kept her calm but spoke firmly, “I am
your dear.  Why don’t you go pester someone else, Travis?  I’m busy here.  Or can’t you see past your high-and-mighty eyes?” she said in an annoyed voice.  “Why don’t you bother some unassuming woman?  I’m sure it would take her no time at all to figure out that you’re a fraudulent schlep,” she said mockingly then smiled.  “See, Travis.  That was mocking.”

     Melissa bit her lip.  She ended up snorting.

     Travis snapped his head to Melissa.  “I don’t think I gave you permission to find humor at my expense, you worthless, no-good b----“

     “Leave, Travis, before I get security to throw you out on your arrogant butt,” Victoria demanded firmly.

     “I wasn’t talking to you anymore, Victoria,” Travis said through his clenched teeth.

     “I don’t care.  You will not talk to my best friend like that,” Victoria admonished.

     Travis clearly hated a woman who told him what to do.  “I was invited to this affair, thank you very much.”

     Melissa spoke up tersely.  “Well, we can get you uninvited real quick.  You’re going to cause a scene.  Victoria’s right.  You had better leave.  Go somewhere else that’s not close to where we are and everything should be fine.”

     “You know, Victoria,” he said, ignoring Melissa’s comment.  “The saying is true.  You hang around commoners too long and you start to act like them,” Travis told her, looking too proud of himself.

     Victoria lifted her chin a notch.  “Well, if that’s really true,
then perhaps you need to start hanging around a real man.”

     Travis’s nostrils flared, but Victoria’s comment clearly took the wind out of his sails.  “I’ll be seeing you again soon, Victoria,” he warned before stomping off.

     “What a bastard,” Melissa pointed out when Travis was out of earshot. 

     Victoria shrugged.  “He’s just on a power trip.  All that money has gone to his air head.”  She snickered.

     Melissa couldn’t share in her friend’s humor.  “Victoria, I think he’s a real threat to you.  You need to do something about him.  He’s harassing you.”

     Victoria tried a light-hearted approach, attempting to shrug it off.  “He’s nothing to worry yourself over, Melissa.  I’ll probably never see him again.”

     Melissa tapped lightly on Victoria’s head.  “Hello?  You travel in the same social circles.  Of course, you’re bound to run into him again.”

     “Okay.  Okay.”  Victoria put her hands up.  “I will file a complaint if he shows his face around me again.”

     Melissa seemed to be appeased for now.  “Good.”

     “Let’s just have fun, all right?” Victoria pleaded.

     Melissa nodded her head and went back to helping the guests find every thing they needed.

     The party started wrapping up in the next hour, so Victoria and Melissa began cleaning up.

     Mrs. Bloomberg walked over to the table where they were putting away boxes.  “Thank you very much, Victoria.  Melissa.  Those truffles were simple to die for.  I’m going to need to spend the rest of the month on my treadmill,” she laughed.

     “It was our pleasure, Mrs. Bloomberg.  We had a wonderful time.”  Victoria smiled at the older lady.  She had always been nice to her and Melissa.  No amount of money made Mrs. Bloomberg alter her personality.

     Mrs. Bloomberg handed Victoria the gratuity check.  Added with the bill, it was well over what they had discussed and she pointed it out to Mrs. Bloomberg.

     But the lady just waved her hand.  “Oh, posh.  You both did such a superlative job.  You’re both honest, hard-working young ladies.” She patted Victoria’s hand.  “Your mother must be very proud of you, Victoria.”

     Victoria smiled noncommittally.

     “I hope you can cater again for us in the near future,” Mrs. Bloomberg beamed.

     “We’d be happy to, Mrs. Bloomberg,” Melissa replied.

     “Good-bye, dears.  I have to see my guests off.”

     Victoria and Melissa cleaned up the remaining trays and loaded the van.

     “Aside from Travis, I had a blast.”  Melissa informed Victoria as she started the van.

     “So did I,” Victoria assented.  Travis could go suck an egg for all she cared, she thought somewhat acridly.

     Melissa steered the van into the parking lot of the bakery fifteen minutes later.  After unloading all their supplies, they locked up and decided to go out and grab a bite to eat at the local sandwich shop.

     Victoria sat down with her club sandwich.  She unwrapped it and took a big bite.  She was starving after working that big party.  All day, she had smelled all the delicious, enticing scents of an array of foods but had no time to sample any.  Now, she was ravenous.

     Melissa brought their sodas and sat down.  “We have those interviews tomorrow.  I hope they go well.  I’m going to need a rest after today,” she admitted as she bit into her Philly Cheese steak with melted, smoked provolone.

     Victoria took a sip of her cherry soda.  “I’m with you on that.  With the people we’ve picked out, I’m confident we won’t be disappointed.” 














Chapter Nine

     Victoria sat opposite Robert, an applicant for the baker’s job.  “What we’ll need you to be able to do is come up with delicious recipes as well as being able to cook and bake the ones we have on file.  Our recipes must remain confidential,” she explained.  “Anyone who abuses out trust with these will be fired on the spot.”

     Robert nodded.  “Oh, I would never abuse that trust,” he pledged.  “I know how much it takes to care for something or someone you put your heart into.”

     Victoria’s heart went out to him.  She was aware of his mom’s condition.  She also knew he wasn’t just talking about food.  He must love his mother very much to dedicate his life to her while she was sick, sacrificing his career to do so.  That showed character.  She had a feeling Robert would work out just fine.  He seemed trust-worthy and very pleasant to be around.  Still, he would have to be put to the test.

     Victoria looked over his application one last time.  “Now all I need from you is to come up with a tasty dish and we’ll go from there.”

     Robert dug in his jacket.  “If you don’t mind, I brought a recipe that I would like to make for you to taste.”

     Victoria nodded her approval.  “Sure.  Melissa will show you where everything is.  Follow me.”

     After explaining and showing what went on in the kitchen, Robert started to make his dish.

     Melissa worked up front while Victoria took care of some paperwork in her office.

     Victoria was just about finished with the budget when the phone rang.  “Thanks for calling ‘The SweetTooth’.  This is Victoria.  How may I help you?”

     “Well,” a sexy male voice said.  “If you’re serving yourself on a silver platter, I would love to try a sample.”

     Victoria’s body heated.  “Hey, Dalton.  Are you sure you can handle it?” she teased.

     “I handled it just fine the last time we baked together.  But, I think I’d like for you to handle it, Victoria,” he said in a low voice.  “What do you say?  I know I have to wait a while longer until I slide into your warm body but, until then, I want to slide into your warm mouth,” he ground out.

     Victoria’s breath caught.  Her clit started throbbing at the image of her on her knees, sucking Dalton into a fierce orgasm.

     “I don’t mind tasting you again, too.  I would love to lick you clean tonight.”

     Victoria crossed her legs.  It didn’t help the throbbing.  “I loved how your tongue felt on my body.  And, I would love to put my mouth around you until you exploded.  Why don’t you come by around seven?”

     “Seven it is,” Dalton agreed.  “Until Friday, I’m going to touch, taste and tease you just before you fall over the edge.  So, by Friday you’ll be more than ready for me to slip inside you.  Then, I’m going to take you over and over again.”  If he kept on talking like this, he would be the one worked into such madness, that he wouldn’t be able to do all the things he told her he would do.  “I’ll see you tonight.”

     Victoria replaced the receiver.  She blew out a breath.  Goodness, Dalton got her heart pumping faster than an aerobics class.  If he planned on playing with her just enough until he could have her completely, she knew her little lady downstairs would probably be crazy by then.  Well, she started it.  Now, Dalton planned to finish it.  She didn’t find anything wrong with that.  Seven couldn’t come soon enough.  She had another six hours to go. 

     About an hour later, Victoria, Melissa and Robert sunk their teeth into the best crème caramel.  Melissa and Victoria agreed that is was the best they have ever tasted.  Both of them decided to hire him on the spot. 

     “That’s terrific!  I’ll start tomorrow,” he said.

     “Be here at seven-thirty and we’ll tell you what needs to be done,” Victoria informed him.  “And don’t worry about your uniform.  We’ll get you one as soon as we can.  Just wear simple jeans and a white shirt.  Something you don’t mind getting dirty.”  Victoria gave him a schedule after she filled it out. 

     “I’ll be here,” he promised and walked happily out of the store.

     “Who do we have next?” Melissa wanted to know.

     Victoria scanned the list.  “A young mother named Tiffany.  She said she was looking for some more work to make ends meet for her kid.”

     Melissa nodded.  “Well, let’s hope she’s good.”


     Hours later, having finished interviewing everyone on the list, Victoria and Melissa sat wearily in the office chairs, sipping a much needed cup a coffee.

     “I’m glad Tiffany was competent with her baking.  She did a fantastic job on those key lime cheesecake squares,” Melissa noted.

     “Yeah.  Those were melt-in-my-mouth delicious.”  Victoria took a sip of her coffee.  “So now we have gotten all the cooks and cashiers we need, thank goodness.”

     “Life just got a little easier.”  Melissa sighed as she sat further back in her chair.

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