Whirlwind (SAI Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: Whirlwind (SAI Book 2)
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Mark took a slug of his beer and grinned. “I never thought I would get this lucky and be this happy. Birdie is better than I imagined. We’re not perfect and we have our struggles, but I couldn’t imagine my life without her.”

“Does she get tired of your cranky ass and need a break from you?” Grady laughed.

“No. It’s the opposite.” He crossed his leg over his knee and studied his jeans. “I can tell you this because Birdie talks about it openly. About four months after Maddy was born, Birdie started having anxiety attacks. A small event would trigger her, and she would start worrying about something happening to me or Maddy. At first she tried to work through it herself, and then she realized that it was getting worse. We hit a rough patch when I was asked to advise on an op that would take me out of the country for three weeks, at least.”

“What happened?” Grady asked.

“I didn’t understand the full extent of her struggle, so I was ready to take the assignment. The day after I told her that I was going to go, she fell apart. Now, you have to understand how devastating that was. Birdie is the most competent, independent woman I’ve ever met. I came home and saw her sitting on the floor, clutching Maddy, crying uncontrollably. It scared the shit out of me. She was absolutely convinced that something was going to happen to me and she was going to be alone. There was no changing her mind. It took a while, but she finally confessed what she’d been going through. Once I understood the depth of the problem, we started to deal with it.”

“I know you, and I can imagine how hard it was to turn down the assignment,” Grady remarked.

Mark rubbed his hand on the back of his neck and grinned. “It wasn’t that hard. Seeing my wife in a panic got my priorities in order. I never figured that she needed me all that much. I know she loves me, but she could probably run a small country if she wanted to. Going through this experience together has taught me that she needs me in ways that I never understood. She could probably still run a country. She just needs me to come home every night to be able to do it.”

“How did you two work it out?”

“Birdie started seeing a therapist, and she took some antianxiety medication for about six weeks. That helped her get over the worst of it. Now we have a routine, and it seems to be working. She still goes to therapy. She lets me know if she starts to go into a panic, and we work through it. What really seemed to help was that she started bringing me lunch. Maddy started getting her teeth, and nothing calmed her like being in her stroller, so Birdie ended up walking all over the island in an attempt to help soothe her. One day she walked from the house to the base, because it had taken that long for Maddy to fall asleep. The next day, she did the same thing and brought me lunch. Now most days, the girls bring me something to eat. They stay for about ten minutes and then walk back. Works out for everyone. Somehow if Birdie sees me for a couple of minutes in the middle of the day, then she’s okay. We’ve had about five good months, and she says that she’s starting to feel better. Also, she confessed that all that walking is making her butt smaller, so she doesn’t want to stop. I happen to like her the way she is, but I’m not willing to rock the boat.”

“So now you know that Birdie not only loves you but also needs you.”

“Out of something hard came something good. Which is true more often than not. We are closer than we’ve ever been, and I know that when tough things come up, we are going to be able to deal with them.”

“So, you two really are perfect for one another.”

“Yeah. I’m one lucky son of a bitch.”

The back door scraped open, and Birdie, Maddy and Sara strolled out. The baby was clean and had her pajamas on, and Birdie handed her to Mark. “She’s ready for her bottle and her story.”

“That’s my cue.” Mark stood up and dropped a kiss on his wife’s head as he passed. “Come on, Mads. Let’s go have a story.”

Grady watched Mark walk into the house with his daughter and hoped like hell that he would be that lucky someday. Glancing at Sara, he knew he’d found someone he wanted to be lucky with.






The sound of the waves filled the room as the warm ocean breeze blew across her skin. What a wonderful way to start the day.  Rolling over, Sara felt Grady’s stare. It was so primal that
she wondered if he was about to consume her in one bite. Moving her hand to his face, she let her fingers play across his cheek. “Good morning.”

“I’ve been waiting…I figured that I wore you out last night and you needed your rest.”

Snuggling closer, she spread her fingers across the massive wall of muscle that covered his arm. He was a physically imposing man, but his real strength lay in his character. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

His hand ran along her back, and she shivered under his touch. “For standing by me, protecting me, and caring. I didn’t realize how heavy the burden has been until you took some of it off my shoulders. The last couple of days has been the first time I’ve relaxed in a really long time.”

“I would do anything for you, Sara.”

It seemed as though the room grew hotter as the desire to blend blood and bone with him overwhelmed her. She wanted to tangle her body and heart with his forever. “Let me…”

His laugh was rich and deep and very masculine. “Allow me, Sara.” Throwing the sheets aside, he stared down and grinned. “You are all mine, and I’m going to love every inch of you.” He pushed her legs apart with his knees and dragged his finger through her slick folds. “So wet.”

The heat from his skin made his scent stronger, and she swore it was pure animal mating. A heady mixture of desire and testosterone stole her ability to think as he took control of her mind and body.

His tongue ran down her center while his finger slipped inside. Between the strokes of his finger and the nibbling, licking motions of his mouth, her back bowed off the bed. She was completely under his command. “Too good.”

“No such thing, honey. Let me see how I make you feel.”

Her orgasm shimmered closely, and a small whimper escaped her lips. He must’ve sensed what she needed, because he added a second finger and pumped in and out of her wet heat with light strokes. At the same time, he closed his teeth over her throbbing bud and bit gently.

She came, and blinding pleasure rolled over her in waves. She rode it out in wild abandon. He didn’t stop stroking her with his tongue or remove his fingers until every ounce of her orgasm was done and she was wrung out. Finally he lifted his head and gave her a satisfied grin.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

“I have no idea.”

“Perfect.” He leaned over, grabbed a condom and ripped the package open with his teeth. “Now I’m going to make you feel really good.”

“I don’t know how much more I can handle.” She sighed.

“Oh, you’ll handle it and then ask for more.”

She watched his hungry eyes as he fitted himself with the condom. Raising her legs, he hooked her ankles over his shoulders and paused. Breath held, she waited for him to take her, and her eyes slipped shut.

“Open your eyes.” Grady poised himself above her with his muscles locked. “It’s going to be fast and hard.”


“Don’t hide, Sara. Keep your eyes open, because I want to see your smile when I make you come again.”


Grady stroked himself against her swollen folds, rubbing the sensitive clit until she was right there again on the edge of coming. She writhed underneath him, digging her nails into his shoulders. He kept up a maddening slow pace and she shouted, “Take me now.”

“Since you asked so nicely.” He plunged deeply inside and buried himself completely.

She cried out and hung on as the length and width of him filled her. All she could do was surrender as he started to move. With every stroke, he claimed her, and all she could do was hang on to his shoulders as he drove inside her over and over again.

Rocking his hips, he put just the right amount of pressure on her clit to keep her from tumbling over. “Grady…please.” And with one perfect, deep thrust, she was released. A shimmering heat crawled over her body as she shot apart.

Brutal pleasure flooded her senses as she turned boneless. His loud shout told her that he had followed her over. Tiny tremors wracked her body as she drifted back to reality. Helpless, she melted into the bed. It was a mind-blowing experience, and she wanted more.

It felt as if he marked her and claimed her in a way that would irrevocably change and maybe wreck her life. The collision seemed worthwhile though, because if she was going to be destroyed, this was the way to go.


“Grady, breakfast is ready.” She took the toast out, buttered it and then placed it on the plates.

“Thanks, honey. We could’ve gone out to eat.”

“I wanted to cook, so sit down and eat while it’s still hot.” She waited for him to sit and then poured them each a cup of coffee. “Do you want juice?”

“Sure. Let me get it.”

“Eat, please. I’ll get it.” She kissed his head and then poured him a big glass of juice.

“I like the way you’re taking care of me. It makes me think that you like me.”

She settled into her chair and took a sip of coffee. “Oh, I like you all right. I have a lot of feelings that I’m not sure what to do with.” Staring at him over the rim of her cup, she smiled. “The connection that I’m starting to feel is dangerous and scary.”

His big hand covered hers, and he waited until she looked him in the eye. “We are in this together. I’m scared out of my mind because I’m falling for you. It’s only been a couple of weeks, and I want to bind you to me permanently.”

His words made her heart squeeze painfully in her chest. Was it possible that a man as good as Grady was falling for her? “Really?”

“Honey, I’m not a person who lives by half measures. I see something that I want and I go for it. I put everything I have into it. So this is never going to be a casual thing. I’m not interested in something that keeps me warm. I want something that will burn me up and consume me. You are the person that I want, and I will never be satisfied with anything less than all of you. Are you in?”

Taking a deep breath, she gazed into his eyes and responded, “I’m scared out of my mind, but I’m in.”

Leaning forward, he kissed her gently. “Finally.”

“What do you mean…finally?”

“You are mine and I am yours and we are together.”

“Oh…that’s what you want? Having the mafia after me doesn’t give you pause?”

“No. We’re going to figure out how to neutralize them. It’s not something that I’ve ever done before, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t come up with a plan. I have a brotherhood that is excellent at thinking outside the box and coming up with solutions to difficult situations. I’ve got a lot of guys thinking about this, so don’t worry, honey. I’ve got us covered.”

“You make it sound so easy, and it’s not.”

“I don’t expect easy, never had it in my job, and I have no reason to believe that’s ever going to change.” He pushed her plate toward her. “Eat. You have a big day today, and you need your energy.”

Smiling faintly, she took a bite of the omelet she had made. How he could think all of the threats against her were no big deal was beyond her. The FBI hadn’t been able to end them. Why was he so confident? She was about to say something when he held up his hand.

“We are together, and this is how it’s going to be.”

“That seems sort of dictatorial. What happened to asking me what I want?”

“You can be in charge of a lot, but not this. I won’t compromise on your safety, so save yourself a lot of grief and just agree.”


He patted her hand and began eating again. “I know you’re not happy, but I can live with that. I can’t live with something happening to you.”


“Why do I suddenly hate that word?”

“Because you’re a smart man and understand that when I say it, I don’t really mean it. But. I’m going along to get along.”

“Sounds good to me.”

All she could do was laugh. He was an indomitable force, and there were some things that were not worth fighting. This seemed to be one of them. “I’m going to get ready for my meetings. I have no idea what to wear to this thing. I have a feeling that I’m not cool enough to show up at Comic-Con.”

“What do you know about the convention?”

“Only what I’ve seen on TV. A lot of people dress up to attend, because it’s a fan and trade convention. Top Shelf and Ardden Entertainment are considered top dogs in the graphic novel game, and it’s hard to believe they want to meet with me.”

“You are an award-winning illustrator with an amazing track record. They would be lucky to have you.”

“They don’t know me by my real name. I published the first graphic novel under a pen name. I didn’t want to draw any attention by using my real name. I used the fake identity that Sam set up for me so I would remain under the radar.”

“So they don’t know anything about your children’s books?”

BOOK: Whirlwind (SAI Book 2)
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