Whiskey Kisses (3 page)

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Authors: Addison Moore

BOOK: Whiskey Kisses
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“In that case, you should consider donating your brain to science. Right now.

Jemma and I enter a standoff, just staring one another down with nothing but a headless pickle between us to pass judgment.

A pair of pale arms wave from the bar, catching my attention. Laney smiles like a loon as she heads this way. My heart warms at the sight of my sweet baby sis. She’s been working here for almost a year, and, each time she talks about the place, she seems really happy as if she’s wanted to do this all along. But, then, everything always works out for Laney. She and her longtime boyfriend, Ryder, are getting married in a few short months, thus the spastic text to meet her at the Black Bear this afternoon. I don’t mind. It’s actually quiet here today. It’s officially June, so most of the people who live in this college town are gone for the summer.

“Bring Lila down to the studio.” I tap my fingers over the table to garner Jemma’s wandering attention. Every time Holt walks by, her eyes sway in his fitted-denim direction.

“Are you kidding? And reward the little shit? She turned the channel yesterday and forced her brothers to watch a horror movie.”

“That’s a new one for her.” Lila is Jem’s six-year-old daughter, and according to Jemma, she might be Satan’s spawn. “And where were you while the kids were subject to teen vampires in love?”

“Napping. Believe it or not, I’m the only damn person in the house who appreciates a good snooze-fest in the middle of the afternoon. I’m telling you, this summer is going to be the death of me.”

“Have they already handed out mother of the year?” I tease. “Because I think you’re a front-runner.”

“Damn straight I am.”

Laney fast approaches with two girls in tow.

“Izzy!” Laney pulls me into a hug and her cute, perky friend, Baya, gives a shy wave from behind. Roxy Capwell, her soon to be sister-in-law is next to her. “You remember Baya and Roxy, right?”

“Of course, I remember Baya, and I’ll never forget Roxy.” I lean over and give a deep rocking hug to my once upon a dance student. When Roxy was coming to the studio she was a shy, sweet thing, and now she’s a gorgeous-as-all-hell Goth girl who looks like she’d gut you for kicks if you smile the wrong way.

Roxy pulls back. “How’s everything at the ELDS?”

I’ve pretty much taken over the Electric Lights Dance Studio from my mother.

“Great,” I whisper, pulling away. Her eyes shine a deep shade of navy. Her pale skin acts as a dramatic backdrop for her dark hair with its cherry highlights. Roxy is a true beauty—heck, they all are. “And I never thanked you properly for throwing up on my favorite strappy heels a few months back. I cut myself out of them, by the way.” And swore off strappy footwear for the rest of my natural days. Anytime you voluntarily place yourself in bondage to try and garner the attention of the opposite sex, it’s not worth the effort. Then again, I’m never really after the attention of the opposite sex. That night happened to be another one of my sister’s hair-brained attempts at finding me a horizontal dance partner. You would think there was a crisis situation-taking place in my jeans that only a male spare part could fully alleviate. I don’t think Laney could ever understand the last thing I’m looking for is something quick and dirty. I’ve had enough unwanted physical attention to last a lifetime. But Laney doesn’t know that either. There are some things a little sister shouldn’t have to deal with. I’ve been protecting Laney for as long as I can remember, and I’m not going to stop now.

Holt’s sister, Annie, comes over, and I pull an empty seat right next to mine. She offers the sweetest, strongest hug, and it’s not until we pull away do I even see that she’s all grown up and a beauty queen in her own right. Gone are the coke-bottle glasses and braces, traded for diamond cut eyes that rival her brother’s, and a dazzling smile.

“Would you look at this?” I gasp at Laney. “We’ve got a bona fide supermodel among us.” I look to Roxy and Baya. “All of you.”

Annie gives a bashful smile and shakes her head refuting the idea. I can sign just enough to get by, but, for the most, part Annie is exceptionally good at reading lips.

“Two of my favorite students in one place.” I take them in. “You guys should come back to the studio sometime. We’re offering adult classes on the weekends.”

They exchange glances, making it pretty clear they have better things to do than trip the lights on a Saturday.

“Well, I gotta fly.” Jemma gives a quick glance around. “If you see my sister, tell the little brat I waited a solid fifteen. Ron is going to hack his head off if he has to sit on those kids another damn minute.” She takes a few swigs of the whiskey concoction Holt was kind enough to bring and slaps me a high five before jetting out the door.

Laney shakes her head. “It’s always a pleasure, Jem.” She cuts her dark blue eyes to mine. Laney and I look nearly identical, but my hair is longer and darker, my eyes just a touch lighter than hers. “She stiff you with the bill again?” Laney doesn’t wait for an answer. “Seriously, Iz? You need new friends. That girl has been trouble since you were fifteen.”

“Thank you, Mom.” I take a sip of my drink and feel the burn travel all the way down to my stomach. “Is that what you dragged me here to say?”

She gives a wry smile. “I dragged you here because I thought it would be nice to have my whole bridal party together at least once before the wedding.”

Bridal party? I glance to Annie. That’s strange, I never knew Laney and Annie were that close. Roxy is Ryder’s sister so that makes sense.

“And”—she wiggles her shoulders—“we’re having a sort of impromptu engagement party next Saturday night right here at the Black Bear.” She slips Baya a secretive smile. “In fact, we’ll be making a very special announcement, and I don’t want any of you to miss it.”

“So August 10
is the big day, huh?” I’m thrilled for my sister. There’s nothing in this world I want more than for her to embrace that great happily ever after with Ryder. I love Laney with my whole heart. I would do anything to protect her. And I did vigilantly for years.

“That’s the day.” She grips Baya by the hand and giggles. “Anyway, it means the world to me that each of you is willing to be a part of my big moment. Ryder and I have decided we’re paying for each of your dresses, and I’d like for you to pick out your own from the bridal shop in Jepson. Anything you want as long as it’s black. We’re going with that whole classic theme with clean lines.” She wrinkles her nose at Baya. “Just something simple.” She loses herself in a giggle fit once again, and Baya makes large eyes at her as if telling her to knock it off.

“Okay, we get it. You’re happy.” Roxy leans toward Baya and Laney. “But something else is going on. What is it?”

Roxy has a no-nonsense appeal about her. I’ve always appreciated that.

“Oh, just something.” Baya waves to Bryson by the door. “I’d better go kiss my boss before I get fired.” She trots over to her fiancé with her ponytail wagging, and, for a second, I think she’s about to make-out with Holt because they look so much alike.

Marley, Jemma’s younger sister, walks through the door, and I wave her over.

“I’ve gotta run myself,” Laney says, getting up. “My shift started ten minutes ago. Just remember to get fitted by the end of the week, and don’t change dress sizes before August.”

Roxy scoots over. “Sorry about your shoes.” Her face remains expressionless, and yet I know she means it. “I do miss the studio by the way. How about I gift Electric Lights two-dozen cupcakes, any flavor of your choosing. I’m a full-fledged baker now.” She brims with pride.

“That is so awesome! I’m really proud of you for following your passion.”

She glances up. “Speaking of passion.” Roxy jumps to her feet and wraps her arms around a gorgeous dark-haired boy. “This is Cole. He stole the heart I never knew I had.”

“Nice to meet you,” I say. “And, for the record, I knew she had a heart. She used to stomp on it for fun back in her dance hall days.”

“Nice to meet you, too.” He grins down at me. “And I’ll be the first to testify she has a heart the size of Texas.”

“You found a good one. Okay, Rox, I’ll take you up on those cupcakes. The ELDS is celebrating its twentieth anniversary in three weeks. How about a mix of red velvet and chocolate?”

“They’ll be there, and so will I. Can’t wait to see your mom again. She’s a freaking hoot.” Roxy gives a little wave as they take off.

Hoot. I shake my head as Marley plops down at the table.

“Sorry,” I say stroking her long blonde hair. “Your sister had to bail.”

Marley has the face of an angel and long, healthy curls as opposed to the chemically damaged carnage her sister wears like a bad wig. Marley is the anti-Jemma, and I mean that in the very best way.

“I’ll have to call her and apologize.” She looks to Annie. “I was down the street at Whitney Briggs signing up for my student orientation. I’m officially a college freshman.” She rolls her eyes as if mocking herself in the process.

“Annie is starting in the fall, too,” I say just as Annie whips out her phone and introduces herself to Marley through a series of spastic notes.

“I’ll leave you two girls to get to know one another.” I give Annie a quick hug before heading to the bar and taking a seat.

Baya and Bryson are still tongue tied in the darkest corner of the facility. Laney jets from table to table, beaming with a smile that Ryder himself put there. Even Annie and Marley seem to have a new connection that signals a great friendship on the horizon.

I spin in my seat and land my elbows over the dark, granite counter.

And here I am alone, once again.

Jemma’s words come back to haunt me, Greasy D is in town.

I shake my head.

Sometimes alone is exactly what I want to be.


Izzy Sawyer.

Just breathe.

I try to keep my hard-on in check by focusing on the fact I still have another six hours left in my shift. Not that my shift ever really ends around here. I’ve been the director of operations for the last year and a half. Bryson is more or less eye candy for the female population, and I excuse it because, as my father bluntly put it, we don’t want to burden him too much since he’s in school. Not that he’s still in school. He graduated last month along with some of our longtime friends. But he’s been admitted to grad school, so he’ll be making a U-turn come fall. No one is prouder of him than me, but it is a little strange to see people excelling in life while I’m stuck behind the counter, ironically right where I want to be.

Izzy sweeps her long, dark hair off her shoulders, and all I can think of is how bad I’d like to bury my face in it. Her lips give the perfect pout. Her eyes have always been a hypnotic glacial blue that not a person on the planet can keep from staring at. My dick perks to life again, and I take a deep breath. I haven’t been within touching distance of Izzy Sawyer in months. And, God knows, my dick has been pointing in her direction for the last eight years. She and Jemma were two of the more infamous seniors of West Hollow Brook High. Of course, they were long gone by the time I hit high school. Too bad. I would have done any and everything to take Izzy Sawyer to prom. While Bryson and the rest of our buddies were drooling over the latest Hollywood hot mess, I was busy worshiping at the altar of Elizabeth Sawyer.

I take a breath and drum up the nerve to talk to her.

Laney rushes over and sits next to her sister, so I switch gears and pretend to rearrange the glasses set out under the bar.

, do you have a date for the engagement party?” Laney grabs her sister by the shoulder as if trying to shake an answer out of her.

“The party you just informed me about ten minutes ago?” Izzy belts out a laugh, and the sweet sound of her voice resonates right down to my boxers. “No, I’m afraid I don’t move that fast.”

“Jemma says you don’t move at all these days.” Laney rocks into her sister as if she’s trying to get her to open up. I dated Laney once, but only because she was looking to drive Ryder off the deep end, and I’m pretty sure it worked. He still can’t stand the sight of me. Ironic since he’s good friends with my brother.

Izzy glances sideways at the exit. “Move—don’t move—believe me I’m not crying over the lack of testosterone in my life, so both you and Jem can chill out. Yes, I’ll be going to your engagement party
and most likely your wedding, too. Is that grounds for disqualification? Too much reality for your fairytale lifestyle?”

“Very funny.” Laney jumps to her feet. “Hey, I know”—her voice pitches with hope—“let me set you up on a few dates. Nothing serious, just some quick meet and greets. We can do it right here in the bar. You never know where things could lead.”

“I know where things could lead—with me dead in a ditch.” Izzy stabs the words at her sister before shooting me a look that suggests something akin to waterboarding is in her future. I give a quick nod and suddenly feel like an ass for standing here, listening.

“I guess. Whatever.” Izzy gives in and shudders as if she just sunk a bad shot.

“Perfect!” Laney offers a quick kiss to her sister’s cheek. “I’ll catch you later. Tell Mom I said hi!” She takes off toward her tables once again.

“Yes, Holt, I still live with my mother.” Izzy’s lips curl with a sour smile, and even then she looks cute as hell.

“Nothing wrong with that.” I make my way over and feel the air stifling. I’ve always felt as if a damn inferno was about to break out between us, and I can’t for the life of me understand how this could be one-sided. Then again, I’m probably not in her league, so the entire inferno scenario is solely in my pants. Izzy is one of those untouchable girls reserved for the cream of the crop of which I’m the bottom of the barrel. “You might live with your mother, but I work at a bar. The end.”

“What’s this?” Her eyes brighten the exact shade of a sunny afternoon, and my cock is back to begging to be let out to play. Sorry, boy, this is one girl who will most likely never roll out the red carpet for you. “Are you trying to crash my pity party?”

“Consider it busted.” I grab a glass and fill it with ice. “Any drink. It’s on me.”

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