Whiskey Neat (The Uncertain Saints MC Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Whiskey Neat (The Uncertain Saints MC Book 1)
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“H-how do you k-know this one is y-yours?” I stuttered.

I hated my stuttering.

But it was something I would forever struggle with when I was overly nervous or excited Something that I’d learned to live with.

Not that it wasn’t still embarrassing.

I tensed up in response to my thoughts. My reaction had him folding his body over mine, leaving the vibrator in place and buzzing against my clit. “What’s wrong, my queen?” He rasped against my neck.

I shivered.

“Your queen?” I asked.

I felt him smile against my shoulder blade before he bit it.

My nipples pebbled.

“Your underwear. They had ‘I’m the Queen’ on them,” he answered. “Now tell me what had you tensing up when you were like melted butter in my hands only moments before.”

I laughed.

That was funny.

“Nothing,” I lied.

He got up so abruptly that I didn’t think to move for a few long seconds, but then he was back, pushing my thighs apart as he settled between them once again.

This time sans pants.

“You’re not going to tell me?” He asked, clarifying his question.

I started to roll over.

I wanted to see his face…or at least what I could see of it.

But he stayed my hips by placing one large palm over my ass.

“Stay,” he said. “And answer my question. Honestly this time.”

I bit my lip…not wanting to say anything to piss him off, which meant no lying since he could apparently tell when I was.

But I also didn’t want to bring attention to my shame.

So when the vibrator suddenly entered my pussy, sliding all the way in and not stopping until there was nowhere else to go, I screamed my surprise into my pillow.

“That really the way you want to play it?” He asked.

I couldn’t say this was a bad thing, but when he removed the vibrator completely and said, “I guess I’ll leave then.” I blurted out my biggest shame.

“I stutter when I’m excited!” I yelled, coming up to my knees in an attempt to turn over again.

He stopped me this time by taking both of my arms and yanking them down so he could hold them in between my knees, and I was left feeling a little uneasy.

I’d never been restrained before.

Then again, I’d never experienced this much pleasure before…even if I combined all of my sexual experience.

“So you’re excited?” He asked, once again running the vibrator against the lips of my pussy.

I nodded into the mattress and mumbled, “Y-yes.”

“Good,” he answered, pushing the vibrator into my very ready channel once again.

My eyes closed as I felt myself opening for it.

It felt so good.

So good.

“Did you come on this?” He asked, running his lips down the cheek of my ass.

I didn’t even think about lying.

“Y-yes,” I answered.

“And who did you think about?” He asked, trailing his nose softly across my ass cheek.

I felt the distinct outline of his cock against my leg.

The only thing containing it was the underwear he still had on.

“I thought about you,” I answered truthfully.

He growled something unintelligible and started to fuck me harder with the dildo.

It entered and exited me so smoothly that I couldn’t help but moan in excitement.

“You’ll not do that again,” he said, yanking the vibrator from my sheath.

I heard it hit the ground, vibrator still running.

But I couldn’t find it in myself to care.

Not when I heard the crinkle of a wrapper opening.

A condom wrapper, not a candy wrapper.

Although both were exciting options, one was definitely better than the other. At least at this moment in time.

I felt the head of Griffin’s cock at my entrance before he said, “From now on, it’ll only be me. Got it?”

Did he think I was crazy?

Of course I was going to agree.

“Got it,” I agreed breathlessly.

Not that I would keep that promise.

I mean, how would he know if I ever used it again?

Especially since I didn’t see this happening very often.

He filled me so completely at my agreement that I dropped my head down onto my pillow again.

“Don’t move your hands from here,” he ordered, dropping them so they were resting between our splayed thighs.

His cock was massive, and I couldn’t think about anything but my pussy and how conquered it felt.

I was fairly sure I was dying and going to heaven.

I’d never felt anything so good in my entire life!

And all of this was at the hands of a stranger!

I didn’t even know Griffin’s last name.

Not where he worked.

Not if he had a wife and two and a half kids at home.

What kind of car he drove.

Not one single thing except for him beating up my neighbor.

And that didn’t bother me a single damn bit.

All I cared about right then was the way he was making me feel.

The way his cock filled me so completely that I just knew I’d be sore in the morning.

Can’t sit down kind of sore.

Did I care?

Not a fucking bit.

“Harder,” I gasped.

He chuckled, but nonetheless started to pump even harder inside of me.

That’s when I realized that my legs had slipped open more, and his balls were now rubbing against my hands each time he thrust in and out of me.

I’d never been the type of girl to listen.


So when I lifted one of my hands up and cupped his balls, he growled low in his throat, shoving into me even harder than before.

“You like it hard, my Queen?” He asked.

“Yessss,” I hissed.

The way his legs slapped against the backs of mine, as well as the way he bottomed out inside of me with each stroke, had my orgasm
even before I could say it.

I clamped down on his cock. Hard.

His hands clenched on my hips.

His balls pulled up, and then he started to grunt as his release emptied out into the tip of the condom.

And I couldn’t help the flicker of disappointment I felt over him no longer being inside of me, but that feeling was immediately overwhelmed when my body took off flying.

My orgasm rippled through me.

My abs clenched.

My head swam.

And I collapsed, knees going out from under me.

He followed me down, grinding himself into me for a few long moments before he pulled out.

I couldn’t find it in me to move, though.

I was too thoroughly sated to deal with turning my head, and when my eyes closed, I didn’t stop them.

Which was how I missed him leaving.

the vibrator.


It wasn’t a dream.

After I placed my feet onto the floor beside my bed, the first thing I saw were my panties.


The ones that Griffin had slashed from my body.

My sex clenched, and I felt the pronounced soreness.

Yet another sign that last night wasn’t a dream.

I even smelled him on me.

It smelled manly, like the men’s deodorant aisle at the grocery store.

Would he be back?

Or was that just a onetime thing?

What was the protocol here?

I knew he lived here.

The leather jackets that the men were wearing last night announced them as members of the Uncertain Saints.

They were a motorcycle club that I’d seen around town quite a few times.

And, although I hadn’t seen the back of Griffin’s leather jacket, it only made sense that he’d belong to them.

They were scary. Griffin would fit right in with them.

So it seemed to reason that I would see them again…the question was…

And would it be awkward?

And how did Griffin get into my house?

I looked down at Doogan and glared.

“How could you let him in?” I asked him.

Doogan didn’t even bother to lift his head from the floor at my question.

“You’re not even going to bark in excitement to let me know someone’s here? What if that’d been a serial killer or something?” I asked him.

He didn’t even budge.

“You’re a turd,” I said, standing up.

I was naked from the waist down, and I blushed as I thought again about how he had cut my panties off my body.

How good Griffin had felt inside of me.

How slutty I’d been to allow him to do that without knowing his last name first…even after knowing what he’d done to my neighbor.

“Shit!” I said, walking into the bathroom.

The first thing I saw in there was the wrapper from the condom in the top of the trashcan.

The second was the note written on my bathroom mirror in red lipstick.

“See you tonight,” I read aloud.

Chapter 4

What goes around comes around. Remember that when you fuck up.

-Fact of life


The next day I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

I also couldn’t help but be thankful that I’d shaved that night before bed.

Had he come the night before, I’m sure my Chewbacca impersonation would
have impressed him

Not that I did that often, but when you have no hot water…things just slide. Like shaving your legs when you don’t want to be in the cold water for longer than you have to.

I guess I should be thankful that the landlord had come to fix it yesterday morning, or I probably would’ve scared the man off.

“What’s going on?” A woman asked from beside me.

I turned to find Mrs. Robinson staring at the house down the street just like I’d been doing.

“A man was beaten yesterday, and they’re doing something with the crime scene,” Mrs. Ellwood from across the street explained. “Henry really had the crap beaten out of him. They think it’s over some guns he stole, according to his daughter.”

I blinked.

Henry had stolen guns?

That was why Griffin and his biker gang had beaten him up?

Had Henry stolen

Or had the biker gang only been after something else?

Would I know?

Would I have the guts to ask Griffin later on tonight?

For some reason, I didn’t think I would.

I’d probably chicken out, and then roll over to let him fuck me from behind again.

Not that that hadn’t been nice, but it would’ve been nice of him to let me touch him.

“Do you think they’ll move their cars if I ask them to?” I asked Mrs. Ellwood.

Mrs. Ellwood looked over to me.

“Yes, dear. Just tell them you need to leave and I’m sure they’ll be accommodating,” she explained.

So that was how I’d gone up to the police officer at the edge of the scene and then got questioned for thirty minutes.

“Ma’am,” the older officer said, “I’m going to need you to step back.”

I nodded. “I will,” I said stepping back. “But I need to leave for a doctor’s appointment in twenty minutes.”

“Ma’am,” he said, somewhat irritated, “I’m not joking. If you make me tell you again, I’ll just put you in the back of my cruiser, okay?”

I blinked.

“Listen,” I hesitated. “I have a doctor’s appointment that I

But I needed to tell him…

He cleared his throat, and I looked behind me just in time to see a large shadow engulf my body.

“Sir,” the policeman said. “What can I help you with?”

My eyes closed in mortification.

“The lady’s car is blocked…how about you go move it for her?” The man’s deep voice said.


Shivers tore down my body, and I looked over my shoulder in time to see the glare Griffin aimed at the poor officer.

My God…the man had sex pulsing through his veins.

I turned around as the officer moved past the yellow tape, gaping when I saw the huge gold star at his hip.

The massive gun at his side.

The cowboy hat on his head.

Let me repeat: the cowboy hat
on his head.

Sweet Mary, mother of God!

“H-hey,” I whispered.

He didn’t move, nor did he say anything.

Then moved past me without another word, making my stomach plummet into my feet.


Well if that didn’t say it all right there, I didn’t know what did!

Should’ve known…
should’ve fucking known!

Lenore Lane Drew didn’t get men as hot as Griffin.

Well, let me re-phrase that. I didn’t get more than one night with men as hot as Griffin.

I turned on my heel and stomped in the direction of my car, thankful that the cop I’d been speaking to earlier had moved the cruiser.

I passed Griffin on my way, and stopped directly in front of him.

“Thank you,” I whispered. “I would’ve missed my doctor’s appointment had you not moved it.”

His eyes softened and he raised his hand to rest on my shoulder.

“I’m sorry. Just been a long fuc-freakin’ night. Have a good rest of your day,” he said seriously.

I smiled and patted his hand.

“You too,” I said. “Hope yours gets better.”

I drove out of the neighborhood without looking back at anyone, thinking it’d be better on me in the long run if I got rid of him now.

‘Cause if I did it later, it might be too cruel.

For him at least, not me.

The drive to Longview was a long one.

It always was.

The drive home was even longer, though.

Something I had to do twice a week for at least another month, according to my doctor.

As I drove, I tried not to think about the man with the blonde hair and haunting eyes.

Tried not to think about how big he was…or how well he fit inside me.

Tried not to think about what his voice did to my body, whether I wanted it to or not.

I walked into the cancer center, smiling at the first woman I saw upon entrance.

“Did you have a bad night, Lenore?” Jaylen asked, frowning slightly at me.

I shrugged. “It wasn’t bad, why?”

I knew why.

I had dark circles underneath my eyes from being woken up in the middle of the night by a man who I still wasn’t completely sure was real, despite evidence to the contrary.

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