Whisper Gatherers (6 page)

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Authors: Nicola McDonagh

BOOK: Whisper Gatherers
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Meilyr let me down, holding onto me with one arm whilst striking out with the other each time a hand reached towards my bod. I kicked, spat and clawed at anyone who came near. But they were as if possessed by the very phantoms they believed had risen. Despite mine, Santy’s, and Meilyr’s best efforts, I was ripped away from his protective grip.

Hauled backwards by the belt with astonishing speed, I thought I would take off. The Cityfolk swarmed after. Orva appeared from who knows where, gave me a thumbs up sign, then turned and fired a barrage of small pellets at the advancing mob. They fell to the ground, hands over their head, yelling as if they had been smacked with a tree trunk. We came to a halt. A strong arm swivelled me around, hauled me up and onto their shoulders. I looked down at the upturned face smiling at me. “Ta.” Dreng gave me a wink and ran full pelt up the steps.

Orva followed close behind, pushing the Headteach and the sheriff to the ground. Then she pressed a button that I thought would activate the curfew bell, but to my surprise, saw a door open at the back of the stage. Dreng put me down and whispered in my ear, “Run as fast as you can. We will be right behind ye. Don’t stop until ye reach the end wall.” He pushed me. I did as he said and ran into the dark space.

It was too dim for me to get a clear look at where I was. I stretched my arms out to the side and touched wall. It was a corridor that led to somewhere. I wondered briefly, why it was there, and if the sheriff knew about it. All thoughts on the matter ceased when I heard raised voices behind me. More than two. I ran faster, hands before my face so that I didn’t come a cropper on something ahead, then came to an abrupt halt when they hit something hard.

“Adara? Are ye well?”


“Stay where ye are.”

“Not likely to do otherwise.”

“Of course. I am lighting a gas tube, so do not be alarmed at the strange noise ye are about to hear.”

A crackling, hissing sound filled the space and the dimness diminished. Through the hazy glow, I saw Dreng, Orva and two more shadowy figures. I blinked and rubbed my eyes. There before them were not only the S.A.N.T.S. but two of the Carnie/Praisebees.

“What the huffin’ heck are they doing here?”

“Followed us through. Although I do not know how they managed to free themselves.”

“We prayed to Cheesus. He came to our aid.”

“He did not. Lilith carries a small blade with her at all times. She managed to wriggle it free, I stooped down, picked it up and she cut her bonds then mine. We were not noticed because of the disruption taking place.”

Lilith gave Elijah a somewhat less than Christian look and sucked in her cheeks. Elijah bowed. Orva cuffed him about the noggin. “You should not be here. You are trouble. I cannot send you back, as much as I wish to. We cannot let you be found and blab about this not-so-secret passage. You will have to come with us.”

“Which is where?”

“Ah, now that would be telling, Adara. It is enough ye know that we are taking ye to a safe place until all this hoo-ha blows over.”

“Will it?”

“Who knows? Not even the Greenman himself would attempt to second guess the strange ways of folk in Cityplace.”

Dreng’s accent was oddly indeed. Clearly he was not from here.

“Dreng, you are not a born-and-bred Citydweller?”

“Well spotted Adara. Nay I am a Woodsfolk firstly. S.A.N.T. second and last.”

Wow! A Woodsmale. They have a reputation for being tough and smelly. I sniffed and took in my own fear stink. He did not exude anything nasty. Perhaps that came from the S.A.N.T. training.

“Enough chat. Dreng, activate the unlocking device.”

He pulled out a small round black box and pressed it with his thumb. A whirring noise gave over to a clanking sound. The dead-end before us became a long narrow tunnel that dipped sharply downwards. “I’ll gae first to light the way. Orva wi bring the rear. Adara, wi follow me. The rest gae in single file behind her. This is a steep incline, slippery in parts. Be wary. Tread careful. If ye fall, we wi not be able to save ye, so acute is the drop.”

Dreng thrust the gas tube light before him then entered the passage. He stopped at the top of a rickety looking wooden staircase and motioned for me to follow. I turned to the others and repeated the gesture he made to me. For a moment, I felt as if I too were a S.A.N.T. and became less a-feared fuelled by my brief brush with responsibility. It lasted less than a sec, for when I stepped towards Dreng, my foot caught on something. I tripped and fell into his arms. He guffawed most deeply and helped me right myself. I was thankful the place was so dark for I felt a heat burst most prominently across my face and neck.

The Woodsmale S.A.N.T. grabbed onto the rail that jutted out from the wall and made his way down the creaky steps. I followed close not daring to see how the others fared, in case I lost my footing once again. The light from Dreng’s torch was adequate enough, but I discovered that if I did not keep up with his robust pace, I was plunged into almost darkness. Thankfully Orva’s torch at the rear cast a dim glow that was sufficient to illuminate the narrow tunnel.

We wended our way in silence. The air became humid. I found it difficult to take in enough lungfuls and had to stop once or twice to catch my breath. On one occasion, Elijah caught up with me. He spoke low into my ear, “You are well? Not suffering from fright at all things dark, deep and confined?”

“Nope, just find it a tad difficult to fill my air sacs. Do you have a phobe about such things?”

He shook his head vigorously and gulped. I could tell by the droplets of fear-wet on his brow that he was not telling the truth. I admired his pluckiness in the face of such a trial as this, and patted him on the shoulder. “Stay up close with me. If you slip or falter, then I will be a buffer. You shall not fall.”

If he had been taller or stouter than myself, I would not have offered to use my bod to protect him, but seeing as he was as lean as a twig and most bereft of muscle power, I felt secure in making him the offer.

“I accept your most generous proposal in the good spirit it is given and will endeavour to not use it.”

This Carnie/Praisebee was different from the rest. He did not exude the meat raving antsy of the other cravers. I wondered if he were all Praisebee and not much Carnie after all. All curious in the extreme, I sucked in as much air as was available, and continued the precarious descent to who knows where.

Chapter Seven

Beneath Cityplace

I could hear Elijah’s rapid breathing become strained the deeper we plunged below the city, and hoped that we were close to our destination. I feared that he might collapse before we reached it, so turned my head to see if he was well. He gulped many times, holding tightly onto the rail. On seeing my concerned expression, he attempted a tiny smile. I raised my eyebrows, showed him my teeth, and looked over his shoulder to the shadowy figures of Orva and Lilith. She had long dark hair that fell to her waist. Although it looked somewhat unwashed, it was thick and straight. In the half-light, she resembled an image I had seen in worshipclass of what the Christians call, ‘The Virgin.’

Orva raised her torch. “There, look Adara, we are almost at the bottom.”

I took a few steps down and peered into the gloominess. Dreng stopped, waved his light at the space before him and lit up a vast cavern with many arched grottos that I assumed led to more tunnels. I quickened my pace and was soon by his side, closely followed by a panting Elijah, Lilith, and Orva. “We are below Cityplace, utterly out of sight. These are secret tunnels that only a few know about.”

“How come you do?”

“All S.A.N.T.S. know about these, Adara.”

“What even Santy Breanna?”

“It wa she who sent us down here.”

“You intimated others are aware of this wondrous place,” Elijah said.

“I am not at liberty to divulge such info. Ye must know that we cannae allow ye to blab of this to anyone once we have left.”

Elijah looked at Lilith who shook her head. “In all faith, we cannot promise such a thing. This is such an important find. One that will give us great standing with our own.”

“Who are? Praisebees or Carnies?” I said folding my arms all-haughty like.

Elijah scratched his matted hair, blew air though his teeth, then looked to Lilith. She squinted and said, “We are Praisebees, first and foremost. True, some have taken to Carnie ways, but none have veered from the path of righteousness.”

“Really? Would it be right then to blab about this place? If so, for what purpose?”

“So many questions, Adara, too many to answer now. Know that we detest secrecy and this place, kept only for a select few, is wrong by our faith values. It should be open for all in times of Agro aggression.”

In truth, I could not find anything wrong in what Lilith said. This cavern and its potential as a hideout from threat should indeed be accessible for all.

Orva bowed her head for a sec, then gave us a serious look. “Do not question further. Dreng and I have nothing against you, or your people so long as you abide with the laws we live by. Today you and yours broke these rulings. Those left behind will be brought to justice. We must also arrange a suitable punishment for you both. If you promise to keep shtum, we will forego the retribution. You shall not be harmed. What do you say?”

Lilith jutted out her chin and her fellow Praisebee looked to the floor. “I can only talk for myself. I do not find the notion of punishment a thing to fear. I am prepared to die for my belief. Do what you must. I will not keep info from my brothers and sisters.”

All attention turned to Elijah. He coughed. “I do not know how giving the whereabouts of this place to one and all would be of benefit to our cause. It is an empty cave, what would we do with it?”

“It is secret and must not be. All folk would wish to know that it is here. It could be of use.”

“I do not see its relevance to our cause. In fact, it may generate unrest amongst us. We do not want more.”

Lilith opened her mouth, then closed it again. Elijah put his hand on her shoulder and stared into her dark brown eyes. “We will not tell. No reason to. Indeed, as a thank you for allowing us to flee the situation above, I feel it is only right to pay you back for your generosity. Is that not so Lilith?” She nodded.

“I fear you do not possess anything we need. All Good?” We nodded. “Then let us continue.”

Dreng held up his hand. “Wait but a sec Orva. It is most gratifying to hear ye say these words Elijah, but I think it may be best if both ye and Lilith are blindfolded for the rest of the way.”

“Soundly plan. Do not protest. Do not fear for your safety. I will take hold of Lilith, Dreng shall take Elijah. You will come to no harm.”

The Praisebees offered no struggle when Orva pulled out two long pieces of black cloth, handed one to Dreng and placed one across Lilith’s eyes. He did the same to Elijah and in synchronisation both S.A.N.T.S. tied the blindfolds tight. “Now we can continue.”

This time Orva, led the way, illuminating the darkness with a bright light from her torch. She held onto Lilith’s hand and marched onwards with a quickly pace. Lilith tottered for a moment, but managed to keep up with Orva’s long stride. Dreng motioned me to follow and pulled Elijah with him. On we walked across the vast cavern. It was like nothing I had seen before. In the flickering light, I saw how roughly the place had been hewn. The stone looked as if it had been hacked by blunt objects. I slowed my pace till Dreng came up beside me. “Why do ye loiter so?”

“I am in awe is all. Do you know who constructed this place?”

“Nay. All we know is what we are told in camp. That it was most likely formed at the same time as Cityplace. Perhaps as an escape route if there was any Agro trouble. To my knowledge, few have used it. There having never been a need tae.”

“Until now.”

“Indeed. Come on lassie, nay time for viewing.”

Dreng nudged my elbow and we continued onwards until we came to one of the holes at the far end of the cave. All stopped. “These tunnels are narrow and low. You must bend a little to pass through,” Orva said. She let go of Lilith, motioned for me to follow her a little away from the rest, so I did. She put her finger to her lips and said all whispery, “You are to hide out here until things quieten above.”

“How long will that take? It’s not as if me and my name can just disappear all sudden like and not be noticed.”

“Folk are easily diverted. The Praisebee trial will occupy their thoughts. Then all will be well. Down that passage is a room especially built for such an occasion. It has supplies. In fact, everything you will need to keep you safe until we come for you. But, you must share it with the Praisebees. It was not our plan for them to be here. I am sorry.”

“Can’t say that I relish the idea of being confined below ground with two zealots. What if they try to escape?”

Orva ran her fingers through her short blonde hair. She reached down her trouser leg, opened a side pocket and withdrew a nifty looking blade. “This is an all-purpose knife. It is sharp on one side, serrated on the other. I know that your have been trained by Breanna to use such a weapon. I feel confident that if the need arises you will do so with great efficiency and not hesitate.”

I took the thing from her and hid it the inner pocket of my tunic. “If needs be I will.”

“Good. Either Dreng or myself will come with news and provisions.” Orva smiled, headed back to Lilith and took her hand. “Come, we are almost at our destination.” She led us through a long winding tunnel that led onto a narrow corridor, and pointed at a hollow at the end of it. “That is our destination.”

“We have trodden quite a ways. Have you taken us to a different location?”

Orva raised her eyebrows and winked. “Could be Lilith. Who knows where you are?” She was fast at taking advantage of situations. A goodly idea to confuse the Praisebees, in case they did have the opportunity to blab about this place.

We strode to the gap. Orva spoke, keeping up the falsehood, “We are within another building. This is where you shall remain until it is safe for you to leave. Please do not try to escape. Adara has been given full authority to use whatever force she deems necessary to prevent this happening. Besides, there is nowhere for you to go.”

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