Whisper Hollow (12 page)

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Authors: Chris Cander

BOOK: Whisper Hollow
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Immediately, her hands stopped moving through the dirty water. Her back straightened into a rigid posture, startled, caught. As though she were that mama rabbit snatched up from her gathering. She took a deep breath, wiped her hands on her apron, and turned slowly around. He let his hand, calloused and coal-stained no matter how hard he washed, drop to his side. Then he lifted the other to show her his prize from his morning hunt. A gray rabbit, already stiff, that he held aloft by the ears.

“Thought we could have him for dinner,” he said.


“I’ll save the skin if you want.”

She stared at it a moment, then shook her head.

“All right then.”

He stood there, looking at her in that pleading way he had. She sighed, tired and now inexplicably sad. “The baby’s asleep,” she said, looking down at the tiny figure wrapped in blue wool.

“All right.”

She interpreted this as a request, and so without a word, she reached out and took his free hand. He put the dead rabbit down next to the clean dishes and let himself be led upstairs to their bedroom.

Walter seemed embarrassed whenever he reached for her, and that cautious fumbling in turn embarrassed her. His movements were awkward, his enormous hands like paws. He didn’t know how to seduce or please her, how to be graceful or patient. She didn’t know if it was something she had to ask for, but she sensed that it would hurt his feelings if she did. So even after more than a year of marriage, they retained their early, sheepish habits. About this misfortune, neither of them ever spoke.

As he moved over and into her, she glanced at him briefly, smiled in a vague, polite way, then turned her head to the side and closed her eyes. Then, when he rolled himself off her, he saw her staring with a blank expression out the window.

“You can just rest here a bit if you want,” he said in a hushed, low voice.

She sighed and nodded.

“I’ll let you know when Abel wakes up.”

“Thank you,” she said.

That night, she served him a lavish meal of rabbit cooked with mushrooms, stale kaiser rolls, onions, and eggs seasoned with paprika and nutmeg. She garnished it with strips of bacon, potato wedges, jarred tomatoes, and green onions, then she poured them each a small glass of wine and even lit a pair of candles.

“What’s all this?” he asked.

“You’re a good man.”

Serving him a heaping plate of food, she bent her head as he said a short prayer of thanks. She wasn’t a believer, but she thought her thanks anyway: for Abel, for Walter. He wasn’t whom she’d wanted, but he didn’t deserve to know that.

“Ain’t you having anything?” he asked.

Alta shook her head. After she came downstairs, she’d watched through the window as Walter gutted the rabbit, sliding the skin off and removing the entrails. There’d been babies in the rabbit’s belly.

“I’m not hungry,” she said. “But you go on. I’ll stay here with you, keep you company.”

He nodded, picking up his utensils. When he shoved a heaping forkful of the rabbit into his mouth, Alta felt her stomach lurch, and turned her face discreetly away to watch as dusk began to settle, inevitably, outside the window.

February 13, 1934

When Myrthen woke up that Tuesday morning as she always did, hours after her husband had packed his own dinner bucket and trudged off to work the first shift as electrician at Number Seventeen, she felt the sticky damp between her upper thighs that meant her womb would remain barren — at least for another month — as she always knew it should. Before she even opened her eyes, she gave thanks.

Myrthen crossed herself and flung back the covers, then swung her legs to the floor and looked back over her shoulder, pleased at the bloody mess on her marital bed. Nearly four years after their wedding, she still had not forgiven John for seducing her.

John felt that punishment in as many ways as she could think to inflict it. Not just the lack of a child — that miracle, she knew, was proof that God regretted not fulfilling her betrothal to His son and a monthly reminder of His remorse — but in the steady decline of standards about the house, irregular meals and mealtimes, unstocked cupboards, and general lack of cleanliness.

She knew from that first night, when John robbed her of her virginity — her only treasure — in his vile way, a common thief
stealing chattel in the dark, that she would never love him. Would never honor nor obey. He was a decent man, she granted him that, but any kindness or concession she gave merely out of reluctance to waste a breath that could be better spent in prayer.

The issue of sex, however, was more complicated.

Once her purity was gone, she decided, it was gone. So she used her beauty to exact revenge. She quickly learned that the delicate curve of her breast, slightly revealed, widened her husband’s eyes. The sight of her untying her apron — slowly, from behind — whetted his appetite for more undressing. Sometimes she threw him a long, straight look — though she never said an inviting word, never beckoned him to bed — knowing his shameless lower half would strain in response. He was still a man, after all, even if she treated him without tenderness.

When his desire was at its most distracting, she would change behind the screen, then kneel by the bed with her rosary beads, meditating on the fifteen Mysteries, praying ten Hail Marys on the beads and one Our Father and the Glory Be at each mystery. Only then would she climb into the bed and allow him to lift her nightdress. But instead of letting him caress her breasts or encircle the tantalizing circumference of her waist with his coal-stained hands, she allowed him only to mount and enter her as best as he could, touching nothing with his hands, and never kissing.

She prayed the entire time, usually aloud.

When he finished, she would push him off with a strange satisfaction and go to clean herself. She always waited until he was asleep before she returned, and by then, the victory of ruining his pleasure was replaced with the kind of guilt reserved for drunkards after a binge. She was meant to be the bride of Christ, and so she felt like an adulteress whenever she lay with her husband.

That morning, she stripped off her bloody nightgown and dressed in her usual habit: a dark wool jumper with a white Peter Pan collar, dark stockings and shoes. She pulled her hair back into a low bun and secured it tightly with pins, not bothering to check her appearance in the mirror. It didn’t matter. She had nobody to impress but God.

Stopping at the cemetery on her way to the church, she knelt and spoke in warm tones to her sister’s headstone. “I’m saved again, Ruthie,” she whispered, and winked at the tiny cross at the top. She pressed on her thighs to stand and walked behind the headstone, then stood looking down at the two newer stones to the left of her sister’s.

“Hello, Papa. Mama. I pray you’re at peace.” Her voice was condescending, even though she was slightly envious of their reunion with Ruth. But it was not yet her time. The Lord would call her home when He was ready. That was not her choice to make, even though she’d thought about it more than once. She would not — could not — risk eternal damnation, eternal separation from her twin soul, for the greed of wanting to be with Ruth before the Lord decided it was time.

He’d taken her father within the first year of her marriage, his blackened lungs finally collapsed into ash. Her mother died the following year, bereft of any grandchildren. Rachel never failed to remind Myrthen of that fact, or of the suspicion that her daughter had refused to consummate her wedding vows to John.

“I’ll practice the Reproaches on the organ today,” Myrthen said to their headstones, “so if you can strain your ears, you’ll hear how well my inheritance was spent.”

Indeed, when her mother died, Myrthen was the sole heir to a humble fortune: a generous savings account and the small house that her father had bought from Blackstone Coal. It hadn’t been easy. Otto had only his scrip and money from
modest investments in American products, chosen out of gratitude for the opportunities he found when he’d gotten there. Chevrolet and Lucky Strikes and Kellogg and William Waltke & Company, maker of Lava soap — the only detergent that could ever eliminate all but the deepest-embedded coal dust from the cracks and cuticles of his hands. While other men jumped out of New York City skyscrapers after the stock market crash in 1929, Otto remained underground with his pickax, loyal to his adopted country and faithful to the companies that made it great. When he died in early 1931, he left behind more assets than Rachel could use, and when Rachel died, they all went to Myrthen.

And Myrthen spent it all on a secondhand organ she had brought all the way from Philadelphia to St. Michael’s by train.

Just over a year earlier, on a January morning, Myrthen had arrived at the church and heard powerful music coming from Father Timothy’s small office. She knocked on the door and, when he didn’t answer, allowed herself in. There he sat in his chair, head dropped back and hands clasped in front of him as if in prayer but thrusting gently in the air along with the music as though he were directing each of the notes to their appointed place. His eyes were closed and a rhapsodic expression soothed away the lines on his forehead. Father Timothy was only forty-four, but he carried the girth and slump of a much older man. He didn’t hear her enter.

When the music stopped and the arm lifted off the record, Father Timothy mouthed a short prayer of thanks and crossed himself. He opened his eyes, gasped at the sight of Myrthen standing in the doorway, and flung his hand to his heart. “Child, I didn’t know you were there.”

“What was that music, Father?”

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes again, savoring the grandeur of the sound. “That was the sound of angels singing. One single instrument that imitates the sounds of an entire orchestra.” He looked back at her. “I don’t believe you’ve ever seen an organ, have you? No, certainly not.” On a scrap of paper, he began to draw a box with three rows of what looked like piano keys, stair-stepped on top of one another. Behind that he quickly drew several rows of pipes of various heights. “This is only a rough sketch, of course. You see these?” He pointed. “They’re just like the piano keyboard you play with your hands, which you’re of course quite familiar with. Underneath, there’s sometimes another row of keys you play with your feet, but they don’t work the way piano pedals do. Then there are knobs called stops” — he drew several tiny circles — “that admit the passage of air into these pipes.”

His round face flushed pink, and he stood up with a quickness that defied his appearance, touching his thumb and fingers to either side of his throat. “The pipes are like vocal cords. Air goes through them and makes a range of sounds, deep to very high, just like the human voice. But the organ is the voice of not just one, but a hundred or even a thousand faithful, all lifting up together in praise. That’s why organs are used in connection with liturgy.”

He clasped his forearms, slipping his hands inside the sleeves of his robe. He had a habit of pacing in small ovals when he was talking. Myrthen watched him follow his own path round and round, visible now in the wood floor after fourteen years of circumscription.

“Oh, how I wish we could install such a holy instrument here. It would uplift the parishioners. And it would impart splendor and strength to our prayers. Surely prayers accompanied by an organ would leave a deeper and more lasting
impression, when skillfully employed. The strength of a thousand prayers at once, all inspired and controlled by one.”

At this, Myrthen discovered a personal interest in the idea. “Who would play an organ here?”

Father Timothy became solemn again. He stopped pacing and wilted back into his chair. “Herein lies the problem. We have no organ, no organist, and no money to pay for either. Perhaps we could petition a subscription from the parishioners. Though in such troublesome times, who would have sums like that to spare?”

After a few weeks of searching, Myrthen found such an instrument through an advertisement in the
Philadelphia Inquirer

Moravian Unity Church — To be sold by the Church-Wardens, the Organ in the Moravian Unity Church. The Instrument is modest but very neatly adorned. It consists of 1 manual and 8 stops (including a Terzian), 2 original double-fold wedge bellows and 486 pipes. (Scattered mouse and rat damage to the wooden rank of pipes and pine case have been repaired.) It may be inspected; will be sold cheap, and the Purchaser may remove it immediately, (another being expected from England this Autumn) but if it is not disposed of, is, on the Arrival of the new Organ, intended to be shipt to England.

Without consulting Father Timothy or her husband, Myrthen liquidated her savings. She arranged for the organ’s purchase and enlisted the son of a known Moravian organ builder to oversee its transport by train, reassemble and voice the instrument, then teach her as much as she needed to know so that she could assume the role of liturgical organist in addition to her position as church secretary. Her mother and, later, her aunt Agnes had taught her to play German waltzes and polkas on the piano when she was a little girl — happy tunes that never quite settled into her soul — a musical skill that could,
she correctly believed, be translated to the organ. Her palms grew damp at the idea of playing on such a powerful instrument the hymns and dirges that would accompany her contemplation of the Savior and amplify the strength of her prayers to God.

Father Timothy, when she told him of the impending arrival of her gift to the church, hit his knees. Her husband, as she predicted, hit the roof.

From the moment the organ arrived at St. Michael’s in March 1933, she devoted nearly all her time to it. Her husband rarely saw her. He never needed to ask where she’d been when she finally crawled reluctantly into bed with him at the end of the day; he could smell the moldy spoor of old wood and incense on her clothes.

The day before their third Valentine’s Day together, John came home from work after his shift in the Number Seventeen mine ended at three o’clock, as he always did, to a house full of dust and empty dishes. Once again he’d planned to paint her a small gift — a winged Cupid or a tree with their initials carved in the trunk — something that might finally penetrate the icy backcountry of her heart.

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