Whispering Hearts (18 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Chandler

Tags: #Psychics;Clairvoyance;Clairaudience;Clairsentience;Ghosts;Possession;Friends-to-lovers;Storms;Runes;Alligators

BOOK: Whispering Hearts
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Chapter Twenty

If she didn't kiss Garrett immediately, she was going to spontaneously combust. His lips were slightly parted as if waiting for her—welcoming her.

She hoped she was reading him right this time. She couldn't bear to bring him more pain. She also couldn't bear to not touch more of him.

His stubble prickled against her hands, strong muscles tensed beneath. She didn't dare let go. She would never let him go again. He had to understand that she was done running. This was it.

Gently, she pressed her lips against his. He wanted slow. She could do slow.

She let the feel of him soak in—his breath light on her face, the warmth of his lips and softness of his mouth. And for once, she waited for him. Waited for him to make some sign that this was okay. That it was what he wanted.

She didn't have to wait long.

He lifted his hands to her back, running them up along her spine and over her shoulder blades, then pulled her closer. His lips started to move in a slow, sensual caress that made heat pool between her legs. When he slid his tongue into her mouth, it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

No wonder the episode in the recliner had gone so wrong. She gave him a flash-fire when he was after a slow burn. The heat of his kiss spread through her body, resonating, echoing deep within her. She had never felt anything like it.

Primal energy uncoiling in waves that rolled through her instead of crashing around. His lips gripped hers, sucked and nipped. The sensation spread along her nerve endings as if they were each getting a massage.

Her muscles relaxed into him, tension dropping away even while a throbbing ache built in her core. He held her against his chest with one arm while he reached down with his other hand and pulled her thigh across his lap so she was straddling him on the edge of the bed.

A sharp spike of nerves rippled through her. Perched on the edge of the bed, she could easily fall off. But he was holding her up, keeping her safe—as always.

She pressed her hips down to feel his erection. She wanted more.

He thrust up against her, tantalizing her through the thin cotton of her panties. She was so wet. She could feel it. Aching and hollow and longing for him to fill her.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he moved his kisses down her neck and over her collarbone, making a steady trail to her breasts. He nuzzled her through the soft fabric of her T-shirt till her nipples were so tight they almost hurt.

She was very glad she hadn't worn a bra.

He ran his nose over the point jutting toward him, then clasped his mouth around her, laving it with his tongue. She groaned low, not recognizing the sounds she was making. Her T-shirt was damp and clinging to her skin when he moved to her other breast.

No one had ever done anything like this to her before. Sex was always over quickly and then she was on to the next thing. She could tell with Garrett this
the next thing. And the next, and the next. She wasn't sure they would ever leave his bed again.

He ran his teeth over the inner side of her breast, then trailed his nose up along her cleavage.

“Stand up.” His voice was rough—lower than usual.

At this point, she would do anything he said. She slid to her feet, standing between his knees.

His shaft was sticking out from the top of his pajama pants. Even after what they had done in the recliner, she felt like she was seeing him for the first time. Thick and glistening and ready for her.

She wanted to drop to her knees and take him again, but resisted the urge. Things would be over too fast. She wanted to keep savoring him, keep basking in this incredibly erotic experience.

“Look at me.”

Her gaze flicked to his. The intensity of his stare sent another wave of electric sparks through her. Not in little trails or isolated parts of her anatomy. Everywhere.

There was really something to be said for taking their time. Every touch was magnified, the connection more intimate. She was saturated with him. From the way his blue eyes burned, he was only getting started.

He ran his hands up her sides underneath her shirt, cupping her breasts and kneading them. She gasped as he flicked his thumbs across her nipples, the jolt of pleasure echoing in her core.

She put her hands on his broad shoulders, wanting to knock him back onto his bed, but resisting. She could have him inside her in seconds. This was torture. The most exquisite, erotic, pleasurable torture she had ever endured.

“Look at me,” he said again.

She didn't know when her eyes had rolled shut or her head had listed against her shoulder, but she snapped herself back to attention. She didn't want to miss a single nuance of what he was doing to her.

She shifted her weight and let out a moan. Even that small movement sent shivers up from between her legs to her breasts, intensifying the effect of his touch. With his right hand, he dusted the backs of his knuckles along her stomach. His left lovingly traced the curves of her backside before he rested his forearm firmly against it.

She wasn't sure what he had in mind until he slid his right hand past the waistband of her panties, his wrist stretching the elastic down to give him access. His fingers raked through her curls, finding her core and sliding in effortlessly.

She had known she was ready for him, but not how ready. She could only imagine what it would feel like for him to bury himself deep inside of her, to feel her body expand to welcome his shaft.

She groaned as her body clenched around him instinctively, her grip on his shoulders tightening as well. His hands were so large he was able to press the heel of his hand against her most sensitive spot, rubbing it in slow circles while his fingers stayed buried deep.

Her knees weakened as the pleasure he had been building in her burst into a bright flame. He was already helping to hold her up, pulling her closer as he scooted to the very edge of the bed.

Her body was on fire, sparking, more alive than she had ever felt. Her nerve endings sang his praises with every languid thrust and pull of his fingers.

He brought his mouth to her breasts again, his kisses more aggressive, demanding. She lifted one knee to rest on the bed, bringing herself closer to him. She wanted him buried inside of her—as deep as he could go. She had never wanted anything or anyone with such intensity.

“Garrett, please,” she moaned. “I need you. I want you.”

“Look at me.” His voice had devolved practically to a growl.

She blinked her eyes, staring down at him as if becoming aware she was dreaming while it was still going on. His fingers kept moving, palm pressed firmly against her.

Watching his face while he was pleasuring her made it even more intimate. Her quim was already starting to pulse around him, the sensations building to a tipping point.

“Come for me.”

“I…thought we would do that together.”

“Please, Rachel. I need this.”

He increased the speed of his fingers, arcing his hand away from her so he could press his thumb against her sweet spot, gently circling it. He stared into her eyes the whole time.

She held his gaze as long as she could, letting him see how his touch affected her, hoping that sharing this intimate moment would help him believe.

She was done running. This was the life she wanted. In his arms, in his bed, in his life. She rocked her body against him, letting the sensations flow through her, push the pressure building between her legs and deep in her abdomen higher than ever before.

On a gentle breath he said, “I love you.”

Her body seemed to collapse in on itself and then explode with infinite energy. She threw her head back and screamed as the release tore through her body, a shockwave of ecstasy that left her panting and writhing in his hands.

He finally stopped thrusting, but left his fingers buried within her, his chest heaving in time with her own. She felt her body continue to clench around him, sending aftershocks rippling through her.

He pulled her closer and she draped herself across his chest. She nuzzled his ear, then ran her tongue along its edge and nibbled his earlobe. As amazing as that orgasm had been, she still wanted more. Wanted to be closer, to feel him inside her. She wanted to share the deepest intimacy with him that she could.

When she thought she could speak again, she whispered, “I love you too.”

Chapter Twenty-One

The relief Garrett felt made his heart pound. That and watching Rachel's uninhibited, absolutely open responses to his touch. There was no faking what she had felt, what
felt from her body through his hands.

The look in her eyes… He had almost lost control so many times, wanting to slide his shaft into her.

There was no need to rein himself in anymore.

He slid his fingers from her and pulled down her panties in one stroke. Most of her weight was already on his chest, and his arms were long enough that he only had to bend sideways a little to get the thin cotton fabric out of the way.

He stood, bringing her with him. The soft cotton of his waistband held his erection tight against his stomach. When her feet were firmly planted on the floor, he lifted her shirt over her head and tossed it aside.

He went to pull off his pants, but she was already there. She tore them off about as eagerly as he had stripped her, barely waiting for him to step out of them before leaping up and wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

Pulling him down a bit, she crashed her lips against his, tongue hungrily seeking his out. He met every thrust, savoring the velvet feel of her mouth.

He loved that she was tall. He still had over half a foot on her, but he didn't loom over her like he did most women. She had to be pushing six-feet. He cupped her backside, squeezing and kneading the firmness of it.

She pressed herself against him, rubbing her stomach against his shaft. Her skin was so soft. She worked one arm between them to grip him, wrapping her fingers around his erection and starting to work her magic. Then she stopped abruptly and pulled away.

This was not happening. No way after everything they had just done was she stopping this. He couldn't believe it.

“I'm not going too fast am I? Do you want me to go slower?”

He let out a laugh that took the tense energy with it. That had scared the crap out of him.

“I want you to do whatever the hell you want.”

Her lips pulled into a smile that was pure sex. His breath rushed out as if he'd been kicked in the chest. She let go of his shaft, then put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him down so he was sitting close to the edge of the bed.

As much as he wanted to feel her lips on him again, nothing could compare to being inside of her. And he wanted that so bad he was bursting at the seams.

She must have felt the same, because she put her knees on either side of him, using her grip on his shoulders to keep her balance. He grabbed her backside to help.

“You should know I was always smart with the few guys I slept with,” she said. “We used protection and I get tested regularly.”

“Okay.” Of all the times to bring that up. Yeah, he supposed this was a pretty good one. “Well, my experience is the same.”

“I just want you to know because I was serious with that talk about kids. I want them. Tons of them. I don't want to wait.”

He swallowed hard. What she was suggesting…

It was fast and sudden, like everything with Rachel. He started to do the math, calculating their ages and thinking about genetic risk factors, how many years they had left and how long they should wait between each child. Then there was the danger the ghosts presented.

No. He wouldn't let fear make up his mind. He thought about what he wanted instead. The decision was obvious.

A house
of children, a life full of love. With Rachel.

They would always face challenges—ghostly and otherwise. But they would figure them out together.

He couldn't force words around the lump in his throat so he nodded.

Without any more of a prelude, she lined herself up on him and slowly inched down. Bliss cascaded through him, a buzz of pleasure cantering along every nerve fiber.

Her flesh parted around him, unbelievably soft and slick. And the heat… It soaked into him, flooding his body as she pushed him deeper, taking all of him in.

For a moment, she stayed still, her hands gripping the back of his neck, gazes locked. His heart was pounding, his blood rushing through his body. His hands were trembling.

She loved him. This was what the rest of his life looked like.

He let his gaze slide down her body, lingering on the fullness of her breasts before grazing her flat stomach and finally resting on where they were joined. He took a deep breath to keep himself from getting too worked up. He wanted it to last—this first time of complete intimacy.

She started to move again, slower than he'd expected after the way she mounted him. She lifted herself up onto her knees, sliding along his length as far as she could, then lowered herself back down. He brushed his thumbs along her hips and squeezed her backside as he watched.

So. Fucking. Erotic.

She clenched her sheath around him, as if asking for his attention elsewhere. He was more than happy to oblige.

He let his gaze climb again, lingering only for a moment on her breasts as they swayed with her movement. He swallowed hard and kept going.

Her cheeks were flushed, her lips bright pink and full. Her eyes were open wide, like she was as moved by the experience as he was and didn't want to miss a thing.

She leaned forward to kiss him. Slow and deep, same as her hips. She was savoring him—giving him the chance to savor her. This was night and day from the recliner. Not that there wasn't a time and place for quickies.

His imagination went crazy with possible scenarios. The kitchen counter, the shower, the couch… Any horizontal surface was fair game. Hell, the vertical ones, too. He wanted her anywhere he could have her. He knew she could satisfy him, but he'd never get enough. He wanted her—forever. Just like she'd said.

He broke off the kiss and said, “There's a Justice of the Peace I know. He could hitch us this afternoon.”

She laughed, the vibration traveling through her body and into his. His fingers tightened on her backside reflexively and he took another deep breath to calm himself.

“I want a big wedding,

“That is the first time I've ever liked being called that.”

She bent down and nibbled along the length of his ear. Goose bumps scattered over his skin, heightening the sensations everywhere they touched. Especially where they were joined.

She whispered into his ear, “I promise I'm not going anywhere.”

Rising back on her knees, she wrapped her arms around his neck again and quickened her pace. “Lean back on your arms. I won't fall.”

“Yes ma'am,” he drawled.

She grinned—her nose crinkling up the way he liked. When he placed his palms on the mattress, she gripped his shoulders for balance and upped her pace again.

The view was unbelievable. With the better leverage, he thrust up into her, meeting her hips with his own. It deepened each stroke, amped up the friction. His skin was thrumming with sensation, nerves lighting up everywhere.

The pleasure coaxed him to move faster, land harder. She matched him perfectly, taking everything he had to give her. He bent his head forward far enough to kiss her breast and she gasped, arcing her back so he could reach her nipple.

He ran his tongue around the tight circle, then sucked it deep into his mouth till she groaned. He had no idea she was so flexible. He was definitely going to have to work on his core strength after this.

He released her breast as she increased her pace again, focusing on matching every movement. She held on tight, eyes clenched shut as she pumped him even faster.

His hips rose to meet her, crashing into her as more sparks ran through his body, pressure building until he felt her spasm around him. She threw her head back and screamed his name.

The pressure within him exploded and he rammed his shaft into her as fast and hard as he could, spilling himself deep inside of her. Her muscles pulsed around him, coaxing everything out of him, everything he had to give.

It was hers. He would always give her everything he could.

She let out a moan and her breath hitched. She was still writhing on him. He kept on thrusting, even as he felt himself growing soft.

She dug her nails into his shoulders, eyes shut tight, head back. Another climax?

She let out a huge breath and finally sagged against him. He could still feel her pulsing around him.

Good Lord. And he thought he had trouble keeping up with her before…

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