Whispers of Home (8 page)

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Authors: April Kelley

Tags: #Adult, #Mainstream, #Gay, #Glbt, #Contemporary, #erotic romance

BOOK: Whispers of Home
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Jaron immediately let Brian’s hand go. “Sorry if the PDA was too much.”

“It wasn’t. Brad nearly shit kittens and Travis looked like he wants to rip my head off, but I liked it.” Brian crossed his arms at his chest. “You didn’t call when you got into town.”

“I was settling in.” That was a complete lie. Jaron just didn’t know what to say to Brian. After that initial conversation on the phone, when Jaron had been asking for help, he was at a loss for words when it came to Brian. They hadn’t parted on good terms really, hadn’t talked since Brian had told him not to call except for the phone call that brought him into town. And they had a lot to talk about. Jaron just wasn’t sure where to start.

“You’re still running from me, I see.”

Jaron turned to look at Brian. “I never ran from you, just from this town.”

“But I was in it. So by default, you were running from me.” Brian smiled when he said this.

“Who am I to argue with that logic? You always were much smarter than me.”

“So are we done fighting,” Brian said with a grin.

Jaron laughed and went in for another hug. “God, I missed you.”

“Ditto.” Brian returned the hug. “Is that a dildo in your pocket or are you just really happy to see me.”

“What?” At that moment Jaron realized his phone was vibrating. He laughed at his friends comment, as Jaron realized Brian must have been able to feel the phone’s vibration against his leg. God, Jaron missed Brian’s quick wit.

Jaron didn’t have to look at his phone to know who it was, so he didn’t even bother pulling his phone out of his pocket. Jaron just kept holding on to Brian. “I’d like to catch up sometime.”

“I’d like that too.” Brian was the one to pull away first, releasing Jaron reluctantly.

“I’m here with friends but you can join us if you want.”

“I’d like that.”

Brian started to head back inside but Jaron stopped him with a hand on his arm. Brian turned his smiling face just enough to take in Jaron’s serious expression. “I’m sorry.”

“I know.”

“I just couldn’t stay here anymore. And it wasn’t because I was scared to be with you, like I know you thought.”

“It took me a while to figure out we could never have been together like I wanted.”

“I would have resented you for keeping me tied here.”

“And for not taking some of the heat off of you like I should have. I figured that out. I’m sorry, too. For not being the friend that I should have been. Plus, we just never had the right kind of chemistry.” Brian’s smile held a hint of sadness for what could have been.

“But it was fun trying,” Jaron said trying to lighten the mood.

Brian laughed and threw his arm around Jaron. They both walked back into the bar together, Brian’s arm still around his shoulders.

Lisa and her friends were still discussing Travis Heath when Jaron made it back to the table. Jaron introduced Brian to the group but otherwise ignored them as he and Brian began catching up, although it was hard to talk in the noisy bar.

Jaron felt his phone vibrate insistently once again. “Sorry,” he muttered to Brian as he pulled it out of his pocket.

Brian nodded in understanding, letting Jaron know he wasn’t offended if he responded to the text. Brian turned to the group and Jaron heard him say, “I don’t think Travis Heath is gay.”

“I think your buddy there turned him gay,” Trina said.

“Not surprising.” Brian nudged him with a shoulder. “Jaron’s pretty enough to turn anybody gay. Even a cowboy like Travis.”

Jaron’s embarrassment over Brian’s teasing must have shown on his face because Brian and Lisa both started laughing. Jaron decided to ignore them both and answer his text.

Travis had texted and then


Where the fuck did you go? Hello? If Brian touches you I’m going to kill him.

Don’t threaten my friends.

It’s about fucking time.

Knock off the caveman shit.

Then answer me.

That’s it, Jaron had had enough. He started typing fiercely.
I’ll answer you, asshole. And it will be the last time I do too. I am done. Got it. Done. Lose my number.

It took Travis a full five minutes to actually respond. All the while Jaron fumed and tried desperately not to look Travis’ way.
I’m sorry. U R right. I’m being an asshole.

Jaron refused to respond.


Leave me alone.

That’s not going to happen.

What makes you think the whole world revolves around you.

Jaron could kick himself for getting sucked into Travis’s game once again.

Do you have a thing for Brian?
Jaron put his phone in his pocket without responding. It vibrated a couple times in his pocket while he was trying to get back into the conversation going on around him. He should just go home—he just wasn’t feeling it anymore.

Brian leaned in to Jaron, whispering in his ear, “Do we dare dance in this bar?”

Jaron laughed. “Probably not. Unless we want to be hung from the nearest tree.” Jaron’s phone buzzed in his pocket again.

Jaron glared over at Travis. Travis looked...stricken. Jaron sighed and dug his phone out of his pocket.
Okay, it’s none of my business. Please. Just tell me I didn’t fuck things up with you.

Hey, you made your feelings quite clear the other night. Remember.

I want you.

Jaron just knew his eyes were popping out of his head. Then he instantly got pissed all over again.
Stop fucking with my head.
After he texted that message, he looked directly at him again. Travis Heath liked to play games apparently. Well he could take his games and go straight to hell with them. Jaron didn’t need Travis fucking up his head.


Chapter Seven



“Hey, Brian. I have to take off.”

“Why?” The steel in his friend’s voice bothered Jaron more than he thought it should. “Just go out and get some air then. Get over whatever pissed you off. Come back in when you’re ready.” Brian saw the uncertainty on Jaron’s face. “Please, Jar. I missed you damn it. You owe me a dance or something.”

Jaron nodded once and headed for the door.

Jaron knew Travis followed him out the door but he didn’t turn around. Jaron practically ran to his car. Or his mom’s car rather. He had the door opened when he heard Travis say, “Jaron! Would you wait a damn minute?”

“No,” Jaron yelled without turning back. “I was completely honest with you from the start. Why couldn’t you be the same?”

“Did you meet him here?”

“Not that it’s any of your concern. He’s my best friend from high school.” Jaron let out a laugh, although it was rich in self-condemnation. “I didn’t know he was going to be here, no. I was just trying to reconnect with the only true friend I ever really had. Thanks for fucking that up for me.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You don’t get to just say you’re sorry and everything is magically forgiven. And you don’t get to have everything you want whenever you want it.” Jaron hadn’t been this mad in his entire life. Something about this man could piss him off more than anyone else on the planet. Jaron really didn’t want to analyze the reason why for fear of what it really meant. Something he did know about himself, though, was he babbled when he was angry. “I think you like playing games with people. I think you can’t help yourself. All those girls in high school and probably after too. You just fucked with their heads and you probably liked it.” Jaron pointed a finger in Travis’s chest. “Not with me. Not this time. I can’t afford to have someone in my life who plays with my emotions the way that you do. Especially, one who doesn’t even know if he likes me or not.”

“You’re wrong,” Travis whispered.

“What am I wrong about?”

“Everything.” Travis grabbed him with a hand secured around the back of his neck. He pulled Jaron against him and slammed their mouths together. Never had Jaron been kissed with such power before. This was not a kiss to dominate though or to punish. This was a kiss to get Travis’s point across and his point was coming through loud and clear. Travis had made up his mind and he was letting Jaron know what he wanted. He was accepting all of Jaron’s baggage. He was saying without words that he was willing to try. They were both on bicycles for the very first time, without training wheels, going downhill. Jaron wanted to put his arms up like on the titanic. Instead he cupped Travis’s face in his hands like he was coming home all over again.

That’s what this kiss felt like. Coming home. The excited fear was present. But so was the exhilaration. It was like getting off the bus and looking at his mother through the diner window all over again. Except with Travis there was no shame.

Jaron wanted to crawl up Travis’s body, get as close as possible. Instead he gave a little jump, wrapping his legs around Travis’ waist, and held on for the ride.

It had been a long time since anyone had kissed him with such passion. Maybe this was the first time. And Jaron wanted to bathe in it. He would happily drown.

Travis was the first to pull away, but only when breathing became necessary. He rested his forehead against Jaron’s and took a few deep breaths before saying, “Damn.”

Jaron chuckled. “Yeah.” The next moment Jaron got serious. “This can’t be casual.”

“I don’t want casual, baby. Not with you.”

“No more games, Travis.” It wasn’t that Jaron didn’t trust him. Okay, Jaron didn’t trust him. Not yet, but he also wanted to give Travis one more chance to back out.

“This is all so new for me. I just wasn’t sure I was ready.” The sincerity in the other man’s eyes was unmistakable.

“And you’re sure now?”


“Are you out to your family?”

“Not entirely.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“It means my mom knows.” And with that Travis kissed him again.

“Think they’ll come up for air soon.” Brian’s voice was like a bucket of ice water dumped on them. Jaron pulled his lips away and would have pulled away even farther but Travis held him firm. Jaron shut his eyes in embarrassment, as if everyone would magically disappear if he didn’t look at them.

“What do you all want?” Travis asked with some irritation.

“Nothing. We just came out for the show.”

“Oh God. Shoot me now,” Jaron said, putting his feet back on the ground. He slid down Travis’ body, resting his head against Travis’ chest once he was firmly planted on the ground. Jaron opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Brian’s voice. It was far worse than he thought. Not only were all of Lisa’s friends standing around staring at them, including Trina, but also several people Jaron didn’t know, including a couple people Jaron knew to be Travis’ friends’ way back in high school. These were the same friends that bullied him all those years ago.

“Show’s over,” Travis said, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Jaron had never seen Travis so...commanding. It was so...hot!

Well it was hot until someone from the small group watching them like they were erotic Disney on ice said, “I didn’t know you were a faggot, Heath.”

Jaron felt Travis’s body tense up. “I didn’t know you were a bigoted asshole, Brad.”

“Look at that. The little fag turned Heath.”

Travis suddenly shoved Jaron behind him. Jaron stumbled and was only saved from falling to the ground by the car catching him as he landed against it. Jaron wasn’t sure what was going on until he saw Travis’ head whip to the left. Jaron noticed Brad, who was an inch or two shorter than Travis but had a few more pounds of muscle on him, pull his hand back from the punch he landed.

“Stop,” Jaron yelled, righting himself. He tugged on Travis’ arm to pull him away. Travis yanked his arm out of Jaron’s hold with such force Jaron stumbled again.

Brad looked smug for about a second before Travis landed a punch to his face and they kept on exchanging punches like housewives exchanging recipes, until someone grabbed a hold of Brad’s arm, yanking him back from Travis. Travis did not care that Brad was restrained. He kept coming at him. It was everything Jaron had to pull the bigger man away.

“Travis!” Jackson said, as he held Brad back by his arms, “Calm the fuck down, both of you.”

“Fuck you, Jackson. This mother fucker threatened me and mine.” Travis’ face was red, and his voice was like steel when he said to Brad, “You come near Jaron again and I will rip you apart. You understand me.” Brad was smart enough to look scared and to keep his mouth shut.

That asshole was coming after me? How did I miss that?

Travis turned to Jaron and it wasn’t until he pulled him into his arms that Jaron realized he was shaking. “Come on, baby, let’s get you home.”

Jaron nodded but pulled away quickly and ran over to Brian. “Tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow, Curls.” Brian tugged on Jaron’s dark curly hair, letting it run though his fingers.

Jaron hugged Brian to him, giving him a little peck on the cheek. The action was almost involuntary on his part. He didn’t even know he did it until after it was over. They didn’t say anything until they were back in Jaron’s driveway. Jaron didn’t even register that Travis drove his mom’s car until the passenger door opened and Travis pulled Jaron up and out. The fog finally lifted from his brain when he looked up at Travis and saw his beautiful face marred with blood on his lip and a nice bruise that was already forming on his temple.

“Oh my God. Travis, your face!” He practically ran to the back door, pulling Travis by the hand as he went, unlocking the door. Jaron rushed to the freezer and pulled out a bag of frozen vegetables. “Sit. Sit.” He gently placed the bag on the side of Travis’s bruised, swelling temple as he sat in one of the kitchen chairs. Travis hissed but otherwise didn’t say anything. “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. If I had just stayed home then none of this would have happened. Brad is an asshole. He always was a big douche in high school too. This one time he slammed me up against my locker for no reason. Just came up and
That was it. Of course no one gave a crap about little Jaron McAllister getting his ass kicked every friggin day, now did they...” Jaron rambled when he was upset. Obviously.
Shut up Jaron!
He must have kept talking for at least ten minutes solid before he finally, did in fact, shut the hell up.

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