Whispers on the Ice (12 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Moynihan

BOOK: Whispers on the Ice
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“Well, I for one, can’t wait to see their performance. If nothing else, their courage to even attempt such a difficult program after such a spill should be an inspiration to us all!” Scott concluded.

The competition continued, but everyone’s mind was on the performance yet to come, Jamison and Rocmanov’s first official performance as a pair.

* * * * *

“Ready?” Aleksei softly asked Jordan, their eyes meeting and holding as he sent encouragement and confidence her way. Once again, the couple were standing beside the ice they had only moments before met disaster head on. Casting a last quick glance at the ice, she lifted her chin defiantly, daring the ice to challenge her, smiling as she nodded in agreement and squeezed his hand gently.

Aleksei looked at their hands, fingers laced together and his eyes darkened a fraction in anger when he again noticed her abraded palms. The gauze had been removed and her palms looked red and painful, he hoped she could stand the pressure on her palms during their numerous lifts. “How bad are they?” he questioned, holding her held palm up for inspection.

“I’ll survive,” She stated easily, running a finger between his eyes to erase the frown line forming. “Smile, it’s our turn,” she demanded, giving his hand a final squeeze and preparing to step on the ice.

“And now, ladies and gentlemen. Jordan Jamison and Aleksei Rocmanov,” a voice out of the darkness announced.

Together, as one, Aleksei and Jordan stepped onto the ice. Holding hands, they skated confidently to the center of the ice, smiling confidently at each other and the crowd and assumed their starting positions. The crowd refused to stop applauding, showing the pair their appreciation of the courage and tenacity they had shown. After their collision on the ice with the defending champions, no one would have been surprised if they had been unable to compete and had withdrawn, and yet, here they were, center ice, awaiting their music. Jordan and Aleksei held their opening position for over a minute, absorbing the strength they felt flowing from the appreciative crowd, breathing deeply and calmly as they felt their own adrenaline begin to surge through their systems. Finally, a request to be seated was announced and the audience complied, but not before words of encouragement were called out from various corners of the arena and applause again broke out.

Aleksei and Jordan remained motionless, waiting for the silence to descend and their music to begin. Aleksei smiled into Jordan’s upturned face and mouthed
nobody leaves,
causing her to smile secretly in return and nod in agreement. After what seemed hours, the soft beginning strains of Tchaikovsky’s
Romeo and Juliet
were heard and Jordan and Aleksei took their first tentative strokes on the ice as an official pair.

Just as Whittaker and Dee had hoped, the audience was entranced. The only sounds to be heard were the rising and falling notes of the music. Jordan and Aleksei sped across the ice, their blades mere whispers as they performed all the required elements. The audience made not a sound, holding their breaths as the pair before them landed each jump, throw and lift without fault or hesitation, despite their earlier incident. Even the announcers were silent; each lost in the beauty of the performance being played before them.

When Aleksei lifted a seemingly dead Jordan into his arms and raised her up, the audience felt his pain, knew he was pleading with God to join her in death and everyone understood his plight, felt his loss for the love of his life. In the deafening silence, you could feel the audience’s sympathy pouring onto the ice. When he raised her over his head and then collapsed with her in his arms on the last notes of the powerful music, the arena erupted into cheers that threatened to bring the ceiling down.

Aleksei and Jordan lay still on the ice, their chests laboring to take a full breath, absorbing the applause surrounding them and smiled to each other. With a gentle kiss, Aleksei lifted her to her knees, stood beside her and assisted her to her feet. Holding her hand, he bowed to her, then the audience, forgetting about the judges and embraced the magic they had been a part of. They accepted the applause, laughing as the power swept over them and carried them forward to accept the flowers that were being tossed onto the ice. Aleksei scooped up a single white rose and presented it to Jordan, kissing one hand softly and then leading her off the ice to the kiss and cry area where they would await their scores.

Flash bulbs went off furiously, despite the request there be none for safety purposes, as audience members tried to get pictures of the new pair as they waited patiently with their coaches in the chairs. When the scores for technical merit came up, the audience voiced their disapproval at the 5.8’s and 5.9’s that crossed the board. When the scores for presentation came across and read 6.0 straight across, the audience went wild and it wasn’t until Jordan and Aleksei took to the ice for a final bow that the pandemonium subsided somewhat.

Jordan and Aleksei won the National’s easily that night, despite their near-disastrous collision with the defending champions, and it would be a night neither of them would ever forget. It was a night that would remain in their memories forever.

And as Aleksei stood center ice, holding Jordan against his side, sharing their success, he understood what his coach had wanted for him all along. The fulfillment of being a part of something that made you truly happy, truly complete. As Aleksei looked down into Jordan’s upturned smiling, radiant face, he knew this small slip of a girl was the woman he was meant to share his life with, to grow old with. The thought made him throw back his head and laugh with joy toward the sky. The surprised look on Jordan’s face only made him laugh that much louder. Easily, he picked her up into his arms, spinning her in circles until she was laughing as hard as he was. The audience joined in their joy, clapping even louder and stamping their feet, the sound shaking the very foundation of the arena. Aleksei returned Jordan to her feet and with a final bow of gratitude, they left the ice, their fans still throwing roses and small trinkets onto the ice.

The announcers remained stunned. “I can’t believe what we’ve just witnessed!” Verne said. “Never in all my years as an announcer, have I ever experienced such enthusiasm from an audience.”

“You’re right about that.” Scott agreed, “The only other time I can remember the audience responding so passionately was when Katia Gordeeva took to the ice alone for the first time. You could feel the strength the audience was offering her then and you could sure feel them supporting Jamison and Rocmanov tonight.”

“Ladies and Gentleman, tonight you witnessed magic at it’s very best and, as far as I’m concerned, I can’t wait to see their next competition!” Verne added enthusiastically.

“I can’t imagine them beating this performance, because, as Verne said, this was definitely magic. Who knows, maybe we are witnessing the next Gordeeva and Grinkov,” Scott finished, shaking his head in wonder as he listened to the still cheering crowd.

“From all of us up here in the booth, this is Verne Lunquist, Scott Hamilton and Rosalyn Sumners, bidding you good night.”


“Physicals check out, blood work shows no performance enhancement drugs present. According to Olympic rules, you’re on your way to the Winter Olympics!” Dee screamed in excitement. All the medical tests and paperwork were completed and all that was left to do was to finalize reservations.

Jordan smiled broadly at her coach, her enthusiasm reaching out as they enclosed each other in a congratulatory hug. “Does Aleksei know yet?” Jordan asked, her eyes glowing brightly.

“I would assume Whittaker’s breaking the news to him also,” Dee said, smiling as Jordan became more animated, her enthusiasm making her giddy.

The front door suddenly slammed open, Aleksei’s muscular figure filling the doorway, the sun shining brightly behind him. “We’re there!” he spoke softly, deeply, yet the strength behind his words spoke louder than if he had yelled them. Rushing toward Jordan, he scooped her up in his arms, spinning wildly in circles and they laughed and cried in joy and anticipation.

Whittaker gently hugged Dee, kissing her cheek softly and the two coaches smiled as they watched their athletes celebrate their good fortune.

Jordan was dizzy when Aleksei finally set her feet on the ground and held her firmly against him, hugging her to his broad chest as he kissed the top of her head. “We made it brat!” he celebrated, kissing her mouth quickly while she frowned at him for using the nickname he

seemed to favor.

“We’ve still got the Russians to beat,” Jordan reminded.

“No—they have to beat us!” Aleksei corrected.

Jordan smiled up into his dark eyes, laying a gentle hand against his cheek, enjoying the sensual roughness of his day-old beard against her palm. “I like the way you think,” She answered, stretching upward as he lowered his head toward her awaiting mouth. Their brief kiss was gentle, full of love and understanding and hope and the belief that they would reach their goal. Aleksei’s arms engulfed Jordan as he hugged her closer to him, feeling her heart beat against his chest, answering his heart as it called to hers and he knew without doubt that if hearts could beat as one, theirs most certainly did.

There was nothing that could stop them. He knew, as sure as he knew there was a God in heaven, that the United States would bring home Gold this Olympics. And he couldn’t believe his good fortune, that this slip of a girl—no woman—was going to be there to share it with him.

Life couldn’t get any better than this.

* * * * *

“We want to spend a weekend at the cottage. Call it a final break before the Olympics,” Aleksei stated, his glance going from Whittaker to Dee, then to Jordan who nodded in agreement.

“We could use the down-time,” Jordan urged, her soft smile conflicting with the tired shadows beneath her eyes.

Aleksei and Jordan had been spending fourteen to sixteen hours a day on the ice, rehearsing again and again until their programs played through their minds in their sleep. Without a doubt, they could use the break but Whittaker was concerned the time-off could work against them.

“You’ve found your rhythm, I hate to have you lose it. You don’t have the time to start all over.”

“We see our programs in our sleep, there’s nothing to lose,” Aleksei growled at his coach.

“It’s only one weekend,” Jordan suggested, looking to Dee for assistance.

“It probably wouldn’t hurt to give them a small break,” Dee offered, holding her hand up when Whittaker opened his mouth to disagree. “You can’t say they aren’t ready, Whittaker. They’ve busted their asses and I think they could use the down-time.”

Whittaker frowned again, looking from Jordan to Aleksei, holding a conversation with himself as to the pros and cons of letting them off the ice for even a few days. Finally, he relented. “One weekend, but no skiing, no hiking, nothing that could physically put you at risk. You two have worked too hard to lose because you did something stupid!” He growled, pointedly looking at Aleksei.

“Agreed,” Jordan and Aleksei answered in unison.

“Couldn’t it be somewhere a bit closer, the cottage is a good two hour drive away,” Whittaker complained anew.

“That’s the idea. We want quiet time alone,” Aleksei stated softly, sending Jordan a heated caress with his dark eyes.

Whittaker caught the meaningful look and frowned again, directing his glance toward Dee. “You need to save your strength, the Olympics are only nine weeks away. I want you both healthy and strong. Weak legs aren’t going to get you Gold.”

“Gordeeva and Grinkov didn’t have problems with weak legs and I’m sure they managed to spend some quiet time alone,” Aleksei argued.

“They were married!” Whittaker shot back, his heated glance reaching Jordan.

“So because we’re not married, and if we spend time alone, all we’re going to do is fool around? Nothing’s going to happen that I don’t want to happen,” Jordan answered firmly, succinctly.

“What if someone came forward and made the accusation that the two of you are, ah…involved now?” Whittaker suggested.

“Why would anyone make such an accusation and even if they did, why would it matter? We’re not allowed to have feelings for each other? It’s not as if I’m under age. I’m old enough to be having an adult relationship if I choose to!” Jordan stated heatedly.

“Why did Nancy Kerrigan get her leg bashed? If someone wants to win, they’ll find a way to see it happens. Stranger things have happened,” Whittaker argued.

“ You’re being paranoid,” Aleksei stated.

“I’m being cautious. I don’t want you two risking anything.”

“We’re taking one weekend, alone, doing nothing but relaxing and relieving some of the stress that’s built up. I really don’t think there’s much at risk,” Aleksei reiterated.

Whittaker still didn’t like the idea, couldn’t shake the feeling of trouble ahead; unseen but a pulsing threat in his gut. “I don’t like it, but I obviously have been out-voted. I want you back here January ninth, no delays, no arguments, no excuses.”

“Great!” Jordan yelled excitedly, throwing herself against Aleksei’s chest and smiling as his strong arms enfolded her.

“You have three more weeks to abuse us, Whittaker. Be happy!” Aleksei teased, kissing the top of Jordan’s head and smiling broadly.

“You’re right. And by the way, did I mention I volunteered the two of you for an AIDS benefit December twenty-first?” Whittaker questioned, raising one eyebrow in defiance when Aleksei scowled over Jordan’s head.

“No, you failed to impart that little bit of information,” Aleksei growled, “Couldn’t you find another way to put us to work any closer to Christmas?”

“Don’t worry, I’m still looking for something to keep you up to speed. We wouldn’t want you getting lazy.”

“We can try our exhibition piece at the benefit, see if the program needs any final tweaks,” Jordan interrupted, sensing Aleksei’s rising temper as his arms folded tighter around her.

“That’s a good idea,” Aleksei answered quietly, his voice dangerously deep, his glance growing fiercer as he looked at his coach.

“I still don’t like the dismount,” Whittaker began, only to be cut off by Aleksei’s heated response.

“I don’t give a flying leap what you like or don’t like at this minute, Whittaker. Back off and leave us alone.”

Aleksei released Jordan from his arms and gently urged her forward with one hand at the small of her back, guiding her around the desk and toward the door. Stopping briefly, he kissed Dee’s cheek, speaking something into her ear that Whittaker was unable to hear, and leaving the two coaches behind in the office.

“What did he say?” Whittaker demanded as soon as the office door shut.

“You’re on a ‘need-to-know-basis, and right now, you don’t need to know!” Dee answered smartly, and brushed past the stubborn man, soundly slamming the office door behind her.

“The whole world’s gone fucking nuts!” Whittaker yelled to the ceiling, frustration making his voice a thunderous roar that rattled the steel framework which held the dropped ceiling.

* * * * *

“Oh, Aleksei, this place is perfect,” Jordan softly voiced, slipping the huge down coat from her shoulders and laying it across the back of the over-stuffed sofa, her gaze taking in the welcoming room.

The cottage was small but cozy. There was a single main room that held a huge fireplace, over-stuffed sofa, two wing chairs and assorted small tables, along with a kitchen and small eating area. Slowly she walked about the room, taking a peek inside the small bedroom snuggled off to one side, teasing Aleksei about breaking in the antique wrought iron bed that lay covered by a beautiful floral print comforter in muted shades of mauve, cream and jade. The small adjoining bathroom held a cast iron stand-alone tub complete with claw feet. When she saw the small tub, she couldn’t resist teasing Aleksei about the impossibility of him fitting into it. Aleksei simply shrugged his broad shoulders and said it would be interesting trying, a lecherous glint sparkling in his dark eyes.

“I’ll bring the bags in and then I’ll build you a fire,” Aleksei suggested, giving Jordan a gentle kiss before he went outside.

“I’ll start the cocoa,” Jordan offered.

“Don’t forget the marshmallows,” He ordered before he closed the door behind him.

Jordan looked through the cabinets in the small kitchen, quickly finding a small saucepan, filling it with water and putting it on the stove to heat. Aleksei kicked the front door, announcing his arrival and Jordan dashed the short distance to open it for him, taking a bag of groceries that balanced precariously between two suitcases. Aleksei placed the suitcases in the small bedroom, sitting on the bed and bouncing slightly to check its firmness and retraced his path past the kitchen, where he grabbed a handful of marshmallows from the bag on the counter, despite Jordan’s attempts to keep them for the cocoa.

“You eat them all before the cocoa’s done, you’ll be making a trip to the grocery store alone,” She vowed.

“You’d send me out into that wilderness alone for a bag of marshmallows?” Aleksei asked, his tone light and teasing.

“In a New York minute!” Jordan responded, tossing a handful of the soft, white puffs at him.

“At least I eat them—you’re just tossing them around like popcorn.”

“Oh, popcorn. That goes great with cocoa and marshmallows.”

“Food of the Gods,” Aleksei agreed, chuckling, and exited the door as another handful of marshmallows flew his way.

Jordan puttered around in the kitchen, putting away groceries, making cocoa and popcorn and generally discovering where everything was. If nothing else, the cottage was well equipped despite its small size and so far she hadn’t come across anything she needed and couldn’t find. From the kitchen she was able to watch as Aleksei built the fire in the large stone hearth, bantering with him over the proper procedure for building a fire and finally settling herself comfortably on the sofa before the hearth to watch him. In short order he had the fire blazing, it’s heat and woodsy aroma filling the small room.

“Will this do, m’lady?” Aleksei questioned from his knees, his hand indicating the huge fire behind him.

“If that’s the best you can do. I’d hoped it would be a bit warmer with the fire,” Jordan teased, laughing lightly as Aleksei slowly stalked her on his knees, his look one of a sleek, predatory cat. On he crept until he reached her, his muscular arms caging her between them, her knees trapped between his spread legs where he held her pinned loosely against the coach.

“I can do much better than that,” he stated deeply, his voice dangerously sexy, his dark eyes burning brightly “How much warmer do you want it?”

Jordan ran her hands along Aleksei’s bracketing arms, loving the feel of the quivering strength he held in check, drowning in the dark, sensual look in his eyes, a look reserved for her alone. Slowly she stroked his face, running her thumb over his full lower lip and twitching when he nipped it gently, only to smile when he turned his head slightly, his heated lips scorching her palm with a kiss. The heat from Aleksei was making her dizzy, his playful kisses and knowing caresses driving her crazy, making her want him more each second, more than she’d ever desired him before. Somewhere deep inside of her a flame was growing brighter, calling her toward an unknown universe, demanding more power to reach the far away stars. Aleksei softly calling her name slowed her spinning feelings, but only marginally. She had to struggle to focus

her forest green eyes on his handsome face.

“Aleksei, I’m melting,” she whispered breathlessly.

Aleksei smiled softly, gently cupped her cheeks and with a knowing look sweetly kissed her, pulling away when she sought to deepen the kiss. “You’re not yet, little one. But believe me, you will be before we’re done.”


“I promise you nothing but pleasure, my love,” he vowed, then scooped her into his arms and carried her into the small bedroom, gently laying her across the floral bedspread and joining her on the soft mattress.

* * * * *

Aleksei softly stroked Jordan’s face. His fingertips barely grazing her soft skin sent tingles of pleasure through her body, making her inch closer to the warmth and strength of his body as they lay side by side. Her breath came in small puffs, her eyes drifting closed as he pressed teasing kisses along her neck, pulling the material of her sweater aside to continue his sweet assault on the skin of her shoulder. Aleksei’s softly spoken words of what was to come make Jordan flush with anticipation yet apprehensive of the unknown at the same time.

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