White Ash on Bone: A Zombie Novel (25 page)

BOOK: White Ash on Bone: A Zombie Novel
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"Hang on," Jack said, "I'm not going to bother with the runway."

Cotta pushed the plane down the tarmac of the concrete terminal apron and the small craft quickly picked up speed.  The Cessna's wheels left the ground as its wings and engine clawed into the sky.  Jack banked the plane to the left to bring their heading around to face north. 

Rex looked past the pilot down at the burning terminal below.  The fuel truck had torn through a section of the concourse collapsing a section of the building.  A crater existed where the truck had been.

"You would all be dead," Jack said. "If they hadn’t blown that truck, all of you could have been caught between groups of those things."

Jack leveled the wings of the plane and the final resting place of the men who liberated the C-130s dipped below the horizon forever.




Hours later, Alison and Ginger sat inside the late Captain Anderson's Stryker.  Rex and an Air Force Captain, Dan Arnett, were talking outside the hatch of the vehicle.  The death of the Captain, Sergeant, and Paul Sulla ripped a sizeable whole in the organization of the survivors at the airport. 

Captain Arnett and his C-130s had been challenged by an Air Force radar station out of Ohio and were forced to drop to the deck after F-16s were dispatched to escort them home.  Three of the five remaining C-130s broke off, lured the fighters away and were either forced to land back in Ohio or be shot down.  Now there were only three heavy lifting planes back at the Butler Airport, including Major Warren's former craft.

"If we take off now," Arnett said, "we are likely to get shot down or forced to land back at Wright Patterson."

"It's not going to be too hard for them to figure out we are here," Rex said.

"The crews disabled their GPS systems before takeoff," Arnett said.  "They flew up toward the Great Lakes before breaking off back down South here.  I think they are going to have more pressing things on their agenda than looking for us.  The tactical nets are buzzing with activity, and those fighters are going to be re-tasked to bombing missions on bridges if I had my guess."

Inside the Stryker, Alison spun the black dial on the short-wave radio system.  She settled in on a frequency and a British man's voice crackled to life on the radio.

"The Russian President has just issued a statement demanding that the United States take drastic action to control the outbreaks spreading in North America.  He went on to indicate that Russia has a right and responsibility as a sovereign nation to protect its citizens and the citizens of the world from the threat posed by the outbreak.  Russia is now threatening nuclear detonations if the United States will not take action to reduce the threat.  We are told that the American President has responded by stating that now is not the time for threats, but rather a time to set aside differences to work toward common goals.

The United States maybe attempting to comply with Russian demands as there are now rumors of the chemical weapons stockpiles being prepared to use on infected zones. 

In related news, New York City appears to be a total loss for the Americans despite the efforts of increased military support.  Police and emergency personnel are still trying to maintain a safe zone in Time Square, but plans are already underway to fully evacuate the last remaining safe zones before they are overrun.

The nations of Mexico and Canada are now both admitting to outbreak activity within their borders.  Mexico's Yucatan peninsula fell victim to the outbreak. Reportedly, a dozen of the undead emerged from the jungle and surrounded a small town.  They are spreading panic throughout the region. This is causing some in the scientific community to question the origins of patient zero.  Currently, it is believed that the outbreak started in Western Pennsylvania."

"Hey," Rex said poking his head in the vehicle. "Anything we should know about?"

Alison exchanged a look with Ginger, "Russia is threatening to nuke us, and we’re possibly getting ready to use chemical weapons on our own soil."

"This changes things," Captain Arnett said. "We need to be ready to go."

"It's for the best," Rex said. "People are leaving in droves as the rumors of Pittsburgh getting bombed spread around.  People are also talking about your C-130s getting shot down if we take off in them."

"I'm sorry," said the Captain, "I can't imagine what they think the results will be to commit such atrocities."

"And the Russians?" Ginger said.

"Will kill us all," said Captain Arnett, "if they feel threatened enough."

"So what's the plan then?" said Alison.

"We are loading the supplies and equipment that the Guard carried with their convoy," said the Captain.

"In addition," Rex said, "Jack and several of the civilian pilots are getting ready to fly out to that airport in Kentucky.  Jack has assured me there is room on those planes for the two of you, plus Mazie and Kimberly."

"You're coming with us Rex," Ginger demanded.

Rex smiled at his wife and gave her hand a quick squeeze, "I'll follow in one of the C-130's."

The group's attention shifted back toward the BBC announcer coming through over the shortwave.

"We are now getting confirmation that in fact there has been a large detonation inside of Manhattan proper.  Merchant ships in the Atlantic near the city of New York report an intense flash of light
from the direction of city.  We are also getting grainy video feed of a rising mushroom cloud over-"

Static overtook the British accent on the shortwave.

"God help us all," Captain Arnett said while raising his hand to his head.  "That static is consistent with a nuclear blast."

"There had to be millions of people alive there," Ginger said.

"If it was the Russians or Chinese," the Captain said, "our boys have standing orders to fire back.  Most likely it came from a sub in the Atlantic so everyone can claim ignorance, but more are likely to fall.  We need to get the fuck out of here before someone remembers where this shit started."

A pilot in green flight suite ran across the tarmac waving his arms at the Stryker.  "Captain," the pilot shouted, "it just went over the airwaves, we are at DEFCON 1.  The Russians are admitting they nuked us."

"Evac," the Captain shouted back.  "We scramble out in ten minutes.  Load everyone and everything you can and take off."

The pilot turned and ran in the direction of the C-130s sitting in line by the taxiway.

Donna and Jack ran up to the Stryker from the other direction.  "What's going on?" Donna said with worry bleeding into her voice.

"Nukes," Alison said.

"This can’t be happening,” Donna said.  “Where?"

"New York," Rex said.  "Grab your stuff and get on a plane."

"We have a problem with Kimberly," Donna said.  "She got sick a little bit ago, and well, Mazie thinks she caught it from the doctor."

Alison brought a hand to her mouth, "He slept with her after he was bit."

"Exactly," Donna said, "What do we do?"

Alison closed her eyes, "Carson you fucking monster," she said. 

"Mazie says she needs to watch her turn and document what happens if we want to even try and figure out what's going on."

"Do it," the Captain said.  "You said there is a med-school down where we’re going in Kentucky; maybe they can figure this shit out.  I suggest you all get your butts on a plane, unless you would rather stay here and get a suntan."




Kimberly felt flushed and weak; beads of sweat had formed on her forehead and her hands shook.  She starred at the white painted drywall of the office and wondered about the people who constructed the office.  "There were people who built this room," Kimberly said.  "They came to work and spent hours in here working.  They were safe and everything was fine in the world.  I bet they told dirty jokes and bitched about their boss behind his back."  Mazie stood with her back to the wall watching Kimberly, and Jack did the same watching from a desk.  "Do you really think I have it?" Kimberly asked.

"Time will tell," Mazie said. "But if it's transferred through bodily fluids, then you were exposed during intercourse."

"Please, help me," Kimberly sobbed into her hand.

"There is nothing to be done," Mazie said. "Time will tell, and you might not have it.  The best we can do is to monitor your condition and take precautions that you don’t harm or infect others if you turn."  Mazie walked over to Kimberly's side and placed her hand on the girl's arm.  "Listen, there are going to be people outside that room that are going to want to put a bullet in you before we even know what you have for sure."

"My parents are out West," Kimberly said, "They’ll never know what happened to me, will they?"

"Shh, don’t think about things like that," Mazie said.

"No, he's killed me,” Kimberly said.  “If I had listened to my parents, I wouldn't be in this mess," she sobbed.

"Kim," Mazie said, "I don’t think any of us are going home again.  I can tell you this, should you be infected, you might help us save others."

"What do you mean?" Kimberly said.

"Meaning," Mazie said, "I’m going to keep anybody from putting a bullet in your head no matter what happens.  You need to be prepared for us to take precautions to make sure you don’t hurt anyone, should the worst happen."

The door to the office opened.  Rex walked in.  "How's she doing?" Rex said.

"Fever," said Mazie, "And elevated blood pressure."

"How long does she have?" replied Rex.

Mazie paused for a moment, "It's anyone's guess, could be minutes, hours, or days.  She might not have it at all, but I think it's highly likely."

"Where's the cat?" Rex asked Jack, "It didn’t like the doctor."

"She's already in the plane," Jack said.

"Kimberly," Rex said, "we are hauling ass out of here, but I’m going to make sure you get on a plane."

Rex walked over to Kimberly and scooped her up.  Kimberly felt dizzy at the movement, but wrapped her arm around Rex's neck.  "Thank you," she said. 

Mazie opened the door to the office and Rex led the way out.  In the hall, Kimberly caught sight of Alison and Ginger waiting.  Ginger didn’t look at her but Alison held a fixed gaze with silver pistol in her hand.

Outside the building, the last ray of sunshine gave its last hint of light and faded over the horizon.   One of the few remaining guardsmen walked up and addressed Rex.

"Captain Arnett asked me to escort your group to his C-130 for transport."

"Lead the way," Rex replied.

"You got this Rex?" Jack Cotta asked.

"Go on; get your plane outta here, Jack,” Rex said.  “We’ll meet up for some moonshine down south.”  Jack grabbed Donna by the hand and turned away with the girl and ran toward his plane on the other side of the concrete parking lot.

Kimberly could see the green olive drab plane Rex was carrying her to.  The rear ramp was lowered and a light from inside the plane showed crewmen securing a Stryker to the deck of the craft.

The C-130s engine emitted a whine from its gas turbine compression system that climbed in pitch to a continuous scream in the air.  The right prop closest to the plane turned and rapidly picked up speed. For a moment the prop appeared to spin in the other direction, but it was only an optical illusion.   The scream picked up intensity as the second prop on the right swirled in motion.

The sky to the south of the plane flickered alive with crimson flashes in the direction of Pittsburgh.

Kimberly opened her mouth and shouted in Rex's ear, "What's happening?"  The sound of the plane drowned out her question as Rex carried her up the ramp.

A crewman met Rex halfway up the ramp carrying duct tape in his hand and pointing at Kimberly.  Another crewman lowered the ramp to the Stryker now secured inside the plane and nodded for her to get in.  Behind them, the ramp was closing.  Rex set her inside the vehicle and she tried to lift her hands but found the world going black.




Doctor Stephen Brandon walked up to a black steel fire door guarded by a soldier carrying an M-16.

“Identification, Sir,” the guard requested.

Doctor Brandon pulled his identification card off his scrubs and handed it to the guard.  The soldier looked over the card and handed it back to the doctor.

“They are waiting inside for you, Doc,” the guard said. “If you try and leave before you are cleared, I
shoot you without thinking about it.”

The guard opened the door for Brandon and waved him through.  The door clanked shut behind the doctor and heard keys locking it behind him.  It was the first time Brandon had ever seen any type of security at the med school let alone the military on campus.

Brandon walked down a white blocked hallway and through another set of black fire doors.  On the other side, he was greeted by five people in blue bio-hazard suits. He recognized Doctor Sally Perkins, an infectious disease specialist, behind the mask of one of the suits.  She pointed at an extra bio suit hanging on a coat rack.

“This is Doctor Stephen Brandon,” Sally Perkins said. “He is the only Pathologist in Pike County, but don’t let that fool you; he is one of the best in the state.”

BOOK: White Ash on Bone: A Zombie Novel
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