White (8 page)

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Authors: Aria Cole

BOOK: White
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And then to make matters worse, she lifted one of my shiny red apples to her luscious lips and took a bite. My mouth salivated as I watched her chew, just the hint of a smile on her delicate mouth as her eyes gleamed back at me.
was delicious. I wanted a bite of her.

Thinking two could play this game, I took long strides across the kitchen, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her against my body so she could feel what she did to nine long, aching, hard inches of me. “You’re eating my apple.” I took it from her hand and helped myself to a healthy bite, my hips pressed against her without shame.

Her eyes flared as I chewed, her lids darting from my lips and away. A small whoosh of air parted her lips and I felt a slow tremble wrack her body beneath my palm. One of her hands gripped at my forearm, her nails digging into the flesh as her thighs shifted restlessly. Damn, she was a vision when she was turned on. A walking, talking fantasy in my very hands. I adored her.

I finished eating and set the apple on the counter beside her. “Good morning.” And twisting a lock of her glossy, raven hair between my fingers, I let my desire for her get the best of me and pulled her closer, snatching her earlobe between my teeth. A soft moan escaped her lips when I dusted my nose along the shell of her ear and inhaled the sweet scent of her lush skin. “I hope you slept well.” I rocked my pelvis against hers suggestively. I felt her swallow before I placed a delicate kiss at her throat and pulled away, a wide grin pulling at my lips. “You drink coffee?” I extracted myself from her personal space, hoping I was leaving her reeling and without breath just as she did me, and aimed for the coffee pot on the opposite counter.

When she hadn’t answered, I turned a moment later, grounds in hand, to find her standing frozen, a hand at her throat and her eyes downcast. I would have been worried if not for the smallest of smiles fighting to turn up the corners of her lips. That little look, that one little smile told me I’d cracked her. I’d broken over one wall and was one step closer to sieging her heart.

“Allie?” I asked, feigning concern, secretly relishing my effect on her. She spun, as if caught off guard, then turned on the bright smile she reserved for special occasions. The walls were back. Damn. But I’d seen a glimpse. She was still in there somewhere, and it would be my only goal to find the girl who hid inside before life and everything she loved had been so callously snatched from her.

“Hmm?” Her eyes finally landed on mine, dark and hooded with sweet lust.

“Damn, such a stunning distraction.” I surprised her when I closed the short distance between us, and like a homing beacon, my palms found her skin, one finger dancing at the strap of her tank top, teasing the soft flesh. Her eyes went wide with lust and surprise as I pressed my mouth against her ear and hummed. “If you keep teasing me like this, I’m going to bend you over in my kitchen and taste that sweet pussy like I did last night.”

Her chest heaved in reckless pants against my body, her eyes wide and glazed with attraction and sweet anticipation, before one hand wrapped around my neck and she pushed her body up mine, settling herself on the counter and spreading her legs, the perfect nook for me to nestle myself in.

“What’s stopping you?” she purred, and my dick raged, and I nearly lost my ever-loving mind.

I swallowed deeply, reminding myself that she was a virgin, that she was baiting me, that she was trained to be a sweet Lolita and that I was the one in charge. But what would she think when I finally told her we weren’t all that different?

My eyes flicked down to the rosy pink bow of her lips as I placed heavy palms at her thighs, holding her in place as I kissed her long and slow, showing her I exercised remarkable restraint where she was concerned. “Don’t tempt me. Once I have you, I won’t be able to stop.” I spoke against her lips before trailing my tongue down the line of her delicate neck to place kisses beneath her earlobe. “And once you’ve had me, you won’t ever be able to walk away. Do you think you’re ready for that?” I husked, sucking her lobe into my mouth and enjoying the taste of her skin on my tongue.

She swallowed once, her eyes falling closed before the timer went off on my coffee. I licked my lips, more certain than ever in my decision to wait. “I didn’t think so either. But I promise you, it will be soon.” I kissed her on the lips one last time, then smacked her thigh playfully, before leaving her breathless and perched on the counter while I crossed the kitchen to pour my cup of coffee. “I’ll be in my office if you need anything.” I flashed her a grin as I left the room, headed for my office to check the morning’s emails.

Let the little minx toss that one around for a while.



My heart pounded like wild horses on the sand as I finished my coffee and the apple he’d taken a defiant bite of. That bite had nearly had me swooning in a pool at his feet. His stubbled jaw working the flesh, the flex and pull of his throat when he’d finally swallowed, the memory of it alone made my heart flutter. For the sake of a much needed distraction, I busied myself in my room for a while, before heading into the library of his living room to peruse his vast collection. I wasn’t able to focus, his words on repeat in my mind when he’d pushed me up against the counter this morning.

Are you ready for me?

You’ll never be able to walk away.

What did that mean? Why did it have an edge of danger, and why did he excite me so much? I caught a glimpse of the sun shining off the lake outside the windows, and I headed for the French doors that opened onto the wraparound porch. I took a deep breath of the fresh air, then padded out on bare feet across the sun-warmed steps and down onto the vibrant green grass.

I’d never been to a place so beautiful, much less lived in one. Feeling the sun caress my skin, I walked down to the small path that bordered the orchard and lake. When I finally reached the gently lapping waves, I cooed when I found a duck and her ducklings paddling in the shallow water by the shore. A grin tipped my lips as I sat on the heavy granite bench perched at the waterside. I stretched my limbs out in the sun, closing my eyes and soaking up the peace this place offered.

Never in my life had I been more at peace than here, with him. Did I deserve it? Maybe after all the years of brutality and abuse I’d faced, but I wasn’t one for thinking I particularly deserved it. I’d have to get used to being taken care of. For so long it’d only been me. Me and the boys against the world. They would love it here, I thought, as I sighed and smiled, the wind curling through the locks of my hair and fanning it across my face.

“This is my favorite place on the property.” Asher’s deft rumble sounded from behind me. This guy with the timing. It made me think his eyes were never far from my form. It was an odd feeling, but in some sense, a comforting one.

“It’s beautiful. I absolutely love it.” I smiled and peered up at him, soaking in the bright sunlight.

“I want you to be at home here, Allie.” He sat and took my hand in his own in a swift move. “My home is yours. I know you’re here under extraordinary circumstances, but if we can move past that, I want to take care of you.”

“That’s…so sweet of you to say.” I stumbled for words, never having met someone so forthright with their feelings before. “I can’t thank you enough,” I finished awkwardly.
Did I want someone to take care of me? I’d never had the option before, and he was so incredibly kind,
I thought as I turned my head away.

“Don’t do that. Don’t try to keep me at arm’s length.” He scooted closer and continued, his gaze intense on mine. “I know you’ve been through a lot. You can tell me anything. I’m always here.” He licked his lips and continued when I didn’t reply. “I’ve been thinking…” His head turned away and back again. “I think we should shorten the contract to a year,” he said stoically.

My heart dropped down into my stomach. But why? Had I done something wrong already? Had I already blown it, my chance for financial peace of mind that he’d dangled in front of me gone before it’d ever even had a chance to materialize? “I don’t understand,” I choked out as fear and frustration invaded my throat.

“Allie, no, no, no. I just don’t think it’s fair to require you to stay locked up here. You’ve gone through enough in life. Let’s just say we shorten the contract, but keep all the same terms. Come on, you shouldn’t be complaining, this works to your benefit,” he said breathlessly.

“But what about the money?” I blurted out, thinking only of the boys and what that money could provide us.

Asher’s eyebrows rose for a long moment before he turned away and dropped my hand again.

“You’ll still get the money,” he uttered quietly, his jaw tightening for a moment, and I knew instantly it hadn’t been about that for him. I’d stuck my damn foot in my mouth and now I’d hurt his feelings.

But what about my feelings? He left me feeling like I was riding a damn roller coaster. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound rude or ungrateful, but I’ve never had this sort of kindness before. It just takes some time adjusting to the idea that someone cares for you and not just what you can give them.” I stopped, thinking in some way I was here for him, too. We needed each other. Was it so bad that I actually enjoyed his company, too?

“Just so I make myself clear, Allie, I’ll take care of you as long as you’ll have me. I have more than enough money to last me multiple lifetimes. I would love for you to stay with me forever. This house is so big and rambling alone, and Peggy is wonderful, but she’s not exactly the kind of company I’m looking for.”

“What, company that you pay?” I snarked before kicking myself again.

His eyebrows rose in surprise. “You’ve got quite a mouth on you. That I didn’t expect.” He shook his head with an amused grin, then continued. “And rest assured, I will pay you for your time here. I’ll pay you in the form of extended trips, fancy dresses, all the things a woman could ever desire. You’ll be provided for.” He caught my eye. “And outside of your monetary compensation, of course.”

My cheeks flushed red. I didn’t want him to think I was here using him for his cash. I mean, it was part of it, but I would be here having this conversation on this bench with him without the cash. I enjoyed Asher Strong.

“Thank you for saying that.” I reached out for his hands again, feeling relaxed and at ease in the spring sunlight. “I have been through a lot.” I looked down at my bare feet in the grass, something inside me telling me to open up, to spill my soul to him like I’d never done with anyone else. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. I’m not here for the money. I like you.” I peered up at him, gaze trained on his eyes so he could see that I meant it, that I liked him really.

“But you’re right. I have gone through a lot of hard stuff, and I left my three brothers in foster care. I can't stop worrying about them. They're younger than me, and all I can think about is earning enough money to get them out of there, to provide for all of us so they can go to public school and focus on an education. Maybe I could even send them to college someday…” I trailed off as tears wet my eyelids.

“Allie.” Asher pulled me into his strong arms then, and I tucked myself against his barrel chest. He felt so warm, so right, so welcoming. “I’ll do anything I can to help you. I can’t imagine the horrors you saw where you came from. No one should be subjected to that. I promise you, from this second forward I will do anything I can to help you get them out. Legally or otherwise, I’ll find a way to make your dreams happen,” he whispered fervently, and damn it, I believed him. For the first time, I believed that a man genuinely would help, could actually save me, would be enough to save me from myself.

“Asher,” I choked, wiping at a tear that had trailed down my cheek. How had he gotten inside my heart so soon? His hands pressed to my face instantly, and his thumbs were wiping at my tears. Suddenly the levees burst and I was a crying wreck in his strong and protective arms. He held me while I cried for the missed childhood and the discarded opportunities, the hopeless nights alone in that old house, the times I’d had to turn off my emotions to perform for aging, angry men behind a computer screen.

I cried for all of it, and God help Asher Strong, he stayed with me. He rubbed my back and whispered soothing sweet nothings in my ear until my tears finally calmed and I slumped against his form, feeling so exhausted and so much lighter.

“Let’s go in for a rest. I’ve got some work to get started on, contacting a lawyer friend of mind in child services first, and then I’ve got something special planned for you and me tonight,” he said, his gaze steadying on mine as he wiped away one last errant tear. “You okay, sunshine? I can’t bear it when that smile fades away,” he murmured, his warm eyes melting my insides like warm butter.

I nodded, feeling my heart knit back together a little stronger, a little quicker, with his every word. He was right, the longer I was with him, the more he wooed my body and soothed my broken heart, the less able I would be to walk away.

He was right all along.



I twisted my hands anxiously in my lap as I waited for her. I didn’t think she was ready to leave the house and be out with me in public, plus it felt nice to live in this quiet little bubble we’d created since she’d arrived, but I’d still wanted to do something special for her.

I didn’t cook, so I’d enlisted Peggy to make a delicious Italian feast, complete with homemade bread and a vintage Merlot for sipping. The wine was for me, not her. I’d need a little liquid courage. Being with her still sent my nerves into overdrive, my thoughts jumbled and desperate for her love.

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