Who Was Dracula? (31 page)

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Authors: Jim Steinmeyer

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Warburton, H. L., 280

Washington, George, 192

Watter's Mou', The
(Stoker), 52

Watts, George Frederic, 46

Welles, Orson, ix, xii, 168

Westminster Abbey, Poets' Corner at, 267

“When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd” (Whitman), 194

Whitechapel Vigilance Committee, 151

Whitman, Walt, xvi, 33–35, 64, 69–70, 188–206, 213, 250, 253, 295

works of,
see titles of books and poems

Wilde, Constance (née Lloyd), 216–17, 221, 225, 230, 240–41, 243

Wilde, Cyril, 217, 241, 243

Wilde, Lady Jane (“Speranza”), 27–29, 31, 43, 241

Wilde, Oscar, xvi, 28–29, 173, 211–26, 229–45, 253, 256, 274, 280–82, 295

American tour of, 213

at Beefsteak Room dinners, 66, 67, 212, 213

conviction and jail sentence of, 207, 212, 242–44, 247–49

Florence courted by, 42–43, 211, 216, 217, 245, 250, 282

homosexual affairs of, 221–24, 226, 230–31, 233–36, 248

indecency trials of, 174, 175, 241–44

libel case brought against Queensberry by, 237–40

at Lyceum, 50–51, 56, 61, 213, 232

marriage and family of, 216–17, 240–41, 248

Terry and, 9, 51, 207, 212–15, 235, 240, 249–50

works of,
see titles of specific works

Wilde, Vyvyan, 217, 241, 243

Wilde, Sir William, 27–29, 31, 43

Wilde, William Charles Kingsbur

“Willie,” 28, 29, 243

Wilkinson, William, 106–7, 112, 114

Williams, Talcott, 202–3

Wills, W. G., 9

Winter, William, 142, 149, 223, 224

Winter Garden (London), 293

Wolf, Leonard, 117, 271

Woman in White, The
(Collins), 136

Woman of No Importance, A
(Wilde), 235, 248

Woman's World
, 213

Wood, Alfred, 236

, Alexander, 290


Image of Vlad Dracula: Woodcut frontispiece for
Dracole Waida
(Nuremberg: Peter Wagner, 1488). Rosenbach Museum & Library, Philadelphia, Incun 488

Image of Stoker notes: Bram Stoker,
, notes and outline (ca. 1890–ca. 1896), page 1, “Historiae Personae,” cast of characters. Rosenbach Museum & Library EL4 f.S874d MS

Image of young Oscar Wilde: © Corbis

Image of old Oscar Wilde: © Corbis

Image of Thomas Hall Caine: © Corbis

Image of Walt Whitman: © Corbis

Image of the Marquess of Queensberry: © Corbis

Image of Bela Lugosi: Florence Vandamm Photo © Corbis

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