Whole Health (16 page)

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Authors: Dr. Mark Mincolla

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Now that you're assessed and balanced, it's time for your ch'i to be preserved. By the preservation of ch'i I'm referring to longevity. Whole Health can put you in a position to cultivate far greater longevity. Let's take a closer look.

The outer membrane of a cell is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to all other parts of that cell. Therefore, nature designed cells to be microscopic is size so as to allow for an efficient delivery of nourishment throughout the cell. The outer cell membrane grows faster than the innermost part of the cell and, as the cells get larger, the outer membrane is then unable to reach all parts of the innermost cell with replenishment. Therefore the cell must go through its natural life cycle until it ultimately divides. Healthy human cells engage in cell division approximately fifty times throughout the span of their duration. Chromosomes are vital to this process, as they contain all the cell information that enables cells to divide. Every time cells divide, their chromosomes get worn down, and aging is the result of this wearing down. But nature offers some protection from the wear and tear of chromosomal aging. The ends of chromosomes are protected by proteins called telomeres. Think of them as protective plastic shoelace caps that keep the chromosomes from fraying every time the cell divides. The shorter our telomeres, the faster we age.

Research has recently discovered a longevity enzyme called telomerase. Telomerase enzymes protect and repair the telomeres, actually extending their length, and thereby reversing the aging process. Longer telomeres are now widely considered to be one of the most reliable anti-aging determinants.

Remember, it's impossible to change your genes more than one-tenth of 1 percent every 250 generations. But you can change the behavior of your genes very easily. Telomerase production is a great
example of this, and scientists have discovered a number of behavioral, dietary, and other treatment factors that increase telomerase production.

Donor antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E have been shown to dramatically increase telomerase by fending off free-radical vampire cells in search of electrons from healthy cells. The vitamins accomplish this by donating their own electrons. Missionary antioxidants like L-glutathione and N-acetyl-cysteine have demonstrated the ability to convert damaging free radical molecules back into antioxidants. The Mediterranean Diet of fish, poultry, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains has been shown to extend telomeres. The story is no different when it comes to natural relaxation response research.

In 2010, a team of German scientists found that fit, active subjects consistently demonstrated 40 percent greater telomere length when compared to their sedentary counterparts. A number of studies have consistently found that dedicated meditators have on average a one-third greater telomere length than nonmeditators.

The ancient Chinese embraced the philosophy of
Mi Bing,
or “Before Disease.” Mi Bing reflects their concept of longevity. Keep in mind that they believed that natural human life expectancy was designed to be 120 years. The reason for their focus on self-preservation was to enable the higher self-cultivation of wisdom to better prepare for the next life. This extended cultivation of balance, health, and higher consciousness was tantamount to attaining immortality in their view. Thus, Mi Bing—from the standpoint of disease prevention and longevity—was very important to their concepts of both mortal and immortal life.

The ancients believed that one of the most important ways to engage Mi Bing was to stimulate the Stomach 36 acupuncture point. This point is located one finger width laterally from the anterior border of the tibia (see Figure 4.8). This vital point is said to
assist with everything from low immunity and chronic illness to depression and anxiety.

Stomach 36

Stomach 36 is considered to be one of the most important of all acupuncture points for the general maintenance and fortification of overall mind/body health. The Chinese name for this point is
or “Leg Three Miles.” During ancient times, people in China traveled mostly on foot, and stimulation of this point was said to relieve fatigue in such a way that, when one hit the point of peak exhaustion, they could then get three more miles out of their tired legs.

The ancients were pretty clear about the life extension properties of Stomach 36, but could this power point actually be a modern-day telomere extender? In his book
The Biophysics for Acupuncture and Health
, Dr. Shui Yin Lo writes of a study that found that acupuncture stimulation of Stomach 36 showed an average increase in telomere length up to two times their length prior to treatment, further citing increases ranging from 60 percent to 100 percent!

Whole Health has adopted a simple plan to diagnose and balance one's longevity energy via Stomach 36.

EMT Longevity Test
—Practitioners should begin by once again interfacing with subjects. As with all EMT protocols, first engage
in the tuning exercise. Then move onto EMT pass/fail testing while applying light pressure on the subject's Stomach 36 point. For advanced practitioners, touch testing will not be necessary. Simply draw upon strong intention while calling out “Stomach 36.” This is all that will be necessary to get effective pass/fail results.

Next, practitioners must initiate the pulse testing procedure. Following the pass/fail test, you'll need to know the degree of strength or weakness of the subject's Stomach 36. As always, pulse testing is a search for a plus/minus factor between 1 and 10. “Minus” represents deficiency and “plus” represents excess or inflammation. If a deficiency is found, then it must be balanced by adding ch'i. This chapter deals exclusively with EMT energy diagnosis. The following chapter on body balancing reveals how to stimulate Stomach 36 to enhance longevity.

It is possible for some subjects to have an excess of energy at Stomach 36. If practitioners discover excess energy at Stomach 36, they should opt instead for Kidney 1, or
Yang Quan
, “Bubbling Spring.” This is a very good backup longevity point.




As with light, your thought travels through the ether by means of waves that continually extend ever outward. Therefore, your thoughts are “virtual particles,” and can, according to the theories of quantum entanglement, simultaneously occupy space in an infinite number of potential locations. This ability of your thoughts to “skip” across domain gaps is referred to as “quantum tunneling.”

Thoughts are energy that produces field-generating waves, which travel through space similar to quanta (discrete light packets). Every thought is part of an infinite web of “lightlike” packets that exist everywhere simultaneously. The multiverse is like an information matrix where thought vibrations are transmitted through ether without restriction.

Neurologically, your thoughts travel from your brain to
anywhere within your body at the approximate speed of 250 miles per hour. The outer transmission of your thoughts into the ether of space, however, is believed by some experts to travel faster than the speed of light (186,000 miles per second/700 million mph), as they circle the globe more than seven and a half times per second, ad infinitum. Moreover, each of our conscious and unconscious 300 to 3,000 thoughts per minute is enjoined as part of an exponentially expanding collective unconscious and consciousness field. We're all being affected concurrently by the resonance of each other's thoughts.

Imagine someone thousands of miles away transmitting thought patterns that you're unconsciously receiving. What influence might those thoughts have on your mood, your behaviors, and the outcome of your day? What about your wishes, hopes, and dreams? They are also thoughts that are influencing other thinkers, even as you read this. How much of what is currently in your life was magnetically brought in by your past thoughts? Can you bring new, more advantageous people and circumstances into your life by thinking more aligned thoughts? Most of us believe that we are affected only by those thoughts within and immediately around us, but we're all continually being affected by the thoughts of many distant thinkers, perhaps even from universes and worlds beyond. What's more, this process of thought field transmission is far from random.

Vibrations are oscillations of energy waves that are both transmitted and received. Vibratory wave patterns find their way to compatible or energetically matched vibratory receptors. Most believe that their thoughts travel but a very short distance, only to swiftly dissipate into the ether. But this is simply not so. Every single thought emitted finds its way to sympathetic vibratory receptors here, there, and everywhere. The truth is, thought travel is not finite nor is its transit random. Every thought vibration transmitted is received by like vibrations. Thought travel is governed by the law
of attraction. Energies that vibrate at the same frequency are magnetically drawn to each other. The feelings that inspire our thoughts influence their vibratory nature. For example, inspired thoughts of spiritual love are defined and empowered by their spiritual and emotional intentions. They are driven by powerful energies that magnetically shuttle them to their similar destinations. Thoughts are things—powerful things—and they travel infinite distances, ultimately arriving in an instant exactly where they were intended to go. Thoughts have great power.


Local medicine is constructed on an antiquated foundation. The inescapable physics by which nonlocal or distance healing derives self-evidence has at last begun to surface. Over the past thirty years, there have been hundreds of distance prayer and healing studies, including some performed at respected institutions of higher learning such as Dartmouth College, Duke University Medical Center, and the University of California School of Medicine in San Francisco. Most of this research has produced evidence supporting the argument for nonlocal healing efficacy, supporting the argument that thought indeed travels through space in an ordered fashion.

There are theorists who've attempted to explain distance telepathy and healing prayer from the perspective of quantum mechanics. “Zero-point field” is a term for a quantum vacuum state containing no physical particles. It is believed to contain virtually no energy. It would be a mistake, however, to think of this field as an empty state, as it contains an infinite amount of fleeting electromagnetic waves and particles that continuously “pop” in and out of existence and can be influenced by the mere act of observation. Many argue that zero-point field allows for manipulation in the space-time continuum via scalar waves. The scalar waves that
zero-point field generates represent a quantum theory that opens doors to an array of infinite possibilities, including an explanation for the nonrandom nature of distance communication.

While all this conjecture attempted to logically and scientifically explain the mechanics of distance communication and healing over the past several decades (and took its time in doing so), I've managed to help thousands of people around the country and world with the power of distance healing thoughts. I decided long ago to leave the debating to others. I simply wanted to explore the possibility of healing anyone I could, regardless of how far away they were.

Initially, I just wanted to take some time to get comfortable with the process, and to establish whether I could indeed have a healing effect nonlocally. Straightaway, the feedback I received made it clear that there was something very real and very special taking place. Almost immediately, most of those who I worked with at distances informed me of swift and dramatic improvements. As I mentioned earlier, headaches were frequently relieved during the course of a phone call. Many of the acute pain and inflammation cases I worked with were aided within a week's time. I must admit, I was stunned. I hadn't expected to see such swift, remarkable results. My nonlocal healing work took off overnight as I suddenly found myself fielding numerous national and global referrals from the people I was able to assist.

Based on my own empirical evidence I can now say, without hesitation, that I believe distant thoughts can effectively be transmitted to any distant domain by the power of healing intention.

One of my earliest experiences with distance Wenchiech'u healing (a concept that will be fully explored later in this chapter) was with a young man from California who was injured in a surfing accident some years earlier. He had been violently knocked off of his board by the wild Pacific surf and managed to come away with
only minor injuries, but still suffered chronic dull pain in his lower back that no one was able to help him with. He tried a number of prescriptive and over-the-counter medications, as well as nutritional supplements, to no avail. He'd also undergone extensive physical therapy, but saw no improvement.

We had a brief telephone consult and I asked him about the status of his general health prior to the accident. He conveyed that he was in good health except for a recurrent problem with urinary tract infections. He told me he had averaged at least three or four per year. My study of Chinese medicine alerted me to the fact that the psoas muscle (which was the source of his pain) is energetically connected to the kidneys. I immediately suspected that a chronic kidney deficiency was at the root of both his urinary tract infections as well as his current lower-back pain.

We scheduled a follow-up telephone appointment in one week, and immediately after hanging up the phone I began directing healing counterclockwise spirals to his deficient kidneys. I transmitted a series of these Wenchiech'u exercises at two-minute intervals. I performed two-minute boosters once daily for three days. On the fourth day I was surprised and pleased to hear that for the first time in five years, his lower-back pain had at last subsided. Nearly a year later he called to inform me that he'd had one full year without any urinary tract infections.

I continue to effectively perform many nonlocal healing sessions for patients from all around the world. I can now personally testify to the fact that the quantum power of the mind has remarkable healing powers, and that conscious positive intentions do indeed find their way to exactly where they belong. I also believe that whatever positive conscious intentions I transmit in the form of thought are received not just by the person I am working with, but by whomever else they might resonate with, anywhere in the multiverse, at any time.


Recently, I delivered four seminars within ten days of each other, the last of which marked my five hundredth public speaking event. For more than half of those seminars and lectures, I've demonstrated one particular group-distance healing experiment that has never failed to deliver. I begin by calling up a volunteer. After a few brief formalities, I immediately begin muscle testing the subject's organ strengths and weaknesses. I test their arm strength resistance with one hand, while placing mild pressure on the various organ pressure points of their body with the other hand. As soon as the volunteer's arm drops upon discovery of an organ deficiency, we stop. I then ask for the audience to help us. I instruct them to focus their healing intention on the subject's area of weakness.

Lung 1

In this case, my subject displayed a very weak muscle response when I applied light pressure to her Lung 1 acupuncture point, just below the clavicle. So the audience was asked to focus the power of their healing attention on the subject's clavicle. They were then asked to envision themselves as transmitting a laser-like light of healing energy from their minds directly to her deficient clavicle,
with the express intention of strengthening her deficient lung energy. After ninety seconds of audience distance healing, I retested the subject's Lung 1 strength. And, just as it has happened hundreds of times before, the subject's arm suddenly showed no weakness. I always tell them that we just took a walk on the edge of physics, where together we suspended the notion of time and space. Sound a bit like theater?

All meaning previously assigned to the concepts of time and space is becoming problematic. Ever since Einstein's general and special theories of relativity were first postulated more than a century ago, the concept of time and space as constants has, in essence, been greatly diminished. Time and space have assigned relative value only in our material world. As Einstein reminds us, “Time and space are modes by which we think, and not conditions in which we live.”

The phenomenon of “retrocausation” obliterates all boundaries associated with the concept of time. This concept suggests that the future can affect the present, and the present can affect the past. Retrocausation serves as a reminder that there are no laws governing the direction of what we perceive as time flow. What we perceive as time doesn't just move forward, but in all directions simultaneously.

Garret Moddel, a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Colorado (Boulder), has spoken extensively on the connection between retrocausation and the laws of entropy. Like much of the existing psychokinetic research, Moddel posits that, based on the second law of thermodynamics (i.e., the disorder in a system always increases and never decreases), the degree of a subject's energy is consistent with the likelihood of such an event occurring. In other words, the greater the subject's emotion, the greater the likelihood of recognizing a retrocausation response. Moddel also points to what's called the bilking paradox, an assertion that shatters causality by substituting free will in place of the functionality of time and space. It firmly centers its relative basis for reality
within the observer's perception. Moddel asserts that there has been more than enough sufficient experimental evidence that has evolved from logic to modeling to support retrocausality.

Princeton University physicist and researcher York Dobyns has performed a number of published experiments on humans with devices that have tested the paranormal realm of possibility far beyond the human senses. More recently, Dobyns completed experiments where human operators were able to consistently analyze and alter events retroactively through intention at distances. Dobyns's most recent retrocausation study was published in the
in 2011. To date there are twenty-six meta-analysis reviews showing statistical significance regarding retrocausation.

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