Read Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf [Wolf Creek Pack 6] Online

Authors: Stormy Glenn

Tags: #Glenn, #Stormy

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf [Wolf Creek Pack 6] (3 page)

BOOK: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf [Wolf Creek Pack 6]
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way to the kitchen and started looking through the cupboards to see

what Ben had. He would need a lot to feed a man of Ben’s size.

As he started pulling items from the refrigerator, he heard a noise

behind him. His heart beat wildly in his chest as he spun around to

find Ben sitting down at the table, watching him intently with a

strange look in his eyes.

His hands trembled as he turned back around and finished

gathering items and set them on the counter. He quickly broke several

eggs into a bowl and started whipping them together.

He tried to keep his eyes off of Ben’s gorgeous body and on the

food he was preparing as he diced an onion, but every time he turned

around, Ben was watching him. It was nerve-racking. Stefan didn’t

know what Ben wanted, and he couldn’t help hoping that whatever it

was, it involved the big bed in the other room.

As quickly as he could, Stefan cooked up a large omelet for Ben,

sliding it onto a plate and setting it down on the table in front of him

before crossing over to clean up the mess he had made.

“You not eating?”

Stefan turned to look at Ben in surprise before shrugging his

shoulders. He wasn’t sure how to answer Ben. He was hungry—very

hungry—but Ben had said nothing about Stefan eating as well. He

hadn’t known he could.

He kind of got used to having to ask permission to eat over the

last few months. Oliver always made him ask for food, if not outright

beg. Until Ben claimed him, he hadn’t had blood in what seemed like



Stormy Glenn

“I could eat,” he whispered quietly, watching Ben as he waited for

his reaction. Ben just bit into his omelet before gesturing with his fork

for Stefan to make himself something. He sure wasn’t one for words.

Not wanting to let the chance go by, Stefan quickly scrambled

together two eggs, cleaning up his mess as he went. Sliding the eggs

onto a plate, he cautiously walked to the table. His eyes watching for

Ben’s response, he sat down across from him and began eating.

“Do you need more blood?”

Stefan shrugged. “I’m okay for now.” He wasn’t, not really. He

could use more blood, but he wasn’t about to ask for it. He learned the

hard way to not ask for what he wanted, to just be thankful for

receiving what he needed.

“How often will you need to feed?” Ben asked casually, but

Stefan could see that the idea bothered him by the tension in the

man’s shoulders. It seemed to bother just about anyone who wasn’t a

vampire. He’d have to remember that.

“I’m good for a couple of days.”

Stefan knew he needed to feed more often than he had been.

Eventually his strength would start to go, but asking a werewolf

warrior to submit to feeding a vampire just didn’t seem like the safest

thing he could do. Stefan couldn’t take blood from anyone else now

that he was mated with Ben, but he’d have to be sure not to ask for

too much, only when he was desperate.

As he finished his last bite and set his fork down on his plate,

Stefan looked up to find Ben leaning forward in his chair, his elbows

resting on the table, his chin on his clasped hands. His eyes were

intently watching him again. He seemed to be trying to figure

something out, but Stefan had no idea what.

Lowering his eyes, Stefan picked up his plate and reached for

Ben’s before getting to his feet and going to the sink. Quickly

washing off the two plates and pans he had used, he set them in the

dish rack, then turned back to Ben.

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf


His eyes widened when Ben stood to his feet and held out his

hand. “Come.”

Stefan felt a bit of excitement as he took hold of Ben’s hand,

following him back to the bedroom. Was Ben going to claim him

now? He was so wrapped up in his thoughts, he nearly jumped out of

his skin when Ben reached behind him and closed the door.

“Go shower.”


Stefan’s eyes flew up to look at Ben in shock, but he had already

turned away, starting to pull his shirt off. Wondering why Ben wanted

him to shower, but not stupid enough to argue with him, Stefan

quickly went into the bathroom and began undressing.

He winced when the rough material of his shirt rubbed against the

soft skin on his back as he pulled it up over his head. Tossing the shirt

on the floor, he reached for his pants, quickly dropping them on top of

his shirt.

The injuries he’d received from Dane’s last visit to his brother’s

house marred his back and made him ache with every movement. As

a vampire, Stefan knew he’d heal fast enough, but it was a real bitch

in the meantime.

Stefan inhaled suddenly as he realized he would never be forced

with Dane again. He’d never feel the hard leather against his

back as Dane tried to teach him his place. Stefan covered his mouth

with his hand to silence his cry of joy. He was free.

Climbing into the shower with a little bounce in his step, he turned

on the water, just standing under it for several moments, feeling the

water spray over his shoulders and down his body. Damn, that felt

good. He could soak under the hot water for hours.


Or not.
Stefan turned to look out the shower door to where Ben

stood in the doorway, his gaze on the floor. “Yes?” he answered


“Hurry up. It’s time for bed,” Ben replied before turning away.


Stormy Glenn

Stefan quickly shampooed his hair, then scrubbed down as much

of his body as he could without hurting himself. Regretfully turning

off the water, he opened the shower door and grabbed a towel, drying

himself off.

As he reached for his clothes, he suddenly realized that they were

gone. His eyes went to the door. Had Ben taken his clothes? What

was he supposed to wear? A smile?

“Huh, Ben? My clothes—”

“Counter,” Ben replied.

Stefan turned to see a large white shirt folded on the counter.

Picking it up, he shook it out and held it up to his body. He started to

giggle, quickly covering his mouth with his hand as his eyes darted

toward the bathroom door.

The shirt went all of the way down past his knees. It had to be

Ben’s. Pulling it over his head, he wondered why Ben had given him

a shirt to wear. If he was going to be claimed, wouldn’t it be better

done naked?

Stefan walked into the bedroom. Ben lay in the bed, the blankets

pulled up to his waist. His arms were folded behind his head. Stefan

wondered if Ben was indeed going to finish the claiming. He hoped


Walking to the edge of the bed, Stefan almost ducked when Ben

flipped the blankets back and gestured for him to get in. His breath

held tightly in his chest, Stefan crawled into the bed and lay down.

His eyes closed briefly at the pleasure of the soft pillows. They

were so soft his head just seemed to melt right into them. Back at

home, he didn’t even have a pillow. This was heaven.

“Stefan, come,” Ben said.

Stefan opened his eyes to see Ben gesturing for him to move

closer. Stefan swallowed the lump in his throat as he looked at the

arms Ben held open to him. As slowly as he could, he moved over to

lie down next to Ben, his heart pounding wildly as Ben’s arms

wrapped around him.

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf


As Ben pushed his head down onto his large chest, Stefan could

feel his chest rumble as he spoke. “Sleep, Stefan.”

Sleep? Did that mean Ben wasn’t going to finish claiming him?

Why not? They were mated. They had every right to be intimate.

Didn’t they? And the quicker they finished the claiming, the safer

Stefan would be.

“Ben?” Stefan murmured quietly, tilting his head to look up at


“Sleep, Stefan,” Ben repeated.

So much for being claimed. Stefan closed his eyes and

snuggled down against Ben. He could feel all of his hard contours, the

thick muscles of the arms that held him, the hard chest beneath his

head. It all felt so wonderful.

Stefan cautiously moved his hand up to rest it on Ben’s chest, not

sure how he would react. He heard Ben inhale as he began making

small circles in his chest hair with his fingers. Ben suddenly moved

his hand up to lay it over the top of Stefan’s, stopping his movements.

Stefan had to smile. Ben hadn’t removed his hand from his chest,

just stopped his movements. Stefan turned his hand over, grasping

Ben’s. He gave him a small squeeze, holding his breath as he waited

for Ben’s response, if any.

A moment later, Ben squeezed his hand back. “Go to sleep,


Stefan closed his eyes, the smile still gracing his face as he faded

off to sleep. There was always tomorrow.


Stormy Glenn

Chapter 2

Stefan opened his eyes slowly. For a brief moment, he wondered

where he was. Then, as the events of the previous night filled his

head, he quickly turned, looking for Ben, only to find the other side of

the bed empty. Where was Ben?

Sitting up, he looked around the room. It was deserted. Stefan

threw the blankets back and crawled from the bed. He quickly went to

the bathroom to see if Ben was there. Finding it vacant, he slowly

walked through the rest of the house.

He walked into the kitchen and found Ben sitting at the table. He

held a cup of coffee in one hand, a newspaper in the other. Stefan

took a moment to just look at him. Ben truly was magnificent.

He was dressed in nothing but a pair of jeans, his chest and feet

bare. The mere width of Ben’s shoulders was stunning on its own. He

looked like he could carry an entire house on his shoulders, not to

mention the sheer size of his arms.

Stefan didn’t know if he was a minority or not, but Ben’s size was

more arousing than anything he had ever encountered before. It made

him feel safe and protected, something Stefan had never experienced

before. He seemed to spend his life being afraid.

The sight of Ben’s naked chest, smattered with dark chest hair,

plain out turned Stefan on. He wanted to run his fingers through that

hair and discover where the small trail going down the man’s

abdomen led to.

“Did you need something, Stefan?” Ben asked without turning his


Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf


Stefan could feel his face heat up as he walked toward Ben. Guess

he had been caught. However, he wasn’t embarrassed enough to stop

looking. Or to not climb on to Ben’s lap and try to get a feel of that

glorious chest.

Devlin told him that he would be attracted to his mate, but Stefan

had no idea he would feel obsessed like this. He couldn’t stop

looking, stop wanting to smell the man. If this was what being mated

felt like, Stefan was all for it.

As Ben looked up at him in confusion, Stefan swung his leg over

Ben’s lap, straddling his legs, his hands coming to rest on Ben’s wide

chest. He rubbed his hands over Ben as he slowly raised his eyes to

meet Ben’s golden ones.

“Good morning.” Stefan giggled at the sight of total shock on

Ben’s face. He felt pretty sure his usual shy demeanor hadn’t prepared

Ben for this. Stefan couldn’t explain it beyond the fact that Ben was

now his mate.

He wanted the man. Everything about Ben aroused Stefan to a

fever pitch, from the top of his gorgeous dark head to the bottoms of

his big feet. The man was truly breathtaking, and just knowing that

Ben was his nearly made Stefan melt.

“Is there—did you need something, Stefan?” Ben asked again, his

voice going low and deep, filled with apprehension as he gazed down

at Stefan.

“I imagine there are lots of things I need, but there is only one

thing I want,” Stefan replied as he leaned up to press his lips against

Ben’s. As he tried to push his tongue past Ben’s lips, he felt Ben’s

hands press against his shoulders, pushing him back. With a deep

heavy sigh, Stefan leaned back and looked into Ben’s eyes.

“Stefan? Do you know what you’re doing?”

Stefan’s lips curled into a small grin as he grabbed Ben’s hands

from his shoulders and moved them down to his ass. “Yep,” he

whispered just before he leaned up to kiss Ben again. He wanted his

mate to claim him. Now!


Stormy Glenn

Ben opened his mouth and kissed Stefan back. Stefan could feel

Ben’s large hands clench his ass through the thin material of his shirt.

Never letting his lips leave Ben’s, Stefan reached down with his

hands and grabbed his shirt, pulling it up until Ben was holding bare

flesh in his hands.

He could feel Ben’s response in the tightening of the man’s hands

on his ass, the soft moan that came from Ben’s lips as his tongue

moved out to brush against Stefan’s, and the hard throbbing of Ben’s

cock between his legs.

“Stefan,” Ben growled as he ripped his lips from Stefan’s. “Baby,

you don’t know what you’re doing.”

BOOK: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf [Wolf Creek Pack 6]
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