Who's Riding Red? (3 page)

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Authors: Liliana Hart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Fantasy, #Historical, #Paranormal

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“I need release,” she begged. “Please. I can’t take it any longer.”

He pulled his fingers from her entrance and left her empty and strangely bereft. But it was short lived. He rubbed his cock once again between her folds before placing the head at her rear entrance. He pushed inside her gently, and the stretching sensation caused her to catch her breath, but it wasn’t in discomfort. He’d prepared her well and he entered her with ease, though the fit was snug.

“Christ, you feel good around me, Phillipa. Hot and tight. I’m not going to last long.”

“Me either,” she managed to pant out.

He bent towards her, so her knees were near her shoulders, and began to move faster, pistoning himself in and out of her with ease. She felt his hand between their bodies and the touch of his fingers against the small bud between her nether lips, but she was already spiraling out of control. Sensation flooded her limbs and colors flooded her senses until she was disoriented with pleasure. She tightened around him instinctively, increasing their pleasure.

“Yessss,” he hissed. He buried his lips at her throat and stiffened against her, his shaft swelling inside her and his hot seed filling her to overflowing.

Richard let her legs down and then collapsed on top of her. Their hearts pounded in tandem and their breaths were labored. Phillipa had never expected that such pleasure could ever exist. But now that she knew it did seemed it should be limitless. She already anticipated her next adventure.




Chapter Four:


The Wolves Come Out To Play


Richard insisted they redress before curling next to each other on the makeshift bed to sleep, but Phillipa found herself reluctant to comply. She wanted to lay next to him without any layers between them
to feel his body against hers
the coarse hair on his chest and legs, his rigid muscles, and the calluses on his hands from using a sword. But she did as he asked.

He assured her there was no possibility they might be discovered by the others. Their location was quite secluded, which she was quite grateful for considering the amount of noise she’d been making earlier. The night had grown colder, and though the thickness of the trees shielded them from the wind, there was no escaping Mother Nature herself.

Phillipa had never slept next to a man before, and found the situation quite pleasant. Her back was nestled against him and his arm was thrown over her waist. She barely needed the blanket he’d pulled over them as his body was like a furnace.

“If you don’t stop wiggling against me, you’re never going to get any sleep.”

The threat was murmured lazily against her ear, but his hand crept up until it rested on her breast. She felt his cock swell behind her and pushed against him.

“Do you promise? I don’t think I want this night to end.”

He groaned against her neck and he moved against her more urgently. “I never dreamed you’d affect me like this. I already want you again. My body should be sated, but it’s not. I’m not sure it ever will be where you’re concerned.”

Phillipa moaned as his fingers plucked at her nipples.

“We can’t go on this way, love,” he said, the disappointment clear in his voice. “If I take you again I’m going to slip inside that sweet pussy of yours and ruin you for all others. I can’t let that happen.”

“I don’t care,” she moaned, rolling her backside against him while trying to turn in his arms. “I want you that way. I want everything you have to give me.” She reached down and squeezed his hard length through the coarse wool of his breeches.

“You would regret it later on.”

“I know my mind, Richard. It seems quite narrow minded of you that an experience as wonderful as making love should be limited to a cold marriage bed. If the women of this country truly knew what they were missing, I promise you there would be a lot less virgins headed to the marriage block.”

He chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose before settling his lips over hers. The kiss was long and languorous, meant to both soothe and seduce.

“You’re a rare gem, Lady Redmond. And I would be honored”

Richard’s declaration was interrupted by a loud rustling in the trees. Before she knew what was happening, he had her hidden behind a large oak tree and his sword was pulled from its scabbard. He tossed her cloak to her and she hurriedly fastened it around her neck and pulled the hood over her light hair.

“Richard.” Phillipa barely breathed the words, almost too afraid to move. “What’s happening?”

“I don’t know,” he said circling the clearing as the rustling turned to snarls and seemed to come from all around them. “But if I am in danger you must run to the safety of where the others are camped. Do you understand?”


It was the eyes she saw first. The eerie glow of yellow, lying in wait behind the camouflage of the shrubbery. Growls echoed all around her and slithered over her skin, leaving her flesh chilled and her mouth dry with fear. They walked into the clearing as one
horrid beasts the size of the workhorses the farmers sometimes used in their fields. They ranged in color from pale gray to red to brown. But there was only one that was black as the night itself. And his eyes weren’t yellow like the others
they were red, like burning embers from the fiery depths of hell
and he was clearly the wolf in charge.

He stood on two legs, where the others were down on all fours. Black fur covered his entire body and his genitalia hung down large and exposed between his thighs. His elongated face displayed fangs that could sure bite a man in two.

“Where is the girl?” the leader asked, his voice low and distorted. “I can smell her scent on you.”

Phillipa gasped as her mind reeled at what the beast could possibly want from her. Or how he even knew of her existence.

“She’s gone back to the others. What do you want with her?”

Richard faced the wolf bravely, his sword never wavering, and she would have admired his courage if she weren’t certain they were both about to die. She had no weapons to help Richard in his fight, and there was no one near enough to call out for help.

“What I want with her is not your concern. And you’re lying to me about her whereabouts. She is hidden nearby.”

“I’ll not let you have her,” Richard said boldly.

The wolf laughed, a horrible rumble that filled her soul with terror.

“You will not stop me.”

The first howl of battle rent through the night like the edge of a knife blade, and Phillipa turned and ran as the sound of gnashing teeth and screams followed her through the forest. Tears streamed down her cheeks and her lungs labored for every breath. Branches slapped at her cheeks and snagged her cloak, but she kept running, even as she felt the ground shake behind her and the snap of twigs as she was pursued.

A gray wolf jumped in front of her and she skidded to a halt, tripping over a fallen log and stumbling to her knees. She backed away as the wolf stalked her slowly, his yellow eyes boring into her own and his lips pulled back in a snarl so his teeth protrude grotesquely.

A growl from behind her had her jerking around, and she found herself face to face with the red wolf. He laughed at her, so close he blew hot breath and spittle across her forehead.

“You can’t run from us, little girl.”

Phillipa didn’t get the chance to scream. The red wolf stood on two legs and swooped her up into his arms. He ran with incredible speed for what seemed like hours, dodging trees and fallen logs with the dexterity only an animal built of pure power could achieve. She tucked her head against his fur and closed her eyes as she felt her stomach lurch at being jostled. She might have dozed, but images of Richard fighting to protect her plagued her every thought.

The sky had lightened to the pearly silver of dawn when they finally slowed to a stop. The gray wolf was still with them and he stood to two legs as they approached a small thatched cottage in a clearing. A stream gurgled somewhere in the distance and she longed for a drink of water. The woods were still dense around them and she’d lost all sense of direction hours before. She had no idea if they were even still in England.

“Where am I?” Phillipa asked.

“Where you belong,” the red wolf answered. “You will stay here until our master comes.”

They stepped inside the cottage, the wolves having to crouch low to walk through the doorway, and she was suddenly set on her feet. She stumbled and caught herself on a wooden chair, her entire body feeling strange and not quite her own. Lethargy seeped into her bones and she wanted nothing more than for them to either finish her off or let her sleep.

“You’ve damaged her,” the gray wolf said, pushing the red wolf against the wall. A round mirror and a small painting of a lake crashed to the floor as they snarled at each other with snapping jaws and bunched muscles.

Phillipa looked down at her arm and saw the tear in the sleeve of her gown. Blood seeped in a thin stream, but it didn’t look as if the wound was too severe. The red wolf’s claws must have scratched her when he’d carried her off.

“The master will not be happy,” the gray wolf continued, holding his partner in an unbreakable grasp.

“Then don’t tell him,” the red wolf snarled back. “Let’s get out of here. He can deal with the aftermath.”

They didn’t give her any words of parting. They just shoved their way out the door, and she heard a key being turned in the lock and something heavy scraping down over the door. Phillipa ran to the door and tried the knob, but it was no use. She checked the windows and was surprised to find they were all protected by iron bars. This cottage was no more than a prison.

The scratch on her arm was throbbing and heat infused her body. She stripped off her cloak and dropped it to the ground. She stumbled through the cottage, opening and closing doors, looking for water, and stripping her clothes away as she went. The heat was becoming unbearable and her skin was flushed red with fever.

Phillipa found what she sought in a large bedroom at the back of the house. A large, four poster bed covered in a black down quilt dominated the room, and black silk curtains were tied back at the corners. The walls were painted a dark gold, and woven rugs were scattered on the floor. There was a wooden tub filled with water in the corner.

The water was cold to the touch, obviously having been there for some time, but it looked clean and the coldness felt good to her hand. She stepped into the tub and sat down so her entire body was entrenched. Her brow was beaded with sweat even as shivers wracked her body.

She pulled herself from the tub, not bothering to dry off, and fell face first onto the bed. Fever consumed her and her eyes closed against her will. The last thought she had was that the sickness that had killed her family hadn’t bypassed her after all. With her death, the Redmond line would entirely cease to exist.




Chapter Five:




Phillipa woke to a cooling sensation sliding sinuously over her limbs. Her mind was hazy and her body relaxed. When the cool air whispered between her legs, her thighs splayed open to accept the strange, but soothing feeling, as if it were perfectly natural to bare herself to the oddity.

Images scattered through her mind and intermingled, so fact and fiction were a blurry haze. Richard was between her thighs, his cock long and hard as it prepared to take her virginity. She was damp with desire and more than ready to take him. Anticipation coursed through her, but just as he began to push inside of her, the wolves circled around them in the clearing, growling and snarling, ready to kill Richard for taking what they considered theirs.

They tore Richard away, tossing him to the ground like a rag doll, and the giant black beast stood over her
his genitalia fully erect and terrifyingly human paired with his monstrous body. She whimpered and struggled to open her eyes, even though part of her was fascinated by his size and ferocity. She wanted to touch him, take him in her mouth, and accept him into her body even as she wanted to push him away.

Her body was betraying her, desire rising so swiftly within her breast that almost anything or anyone would suffice. What had Richard done to her? What had he turned her into? Panic consumed her to the point that it was difficult to draw a breath.

The cool breeze whispered over her once more and soothed her nerves. And this time when she whimpered, it wasn’t with distress but with need. She knew her body. Knew the heaviness in her breasts and the sensitivity of her nipples would only increase until she found release. Even as she had the thought, a mouth closed over her right nipple, a warm tongue lapping at the peaked bud until she couldn’t help but press her body upward. The tongue flicked rapidly and teeth nipped erotically until she almost came from that alone. Somewhere in the foggy haze of her brain, she wondered why the black wolf’s teeth hadn’t damaged her. They’d felt decidedly

The heat in her body increased until she was sure she’d burst into flame, and she cried out as her body sought some kind of relief.

“I can soothe your pain, Phillipa,” a voice said inside her head.

His words slithered across her skin like silk and she found she wanted him to say more. His voice was an aphrodisiac, a pure baritone that would make the angels weep with wonder.

“I have made the angels weep. For they fear me and shudder when my name is spoken. But you do not. You open your mind and body to me as if you already belonged to me. And I find this pleases me greatly.”

He pressed an intimate kiss between her thighs and groaned in ecstasy as he drank her sweet nectar. His tongue was amazing
different than Richard
longer, and it seemed to touch her everywhere at once, sending her body into rapture with every swipe.

Phillipa found the strength to move her arms and grasped his head with her hands. His hair was thick and long and soft between her fingers as she gripped him tightly and thrust her hips against him. Shudders wracked her body as she came in a flood against his mouth.

He slid up her body, coarse hairs tickling her skin until they were lined up like two pieces of a puzzle. Her hands moved from his head to his shoulders, a part of her mind still acknowledging that this man was a stranger, though her body was already filling with the overwhelming heat once more, and her hips cradled the hardness that rested against her cleft.

She forced her eyelids open and stared into the blackest eyes she’d ever seen
as if they were made from darkness itself. They were exotic and slightly tilted at the corners, and she thought his thick black lashes should look overly feminine, but they didn

t. Staring into his eyes was like looking into nothingness. She remembered the words of Sir Harry. A soulless beast.

Phillipa was terrified, but somehow aroused in equal measure. Giving herself to this man, if he even was a man, would change her life forever. There would be no going back if she let him inside her.

“I can feel your heat, Phillipa. It calls to me, and I can’t help but answer.”

He nudged her folds with his cock and she gasped for breath at the intimate touch. He didn’t go any further and she lifted her hips to him to nudge him closer.

“I know what you’re feeling right now,” he whispered. “Your mind is in a dream. Your body feels as if it’s about to catch flame, and your pussy is drenched with an unspoken yearning. You need release, but your movements are slow, your limbs weighed down by an unseen force.”

“Mmm,” she moaned in acquiescence. He pushed against her a little more and the head of his cock stretched her virgin entrance. Her nails dug into his shoulders and her legs wrapped around his back.

“You don’t know me. But you dream of me. You fear me. But you want me. And now that you’ve been tainted, it is only I that can soothe your body from the fiery heat. You are mine.”

“Yes, yes!” Phillipa screamed.

He took her mouth in a savage kiss and she tasted the copper tinge of blood as he bit her lip. His hips thrust into her just as his tongue plunged into her mouth, and she was innocent no more. There was no pain, though she knew there should have been. He hadn’t taken her with ease as one should with a virgin. But the heat that consumed her body somehow dulled the pain, and she accepted him with ease.

His cock filled her completely and touched her very womb, and when he began to piston in and out of her body she was lost to the pleasure. Time and space ceased to exist. They were alone
two strangers caught in the heat of magic
desperate for fulfillment.

A growl rumbled in his chest and his lips twisted in a snarl as he moved impossibly faster. But she wasn’t afraid. The pleasure he gave her body was too great. His cock swelled to the point that it brought an edge of pain to their coupling, and that was all it took to send her over the edge.

Her cunt clamped and spasmed around him and she screamed as the feeling coursed through her entire body. He buried his face in her neck and stiffened above her, and she knew he’d found his own fulfillment.

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