Read Who's Your Daddy? Online

Authors: Lauren Gallagher

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

Who's Your Daddy? (17 page)

BOOK: Who's Your Daddy?
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My mother would be furious when she found out, whether I was still involved with the guys or if I’d just had sex with them enough to get knocked up.

And I wanted this. Damn it, I wanted them. To hell with what anyone else thought about this or what my upbringing had taught me to think about this. I wanted both of them.

So when the road split and Don went left where right would have taken me back to my place, I went left too. Moments later, we pulled in the driveway. I parked off to the side while they each took their usual spots in front of the garage door.

No one spoke on the way up to the front door. The crunch of Don’s key in the door made me shiver, and I gulped as the dead bolt clicked.

Carmen, you were raised better than this
. I took off my jacket and set it on a chair beside my purse.
What are you doing? Don’t you know

Oh, shut up.

“Ryan’s out of the house tonight, isn’t he?” Isaac asked.

Don nodded. “Yeah, he won’t be back from his mom’s until this weekend.”

The house to ourselves? Oh yes, you boys have plans, don’t you?

Don cleared his throat and turned to me. “So, we…” His fingers drummed rapidly on the back of a kitchen chair. His eyes darted toward Isaac, then met mine. “Since we’re here, did you…”

“Don,” I said with a grin. “Are you trying to find a nice way of saying you invited me back to your place to hang out up there”—I pointed up the stairs—“instead of down here?”

He raised his eyebrows and adopted the most innocent look he was capable of. “Maybe.”

I laughed. “Come on, you guys. You know you can be direct with me.”

“Well, in that case.” He stepped toward me and put his hands on my waist. “Why don’t we go upstairs so Isaac and I can have our way with you?”

Sighing dramatically, I touched the back of my hand to my forehead. “Oh, Don. You know how to make a lady swoon, you know that?”

“Don’t know about that.” He leaned in and kissed beneath my jaw. “But I’m pretty damned sure I know how to make at least one lady come.” The words sent a shiver right through me.

“Upstairs.” I playfully pushed him back a step. “Now.”

Isaac laughed. “Man, she’s getting demanding, isn’t she?”

Snaking his hand up into my hair, Don said, “Yes, indeed she is.”

“Maybe I am.” I looked at him with a smirk. “And you’re not going to handle me with kid gloves now that I’m in this delicate state, are you?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Delicate state? Please.” He twisted my hair around his hand and forced me to turn around so I faced Isaac. “You’re not too delicate to suck his cock, are you?”

I moaned softly, biting my lip. “No.”

“Good.” He twisted my hair a little harder and drove me to my knees right there on the kitchen floor. He held me there, gripping my hair so tight it was deliciously painful, as Isaac stepped closer to me. The sound of Isaac’s zipper made my mouth water, and when I looked up and met his eyes, the lust in his expression would have knocked my knees out from under me had I not already been kneeling.

Isaac stroked his erection just inches from my face. I tried to lean forward, but Don wouldn’t let me go.

“You want to suck his cock?” Don growled.

“Yes.” I licked my lips and looked up at Isaac again. “Yes, I do. Please.”

Don loosened his grasp on my hair. As soon as he did, I lunged forward and, steadying myself with a hand on Isaac’s hip, took his cock in my mouth. The first taste of his hot, salty skin made my hands shake, and I took as much of him as I could, nearly deep-throating him.

“Jesus,” he breathed. He started to say something else, but then Don moved beside me, and whatever Isaac meant to say was abruptly cut off. Teasing the head of Isaac’s cock with my tongue, I looked up, and I had the most spectacular view of the two hottest men I knew kissing. Isaac’s hand was in Don’s short, dark hair, and Don’s hand grasped the front of Isaac’s shirt. The way their mouths moved together—cheeks hollowing, lips separating just enough to reveal Don’s tongue slipping past Isaac’s lips—made my entire damned body tingle.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on what I was doing. I wasn’t out to make Isaac come, not yet. This was just to drive him crazy and turn him on, and judging by the sounds Don almost silenced with his feverish kiss, it was working. What would happen after this, once we made it out of these clothes and into bed, I could only imagine, but I had no doubt my pussy was already more than wet enough for one of them to fuck.

Isaac kneaded the back of my head with his fingers, like he couldn’t decide between just touching me or tightly gripping my hair. I teased him with my lips and tongue, squeezing here and stroking there, all the while looking up to watch them kiss. The more I sucked his cock, the more passionately Isaac kissed Don, and they drove me insane. I’d seen them kiss before, but not like this. Not even the last two times we’d fooled around, since they’d both focused their attention on me.

Beside me, Don’s thick erection strained the front of his jeans. The gods had been kind to both of these men, and I couldn’t decide who I wanted to fuck me first. All I knew was, I wanted one of them inside me. Or I wanted to watch them suck each other off. Or fuck each other.

I stroked and sucked Isaac a little faster, and his low groan turned me on even more. Then he tightened his grasp on my hair and tugged back. I stopped and looked up. He broke the kiss, and his eyes flicked back and forth from Don to me before he licked his lips and whispered, “Let’s go upstairs.”

I sat back on my heels and looked up at them. “Upstairs sounds good to me.”

“Like I’m gonna argue,” Don said.

They each offered me a hand, and I took both. They helped me to my feet, Isaac straightened his clothes, and we hurried up the stairs.

Don closed the door behind us, sealing us into this room with their bed. We all paused, looking at each other like we weren’t sure what the next step was.

I broke the silence. “What do you guys say we get rid of all these clothes?” I unbuttoned the top button of my blouse.

They didn’t miss a beat, and in a heartbeat, their shirts were off. As I got out of my clothes as quickly as I could, I indulged in a few glances at each man. Jesus, but they were gorgeous.

A decade or so as a firefighter meant Don was nothing if not beautifully fit and chiseled. Not huge or bulky, but his job and a solid workout regimen had done gorgeous things to him.

Isaac was a little taller, not quite as broad in the shoulders, and leaner, but he could still give Don a run for his money. Neither was enormously bulky, but every inch of them screamed
. Just the type of men who could throw me around, throw me down, and fuck me good and hard. Or throw each other around and—

Jesus Christ. I’m sleeping with two hot men who sleep with each other. Good God Almighty, I am in heaven.

Isaac wrapped his arms around me, and I sighed into his kiss as his hot skin pressed against mine. More hot flesh met mine as Don stood behind me, his hard cock against my ass, his chest against my back, and his warm, soft lips on the side of my neck. Four hands drifted up and down my sides, my hips, my arms.

I broke away from Isaac’s kiss. “I need someone to fuck me. Right now.”

Isaac grinned, pressing his cock against my hip. “Oh, I think I can be persuaded.”

“Well, if you’re not sure,” Don murmured, his voice thrumming behind my ear. “I could always do it. Take one for the team and all that.”

“Take one for the team?” I scoffed. I glared at him over my shoulder. “Put it like that, and you can go fuck yourself.”

Don laughed. “Or I’ll fuck Isaac.”

I shivered, and he dipped his head to kiss my neck again.

“You wouldn’t mind that, would you?” he growled.

“Not in the least,” I said, squirming between them. “But someone…one of you…for the love of…”

Isaac kissed me. “Why don’t you get on top?”

I grinned. “You like me on top, don’t you?”

“Maybe I do.” He pressed his lips to mine, then said, “That a problem?”

“Absolutely not.”

The three of us separated, and as Isaac and I climbed onto the bed, Don gestured toward the edge. To Isaac, he said, “Lay this way. So your shoulders are near the edge.”

I didn’t understand what Don had in mind, but then, my mind could only focus on getting Isaac’s cock inside me, so I just let Isaac get into the suggested position. Then I got on top.

“Are you sure this is comfortable?” I asked Isaac. “With nothing to support your neck?”

“Trust me,” he said. “It’s fine.”

I shrugged. “Okay, then.”

I lowered myself onto him, and Isaac closed his eyes, groaning softly as his cock slid deeper into my pussy. I’d barely taken that first stroke when Don joined us, standing beside the bed. Isaac grinned up at him and started stroking Don’s cock, and I thought I would come unglued. I’d seen them kiss, I’d seen them touch, but this was like having a front-row seat to the hottest thing I could possibly imagine.

And they were just getting started. Steadying Don’s cock in one hand, Isaac turned his head and…oh, fuck, could these two
any hotter? Isaac’s mouth around Don’s cock was even sexier than I imagined. Don combed his fingers through Isaac’s blond hair, and Isaac relentlessly teased Don’s cock with his lips and tongue, alternately glancing up at him and at me. I couldn’t even tell anymore when my body reacted to Isaac inside me or the sight of him going down on Don; all I knew was, this was the most arousing thing

Isaac moaned. Don swore. I bit back a whimper and rode Isaac harder, which drew another moan out of him, and that in turn made Don curse louder and grab the bed for support.

I rolled my hips just enough to let my clit rub against Isaac’s body every time I moved. Watching them, riding Isaac, listening to the sounds Don made, I couldn’t remember ever being so turned on in my life.

“Oh my God,” I breathed.

Don looked at me and grinned. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed his eyes and exhaled hard. Stroking Isaac’s hair, he murmured, “God, yeah…”

I rode Isaac faster, and when he groaned, Don exhaled sharply and shivered. Isaac stroked and sucked Don with even more fervor, and his cock inside me and his body against my clit drove me fucking insane, and I couldn’t stand it anymore. Forcing my eyes to stay open even when they tried to tear up or roll back, I watched both men, drank in the sight of Don falling apart and fucking Isaac’s mouth, and I couldn’t even breathe as my orgasm built. And built. And built. And—

Shattered. One heartbeat, I was a coiled spring of the most deliciously torturous tension. The next, I fucking
. Icy-hot waves of electricity radiated from my clit and my G-spot, and the only sound I heard over my own cries was Don whispering, “Oh my fucking God, that’s incredible.”

I slumped over Isaac, gripping the edge of the bed for balance. He touched the side of my neck and raised his head to kiss me.

Don’s hand ran up and down my back. “God damn, I love watching you come.”

“Jesus Christ,” Isaac whispered. “You should feel her like this.”

“Oh, I fully intend to,” Don growled.

Isaac kissed me again. “But first…” He looked up at Don, and another of those unspoken somethings passed between them.

“You want to try it?” Don asked.

“Damn right I do.”

“Try what?” I asked.

Don grinned. “Just a little something we were talking about the other night.”

I eyed them, puzzled, but shrugged. “You guys haven’t led me astray yet…”

Isaac laughed as I raised myself off him. “Haven’t we?” He clicked his tongue. “We’re failing here, Don.”

“You’ve been led astray since the day you walked into our house,” Don said.

“Okay, let me rephrase.” I sat on my knees as Isaac got up off the bed. “Everything you guys have suggested in here has been hot, so I’m not going to protest.”

“I can go with that.” Don gestured for me to move toward him. “Here, get right up next to the edge and lay on your back.”

“Whatever you say,” I said with a grin. I turned onto my back, and Don pulled my hips to the edge of the bed.

He leaned down to kiss me. “I’m assuming you don’t mind if I fuck you, do you?”

“Well,” I said, raking my nails up his back until he gasped, “I’m assuming you don’t mind taking one for the team?”

“Not at all,” he said, and kissed me again.

Don pushed himself up and guided himself to me. In the playful mood he was in, I thought he might tease me, maybe even make me beg for his cock—and oh, I would have—but he didn’t. One second, the head of his cock just barely met my entrance; the next, he was buried all the way inside me.

“Like that?” He withdrew slowly before thrusting back in.

“I love it.” I moaned, squirming beneath him. “Just…do it faster.”

He gave a quiet laugh and leaned down to kiss me lightly. “Not yet. Have to wait for Isaac to join in.”

I furrowed my brow, glancing past him, but when Isaac picked up the bottle of lube, I made the connection. I’d been dying to see the two of them fuck, and if watching Isaac suck Don’s cock was hot, this would be incredible. I bit my lip to keep from whimpering, especially when Don glanced at Isaac and drew in a sharp breath.

BOOK: Who's Your Daddy?
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