Authors: Adam Nicolson
“spirit of cruelty”:
Note to
IV.75 in Pope's translation; see, for this and the following valuable references to William Blake and Joel Barlow, Michael Ferber, “Shelley and âThe Disastrous Fame of Conquerors,'”
Keats-Shelley Journal
51 (2002), 145â73.
Blake blamed Homer:
David V. Erdman, ed.,
The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake
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“but he has given”:
From David B. Davis, ed.,
Advice to the Privileged Orders in the Several States of Europe
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“There are certain ages”:
Susan Sontag, review of Simone Weil,
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“Nietzsche, at his worst”:
Richard Rorty, “Against Belatedness,”
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“praised Homer's
enargeia”: Alice Oswald,
Memorial: An Excavation of the
Iliad (London: Faber, 2011), 1.
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