Why Lie? (Love Riddles #2)

BOOK: Why Lie? (Love Riddles #2)
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Why Lie?


By Carey Heywood


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Why Lie? is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



To my (sometimes) adorable children






Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23



About the Author

Preview: The Other Side of Someday

Other Books Available Everywhere


Why Lie?


People here think they know me.

They assume things about me because of the way I dress and my tattoos.

I am so much more.


I thought you saw that.


So, I let you in.

You made it easy to fall for you.

Turns out I was the only one falling.

I hope you're happy.

No, that's a lie and you're better than I am at telling those.




Popping up on my elbow, I watch as he moves to the bathroom to take care of the condom. My eyes linger on his muscular back and oh so grabbable ass.

He was amazing.


Sure, we tumbled into bed pretty fast but it didn’t end up being the wham bam thank you ma’am I was scared it would be. Nope, this was something. It was new but it was something more than just sex.

He was into me and I’m so into him it isn’t even funny. Scary thing is, he’s such a nice guy even my parents would approve, and they hate any guy I normally like.

Nope, he’s different and for every night this week, he’s been all mine. Flopping back onto my pillows, I sigh just remembering how all mine he’s been.

I was working a closing shift at Lola’s, the diner my family ran. It had been a complete shit night with two waitresses calling out. I was up to my elbows in work covering for the both of them. Then he surprised the hell out of me by offering to help. We weren’t strangers; in a town as small as Ferncliff that’s impossible. Still, we were friendly, but we weren’t friends. We ran with different crowds.

He was like the apple pie he always seemed to order, where I was a cupcake covered in sprinkles.

After trying and failing to get someone else to come in, I had taken him up on his offer. I can’t remember the last time I had that much fun working. The entire night felt like foreplay. At the time I thought it was all in my head. I can be a flirt and I didn’t think I was his type. It was when he stayed to help clean and close up that it became clear he was flirting back.

After everyone else was gone, I asked if he’d like to come up to my place for a drink. He said yes. We never did have a drink. Nope, we were kissing before I even had the door opened.

He has been in my bed every night since.

At the sound of his footsteps, I lift my head. The front view is just as good, if not better than the back. He laughs at my blatant appraisal.

“Keep looking at me like that and you won’t be going to sleep anytime soon,” he murmurs, lying down next to me and pulling me into his arms.

“Maybe I’m not as tired as I thought,” I reply.

It’s a lie though. As much as I would want to play on the jungle gym that is his insanely hot body, there’s only so much sex instead of sleep my body can handle. All I want to do is pass out. Since he’s as comfy as he is hot, it’s likely that will happen in the next couple of seconds.

“What are you doing tomorrow night?” he asks, nuzzling the sensitive spot behind my ear.

“I have to close,” I reply.

“I’m meeting up with some friends. It sucks you’re working.”

Hiding my smile at the fact he admitted he wanted to introduce me to his friends, I kiss the underside of his jaw. “You can come here after.”

Since Ferncliff is a small town, I already know who his friends are. They all seem cool; I’m just not close with any of them.

His arms tighten around me. “I’ll probably be out late and you need to catch up on sleep.”

I lift my head and squint down at him. “Why do you have to be so logical?”

He grins up at me, pushing forward to press his lips to mine.

“Stop being cute and go back to sleep.”

“I’m not that tired,” I yawn.

He grins. Putting his hand to the back of my head, he pulls me back down. I don’t fight it. I settle in and, with a happy smile, I crash.

What seems like an instant later, he gets out of bed to turn off his alarm. “Go back to sleep.” He issues his command and seals it with a kiss to my forehead.

“Bossy,” I grumble, before drifting off again.

When I open my eyes again, he’s already showered and dressed. After our third sleepover in a row, he brought an overnight bag. His dark blond hair is still wet. It’s not fair how sexy he looks freshly showered and in one of his suits.

“Come back to bed,” I plead.

He grabs his shoes and comes to sit on the bed next to me. “I wish.”

Curving my body around him, I rest my cheek to his thigh. He pushes my hair back from my face, his fingertips caressing my earlobe. My eyes flutter closed at his gentle touch. He seriously has it all.

It sucks to say but before him, I was under the impression that I have had amazing sex in my life. One night with him proved me wrong and each night since has only reinforced that.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come over tonight?” I ask.

“It’s not about want. You have to work and I can’t bail on my friends. Trust me, I’ll want to be here instead.”

I smile up at him. “Okay.”

He kisses me, this time long and hard before he goes. Happily, I doze until my stomach demands I get up to feed it.

My day flies by in the way that time does and I head downstairs. One amazing perk about living in the apartment above Lola’s was no commute. I walk to the convenience store and buy a Heath bar. I always loved them and now they’ve turned into a private joke with myself. I am such a dork.

Admitting that to myself won’t stop me from eating this candy bar once my shift is over, lusting after the guy who shares its name. Once I’m back upstairs in my apartment I pull it out of the bag and set it on my table. Snapping a pic of my candy bar, I text it to him, adding that I’d rather have the real thing.

My phone vibrates in my hand before I have a chance to set it down. Grinning, I answer it.


“Hey back.”

“Did you like my pic?” I ask.

He chuckles before replying, “I can think of a few other things I wouldn’t mind a pic of.”

Naughty man!

“No flirting since I don’t get to see you tonight,” I return.

“It’s only one night.”

Yes, it’s one night but I’ll miss seeing him.

“At least I have a chocolatey stand in,” I tease, trying not to let on how bummed I am.

“I’ll give you that, but no apple pie without me.”

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