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Authors: BETH KERY

Wicked Burn (36 page)

BOOK: Wicked Burn
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“Oh,” she mumbled. “Oh, Vic, it
starting to burn.”
He felt her shift her hips beneath him, trying to get pressure once again on the butterfly. He lifted his hips off her, though.
“You’re so sexy, Niall,” he praised thickly. “You’re the most responsive woman I’ve ever known.”
She moaned beneath him, her hips twisting, making herself a moving target.
“Hold your ass still. I’m going to fuck your pussy for a little bit,” he told her firmly enough to break through her increasing moans and pants. He rolled onto his hip and grasped his hard cock, using the tip to push aside the elastic band of the vibrator. His teeth clenched in pleasure at the sensation of her clinging, fluid entry.
He reared up over her and thrust.
Both of them gasped in tandem.
“Christ, that’s good,” he muttered as he began to stroke her. The plug made her usually tight channel even smaller in circumference as it pressed at her far wall. The sensation was so damn good that he forgot his restraint for a few moments and fucked her lustily. He met her eyes as he slammed down into her, tip to balls. She dripped with wetness.
Her red lips trembled. She whimpered. He glanced down. Her nipples looked like large, pebbled red berries capping her white, thrusting breasts.
“A . . .
,” Vic muttered in anguish as he ripped his cock out of the heaven of her and dived for the switch of the vibrator.
“Don’t you dare come, Niall.
Not yet
,” he ordered harshly.
Her eyes blinked open sluggishly. Her body rose up off the bed several inches, rigid with the need for release. Her hips danced for a moment in the air as she desperately sought relief.
“Let me come, Vic. Please . . . I can’t
this anymore
she whispered.
His heart went out to her in her misery, but he held firm. He leaned down and licked the sweat off her upper lip, letting the taste linger on his tongue. “You’re not going to come until my cock is in your ass.”
“Then put it
there,” she said so frantically that he started back slightly in surprise.
“It’s going to hurt some if I do it now, Niall,” he told her. “I haven’t prepared you enough.”
The wild expression on her beautiful face was something from a man’s sweetest fantasies. “I don’t care. Give it to me, please. Fuck me
He gritted his back teeth and came up on his knees. Far be it for him to refuse such a request.
Her hands remained above her head when he released her wrists and knelt between her thighs. Niall’s hips rose reflexively at the sight of his beautiful, rippling torso and jutting erection. God, she felt like an animal in heat. She was offering her body to him mindlessly, desperate for release from the tight, unbearable friction that plagued her. He merely captured her hips in his big hands and rolled her over on the bed. By the way he pulled up on her hips, she could tell he wanted her to present her ass in the air for him.
She slid her knees up beneath her hips, spread her thighs, and did just that, as primitive in that moment as a horny female who instinctively readied herself to be mounted by an alpha male.
They both groaned in agony when he leaned over to his bedside drawer and rustled inside, finally pulling out a black silk scarf. He grabbed the bottle of lubrication at the same time.
“I’m going to have to tie you up, Niall,” he explained quietly as he reached for one wrist and then the other, placing them at her lower back. “You’re so turned on, I’m scared you’ll make yourself come.”
Niall whimpered into the mattress, but not in protest. Not really. She knew he was probably right. Her clit felt more swollen and achy than it ever had in her life. The plug in her ass made the nerve endings all along her sacrum tingle and burn unbearably. When she felt Vic finish a firm knot around both her wrists, she wiggled her rear in a silent plea.
She knew he’d heard her request when he gave her right ass cheek a gentle swat of reprimand. She heard the cap flip open on the lubricant. A few anxious seconds passed and then Vic was gripping the base of the plug and drawing it out of her.
“Oh!” Niall cried out in mixed pain and pleasure as her anus stretched over the fat rim. But then it popped out and she immediately wanted to be filled again.
She didn’t have long to wait. Vic pushed back firmly on her right buttock. She felt the cool air on her ass and realized that he kept her newly opened tunnel spread wide. Her eyes clenched shut tight at the feeling of him pressing the tip of his slippery cock inside the sensitive opening.
“That’s right,” he soothed and encouraged at once when she held steady for him. “Press back against me, Niall. Take it.”
She did as he ordered and cried out brokenly when the fat head of his penis slid into her body. The next thing she knew, the electric buzzing started again on her clit, this time at the quickest speed she’d experienced thus far. The pain of having Vic’s cock inside of her ass segued into a burning arousal so fast that she almost choked in shock. But then Vic held her buttocks between his hands and sank in another two inches, and the pain ratcheted up a notch again, preventing her orgasm.
“You can come when you take all of my cock,” he informed her hoarsely.
Niall nodded, her flushed cheek brushing the soft sheets. She couldn’t speak at that moment as the thick stalk of his penis penetrated her ass and she tottered on the edge between pain and shattering ecstasy. The butterfly kept fluttering away at her swollen clit as Vic pushed into her even farther. She began to tremble uncontrollably as he began to pump the first half of his cock in and out of her.
“Ahhhh!” she cried out wildly. Her body shook with a fine tremor as sensations pervaded her like nothing she’d ever experienced.
“Hold steady, baby,” she heard Vic whisper gruffly, as if at a distance. “Hold on . . . just let me . . .”
Niall pushed her ass against him, desperate for him to fill her so that she could finally find the fulfillment he’d promised. She stretched to accommodate him, but her hunger and her need to harbor him were so great that she felt relatively little pain. When she heard Vic curse, and his fully embedded cock jerked in such an intimate place in her body, she dived headfirst into the dizzying depths of orgasm.
Vic told himself to shut his eyes as Niall screamed and her entire body started to ripple and shudder in climax. He’d never felt her come this powerfully. The sensation was incredible, and sufficient in and of itself to have him howling in orgasm if he let his restraint snap free. But he couldn’t bring himself to do either. Instead, he tortured himself by watching the intensely erotic sight of Niall coming while his cock was buried to the hilt in her ass. Her supremely tight, muscular channel milked his cock mercilessly, as though it had a mind of its own and was desperately thirsty for the quenching fountain of his cum.
By the time her electrical convulsions waned, sweat dripped between the ridges of his abdomen muscles. Wondering if he was some kind of masochist, he reached between her thighs and thrust two fingers into her pussy.
“Fuck, yeah,” he muttered almost unintelligibly. Silky liquid gushed from her warm channel, but with a quick flick of his fingers he realized that her entire exterior was drenched as well. All of her pubic hair was wet, but around her puffy labia and swollen clit she dripped with juices.
He snarled with feral arousal and pinched a luscious lip, making her ass jump with surprise. He came down over her, supporting himself with his arms on the headboard.
She howled when he started to thrust in and out of her, but Vic could tell she did so in the deepest arousal, not pain. Or at least he hoped he wasn’t projecting his experience onto her, because it felt so decadently good to fuck her hot little ass that he didn’t think he could have stopped himself if he tried.
He was a goner, to be sure.
It seemed as if his whole world quaked for the next moments as he rocketed into her again and again, and she met him thrust for thrust. She took him on a hedonistic fantasy ride of a lifetime, allowing him to plunge into her forcefully time and again, and sending her butt up eagerly for more every time he withdrew. Niall was so small that he’d never have guessed she’d have been able to take such a thorough, rough ride, but she did.
God, did she ever.
Sweat beaded on his belly and spilled onto Niall’s glistening back and ass with each powerful crashing impact of their bodies. It got so that Vic couldn’t have formulated his own name in his mind, he’d become such a primitive creature of pure, driving lust.
Still, the sound of Niall screaming, the sensation of her contracting around him as she climaxed once again pierced his awareness loud and clear. As if he’d been given some kind of long-awaited, desperately sought-for sign, he smacked his pelvis into her ass one last time, pressed her plump cheeks tightly against his balls, and roared as orgasm tore through him.
He poured himself into her endlessly, not realizing until later that every last defense that he’d erected from the first moment he’d laid eyes on Niall Chandler had just been incinerated to a fine-grained ash.
Half an hour later Niall came out of Vic’s bathroom after having washed up. She still felt a little disoriented from their lovemaking. It had taken both of them a good twenty minutes following their scorching climaxes to find the strength to move. Neither of them had done more than grunt in exhaustion as they clung to each other like two survivors of a chaotic storm. A few minutes ago Niall had stumbled to the bathroom, but Vic still lay on his side on the bed, naked and beautiful and obviously completely sated.
Niall couldn’t quite identify the strange feeling that overcame her as she studied him. Only his singular gray eyes moved as he watched her slowly cross the room toward him. For some reason Niall was reminded of the first time they’d made love, when they’d crashed into each other’s universes so wholly, so brilliantly, and afterward how they had been so separate . . . so far from each other.
No, that wasn’t entirely correct. In fact, Niall had never felt closer to Vic in her life. Her eyes caressed his long, lean body, loving every taut plane and hard ridge with her gaze. The heavy feeling inside of her swelled until it felt as though her chest would burst.
It was the knowledge that she didn’t know how he felt about her that was making her so uncertain. Or maybe she did suspect, and that was what made her so heart sore.
Something flickered across Vic’s face as he stared at her.
“Are you okay?” he rasped.
She nodded quickly.
His brow furrowed, and he sat up on his elbow.
“You’re not . . . hurt or anything, are you?”
“Of course not,” she mumbled. Her cheeks flushed hot when she thought about what they’d just done in that bed. It amazed her how her desire for him transformed her into a wild, carnal creature she barely recognized. It took about two seconds of Vic touching her, and she morphed into that alternate existence completely.
“Then come here,” he demanded softly.
Niall stepped forward at the sound of his compelling voice, but something made her waver. What was it? What had started to plague her consciousness ever since she’d gone into the bathroom a few minutes ago? Her eyes fell on the empty bag that still lay in the bedside table, crumpled and forgotten.
But she hadn’t forgotten.
She quickly stepped over to the side of the bed and bent to find her pajama shorts. She pulled them up over her legs.
“Niall? What are you doing?” Vic asked as he slowly sat up to watch her, an expression of bemusement on his face.
Niall swallowed heavily, willing the bitter taste from her mouth. “You said . . .” She cleared her throat when she realized how hoarse she sounded. “You said that you were going to give those things to me last Christmas?” she asked as she bent and retrieved her pajama top.
Vic’s chin shifted to the items on the bedside table, including the little yellow butterfly, which she’d removed before going to the bathroom.
“Yeah,” Vic said slowly after a moment, a wary expression settling on his features.
Niall nodded quickly as she buttoned her pajama top with trembling fingers. “That’s what I thought you said.” Tears gathered in her eyes so rapidly that she kept her head lowered, not wanting Vic to see them.
That was it. That was what had been eating at her. She knew it was stupid. She knew Vic would never understand. But she felt so raw at that moment, so opened up, so vulnerable . . . so uncertain.
He’d bought her sex toys for Christmas.
He’d bought her sex toys during what she’d considered the most intimate, romantic time of their burgeoning relationship. When she thought of what she’d planned to give him for Christmas, a rush of mortification surged through her.
She’d endlessly researched online and finally found something at an auction house that she thought was worthy of him and that he might really cherish—a monogrammed ink pen that had once belonged to Arthur Miller. Vic had told her before how much he admired the American playwright.
Could there be anything that better symbolized the truth of how Vic must really feel about her?
God, she’d made such a fool of herself coming here, intruding on his personal space when he’d made it clear he didn’t want her there—
“What’s wrong?

But for once she ignored her instinctive urge to respond to Vic completely. She never even flinched as she jogged barefoot toward the farmhouse, on the gravel turnabout, several seconds later. Her inner pain utterly consumed her entire awareness.
Vic sagged into one of the tall, supple leather chairs at the elegant bar of Toulouse several days later, feeling completely defeated.
BOOK: Wicked Burn
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