Wicked Burn (11 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Zanetti

BOOK: Wicked Burn
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Chapter 12
God, Nick loved Simone’s sense of self. No pretense, no false modesty, and no coyness. She wanted him, so she grabbed him.
He landed on her, his cock instantly pressed against the vee of her legs. Right where it belonged. “You directing things, little bunny?”
She smiled, all powerful siren. “Don’t I usually?”
“No.” But that didn’t mean he’d deny her.
“Hmmm.” She kicked the bedclothes down farther to allow for full-body contact. Her hands splayed across his upper torso. “You have one of the most ripped chests I’ve ever seen.” A soft hum escaped her as she caressed him.
“War requires physical as well as mental preparations.” His voice turned demon hoarse, and his lungs burned.
She leaned up and licked along his bottom lip. “Take your sweats off.”
He smiled then, grasped her waist, and rolled them over so she lay on top. “You take them off.”
Her smile held danger of the most feminine nature. The kind that made a guy either run for the hills or meet the challenge, because she was worth every damn second. He already knew that fact.
She kissed him right behind the ear, and a rapid shiver shot through his body. Humming, she kissed her way down his torso, planting her knees between his thighs before drawing down his pants. His dick sprang free into the cool air.
He dug his fingers into the sheets, trying to restrain himself, when all he wanted to do was toss her onto her back.
“Very nice, Nicholai.” She grasped him and licked her way from the base to the tip.
Sparks flew inside him, and his balls drew up tight. He closed his eyes, and his chest expanded. “Remember about payback,” he ground out.
She sucked the tip into her mouth and chuckled.
The vibrations ripped through him, and he groaned, flashes lighting behind his eyes. Nails scraped along his balls, and that was it.
Growling, he reared up, manacled her waist, and flipped her onto her stomach.
She yelped and dissolved into laughter, her face buried in a pillow.
He’d forgotten. Somehow, he’d forgotten how the woman could make him hotter than a horny teenager and yet fill him with amusement at the same time. With fun and something lighthearted. No wonder she owned his heart.
Even so, she’d thrown down a challenge. So when he flattened his palm on her backside with a loud
, she shouldn’t have been surprised.
She reared up. “What the hell?”
Now he laughed, grabbed the inside of her elbow, and tugged her around. She lost her balance and fell onto her back.
He rolled and effectively pinned her. “I told you about paybacks.”
Dare filled her eyes. “You want to play, demon?” With great finesse, she slammed both of her fire-filled palms down on his bare ass.
Heat seared his flesh.
He growled, reached for her elbows, and jerked both arms above her head.
She smiled. More plasma fire cascaded along her wrists, burning him. “You’re outmatched, Veis.”
“Oh yeah?” His temper pricked at him, even though his dick was hard as rock. “One chance. Snuff the fire and stop burning my hands.” Truth be told, it was beginning to hurt.
“Then let go.” Arrogance tilted her delicate chin.
He levered himself up, tightened his hold, and gazed directly into her stunning eyes, piercing her mind.
Her pupils widened.
He kept the attack gentle, holding back any pain, sliding friction and erotic images into her consciousness. Every erogenous zone in the body responded to pleasure spots in the brain, and he began to caress each one.
The fire along her arms sputtered and died.
He stimulated the pleasure center of her brain. She arched against him with a soft cry.
Slowly, he reduced his presence, and then let her be.
She gazed up at him, desire flushing her cheeks and her lips a deep pink. Wonder crossed her face. “You shouldn’t be able to get past my shields.”
“I barely can, so don’t worry.” The fact that he could, even a little, showed that she trusted him whether she liked it or not.
“Oh, I’m going to get you for that.” Her voice went husky. “Using your powers isn’t fair.”
“You used yours.” He grasped the T-shirt covering her, one of his favorites, and ripped it in two. Her pretty pink nipples had sharpened to points, and he drew one into his mouth.
She gasped and tunneled her fingers into his hair, scraping his scalp.
He paid homage to her other breast. She was firm and full bodied, and so damn sexy he had to force himself to slow down and enjoy himself. He traced a path down her abdomen to draw off the borrowed sweats and toss them on the floor. “You shaved.” Good Lord, she was bare.
He almost came right then and there against the bed.
She chuckled. “It’s the modern thing to do, you know.”
Actually, he’d been rather busy planning and fighting a war in modern times. “I didn’t know.” He leaned down and kissed her before running his tongue through her slit. “I like it.”
“Me too,” she groaned. “Are you planning to talk me to death?”
He smiled. “No.” Then he went at her. No mercy, no gentleness, just pure delight, but not enough pressure to push her over. After several minutes, he had to clamp his hands on her thighs to hold her still.
“Damn it, Nick.” She smacked his head, not so lightly. “I will burn the damn hair off your head,” she groaned.
He grimaced. The woman didn’t make idle threats, and he had probably tortured her enough. “All right.” He twisted one finger inside her and snapped his lips against her clit, trapping it.
She arched and cried out, her abdomen vibrating with a set of waves. He prolonged her orgasm until she settled back on the bed with a soft whimper.
He smiled and moved up her, positioning himself right where he wanted to be most in the world. One hard shove had him embedded balls-deep in unreal heat. Minor aftershocks rippled against him, and he closed his eyes, lowering his forehead to hers.
She widened her legs and clasped her feet at the small of his back.
God. She’d always been perfect. He started to thrust, hard and fast, realizing she could take all of him at full force. So he gave it to her.
Her body tightened around him, and he powered into her, knowing the second she broke. Her teeth clamped on his shoulder, and he let himself go, coming so hard he knew he was home.
Simone sipped her second cup of coffee as Nick finished getting ready in the other room. She’d had clothes delivered first thing and felt more than prepared for the hearing in a navy dress and high-heeled boots. Her hair was up in an intricate knot, her makeup flawless, and her mind clear.
Phenomenal sex followed by peaceful sleep did that for a woman. Though she did have work to finish after the hearing.
Her phone
ed, and she pulled it out of her bag to see a grumpy Bear staring out at her. She clicked on the video chat. “Bear. Are you back home?”
His dark eyebrows drew down. “No, still in Ireland. I’m visiting friends right now in Kilkenny, and I need to talk to you. We didn’t get a chance before my ass was thrown out of Dublin.”
She took a drink of her coffee. “First, are you still in danger, and if so, from whom?”
He rolled his eyes. “No, I’m not. What happened was a business deal gone wrong eons ago, and I fixed it earlier, so stop hounding me about it.”
She narrowed her gaze. Was he lying? She couldn’t tell. “Fine. What’s up?”
He growled. “You’re not seeing the demon again, are you?”
She blinked, her body stilling. “It’s a little late for you to act like an overprotective brother, don’t you think?” She adored Bear, but they had a long-distance relationship for many reasons; she didn’t need a half-crazy bear shifter butting into her business. “Not that I don’t appreciate the concern.”
“You can’t date him.” Bear leaned closer to the camera until only his honey-colored eyes were visible. “It’s a mistake that can’t lead anywhere.”
“I can date anyone I choose.” When the hell did the males in her life start seeing her as somebody to push around? She was Simone Brightston, for God’s sake. “Butt out.”
He shook his head. “You’re a witch and are part, um, bear shifter, even though you can’t shift. A bear shifter like you, even one who can’t shift, certainly can’t mate a mind-attacking demon. It’s a crazy-bad mix, and you have to know that.”
“Don’t be silly.” She sat back. Nothing in her felt like a bear shifter, so the genes must be seriously latent. She was a witch and a witch only. Besides, what the heck was Bear’s problem? “There are demons who have mated shifters, and you know it.” Sure, she couldn’t think of any right offhand, but it wasn’t against the law or anything.
“Bear shifters have, well, sanity issues. You mix that with demon mind control, and you have a serious problem for offspring.” Bear shook his shaggy hair. “Trust me.”
That just wasn’t true. Simone snapped her fingers. “Sally O’Malley, a bear shifter out of Dublin, is mated to a demon. They live in Alaska now.”
Bear blinked. “You have a friend named Sally O’Malley?”
Simone rolled her eyes. “Yes. Her great-grandma is a witch. Sally took Byron’s last name when they mated.”
Bear snorted. “Now, that’s love.”
“Yes. It’s love that has resulted in a whole pack of bear cubs, none of them insane.” Well, no more crazy than most bear shifters, anyway. “So your theory doesn’t hold water.”
Bear shook his head. “Can’t you trust me on this? Just this once?”
She frowned. “What aren’t you telling me?”
He sighed and rubbed his whiskered chin. “Okay. The bears in our family are a bit more insane than most, and the proof I can offer you is the fact that our bastard of a father shot you, and you had to defend yourself and kill him. Or try to. I mean, before Nick saved your ass.”
Simone kept her face stoic. “Just because Roman was nuts doesn’t mean my kids will be. No matter what male I mate.” Not that she was planning on mating any time soon.
Bear leaned away from the camera, bringing his full face into focus. “Our family can’t mate with a demon. Period.”
“Why is that?” she asked, trying to read his facial features.
“Listen, Simone. I’ve never wanted to do this, but in this one instance, I will. I’m the head of our family, and you’ll obey me on this.”
Humor attacked her, and she laughed so hard tears filled her eyes. “Oh my God, that is so funny. Obey you.”
His face hardened to the point that she stopped laughing. “You aren’t familiar with our ways, and that’s all right, because you chose your path. But you’re still a member of my family, I’m the patriarch and the fucking leader of the bear nation.”
She cleared her throat, trying very hard not to tell him to stuff it. He was her brother, and apparently she’d stomped on his ego. Damn men and their egos. “I’m sorry to upset you, but I don’t obey anybody.”
“Either break if off with the demon, or I’ll see to it that you do.” No amusement showed on Bear’s face, for once. She could actually see the predator often hidden beneath Bear’s casual attitude. “I’m not messing around here.”
There went her temper. “Oh yeah? What exactly are you going to do, big bad bear?” she snapped.
He leaned in again. “First, I’m asking nicely. If that doesn’t work, I’ll announce to the world that you’re a bear shifter with the weakness of not being able to actually shift, which will probably get your ambitious butt kicked off the Coven Nine. And if that doesn’t work? I’ll put a fucking bounty on the demon’s head and collect it myself if need be.”
Heat fired through Simone. “Bring it on, Bear, you idiot.” She ended the call, her breath heaving through her chest. How dare he?
Nick chose that moment to stalk into the room, dressed in black slacks and a gray shirt, oozing power and intensity. “You okay?”
“Fine. Just family drama.” Simone stood. She’d deal with Bear later. “Let’s visit with Tori and then go to your hearing.”
Nick shook his head. “Something tells me this is going to be one of those days.”
Simone nodded. “I think you’re right.”
Chapter 13
Simone eyed a keypad near the door of the penthouse and then quickly typed in a code. A buzz signaled the lock releasing. She ignored the Guard soldier standing at attention across the hall and swept inside a spacious living room overlooking the Liffey. “Victoria?” she called out as Nick followed her and shut the door.
Tori crossed from what must be the kitchen, munching on a bagel. The purple streaks in her hair caught the morning light from outside. “What the hell are you people?” she asked, her blue eyes wide and more than a little distrustful.
Simone sighed and crossed to the leather sofa to sit. “Nick? Could you give us a moment?”
He nodded. “Are there more bagels?”
“Yes,” Tori said, finishing hers and inching away from him to take a chair across from Simone.
Nick disappeared through the kitchen doorway.
Simone cleared her throat and studied her friend. Somebody had found Tori a nice pencil skirt and a gray blouse, which couldn’t be further from Tori’s usual wardrobe. “Sorry about the clothes.”
Tori glanced down. “Yeah, they kinda suck.”
This was harder than Simone had imagined. Her stomach hurt. “I want you to know that I’m glad we’re friends.”
“Me too, considering you’re a . . . fairy?” Tori pinned her with a hard look.
Simone coughed out a laugh. “Ah, no. I’m a witch.”
“You’re a witch.” Tori slowly shook her head. “I know some witches. They don’t throw fire.”
“No, you know people who practice the Wiccan religion. I’m an actual witch—another species on earth.” Simone twirled her finger in the air and created a small, swirling ball of fire. “We use quantum physics and a few other sciences humans haven’t figured out yet to alter matter—usually into fire.”
Tori’s eyes widened. “That’s crazy.”
Simone snuffed out the flame. “I know. But you saw what you saw, and now it’s nice to be able to level with you.” She hadn’t had many friends through the years, and when she and Tori had connected, she’d strongly disliked the necessary subterfuge. “Also, you’re an enhanced human, which means you could mate an immortal, if you wanted.” Wouldn’t that be lovely?
Tori drew back. “Um, mate? What do you mean?”
Heat climbed into Simone’s face. “Immortals mate for life. There’s biting, maybe marking, and, ah, sex.”
Tori leaned back, looking at Simone like she’d lost her mind.
“I know it seems odd, but it’s the truth. Immortals can mate enhanced humans, and I know you’re enhanced because I can sense it, now.” At first somehow both Tori and her sister had unconsciously hidden their enhancements. Now that their status was known, Simone could sense the specialty, even though she didn’t know its form. “A human must be enhanced to mate one of us.”
Tori paled, skepticism wrinkling her brow. “Enhanced? How so?”
Simone shrugged. “I haven’t quite figured it out. You’re not psychic or empathic, right?”
“Ah, no.” Tori turned to study the river outside.
“You don’t have to tell me,” Simone said softly. “It’s not like I’ve told you everything up to this point, you know?”
“Yeah. Like you being a witch.” Tori craned her neck. “Is the hot blond guy a witch, too?”
Simone grinned. “No. Nick?” she called.
Nick poked his head out the door. “What?”
“Show your fangs.”
Nick lifted his eyebrows but allowed his fangs loose.
Tori’s mouth dropped open. “He’s a vampire? Jesus. Vampires exist?”
Nick disappeared back into the kitchen.
“Well, vampires do exist, but Nick is a demon. They’re another species.” Simone wrinkled her nose. “This has to be weird for you.”
“You could say that.” Tori clutched her neck, tension rolling off her. She shook her head, no doubt trying to deny it all. After several moments of thinking quietly, she sighed. “Wait a minute. If you’re a witch, and your cousins are witches, that means that my sister is dating a witch. Does she know?”
Simone crossed her legs. “Well, she should be the one to tell you, but I’m finished keeping secrets from you. Alexandra and Kellach are mated, which means that your sister will be pretty much immortal now.”
Tori stilled. “Pretty much?”
“Well, we
be killed by beheading or burning up, you know.” Simone glanced at the grandfather clock in the corner. “I have a hearing to get to, but I wanted to drop by to see if I could do anything to help you.”
“Get me the hell out of here.” Tori leaned forward, fear all but ricocheting from her.
Simone grimaced. “I would, but I can’t right now. There’s a hearing set for you in a few days, after my trial, where you’ll have to agree not to tell anybody about us. There will be documents and contracts.” She hoped. After Simone was found not guilty, she could then be on the Council and help Tori. “This will all work out. For now, enjoy the lovely view and the penthouse hospitality.”
“My sister will be looking for me,” Tori said, anger glowing over her smooth skin.
“Aye, and we’ll let her know what’s going on.” Hell, the woman probably already knew. “I think Adam Dunne is heading over here to help you.”
Tori breathed out and rolled her eyes. “Great. Is there anybody other than Adam who could help?”
Simone bit back a smile. “Why?”
“He’s a chauvinistic, arrogant, narcissistic asshole,” Tori said evenly.
Interesting. Fascinating, really. Adam was definitely arrogant, but not the other adjectives. Was Tori blushing? Simone kept her face stoic. “I’m afraid he’s the one who’s been assigned to help you.” Not exactly true, but Simone could make that happen. She hadn’t considered the two together before, but with Tori’s wild ways and Adam’s logical precision, they just might be the opposites that would combust. “When he finds you, be nice to him.”
Tori scoffed. “Every time I try to be nice, he says something that makes me want to kick him in the face.”
Maybe it was attraction. Maybe not. Simone stood and gathered her skirts. “I have to get to work, but I hope to make it back here tonight and answer any further questions you may have.” She’d also love to figure out what kind of enhanced ability Tori had. “Any chance you can move things with your mind?”
“No.” Tori also stood and walked over by the tall windows. “If I get the opportunity, I’m out of here.”
Simone paused. “Oh. You should know that the Guards are all witches, and they can burn you with plasma. If you insist on making a break for it, please wait until I’ve concluded my business, and then I’ll help you. I promise.” If she was found guilty, they could both go on the run. If not, she’d use her position to get Tori to safety.
“No promises.”
Simone tried to keep a positive look on her face, but her concern was real. The Guard would never let a human go. “We’ll get you out of this. I promise.”
Tori didn’t answer this time.
Nick exited the kitchen. “We have to get going.” He smiled at Tori. “I’m Nick, and it was nice to meet you.”
Her chin lifted. “You’re my first demon.”
His smile widened. “That you know of.”
“Good point,” she said rather grimly.
Nick opened the door, and Simone followed him into the hallway. “She’s mad at me.”
“She’ll get over it.” He reached down and took her hand, his gaze scouting the hallways and stairs for any threats. “This is a big knock to her sense of equilibrium, but since her sister is mated to a witch, it’s a good thing. Secrets between sisters can’t be good.”
That was a wonderful point. Simone brightened. Even so, her stomach rolled again. What in the world was wrong with her?
Her phone
ed, and she glanced down to read the face. “A couple of investigators I have in Seattle have tracked down two dealers of the planekite drug. They’re small fish, but they may be able to lead us to the main distributor in Seattle. We’re also closing in on the Los Angeles distributors.” She glanced up at Nick. “We have got to find out who’s behind the manufacture of that poison.”
“We will.” He pivoted at the base of the steps and put her against the wall.
The breath swished out of her lungs. “What are you doing?”
He leaned in, all male animal. “You’ve been so preoccupied all morning, you haven’t given me a decent kiss.”
Ah, she knew what he was doing, trying to distract her from Tori’s unhappiness as well as banish any fear of the upcoming hearing. “Who says you deserve a morning kiss?”
His eyes darkened at the challenge.
A slow shiver wound down her back.
“After the things I let you do to me last night, you could at least give me a kiss.” He leaned in, amusement quirking his lip.
“The things
did?” she gasped. “You were a, well, a demon last night in bed.” Humor bubbled through her, and she leaned up to press a hard kiss against his lips.
“Good one.”
Aye, it was. Even with the world disintegrating around them, there was something fun about teasing Nick. Temporarily, of course. Yet, for the first time, Simone wondered whether she could have it all. Could she have an important leadership position with the Nine and be with a demon, one of the most powerful in his nation? What if their peoples did go to war again? What then?
He rubbed her forehead. “Stop worrying about undesirable scenarios. The worst is behind us.”
Was it? “You mean, except for my trial with the prosecution seeking the death penalty?” She licked her lips. “You can’t distract me.”
“Can’t I?” he murmured. His nostrils flared, and he leaned down to run his tongue where hers had just been. Desire blasted through her, and she had to concentrate not to tackle him and start destroying clothing. His chuckle brushed her mouth, and then he settled his lips against hers, just exploring.
Her breath caught, and she fell into his kiss, her hands grasping his dress shirt.
With a low growl, he encircled her waist and drew her tighter, his mouth becoming more forceful as he bent her back. She would’ve fallen had he not kept her pressed so tightly against the wall, his heat all but surrounding her. Exhilarating, drugging, his touch was fire and lightning. Breathing became secondary to the feeling of the demon against her.
She whimpered at the demanding thrust of his tongue. The taste of him would be with her forever. Dark and sinful, deadly and tempting, it lured her with the promise of passion and the thrill of lust. A growl emerged from him then, a primal sound that beat within her own body, spearing through her womb.
He pressed his knee up between her thighs and rocked against her. She gasped into his mouth and rubbed against him, needing more pressure.
Sometimes she forgot. For all of Nick’s humor, for all of his brilliance, at his core he was
. Fire and power and desire, all rolled into a devastatingly demanding male package. Many immortals were more animalistic than human, and demons were no exception.
Demons were in a class of their own.
His fingers tangled in her hair and angled her head to the side, controlling her. No mercy tinged his kiss; only raw male possession. There was no question he was making a claim, right then and right there.
She moaned into him, taking whatever he wanted to give.
Finally, he gentled his kiss, his lips whispering over hers before he released her.
She dug her nails into his forearms, her legs shaking as she regained her balance.
He placed a quick kiss on her nose. “Consider yourself distracted.”

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