Wicked Burn (3 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Zanetti

BOOK: Wicked Burn
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Her hands remained tied.
Her smile slid away.
He leaned in, rubbing the burn marks along his hand. His gaze was hotter than any flame she could create. “Do you really think I fetched you without some protection from your fire?”
She jerked against the restraints. “You dick.” His belt had been leather over coiled steel.
He smiled, and so much threat lived in the expression that she stopped struggling.
The door burst open, and several soldiers ran inside. Guard soldiers.
Plasma flew from the first three, each shooting a different color of fire, all hitting Nick mid-chest. He dropped. The smell of burned fabric and flesh scorched the air.
Simone screamed. “Stop. By the power of the Coven Nine, stop the attack.”
The solder in front shook his head. “You don’t currently speak for the Nine.”
Nick slowly stood, his face a frightening white, his body smoldering.
Simone stared. Nobody, and that meant
, should’ve been able to stand after that attack. Nick had a strength that was unreal. “Stop,” she whispered.
He lowered his chin, no doubt starting a mind attack.
Five soldiers faced him, and fire flashed out, all different colors. Such fire would kill a non-witch. Simone reacted without thought, throwing herself in front of the injured demon. Fire and then pain detonated throughout her chest.
Nick caught her before she hit the floor, and the last thing she heard as the darkness claimed her was him bellowing her name.
Chapter 3
The blast he’d taken had short-circuited his nervous system, and he hadn’t been at a hundred percent before the hit. Nick kept his face stoic as he lifted Simone while baring his fangs. Several of the Guard soldiers took a step back.
A demon rarely let the fangs show, and the sight was supposed to be chill-inducing. However, he wasn’t strong enough to manage a mass mind attack, and they all probably knew it. “This is war,” he said softly, not missing the roll of fear through the air.
“So be it.” The lead soldier stepped to the side, tall and stoic. “Carry her to the transport, or I will.”
A low growl rumbled up from Nick’s chest. “You touch her, and your brain will never be the same.” He hadn’t cheated death for more than a century to lose her now. By her breathing, she was healing from the blasts, thank goodness.
The soldier didn’t blink. “Just take her to transport and get in. You’re under arrest for harboring a fugitive, or for fleeing with a fugitive, or for just pissing me off. I don’t give a shit. Right now, you’re coming with us whether you like it or not.”
Either the guy wanted everything taken care of in Ireland, or he was smart enough to know that Nick wasn’t letting Simone out of his sight. Good thing. Facing the Coven Nine held little appeal to Nick, especially since they’d most likely call for his death, but he couldn’t let Simone go alone. Somebody had done an exceptional job of setting her up. Though he would sacrifice for her, he had to protect his people, as well. He had to distance himself from Zane and the demon nation. “I’m working alone and not under Kyllwood authority.”
“I’m sure that’s how it’ll come down, whether or not it’s true,” the soldier sighed, gesturing again for the door. “Let’s go.”
Yeah, that’s probably exactly how it’d come down. The witches could take care of him without eliciting war from the demons . . . if Zane acted like a politician instead of a soldier or a friend. Unfortunately, Zane sucked at being a politician and was an incredibly loyal friend. At the moment, he was on a mission to save his younger brother from a kidnapper, so at least he was otherwise occupied and couldn’t be drawn into the disaster right away.
As if on cue, Nick’s phone buzzed. He freed his hand, dug it out from his back pocket, and glanced at the face. “I have to take this if you want to avoid immediate war.” God, he hoped Zane was all right.
The soldier huffed. “Make it fast.”
“Plan to.” Nick shifted most of Simone’s weight to his other arm before sliding the phone against his ear. “Zane?”
“Yeah. We’re good. Got my brother back, and he’s fine.”
Relief coursed through Nick, even though he was surrounded by armed soldiers. “Good to hear. Ah, I’m in a situation and am heading to Ireland for a bit.”
Silence ticked for a second. “Define
“Simone’s in trouble, and I’m just helping out. You need to lead the nation and excommunicate me.”
More silence . . . this one heavy. “The Guard must’ve found you, right? Where are you? I can be there in a second.”
Oh, hell no. Zane, like many demons, had the ability to teleport from one place to another, and he’d just done that at least twice to save Logan. Another jump would be unhealthy, as would facing down the many guards around Nick. “It doesn’t matter. Just trust me.”
“I do trust you, but you taught me that backup is a good thing. Plus, the Enforcers are here, and their job is to protect Simone.”
Nick closed his eyes and breathed before facing the guards again. Damn, he wished he had the ability to teleport, but not all demons could, and that was a sad fact of life. “That would tear the witch nation apart, and Simone would be furious. Stay there and do your job. I’ll do mine.”
“You sound funny. What’s happened? Did somebody attack you?” Zane’s voice rose, fury vibrating. “Have you been hit with plasma?”
“I’m fine,
.” Nick’s sarcastic tone failed since his voice cracked. Damn it. “Do your job, Kyllwood. You’ve worked too hard to get where you are and you need to let me handle this.” They both had sacrificed way too much. Hell. Nick wasn’t even sure he remembered how to be gentle, much less kind after the way he’d lived the last century. He clicked off just as Zane started in with an impressive tirade of threats. God, friends could be a pain in the ass sometimes.
The lead soldier nodded. “You did the right thing.”
“No shit.” Nick stepped over one of the still-unconscious men just as the lead soldier bent down and hauled Bear up and over his shoulder with a pained grunt. “What the hell are you doing?”
“He’s coming, too.”
Big mistake. “You can’t kidnap the head of the Grizzly nation without starting a war with all the shifters.” What the hell was wrong with this guy? Nick eyed Lucas, who was bleeding on the floor. He’d heal from the injuries but not soon enough to lend assistance to his leader. “Put Bear down.”
“No. His people are scouting the outer territories, and mine the inner. I can have him in the helicopter before they even know he’s gone.”
“And? The war?” Nick asked.
The soldier turned, his knees bending under Bear’s weight. “He was going to attack us, so he started the skirmish. His connection to Simone is unknown, and my instincts tell me it’s important. So he comes to Ireland.”
Nick pressed his lips shut. They’d have to take the helicopter to the airport, and by then, perhaps both Bear and Simone would be conscious. It might be easier to wage a battle away from headquarters and before embarking on a plane. “Your funeral, asshole.” He moved past the soldier, keeping Simone tucked against his chest and hoping to hell he didn’t pass out while holding her.
Even in his damaged state, the woman felt right in his arms. Her spicy scent of wild roses filtered up, and something deep inside him, in a place he usually ignored, settled. Yeah. Only Simone could do that. He had wondered whether he’d ever experience the feeling again, or whether he’d recognize it if he did.
One step in front of the other. One more. He kept his gait steady, even while blue dots jerked across his vision. Blue? Why would dots be blue?
Fire still burned in his chest, and his ears might as well be stuffed with cotton.
His boots must be touching the concrete, although he could barely feel his legs. The combined plasma hits had messed with his entire system, and he needed to rest and heal. So did Simone and Bear, for that matter. Gravel crunched, and the sun shone weakly down, shining off the black SUV.
A dented compact slid into view and quickly stopped. A woman with streaks of purple in her hair jumped out, her eyes a furious blue. “What’s going on here?” she yelled, retrieving a knife from her back pocket.
“Private matter,” a shorter soldier said, reaching her in seconds.
Nick opened his mouth, but his voice had disappeared. The human female was probably just a friend to the Grizzly Motorcycle Club, which explained how she’d gotten by the shifters guarding the perimeter. “Leave,” he whispered.
She shoved the soldier away and ran over to Simone. “Simone? What’s wrong with her?” The knife glinted in the sun as she lifted it, concern and fear wafting from her. “What did you do?”
Nick edged to the side to protect Simone from the knife, just in case. “Wasn’t me. Who are you?”
The woman glanced at the men rapidly surrounding her, at Bear slung over the lead soldier’s shoulder, and then up at Nick. “I don’t know what’s going on here, but you’re not taking Simone.” The woman reached for a phone from her pocket, keeping the knife level and ready to strike. “I’m Tori Monzelle. My sister is Lexi Monzelle with the Seattle Police Department, and I’m calling her.”
Nick shouted a warning, but the shorter soldier had already grabbed the nerve point in the female’s neck and pressed. She spun around with impressive speed, her knife flashing out and catching the witch across the arm.
He bellowed and jumped to the side, dodging in and grabbing her nerve cluster again, this time hard. Her eyelids fluttered shut, and she dropped. The soldier caught her easily, ignoring his bleeding arm. “Shall I leave her inside?”
The lead soldier grunted, trying to shove Bear up his shoulder. “Sister to Lexi Monzelle? Isn’t that the Enforcer’s mate? Kellach Dunne’s mate?”
Damn it. So that’s who the human female was. Nick had heard she was dating Lucas Bryant, which explained her presence at headquarters. His vision went black, so he held perfectly still. “Yes, and I doubt you also want to kidnap a human. Especially one with ties to not only the Seattle Police Department but to the Enforcers. She’s dating Bryant, so leave her here with him. You know. The bear shifter you left bleeding out on the floor inside.”
The soldier smiled, sweat dripping down his face. “She comes with us until we figure this all out.”
Nick shook his head. “You’re fucking crazy.” Or arrogant. Witches rarely gave a shit about the laws of other species, and this guy certainly proved the rule. “Sometimes I forget how much I dislike you fuckin’ witches,” he muttered. A soldier opened a door to the SUV, and he hitched forward. He slid into the backseat, and Simone didn’t even stir. He quickly removed her restraints and settled her safely against his chest.
She was one witch he didn’t hate, although she’d pretty much wanted to rip his heart out and feed it to the hogs. Not that he could blame her. Not really.
The soldier chucked a still-bleeding Bear into the back of the SUV, and the entire vehicle shuddered in protest. The unconscious female was placed next to Nick, her head slumping against his shoulder.
He must have blacked out during the drive, because he suddenly realized they’d arrived at the private section of the airport. His growl when a soldier tried to take Simone from him had the guy backing away, hand inching toward a weapon. Grunting, Nick stretched from the vehicle and hefted the still-silent witch across the tarmac and up the steps of a private Jetstream, while a soldier carried Tori Monzelle.
“We’re locking you in the back,” the lead soldier said, his voice sounding tinny and far away.
Nick nodded, needing more than ever to sit down but unwilling to show any weakness.
Tori chose that moment to awaken, look around the plane, and start screaming.
“Shut up,” the soldier carrying her said, grimacing.
She struggled furiously, her face filling with red, her legs kicking out. “You don’t understand. God. Get me off this plane. Not near the cockpit. Oh God. Not near the cockpit. We won’t make it.”
The soldier pinched her neck again, and she went limp with a soft whimper.
“Tie her up and throw a blanket over her on the sofa,” the lead soldier ordered. “Take everybody else to the back. We’re behind schedule.”
Nick eyed the soldier as he placed Tori on a sofa with a blanket. She’d be all right for the flight, and he needed to heal before trying to rescue anybody. With such an obvious phobia about flying, she’d be better off unconscious for the duration.
Pain sliced through his torso from his ignored injures. He turned and staggered behind the two guys carrying Bear to a rather spacious bedroom. They rolled the unconscious shifter onto the bed and backed away, locking the door securely from the other side. Bear started snoring.
Good sign.
Nick gently placed Simone on the bed, his strength rapidly dwindling. Then he glanced around the area for any weapon. Nothing. There also wasn’t anything to block the door. While he’d be outgunned by the soldiers, he still wanted warning if anybody tried to enter the room while he was healing. So he grabbed Bear’s shoulders and yanked him from the bed. The bullet holes in his chest seemed to have finally closed, because the blood had stopped flowing.
The shifter hit the floor hard, and Nick winced. He coughed but continued to drag Bear in front of the door. “Sorry, Bear.”
Bear fell sideways, his head
ing on the thick carpet, his body easily blocking the door. His eyes didn’t open, and his snoring deepened.
That would work.
Nick stumbled back to the bed and fell facedown next to Simone. He just needed a couple hours of sleep to heal. At that point, he’d figure out what to do next.
Simone mumbled something and curled into him. The scent of wild roses surrounded him, and he fell asleep with a smile tickling his lips.

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