Wicked Nights (30 page)

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Authors: Lexie Davis

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Wicked Nights
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He knew that. It didn’t mean he was okay with it, though. He found his boxer-briefs and pulled them on. “So you really want to work this out? You want to make things right and actually be together as a couple?”

“Yes.” She pulled her skirt on and zipped it. “Lila introduced me to how females fit into this world. I don’t know about actually being one of your little groupies, but I do feel part of the club. I’m not sucking cock for status, but I will do it for fun.”

He laughed. Addison walked towards him and pulled him to her. “You feel right in my life. I don’t care about the rest of the shit. I’ll deal with each event as it comes.”

Mason wrapped his arms around her and close his eyes. “You make me fucking happy.” He leant down to kiss her. “I don’t think I can lose you again. If you really want to do this, then we’re doing it. Full on or not at all.”

“I want this.” She nuzzled his chest. “I want you.”

He smoothed his hand along her back. “Sounds good to me. Let’s go home.”


Chapter Fifteen




After spending nearly two weeks living with Mason, Addison found herself settling into their life together. They didn’t have a perfect relationship by any standard of the definition, but they were learning how to accept each other. He laughed most of her quirks off and she ignored most of his. Even when he left his dirty clothes wherever he took them off. Or when he answered the phone while she was talking to him. Or when he parked his truck in the garage instead of leaving it outside like they’d agreed.

Addison smiled, pushing those thoughts away when she heard a motorcycle outside Mason’s house. She lifted her head from sorting through paint colours to see him walk in the door. He didn’t look too happy as he kicked off his boots.

“What are you doing here?”

He shook his head and went past her to the kitchen. Addison gathered the paint swatches spread out on the floor in front of her and set them aside. He came back with a beer and sat on the sofa, popping the top.

“What’s wrong?”

He huffed a breath. “I don’t want to fucking talk about it.”

Addison stood and went to him. “You look like you’re going to kick someone’s ass.”


She sat on the coffee table, facing him. “Can I ask who?”

He tilted his beer up and narrowed his eyes at her. Questioning him only pushed it. Addison took another approach. She rubbed his thighs.

“Well, before you kick that person’s ass, am I going to have to prepare a defence?”

He set the beer aside. “I left my bike in the garage because I wanted to change the oil. I had to handle something else, then I see one of the girls climbing on the bike posing for pictures. I start walking out to yell at them and the dumb girl knocks it over, scratches the whole fucking right side. I can’t even breathe right now.”

“I don’t even know what to say.” Addison knew how much pride he took in his bike. He didn’t even allow her anywhere near it unless he was with her.

“Go look at it.” He tilted his beer to his lips. “It’s like taking my fucking baby and dropping it.”

She stood and held out her hands. He went to her and she wrapped her arms around him. Mason took her mouth in a demanding kiss. She loved the taste of him, the way he kissed her, the way he made her feel like the only woman in the world. His tongue swept into her mouth and she welcomed it. She kissed him back. He felt perfect against her, perfect in her arms and in her life.

He pulled back enough to look into her eyes. “What are you doing home?”

“I’m taking one day a week to fix the house.” She brushed her knuckles against his face. “I’d left the paint swatches here and I decided to narrow my options before I went to the house.”

He pulled her to him, smiling as he kissed her forehead. “I’m glad you’re here.”

She breathed in the scent of leather and man, closing her eyes as its familiarity washed over her. She loved all the small things about him. The way he smelt and tasted. The way he felt when his arms came around her. How her body responded when he touched her.

He slid his warm hands up her arms and drew her attention to him. “You almost have the ability to make me forget what happened to my bike.”

“Let’s go look at it.”

Mason led her out to the garage where his motorcycle sat. Several large scratches marked one side, enough that just looking at it seemed to fuel his anger even more.

“I’m sorry.” She had no idea how long it would take to fix it up or how much it would even cost. “I do think I can take your mind off it for a little while, though.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Really?”

She smiled. “Let me go get my camera.”

“What? Why?” He stared after her as she went into the house. When she came back, he still stared, although he seemed more curious than anything. “What the hell have you got planned?”

“Strip.” She smiled at him.

“I’m not posing on my bike like those dumb little girls.”

“You’re posing on your bike, but it’s for me, so it’s okay.”

“Are you fucking serious?”

“I am.” She smiled. “I’m into motorcycles now. There’s plenty of pussy hanging around on them, but not enough cock. I need my fix.”

“If I do it, you do too.”

“Maybe.” She motioned for him to get started. “Strip.”

He pulled his cut off and set it aside. Addison smiled when his expression didn’t change. The dark, heated look made her want to jump his bones and she had a pretty good idea that he knew it. He reached over his shoulder and fisted his shirt, pulling it over his head in a swift move. The skin of his chest and abs had grown more tanned with the runs he’d been taking on the beach. His tattoos stood out, the new one that said ‘Addy’ as the most prominent.

“I still can’t believe you got my name tattooed on you.” Addison liked that it was near his heart. The cleaver design of it made it seem coded, though she knew exactly what it was.

“Now you have to stay with me.”

Addison glanced up at him. “Says who? You said it was stupid to get a name tattooed on your body.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not the smartest guy around here.” His hands went to his pants. “Plus, you said it was romantic and showed commitment.”

Addison licked her lips in anticipation. The jeans fell open and his grey boxer-briefs came into view. He shoved the jeans down his legs and kicked them aside. He held out his arms.

“Where do you want me?”

“No.” She moved closer and gripped his boxer-briefs. She yanked them down, keeping her eyes on his. “Naked.”

He smiled and pushed them off, standing in front of her naked in the garage. She thought about how she wanted him to pose and determined to copy a celebrity shot that became famous.

“Lie back on the motorcycle with your head at the handlebars.”

He shook his head. “I have a feeling this isn’t going to end well.”

“Oh, you’ll like the ending just fine.”

She stood next to him while he got into position. He looked so uncomfortable, but she reminded him to smile while she snapped a few shots. Addison moved in closer to position his arms and took a few more shots.

“Now sit up and lean against the bike.”

“I’m not a male model.”

Maybe not, but he was hot enough to be one. “Just a few more.”

“You’re not hanging these on the club walls.”

She grinned. “No, our bedroom. Maybe my office.”

He sat up and leaned against the bike. She snapped a few shots and glanced up at him. She’d just about pushed him to his limit.

“When does this turn fun and you get naked too?”

Addison checked the photos that she had. “Depends. Have you forgotten about your bike being scratched?”

“You’re good, but you’re not that good.”

He moved away from the bike and came at her. He cupped her cheeks and pulled her mouth to his. The warmth of his lips, the touch of his tongue only solidified her decision. She knew this man was the only one for her.

“I take offence to that.” Addison pulled away. He smirked. “I think you’re priorities are out of line.”

He watched her. “Oh yeah?”

“Yeah.” She stood there staring him down. “Am I not more important than your bike?”

He laughed. “Oh, fuck me. Answering is not going to lead to anything good.”

She liked teasing him. It sucked the anger out of him and put a smile on his face. She lived for that smile. It was contagious.

“You’d better answer if you ever want to see me naked again.”

“You are more important than my bike.”

“Good.” She reached for his hand. “Let’s go inside.”

As soon as they entered the living room, she shoved him back to the couch to straddle his lap. Mason slid his hands up her sides as she pulled her shirt over her head.

“Just so you know, I don’t like being alone.” She met his eyes. “I want you.” She sat up. “Even when you obviously love your bike more, I still want you.”

He chuckled. “You’ve got me, babe.”

“Good.” She brushed her lips against his. “I saw some cops sniffing around the clubhouse yesterday.” He took in a harsh breath. “I don’t want to know unless I need to know, but you need to promise me you’ll stay away from the kind of trouble that sends you to prison.”

Her number one worry would always remain the same. He would eventually do something that would land him behind bars. The thought killed her inside. To some extent she knew Mason understood that.

“You definitely make me want to.” He glided his hands up to cup her breasts. “Your tits can’t come with me to prison. And the ones you see in there don’t look anything like these.”

Her nipples hardened in the cooler air. “Imagine my surprise when you suggest that you like my breasts.”

He smiled, his eyes taking her in. “I like tits. The way they look. The way they feel. The way they taste.” He licked his lips. “Sue me.”

Addison stood long enough to tug her shorts off. Instead of pulling her back to him, Mason stood and swiftly lifted her into his arms, heading to the bedroom. When he sat her on the bed, he draped his body over her, covering her in all his male goodness. She pulled his hand to her, placing it on her stomach. He smiled at her and leant down to swipe his tongue over her nipple. A soft moan escaped her as he switched to the other breast, teasing her with the promises of more. And more was what she wanted. A whole lot more.

He moved over her, working his way down her body. His hands found her thighs and spread them gently, opening her to him. She knew how wet she was, but his look of satisfaction spoke volumes. She closed her eyes as he circled her clit with the tip of his tongue.

A gasp escaped her lips as she opened herself to him. Desire burned through her, coursing hot in her veins as his mouth grew more attentive to the ache he’d created. He’d made her feel so good before, but now, it intensified. She ran her fingers through his hair, pulling him to her.

“You taste so fucking sweet, Addy.” His mouth whispered against her pussy. “God, I’m drowning in you and I’m loving every fucking minute.”

She closed her eyes as his tongue swept along her slit. He added his fingers to the mix, plunging one inside her to the hilt. She arched her hips off the mattress, wanting and needing more while his mouth sucked her greedy little clit. Her pulse pounded in her ears. She needed that little push.

“Mason, please.” Her fingers tightened.

“Please what, Addy?” He lifted his head while his fingers still pumped inside her pussy. “Tell me what you want.”

“I need to come.” She lifted her hips in offering and he grinned before leaning down to suck her clit into his mouth.

He knew just the right amount of pressure at just the right time to make her fall apart. Every nerve ending in her body electrified. She closed her eyes as he continued to eat her pussy, dragging the climax out for as long as possible. She tightened her fingers in his hair and held him to her, needing him more than anything.

She slowly came back to earth as he moved up her body. He kissed her lips. She’d gone on the pill a few months ago and the need for condoms had ceased. Mason moved between her legs and she watched as he slowly pushed in. Nothing felt more amazing than him filling her for the first time. His cock stretched the walls of her pussy and forced her to accept his girth. She relaxed enough to take him, willingly wanting him to fill her and fuck her well into the morning.

“I’ve fucking dreamed of this.” He glanced up at her, his hands on her thighs. “I’ve wanted to be inside you since the moment we met, but ever since I got a taste of you, I can’t stop thinking about it. You’re so fucking tight.”

His mouth found the side of her neck as he settled inside her completely, filling her to the brim. God, she’d been so stupid to fight what she’d felt. Logic has its purpose, but overall, the heart rules.

“You’re special, Addy. I’m not going to let you forget it either.” His words made her shiver as he pulled back, easing out of her.

The friction made her gasp, her back arching slightly as she raised her legs higher on his hips. Every cell in her body pinged with life, drawing her entire focus to him, his cock and the pent-up need that she had. He plunged in harder, deeper. She revelled in every moment of it.

Hot, wet kisses pressed against her neck, only adding to all the sensations coiling inside her. Her nipples pushed against his hard chest as he continued to thrust inside her. She took all of him, every kiss, every touch, every thrust. He possessed her, claiming her as his own and she rejoiced in it.

“You’re so fucking incredible, Addy. Everything about you.” He gripped the sheets beside her and pushed himself up so he could look into her eyes. “So fucking incredible.”

She clutched his back, digging her nails into his skin. She may not have the most experience, but she felt the same about him. She loved him. Every part of her being knew it, felt it. His cock brushed against that bundle of nerves that sent her spiralling over the edge faster than the speed of light. She closed her eyes, indulging in the feel of him. Her toes curled at the spine-tingling pleasure bursting throughout her entire body. Mason moved harder inside her and shouted his own release.

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