Wild Hunts (12 page)

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Authors: Rhea Regale

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters

BOOK: Wild Hunts
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“And what’s your philosophy on Slade, Dr. Jones?”

“I like him, too. Exceedingly so. He’s warm, and funny, and genuine. He may be the opposite of Micah on the surface, but he has that same severity simmering in wait, and I find it alluring.” Heat washed over her face and she sighed. She’d never felt self-conscious about discussing anything with her brother before now. “I’m grateful the spirits chose two men I can connect with as my mates. Two men I can very well see myself falling in love with. I’m very grateful for a second chance after Tom.”

Jordan’s scowl melted away. A flicker of resignation touched the edge of his eyes. He cupped her head and placed a soft kiss to her hair.

“As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.” He tilted his head until their foreheads rested together. “And for the record, I like them both, even if the one fuck has barbs for fur. I know mine are sharper.”

Jordan left her to finish preparing breakfast, assuring her he’d be fast asleep for a few hours.

Don’t be crying for my help because those two play rough, got it?”
were his departing words, leaving her with a molten hot face.

As she shoveled the sizzling bacon off the frying pan and portioned the pieces onto two separate plates, a small creak at her back drew her attention.

Slade stood against the counter, eyes trained on her. There wasn’t a hint of sleep in those fathomless pits, only a dark, potent hunger that jolted her body to life.

“I was just coming out with breakfast,” Kasa said.

A small knot formed at the base of her throat, deepening her voice to a sultry murmur. Slade’s hair fell in rumpled waves over his eyes. The longer ends caressed his chiseled jaw. His eyes narrowed on her. Carnal desire curled the corner of his mouth into an easy grin. Kasa tried to clear her throat and failed. Her body thrummed beneath his close scrutiny. The clothing she’d slept in suddenly became a heavy burden. The soft lining of the sweatshirt teased her nipples to puckered peaks. Each slight breath she drew scraped that fabric over her, sending swells of tingles tumbling down to her belly. She scented her own arousal and the heat of his.

Her gaze lowered to his neck. His shirt lay open a good portion down his chest. Defined planes of muscle cast deep shadows between his pecs. A soft sprinkle of dark hair peeked out from his shirt. Her fingers itched to pet him. A whisper of want stirred in her pussy. Each passing second that she remained the sole focus of this gorgeous man, pressure mounted between her legs.

Slade straightened up, but the predatory air about him didn’t dissipate. He crossed the kitchen in three long strides, cupped her face, and slanted his mouth over hers. His tongue slid through her lips and swept over hers. She moaned into his feverish kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck, pressing her body flush against his.

Oh God, did he taste wonderful! Male and heat and wilderness filled her mouth and her mind. She swam in the overwhelming pleasure of his plundering kiss. His teeth scraped against hers. His large hands skimmed down her back and curved over her ass. He squeezed the fleshy globes, kneading her cheeks. She bucked against his swollen cock.

He groaned, his kiss faltering. She panted for breath, drawing whatever oxygen she could from Slade in this brief intermission.

He didn’t plunge back into the kiss. Nor did he rip her clothes off and fuck her like she wanted him to.
him to.

Slade caressed her bottom lip with the tip of his tongue then slowly leaned back. Kasa whimpered her disapproval, her brow creasing deeply. She sifted her fingers up through his hair, the ends cool from the outdoors but the roots warm from his body. The soft, silky texture of his strands made her tremble. To have that wicked head between her legs, the wild waves caressing her thighs…

“Morning, sunshine. Feeling better, I gather,” Slade said. His deep, throaty voice rolled along her spine. Her clit pulsed and wetness coated her panties. Ah yes. She felt better, but imagined a few ways he could make her feel exceptional.

A small smile tugged at her lips. She let her hands slide out of his hair, fingers splayed as they roamed over the hard-packed muscles of his shoulders, the steel contours of his collarbone, and finally over the crisp hairs coloring his tanned skin between his pecs.

“Much, thanks,” she whispered, not trusting her voice. The pads of her fingers traced the fine details of Slade’s chest, familiarizing herself with his body. When his shirt forced her to stop, she merely plucked it open one button at a time.

Her breath hitched. Corded bumps formed a delicious stomach. A trail of dark hairs started just below his belly button and blended in with the patch of hair that peeked over the top of his low-riding jeans. His cock formed an impressive mound at the zipper.

“Eggs smell delish, little chef.” The touch of humor in his voice drew her attention away from his perfect body and back to his face. Her hands, however, continued their exploration, following his muscle-encased ribs down to his tapered waist and finally coming to rest on his narrow hips. Her vision blurred for a moment as she faced the shameless hunger in his eyes. Everything about him seemed to darken with lust, but he made no move to ravage her like he nearly had the night before.

A shudder touched her shoulders at the memory. A fond memory that sent her clit into a pulsing frenzy. She shifted, squeezing her thighs, but only succeeded in setting a charge to that decadent itch.
Oh, God.

“I wouldn’t call myself a chef,” Kasa said. Her chuckle belied her tenuous control.
Stop staring at him if you want to maintain any dignity.
She tore her gaze from his, painful as it was, and turned to the plates she’d portioned for her men. “I’m picky about how I like my food, so I prefer to prepare it myself.”

“I’ll be sure to have you direct me in the kitchen. Don’t want to cause an upset stomach on behalf of a bad meal.” Slade’s arms snaked around her waist. He pressed his body against her back and lowered his face to hers. She tipped her head slightly, enough to catch the corner of his mouth in a quick kiss, despite her body’s urge to throw dignity to the wind and lay him out on the kitchen floor. “You know, even though you’ve sheltered your thoughts, I’m getting your vibes just as clearly. But I don’t feel it’s right to indulge in my fantasies this morning. Not after last night.”

“And what fantasies are those?” She laid two forks on the plates and grabbed up the meals.

“Oh, a bit of caressing. A bit of kissing.” Slade chuckled, a sound that resonated deep in her marrow. His hand slid beneath the waistband of her sweatpants. Her legs weakened. The plates dropped to the counter and she closed her eyes. “Thought about taking care of you, comforting you.” His fingers stroked the top of her panties but never dipped beneath the satin. “I recall how sensitive you were last night. How afraid.”

“I–I’m not afraid,” she gasped. Slade’s hot lips brushed the shell of her ear. She moaned. His feverish breath elicited sparks of pleasure that spiraled along her nerves.

Kasa grabbed the edge of the counter for support. Slade’s fingers swept along the top of her panties once more before withdrawing from her sweatpants. He kissed the top of her head with a sigh.

She growled and looked back at him. “Really? You’ll tease me and then nothing more?”

“That’s right, sweetheart. I’ll tease you and leave you simmering until the right time comes.” Slade flashed her a mischievous smile. “Never fear. You’ll be well taken care of at that time.”

Kasa snorted. Plates back in her hands, she turned around and faced Slade. He hadn’t bothered to move back, forcing her body to press most enticingly against his. And the feel of his hard cock nudging her belly…Her mind whirled slightly, and she quickly reined in sputtering desires.

Apparently now isn’t the time.

Well, that was fine. When
that time
came, she’d make him work for it.

“Hungry?” she asked. Slade’s dark gaze coasted down her body. Heat flared along her veins. She had to work to keep her reaction hidden. “Hope you like eggs and bacon. It’s a staple here in the Jones household. Not to mention I don’t keep much in the fridge at any given time. In case Jordan and I have to bolt.”

“Well, you won’t be bolting in the near future. No need to run with Micah and I here.”

“Unless the rebels locate us and converge. We have no clue how many reprogrammed weres there are. Jordan refused to bring the majority of our pack, leaving them in Oregon while we track holding cells. His best men, and two of their mates, are with us.”

Slade’s eyes narrowed. Shadowed lust dissipated. He took a small step back to better gauge her and crossed his arms over his chest.

“There are no other cabins in this vicinity. Where’s the pack?”

“We’ve put them up at a motel nearby. This way, if something happens to us, they’ll have time to escape.” Kasa held out his breakfast. Slade didn’t move to take it from her. “It’s a precaution we’ve taken ever since we discovered the reprogramming of weres, thanks to Tom. Rather than be blitzed by a pack unknowingly, we’ve remained separated. But don’t think for a minute that our pack can’t reach us within a few breaths when necessary.”

“Still, it’s foolish to be separated. It weakens you as a whole, leaving both parties vulnerable. And you, of all members, should be in Oregon with the rest of your pack.
in Oregon.” Slade shook his head. “You know you have cousins in Hood River and Wolf Creek? Shyla Smith and Ayasha White. They’re with their mates. Perhaps Micah and I should bring you back, tuck you away—”

“Absolutely not,” Kasa snapped. She jabbed the edge of the plate into Slade’s chest. A piece of bacon bounced off the plate and landed on the floor. “I will
leave my brother. He and I are a team, understood? He’s all I have in my family and I’ll
abandon him. I’ll fight by his side until we have all those innocent weres safely away from the rebels, and I will not quit. I am not a quitter.”

“No, you’re a fighter.” Slade took the plate from her hand and tossed it onto the counter. Eggs slopped over the countertop. “If I understand correctly, your brother banned you from the team. Meaning, you are no longer allowed to participate in the hunt for rebels and reprogrammed weres.”

Anger flowed white hot in her blood. No man would ever restrain her from doing what she
to do.

If he didn’t understand her drive, he’d best stay out of her way. Especially with the main cell practically under her nose. They were so close she could feel it like waves of electricity just under her skin. They would soon put a stop to this barbaric practice amongst their kind.

Slade leaned close to her, his eyes blazing with a fierceness she couldn’t imagine him focusing on her.

“Fighter or not, you’re still my mate, and I’ve sworn to protect you. If protecting you means protecting you against your own foolish ambitions, then so be it. I will not have you harmed in any way, and neither will Micah. You have no idea what you and your brother are fronting here.”

Kasa arched a brow and planted her empty hand on her hip. “Then, by all means, enlighten me.”

“That’s for Micah and me to know, and you not to worry your pretty little head over.”

“How am I supposed to protect myself when I don’t know the extent of what I’m facing? Isn’t knowledge the best defense?” Kasa followed him as he stepped up to the counter and scraped the eggs back onto the plate. He grabbed a paper towel and wiped up the remaining mess without answering her. She growled under her breath. “Well?”

“You won’t have to worry about protecting yourself. You’ve got two very capable mates and an aggressive, bastardly brother who are all gonna keep you safe. Why don’t you revel in the freedom you have and relax, okay?”

Slade shot her a half-grin and draped his arm over her shoulders. She tried to repress the stiffening of her muscles under the heavy weight of his solid arm. Despite the comforting gesture, one that melted her resolve and left her wanting to nuzzle his hard chest, she stood her ground. His chauvinism stabbed at her pride.

“Besides, you’re too special to risk your lovely white coat over a bunch of misfits.”

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