Wild Hunts (31 page)

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Authors: Rhea Regale

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters

BOOK: Wild Hunts
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Chapter Sixteen

Silver was a bitch, one Kasa hated at the moment.

A full week after the raid on the cave and a momentous evening of victory over the rebels of Dark Moon, her toes still stung when she put full pressure on her foot. Still, determination overrode the throb as she finished packing up the last of her clothes and belongings.

She was going to a new place, a
, with her mates. She only wished Jordan would come with them until his wounds completely healed. Stubborn as always, he refused to leave the cabin, often muttering something about Lilia and revenge. Micah had tried to convince him the sisters both perished, but a knowing glint in her brother’s eyes assured her he didn’t believe a word of it.

Then there were the nightmares that plagued him, and his uncontrollable destruction that often left half his cabin in shambles.

Kasa growled. And he called her stubborn.

A soft knock on the doorframe drew her out of her thoughts. Slade smiled at her, his usual lightheartedness reflecting in his dark eyes. Her heart fluttered and ramped up in pace, her chest swelling with adoration. He forwent bandages on his right arm. The red welts appeared far more serious than they actually were. The barbs had cut him deep, nearly to the bone, stunting his healing. Despite his assurance that his shoulder felt better than ever, she had seen the strain in his forehead with each box he lifted out to Micah’s truck. That evil bitch did her damage to her mates, and herself, and she still hated her for it.

“Jordan’s talking to Micah outside. This is the last?” Slade asked, motioning to the chest at the foot of her bed. Kasa nodded. “Everything’s in here? You’re not forgetting anything, are you?”

That sexually playful note in his voice lit her on fire. She pressed up on her good toes, holding Slade’s well shoulder for balance, and kissed him.

He tasted delicious, hot and male and tempting. God, what she’d give to fuck him that instant,
him and Micah.

As it was, they were late getting on the road. From what she gathered, her mates’ pack waited eagerly for their return with their new alpha female.

Kasa drew back, tugging his bottom lip. She licked his firm flesh and released it. “I’ve got

“That’s good to know,” he murmured. Kasa rolled back onto her heel, keeping the pressure off her injured foot. Slade grabbed the handles on the chest and hoisted it up. Again, his brow creased, but he held a smile on his mouth. “Hang here. I’ll be back to carry out the last, and most important, item.”

With a wink, he turned and left.

Kasa limped through the small cabin, soaking in her surroundings for the last time. Although she and Jordan spent only a short duration here, so much had happened to make this place memorable.

This was where her life changed forever.

This was where she met Slade and Micah. She glanced back at the bedroom, her cheeks warming. Her first ever sexual encounter with two men—at the same time—happened there. Back at the table, she vividly recalled how pissed her three guardian weres had been upon her return, having been drugged and outsmarted by her. She had done some serious damage to their pride, but nothing they wouldn’t get over in time.

The living room had been a place of a long-awaited reunion between Micah, Slade, and their pack, talking, laughing, hugging, clapping shoulders, spilling beer. Cramming two dozen massive men into the tiny space proved a challenge, but worked out in the end. It had also been a place where she met one of her cousins for the first time. Ayasha White grew on her like her own fur. A kinship blossomed between them in a matter of hours, and she couldn’t wait to visit her in Hood River, where their other cousin Shyla lived with Coal and Jacy.

Most importantly, this cabin became a symbol of her falling in love. Two heartbreakingly handsome, funny, severe, strong, powerful men stormed her life, swept her off her feet, and now she couldn’t wait to start her life with them.

Nostalgia wrapped her so completely she shrieked when her feet left the floor and she landed in Micah’s solid arms. A grin tugged the corner of his mouth, something that seemed to crack his solemn expressions more easily nowadays.

“I wasn’t letting Slade get his hands on you. Besides, he should be resting that shoulder,” Micah said. Pleasurable chills swept through her as his deep, husky voice filled her mind and spirit. These men would be the end of her. Or her sanity, at least. “Ready to go? We should make it up to Mt. Hood Village sometime tomorrow morning, weather allowing. There’s another storm coming inland.”

“Should we stock up on provisions along the way?”

“I have a feeling we won’t be eating much.”

Kasa chuckled, threading her fingers into his silky hair. She pulled him down to her and kissed him hard, absorbing every carnal desire he kept precariously contained at the moment. A low, guttural rumble rolled through him and into her, down her chest and belly, and pooled between her thighs. She sighed against his eager kiss, tongues dancing feverishly, fighting to dominate.

A throat cleared behind him. Kasa broke the kiss and drew her moist bottom lip between her teeth. She savored his flavor, mixed with Slade’s, and smiled, tucking her head beneath Micah’s chin.

“You wretched excuse for a brother,” Slade teased. Micah turned them toward the front door. His brother leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest and a seductive half-grin on his kissable mouth. “No mauling our woman.” He tapped the face of his watch. “Time to move.”

“I don’t think you’d maul me,” Kasa said. Micah laughed quietly, his fingers tightening on her. They followed Slade into the cold night.

“Oh, little love, there are many things I imagine doing to you. Mauling might be in the cards. All in good times, of course.”

Jordan rested back against the driver’s side door, his amber eyes lifting to her upon their approach. She frowned, noticing the haunted swirls that tainted his gaze. His turtleneck sweater hid the wounds from the silver collar. To look at him, no one would’ve suspected he suffered such indignity and torture only a week ago. His face had healed completely.

She knew what he hid beneath his heavy layers of clothing. She had seen the slow-healing wounds that marked his back, wrists, ankles, and stomach. Most of all, his spirit had been cracked, and it broke her heart to see that reflected in his eyes.

For her sake, he forged a smile on a mouth that used to hold easy smiles for her. Now, it seemed to pain him as much as the memories from that fateful evening.

Kasa wiggled free of Micah’s arms and dropped to her good foot. She stepped up to Jordan, stared into his face for a long time, then hugged him fiercely. His arms squeezed her back, an embrace that left her breathless. Tears stung her eyes and she blinked them away before leaning back.

Cupping his face between her hands, she kissed his chin. “I wish you’d come with us.”

“I’ll be by once you’re settled in.” His hands wrapped around her wrists. “I have no place in this part of your life, little sister. Now I can understand what parents go through when their kids leave home.”

“Jordan, I’m worried about you. I don’t want you out here by yourself,” Kasa said, keeping her voice low. “You need to be around the pack. Go back home, please.”

“I will.”

“Promise me. Promise me you’ll go by the end of the month.” Damn tears sparked back to life. This time, when she blinked, two trickled down her cheeks. “This place holds nothing for you other than dark memories and nightmares. Go home.”

He wiped her tears away with his thumbs. “I promise you. Don’t cry for me, sweetheart.” Something sparkled in his eyes and she damn near broke out in sobs. He leaned over and pressed his lips to her forehead. “Promise me you’ll take care of yourself, and these two unruly beasts I’m releasing you to.”

“I promise.”

“Good.” His lips lingered for a long moment. She listened to his deep intake of breath, realizing he was soaking in her scent before letting her go. Stepping back, allowing Micah to slip up to her side, he tipped her chin up and smiled. “I know now I never said it enough, but I love you, Kasa. I’ll always love you, stubborn fool or wise wolf.”

“I love you, too, annoying, pestering, mulish big brother.” She had to laugh, even if her voice cracked. The tears threatened to spill at high speed. She wouldn’t let that happen.

“Ready?” Micah asked. Kasa nodded. Jordan opened the rear door to the truck’s cab and stepped aside. Micah helped her into the warm interior then closed the door. Kasa watched her mates exchange quiet words with her brother before sliding into the truck. Within minutes, they were off, starting the first leg of their journey together. Kasa watched Jordan fade into the distance. Her heart tore at the separation between herself and her brother but swelled with the promise of a bright future ahead.

* * * *

Kasa gazed out the floor-to-ceiling windows in the master bedroom that overlooked the majestic peak of Mt. Hood. The distant lake shimmered beneath the moonlight. The scenery stole her breath endlessly. For the first two days, she couldn’t believe this was her new home. A beautiful cabin tucked in the deep forest mountains of Oregon, surrounded by wilderness, and only a short distance from town. Micah and Slade didn’t hold back in regards to their shared home. Everything was top-of-the-line, from appliances to décor, furniture to furnishing. It was a drastic comparison to what she had grown accustomed to over the past few years of her life.

Their pack welcomed them home with open arms, a celebration that went on until the early morning hours, and several house-warming gifts for her. She’d only spent a short time getting to know some of the pack members after the raid on the cave, and those she did meet were a blur.

Not anymore.

She spent hours upon hours learning the stories of the pack, absorbing their warmth and openness, and hearing the legends that surrounded her and her cousins. They accepted her before they met her, eager to have a sacred white wolf lead them alongside the Castrove brothers. According to a handful of young women, they had been hot on the bachelor blocks for decades, but no one could crack them enough to get them into bed. Rumor had it they found their sexual satisfaction outside of town, often igniting numerous fantasies about their mysterious rendezvous. If those women only knew what Micah and Slade were capable of…

Kasa’s cheeks heated up. Her womb coiled, deep-set hunger swelling. Her body lit on fire, her pussy wet. She wanted her men in the worst way, but managed to behave through the ride back to Mt. Hood Village and endured some of the worst lustful moments during the celebration. Finally free of company, she intended to take matters into her own hands.

Twisting her damp hair onto her head, she slipped into a robe she had laid out before her shower. Dishes clattered against the sink in the kitchen. Soft conversation passed between Micah and Slade. She had excused herself to clean up after eating dinner, but she had no intentions of staying clean for long.

Her flesh tingled against the slightest movement of the silken fabric. The thrum of desire that plucked at her pussy evolved into a full-fledged throbbing ache. Her nipples, pert and peaked, strung tautly to her core. Each step closer to the kitchen elicited a shiver of pleasure from breast to clit. A slight tremble touched her muscles. God, she only hoped they didn’t think her some silly pup.

Slade paused halfway back to the kitchen table when she stepped into the room. Micah looked up from his seat, stared a long moment, then leaned back, never taking his eyes off her. Both men’s gazes darkened, if that was possible with Slade’s already drowning dark eyes. Kasa offered a smile to cover her unease. She didn’t miss a step, going to the fridge and gathering up the bottles of chocolate syrup, caramel sauce, and whipped cream. Hands full, she made way to the table, placed the items on one side, and smiled.

Slade nodded toward the sweet toppings. “You forgot the ice cream.”

Kasa glanced over her shoulder. She pointed to the empty chair across from Micah. “Sit down. I’m taking care of dessert.”

Slade moved slowly to the chair, his eyes never leaving her. Micah arched a brow when she looked at him, but all she did was smile, lean down, and press a quick kiss to his lips.

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