Wild Irish Soul (5 page)

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Authors: Tricia O'Malley

BOOK: Wild Irish Soul
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Chapter Twelve


I would stay far
away from him
. Mary's words echoed in Aislinn's head the next morning. Though her head agreed with her mother, her heart seemed to be of a different mind.

, she whispered down to her heart and went to gather her art supplies. She had decided to take the day off and go out of the village to paint the cove. Her mother had come back to the shop yesterday and taken pictures of all of her work. Mary had said that the gallery was looking to feature seascapes and Aislinn knew of few places more stunning than the rocky cliffs that hugged the mystical waters of the cove.

Aislinn decided that she would pop in on Fiona and put a word in her ear about Morgan and then head down to the cliffs to paint.

Aislinn went out to load her battered station wagon with her art supplies. Mary sneered at Aislinn's choice of vehicles, but Aislinn secretly loved it. It was serviceable, her easel and paint supplies fit nicely in the back, and she never worried about the wagon getting scraped up on rough roads. Aislinn sniffed. Baird probably drove a fancy sedan that was pristine inside, with one of those little bags for any snippets of rubbish.

Further convincing herself that they were far too different to be in a relationship, Aislinn pushed Baird from her mind and took the sea road out to Fiona's cottage in the hills. With the windows rolled down to encourage the sea breeze, Aislinn expertly maneuvered the one-lane road that hugged the cliffs. Sunlight cut through puffy clouds that hung over water that seemed a little restless today. Perfect, Aislinn thought. Moody water and sunlight poking through clouds always made for interesting paintings. Aislinn loved to play with light and mood. It showed in her seascapes and allowed her to command a high price for her work.

Aislinn turned at a hook in the road and bumped up the lane towards Fiona's cottage. Aside from her mother, Fiona was the most important woman in Aislinn's life and she had played a major role in helping Aislinn to navigate the murky waters of being a teenager with an extra-special gift. Aislinn credited Fiona with steering her from trouble and keeping her on the path of art. In doing so, she'd freed Aislinn from any expectations other than to be herself and had given her the true gift of happiness and confidence in her path in life.

Aislinn smiled at the weathered cottage as she approached it. She always felt good when she came here and even more so now that Ronan was staying with Fiona. Ronan, an Irish setter, was a gift to Keelin from Flynn. Yet, lately, Ronan had been sticking around with Fiona. A cottage out in the wild needed a good dog for protection, Aislinn thought, and smiled when Ronan came bounding around the corner at the sound of a car. 

"Ah, there's the ferocious beast himself." Aislinn called to Ronan and he barked up at her, his tail wagging. Pulling the wagon to a stop, Aislinn bounded out of the car and sunk to her knees to wrap her arms around Ronan's wiggling body. He lapped her face with his rough tongue and breaking away, ran to grab a stick.

"Aye, it's a game of fetch you'll be wanting then, is it?" Aislinn laughed at Ronan and tossed the stick. He bounded exuberantly through the green field that surrounded Fiona's cottage. Aislinn turned to survey the cottage. It looked like Flynn was keeping up on any repairs needed and Fiona's window boxes bloomed with a happy bunch of flowers. The gray stone cottage mixed perfectly with the surrounding landscape and the view was worth millions, Aislinn thought as she turned to survey the wide expanse of meadow that dropped off into cliffs that soared over the ocean.

"Ash, dear! What a surprise," Fiona's warm voice called to her from around the corner of the house.

Aislinn detoured from her path to the front door and around the cottage to the garden that Fiona carefully tended behind the cottage. The old woman wore khaki pants, a men's-style shirt and a large straw hat to shade her from the sun. Her eyes were sharp with intelligence and her face creased with a welcoming smile. Aislinn instantly felt at peace, just watching her gather her herbs in small baskets. Fiona had always had that effect on her. She was the port in Aislinn's storm. 

Careful not to stomp on any of Fiona's plants, Aislinn stepped to Fiona and bent to give her a lingering hug. Pulling back, Fiona eyed Aislinn's face carefully.

"Hmm, let's take a break. I just made some sun tea this morning. We can sit at the table out here."

"Sounds lovely," Aislinn said. "Do you need help?"

"No, please. Just throw the stick for Ronan. He needs a playmate."

"Where's Teagan?"

Fiona shrugged her shoulders. "Who knows with that dog? She comes and goes as she pleases. Fickle woman," Fiona laughed and went into the cottage.

Aislinn sat at the small table and chairs that were positioned best to capture the sun without sacrificing a view of the cove. She thought about how Fiona had known who was visiting her without even stepping around the cottage. Aislinn wanted to discuss Morgan with her. Fiona seemed to have a touch of all of the powers…though her healing power was the most powerful. Yet, to Aislinn's knowledge, she'd never seen Fiona move something without her hands.

"Here we go," Fiona said as she turned the corner of the cottage with a tray full of tea, scones, and a small plate of fruit.

"This is lovely, thank you," Aislinn said and reached for her glass as Fiona settled into the chair next to her. They both watched as Ronan raced across the field after a stick, tumbling over himself in his excitement.

"He brings me such joy," Fiona laughed.

"I know. I've thought about getting a dog. Maybe a cat, instead. I don't know if I am responsible enough for a dog," Aislinn said.

Fiona leveled her eyes at Aislinn. "Yes, I suppose that you would chaff at the restriction that a dog places on you. You've built yourself a nice little world where you can come and go as you please, haven’t you?"

Aislinn shrugged against the perceived sting in Fiona's words. "Is that a bad thing?"

"I didn't say that it was. I just know that being tied down to something for too long, aside from your business, is hard for you."

Aislinn shrugged and studied the line of where the water met the sky.

"Things can change quickly. It's easier to be flexible and able to adapt to change, in my mind," Aislinn said.

Fiona only nodded, not saying anything.

Aislinn sighed. "Okay, I know that when you stay silent you are trying to get me to talk. You can't pull that on me anymore."

Fiona only smiled and raised an eyebrow at her.

Aislinn threw her hands up.

"Yes, I met a man. And, yes, I don't do attachments well. Okay, happy?" Aislinn huffed out a breath and crossed her arms across her chest.

Fiona let out a lusty laugh that had Aislinn cracking her own smile.

"Ah, Ash, you've always been one of my favorites."

"Really? Thanks," Aislinn said in surprise.

"Really. You have such talent and such self-confidence…and yet you keep yourself aloof from others. Never vulnerable. In doing so, you make it difficult to be in relationships with others."

"I don't know if I agree with that!" Aislinn said heatedly. "I told Baird about my gift. I was honest! Do you know how hard it is to tell someone that – knowing that they will judge you?"

"Baird? Hmm, so it's the new doctor in town. I've heard talk of him.  A handsome one, no?"

Aislinn sighed and dug the toe of her hiking shoes into the ground. "Yes, tall, dark, and yum as Cait calls him. He even has these wire-framed glasses…"

"Well, if he has glasses, then I'm sunk too," Fiona agreed.

Aislinn flashed a small smile at Fiona before taking a sip of her cool tea.

"He thinks that I'm a nutter. That I just
that I have this magickal power but that I don't really. I even proved it to him. Which…I've never done before. I've never felt like I've had to prove myself to anyone. Which makes me furious, to be honest," Aislinn said quietly.

"Ah, a skeptic. I suppose that makes sense with the business that he is in."

"Yes, but he didn't try to stop me. Didn't try to understand more. He just let me walk. So, I suppose that's my answer." Aislinn shrugged her shoulders and stared moodily at the sea.

"Is it?"

"Well? I'm not going to hunt him down and keep trying to explain who I am to him. It wouldn't matter anyway. We're simply too different."

"Ah, well, then I guess that is all there is to say about that," Fiona said demurely.

Aislinn rolled her eyes. "I'm used to your tactics, old woman, and you aren't making me talk any more about this. I've already talked to my mum about this and she agrees that I need to stay far away."

"Not surprising," Fiona said.

"And, I have something more interesting to discuss. Have you met Morgan?"

Fiona smiled at Aislinn's change of subject but let it pass.

"I saw her at Keelin's wedding. Beautiful girl. Touch of something…I haven't figured out what as of yet. She's fairly elusive. Flynn says she is a hard worker but keeps to herself and doesn't talk much."

Aislinn should have known that Fiona would have all the pertinent details.

"That touch of something? It's telekinesis."

Fiona's mouth dropped open and Aislinn felt a sliver of delight sneak through her. There was very little that got past Fiona and it was rare to see her react in surprise. Giving herself a mental high five, she smiled at Fiona.


"Yes, indeed. I saw it for myself or I wouldn't have believed it."

"I've never heard of this particular manifestation of Grace's blood. Let me get my book."

Fiona hurried away to get her book and Aislinn bent to scratch Ronan's ears. At the very least, the change of subject had taken the focus off of Aislinn's relationship with Baird. Her non-relationship, she reminded herself.

Fiona hurried around the corner with a small book. Its beauty was in its simplicity. Aged leather, softened at the creases, wrapped around vellum pages. Aislinn knew that it was Grace O'Malley's book of healing potions but she suspected that there was other information within the pages that she knew little of.

Aislinn stayed silent as Fiona flipped through the book and murmured to herself.

"Ah, hmm. Here we may have something." Fiona finally spoke.

She handed the book to Aislinn, who took it carefully. The pages were delicate and should have been handled with gloves on, but Aislinn was used to touching delicate works. She held the book gently by the leather and examined the passage that Fiona had pointed to.

'Tis by the moon and the stars,

A fleeting movement,

A special touch of magick,

One that with the mind does feel,

As though one may lift without the physical body,

A dash of fae,

Only those who need it most,

Will be gifted this touch.


"To those who need it most…" Aislinn repeated.

"What do you know of Morgan's background?" Fiona asked as Aislinn handed the book back.

"I'm hiring her for the shop. So, what I tell you is in confidence."

"Understood and good for you. You've a good heart."

"She's an orphan. Essentially raised by nuns as her foster families would return her after they saw her ability. She's angry. Very angry and very lonely."

Fiona nodded.

"You'll bring her to me?"

"If I can get her to come. Otherwise you'll have to come to the shop. I'm trying to get her a place to stay as she is sleeping in her van."

"Shane will help. I'll make him."

"Already taken care of." Aislinn smiled at Fiona and stood. "I'm off to paint while the light is good. Mum has a potential offer for a show lined up for me in Dublin and I'll need new inventory."

"Wonderful! I'm so proud of you. Such talent," Fiona said and stood to wrap her arms around Aislinn. "Now, don't forget to listen to your heart, young one…"

"We'll see," Aislinn called over her shoulder as she got in her wagon.



Chapter Thirteen



Aislinn drove further
down the lane from Fiona's cottage and pulled her car to the side of the road behind a long line of bushes. Getting out, she assessed which angle she wanted to paint the cove from. If she painted from the road, she wouldn't be able to capture the sheer magnitude of the cliffs that jutted out into the sea. Instead, she decided to cut across the fields to set up her easel by a pile of rocky outcroppings. The rocks would shelter her from the wind and allow her some privacy in her painting.

Aislinn pulled her small, transportable easel out of the back of the wagon along with her art supplies and set out across the field. The mid-afternoon light was lovely and would soften as the day wore on.

Aislinn set up her easel behind the rocks and pulled out her small collapsible stool that allowed her to sit at the same level as her canvas. Considering her supplies for a moment, she pulled out her oils. Though she loved to work in watercolor, Aislinn was feeling moody. The richness of oils would allow her a more dramatic contrast in her painting. Preparing the canvas for painting, Aislinn began laying the gesso on the canvas, outlining the starkness of the cliffs against the sea.

Humming to herself, she allowed herself to go into an almost trancelike state. Aislinn rarely spoke of her creative process. She wouldn't know how to explain it if she tried. Part of being empathic meant that she could feel other people's feelings. What most people didn't know or understand was that it went far deeper than that. To Aislinn, everything had its own unique energy and aura. Plants glowed to her, water churned with its own vibration, and light tingled. It all had feeling and movement to her. When Aislinn painted, the world fell away and simply pulsed in color and feelings. That was what Aislinn painted…not what most people saw. She supposed that was why people connected so viscerally with her art. Her paintings captured the feelings of the natural world that most people were unable to identify or express for themselves.

Something broke into her zone and she tried to swat it away as she concentrated on her canvas. Again, a disturbance. Cursing, she forced herself to look away from the canvas and to stare at the cove. What had broken her concentration?

"Aw, shit," Aislinn cursed furiously as she saw Baird's head bob along the field before disappearing from sight on the path into the cove.

"Of course he would go there. Of course he would! Does that man have no sense?" Aislinn cursed steadily as she rose from her stool. In a flat-out run, she raced across the meadow, the ground soft beneath her boots.

Aislinn stumbled to a stop at the top of the ledge leading to the beach below her. The cove was an almost perfect half-circle, its cliffs reaching high into the air and protecting the long stretch of sand that lay at the bottom of their rocky walls. A narrow path switchbacked down the sheer face of the cliff wall and spilled out onto the beach. Aislinn could just make out Baird at the bottom.

"Baird! Wait! Baird, don't go on the beach!" Aislinn shouted but her words were carried away on the wind. On an oath, she raced down the path, trailing her hand along the rocky wall to keep herself balanced. Her breath came in ragged gasps and she struggled to tamp down on the panic that rose in her throat. Baird stepped onto the sand and Aislinn's heart stopped just for a moment.

"Baird, no!" Aislinn screeched and this time, he heard.

Baird turned at the sound of her voice and looked up at her in confusion. Aislinn watched in horror as a wave gathered strength and rose high behind Baird.

"No!" Aislinn screamed right before the wave crashed over Baird, taking him under with it.





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