Wild Is My Love (19 page)

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Authors: Janelle Taylor

BOOK: Wild Is My Love
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“What of your son?”

“Do you suspect him of working with his evil mother?”

Baltair read the anguish in Alric’s face and voice. “If he is truly your son, he will not side with Isobail. But if her blood runs thicker than yours within him, he is unworthy of your protection. Do you not realize, my liege, that he might not be your son?”

“I wish he were not my bastard son,” Alric confessed. “His existence has always tormented me. Each day he is a reminder of the Evil that should not have occurred. Yet he is innocent of my shameful deed, and has been denied his rightful name and heritage. The gods have punished me sorely.”

“It was a mistake, sire, and it happened long ago, when you were consumed with grief and loneliness. Do not continue to whip yourself for it. You must never break your promise to hold Moran a secret. Isobail would require nothing more than such a confession to
destroy you. Forgive yourself for that rash span of time. It is gone forever.”

“It will not end until all concerned in it are dead. When I betrayed my love and myself, I loosened Evil forces in my heart and land, Baltair, forces only death can cease.”

“Do not speak so, my liege. You shall know victory and honor again.”

“Only Alysa and Damnonia matter now, Baltair. If I cannot defeat this sickness and Evil, help them to survive.” Before the seneschal could reply, Alric advised, “Go quickly, my friend, before you are discovered here. I need you to obtain the truth. If you cannot get to me privately again, go to my father with your knowledge. And take my child with you.”

“I will obey, my liege and friend, as always,” Baltair vowed.

They exchanged smiles and clasped hands before Baltair left to seek out Piaras for assistance, and Alric covered his face to mourn for his friend Daron.

When Leitis told Alysa that Baltair had returned to the castle, the young princess rushed to the seneschal’s chamber. “You must do something to save Father, Baltair, he is in grave danger,” Alysa said, and quickly told him what she and Leitis had been doing during his absence. Then she commanded, “Tell me what you have learned during your travels.”

Baltair pondered his response for a time, and eventually decided to confide all in Alysa, in case something happened to him. He had been trying to shake this overpowering sense of doom, but could not. If anything happened to him and to Alric, Alysa needed to know the truth so she could flee to King Bardwyn for help.

Alysa’s blue eyes grew large’ in astonishment as she listened to the news of Isobail’s travels around the land
and the events at Daron’s castle. “What can we do, Baltair?” she asked. “Father is not well yet, and cannot escape her evil grasp.”

“For now, Princess Alysa, you must do and say nothing to alert anyone to our discoveries.” He told her how he planned to get Piaras to help him until the right moment came to approach King Bardwyn. “If we go to your grandfather without proof, the people might resist us. She is cunning, Alysa, and she has completely fooled too many people. You must keep your eyes and ears open. Tell me everything you see and hear, and I will do the same. Beware of Earnon, for I fear he is as dangerous as his mistress. Be careful whom you trust.”

“Dear Baltair, can things get worse? If only we could find warriors of our own to hire, honest and brave warriors whose faces are unknown here,” she said, eager to test his reaction to her plan.

“I saw a stranger near Daron’s castle following the deadly attack,” he said absently. “His garb was not of our land, and his aura was that of a powerful and mysterious warrior. He did nothing but observe the bloody battle from the cover of the forest. Perhaps he was one of the raiders, a lookout, perhaps even their leader. After the brigands left and our people returned to Daron’s castle, he mounted his golden horse and rode away. It was very strange…”

“He rode a golden charger? What was he doing there? Describe him to me, for I think I have seen him before.”

After Baltair described a man who could be no one other than Gavin, he asked, “Where have you seen him, Your Highness?”

“I saw him near the village that was attacked a while ago, during your absence. He was doing the same thing, watching silently from the woods. Later I asked Sir Beag about the stranger, and he said no one who fit his description had been in the village when they arrived.
How curious that he is around at such times and remains hidden… What does it mean?”

“I do not know, but we must watch for him. It was odd, but I did not feel threatened by him. There was something special about him, but I cannot explain my perception.”

“Could he have helped those under attack if he wished to do so, Baltair?”

“Perhaps he could have slain a few raiders and saved a few peasants, but it would have cost him his life. He was wise not to intrude on such insurmountable odds. But be wary of him, too, Alysa.”

Guilt touched her because she had not told Baltair the entire truth. “If I see him again, I will be careful,” she said, “but I will try to learn more about him. If he is not a brigand, perhaps he will work for us.”

“You must not approach him!” Baltair spoke sharply. “A man like that can be dangerous. Warriors who roam other lands seeking adventures cannot be trusted, and they cunningly mislead innocent young girls. Remember your rank, your highness.”

“Do not worry about me, Baltair. Father did not birth a fool or a weakling as his heir.”

Baltair embraced her and said, “Do not speak of our talk to your father. His mind is filled with worry for you. He is angry and frustrated because he is so weak. If he thinks you are endangering yourself, his panic will increase and might compel him to act rashly.”

“We will work together, and tell no one. Father must think of nothing except getting well. Will you warn him about the food and wine?”

“I will tell him to accept nothing that does not come from Leitis’s hands. I must keep your part a secret. I will go to him with this warning now, before Earnon learns I am here and places a guard at his door against all visitors.”

As she was leaving, Alysa turned to entreat her trusted friend, “Guard your life well.”

Returning to her chambers, Alysa curled into an over-large chair. At least she had help now, someone who would allow her to assist her father, and who thought she was smart enough and brave enough to help. Consternation filled her as she pondered the things Baltair had told her, and she realized they had no choice but to battle Princess Isobail. She must tell Granmannie nothing about her work with Baltair, or the old woman would be frantic. Her father should be safe for now, with Leitis and Baltair watching over him.

Kyra sneaked to Earnon’s chamber to relate an alarming tale: Guinn had told her that Alric was out of bed today and doing nicely. Added to that news were the discovery of the server’s death days ago, the arrival home of Baltair, and the impending return of Isobail. “We must do something quickly, my love, or all is lost,” Kyra urged.

“Do not upset yourself, my beautiful lady, I will tend to Alric myself. A trusted servant cannot be replaced without time and study. You must watch Baltair with a hawk’s eye and a mole’s ear. I must know everything he does and everyone he sees. We shall delight your mother with our cunning and successes.”

“After you take care of the prince, return to my side to spend the little time we have left together.” Kyra had to make certain of her hold over the sorcerer before Isobail’s return. She began to nibble on Earnon’s neck as her hands brazenly roved his body, sparking it to fiery life. She felt his response and heard him moan.

“There is much to do, my beautiful lady, and danger of discovery,” he protested weakly, closing his eyes as he savored her touch.

“Mother will arrive tomorrow, my love. Our time is
short and precious. She will keep you busy and close at hand. We will be lucky to find one hour a week to be together. Please do not deny us this last day of pleasure.” Kyra sank to her knees, parted his blue-black robe, and soon removed any resistance he had.

Alysa went riding to place a note in the tree marked by Gavin. She could not endure this mystery surrounding him any longer. No matter what she learned about him, she had to learn something. She told him it was urgent that she see him immediately, and she would check the tree for his answer each day. She started to go to Giselde’s, but changed her mind. She could tell the woman nothing at this time, and she feared Giselde would read deceit in her features.

Though Alysa did not visit Giselde, Piaras was heading in that direction. The aging knight, who trained others in the skills he could no longer carry out to his best, felt he had to inform Giselde of Baltair’s return and clever plan.

Giselde was both pleased and worried over the man’s words. If Alric was getting better, that meant he was not ingesting her herbs. She fretted that Alysa had uncovered her ruse, as her granddaughter had not visited her in a week. Then Giselde chided herself for her silly fears. After all, she had ordered Alysa to stay away from her.

Baltair’s information also told her about Isobail’s crafty and sinister behavior during her travels. Two lords had been slain and replaced with her loyal retainers, leaving only two who were known to be loyal to Alric. Piaras also revealed that Baltair had sighted a mysterious stranger near the site of the brutal attack at Lord Daron’s. Giselde realized he spoke of Gavin, and that she could expect him to return with Isobail tomorrow.
She decided to leave Gavin a note, urging him to meet with her the moment he was back.

It was mid-morning when Alysa made her way back to the secret tree to check for a message from Gavin. There she discovered that the hole was empty! Her hand searched it once more and found nothing. She wondered why if Gavin had found the note, he had not responded. If he had not taken it, then who had?

Alysa leaned against the dying tree to ask herself a distressing question: Had she been discovered, or betrayed?

As her face grew moist, Gavin stepped into her line of vision. Their eyes locked searchingly, hungrily, evocatively. For a long time all they did was look at each other, as if their expressions could reveal everything inside. The dreamy aura that surrounded them was laced contrastingly with serenity and tension, anguish and joy, doubts and confidence. They felt like strangers, yet had never seemed closer than they were this moment—as if they had always been together, as they had been in their enchanting dreams. Neither seemed able to move or speak for a time. At first sight hearts that had begun to throb slowly, almost painfully with thick emotion, steadily increased their pace until both Gavin and Alysa feared their hearts would burst. Their throats became as constricted as their chests were, and their labored breathing could have been heard if the lovers were not so enthralled with each other. At this close proximity the warm glows that teased over their flesh rapidly burned brighter and hotter, until they seemed to fuse into one roaring blaze. Without awareness, their dreamworlds fused with reality and took control of their senses.

Of their own volition, Gavin’s hands captured her face between them, and he bent forward to kiss away
her tears. His lips brushed her skin ever so lightly, causing both of them to tremble. His mouth drifted across her cheek to her ear and whispered, “Do not weep, m’love; I am here to protect you from all harm. Ask anything of me and it shall be yours.”

His gentle touch was too much for Alysa, and she flung herself into his arms. “It seems as if you have been gone forever,” she murmured against his tuniccovered chest.

Lifting her head and looking deeply into her blue eyes, he smiled and replied, “Yea, m’love, it feels that way to me. I returned as quickly as possible. I missed you and could not wait to see you again.” He drew her close and tight. He inhaled the fragrance that came from her brown hair and soft flesh, and sighed peacefully.

Alysa cuddled into his strong and compelling embrace. She loved the feel of him, the manly smell of him. She ached to have more of him. “I missed you too. I missed you terribly.”

Gavin’s mouth roved her face with sheer delight as she snuggled to his pleading body. He did not need a woman as much as he needed this particular woman. Many emotions filled him, unknown ones, conflicting ones, powerful ones, frightening ones…

Sinking to the grass, they caressed and kissed, pleading mutely for an unbridled union. At that moment’ it did not matter who they were or what was facing them. They pressed more tightly together, and their hands roamed wildly and freely. Their mouths locked and their tongues danced feverishly. They seemed to breathe, to work, to think as one, and their bodies urgently demanded to join as one.

Alysa was wearing a short over-tunic and kirtle, and both were moving upward steadily. Gavin had not removed his tunic, and her hands eased beneath it near the wide sleeves and caressed the hard muscles of his
shoulders and arms. His body felt strong and sleek beneath her quivering fingers. It was intoxicating, enlivening, to touch him and stimulate him. His smooth flesh was a soft golden covering for an enticing physique which had been hardened and toned through years of training and fighting. She knew his naked body had to be splendid, and she longed to admire it with her hands and eyes as she had done in her fantasies.

Gavin’s lips traveled down her throat, sampling her flesh as they wandered about aimlessly but directly. They passed over her rumpled garments to tantalize the hardened peaks that revealed her enormous desire. As his mouth labored lovingly there, his hands journeyed lower and lower, kindling her passions to an uncontrollable wildfire. Skillfully he untied her undergarment and eased it out of his way. His hand moved beneath it and sought another peak which was ablaze with desire. As his hand absorbed the heat of her womanly domain, one finger slipped carefully and gently within her to create almost mindlessly blissful sensations.

When Alysa inhaled sharply and arched her back, the warrior’s mouth and hands strove to increase her rapture. Her right leg was trapped between his, and it could feel the height of his arousal. She could not stop herself from touching him there, causing him to groan as if simultaneously assailed with agony and ecstasy. The knowledge that she could provoke him to such painful pleasure sent her mind spinning. She did not want to halt this sensual episode, which she had craved since ‘their first meeting. Yes, she admitted honestly, since that first look and touch.

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