Wild Lover Complete Series (6 page)

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He pulled her closer, into his lap. Their sandwiches rested in sad abandonment on the counter. She straddled him, and one of her wedge sandals slipped from her feet. She reached down, took off the other one, and tossed it across the floor. His belt dug into her stomach as she grinded against him, so she loosened it. While she was down there, she decided to let everything loose.

His rock hard cock pushed against her tummy. Heat radiated from his body into hers. He whispered in her ear. “Bad girl. No panties.”

She smiled at him. “It’s this dress. It’s too tight to wear them.”

“Don’t blame it on the dress. You wanted to give me easy access.” He made his point by taking hold of her bottom. He ground her pussy against his cock. The more he did, the wetter she got, until they slid against each other’s most sensitive spots like cogs in a wheel. She moaned each time his shaft rubbed across her clit.

“Do you like that?” he asked.

She whimpered her affirmative. He took her chin in his hands and looked into her eyes as he slid against her. “Talk to me, baby. Do you like it?”

“Yes, what?”

“Yes. I like it.”

“What do you like?”
              She blushed. He pushed her hips away from his shaft. She tried to regain his warmth, but he held her back. Her pulse throbbed between her legs.

“What do you like?” He squeezed her chin.              

“Your—” She swallowed. “Your cock.”
              “So you want it? Tell me how you want it, sweet girl.”
              Mia took a deep breath. “I want—I want you to rub you cock against me. Your hard cock. I want you to make me come.”

“Aww.” He let go of her chin and spread her legs further apart. “Let me tickle you a little first.”

He licked his finger and gently began stroking her. She watched his hands, so big but so soft. She found it got easier to talk the more he encouraged her. “That feels great. Wonderful—just like—” He sped up. “Oh, just like that.”

Blaine didn’t have to move Mia’s hips anymore. She worked them herself, as well as any stripper grinding against a pole. She’d closed her eyes, and when she opened them she looked into his smiling face.

“I love to make you feel good,” he said. “That’s all I want. For your beautiful body to explode with excitement.”

She smiled back at him and kissed him.  A teasing kiss.  Her tongue lightly brushed his lips. “I’m going to explode like that. Soon.” She took his hand to encourage him. She guided his thumb to her clit and two of his fingers inside her.

“Not too soon,” he said. He lifted her hips. She had to raise her bottom and lift one leg to accommodate the length of his cock. He held her up as she moved into position. She tried to settle onto his shaft, but he wouldn’t let go. She wiggled in his grip. The feel of his hot manhood brushing against her pussy was torture. “Let me do it,” he said.

She relaxed and let him take control. “Look at me,” he said. “I want to see your face.”

He pushed her downward. She spread her legs as far as she could, and felt him slid inside. Further, harder, until she was sure she’d burst. 

At first Mia let Blaine move for her, but as the tension built, she pushed his hands away from her hips. She folded them on his lap and gripped them as she rode him. He stretched to kiss her. “Beautiful,” he said. “I love watching you enjoy me.”

She bit her lip and rocked faster. The crest built until she felt her lower back tense up, and then her orgasm exploded through her body. It started between her legs, and spread like the tremors of an earthquake down her legs and up through her chest to her scalp. She felt as if he hair were standing on end.
              “Not done,” said Blaine. She’d slumped against him. He kissed her neck. “We’re not done, are we?”

She shook her head, although she felt as if her entire being had turned to Jell-o, even her thoughts. Blaine gently steered Mia around, so she faced the counter top. “Is this okay?” he asked. “Are you comfortable?”

She nodded and braced herself against the counter as Blaine began pumping in and out of her. It felt amazing, but she was too tired to come again. The first orgasm had taken everything out of her. She pushed back against him and let him ride her this time. There was something empowering about taking herself out of the equation. She could focus on his body. He moaned as he quickened his pace. One hand, and then the other, moved from her bottom to her back to the top of her thigh. Tiny whimpering noises floated over her shoulder. So many little details she hadn’t had the attention span to notice as she focused on coming. She ground her bottom against him and concentrated on moving her hips and tightening her muscles in the ways that would most drive him crazy. She caught his whispered commentary.

“Mia, baby… that feels so good. Oh—yeah, damn, like that. Beautiful…drive me crazy—crazy—“

One last thrust and he cried out and stood up in the stool. “Oh!” Mia joined him, for she felt him all the way to the center of her being. He was a hot, quaking volcano inside her. He pulled out and she felt the wetness of his climax on her bottom.

He wrapped both arms around her and rested his forehead against her back. “Mia,” he said. It came as a question next. “Mia?”

She leaned into him. “I’m here, silly.”

“I don’t want to leave. I want to stay here, with you.”

Mia made up her mind. She couldn’t turn this man away. Not when he’d started to open his heart to her, and already opened her mind and body to pleasure she’d never known existed. “Yes,” she said. “Stay with me.”


Blaine decided that it was time to emerge from his self-imposed cocoon. He hadn’t spoken to anyone but his charter customers in the month he’d spent at Bartlett’s Marina. With Mia by his side, however, it seemed safer. He smiled to himself as he drove to her apartment. The wind whipped past his face. He’d rolled down the windows of the Ford F250 pickup truck he’d rented. The longer he’d been in the United States, the greater his appreciation for the American obsession with huge vehicles. His second wife, Candice, had teased him that he was becoming a redneck.

He shook his head. It hurt to think about Candice. Not because he had loved her terribly deeply. When he looked back on it, he supposed he’d loved the idea of her more than the reality. Candice was the All-American California blonde that every English boy dreamed of someday conquering.
A living Barbie doll. Everyone in her family had been the same. Candice had been the crowning jewel in Blaine’s American dream. Before it all went south.

He turned up the stereo and focused on the street signs around him. Mia’s condo was at the back of a modest newer community beside a popular shopping center. A manmade lake with a few fountains in the center separated the residential area from the commercial one. He parked and took the stairs to her unit. He smiled at the little touches she’d added to make the place homey. A welcome mat, preprinted
with doggy footprints, that said “Wipe Your Paws!” and two large potted plants. She’d hung a plaid wreath on the door.

A volley of high-pitched barks sounded when he knocked. Mia’s face appeared in the crack. “Hey—hold on.” She reached down and scooped up
a squiggly, furry something in her arms. She let Blaine inside. A tiny dachshund squirmed in her arms.

“Sausage dog,” said Blaine. The little black and tan creature went crazy when he touched her head. Between her wagging tail and her flapping tongue Blaine wondered if she would crack from excitement.

“This is Perdita,” said Mia. Her tongue rolled on the
, in tribute to her Cuban heritage. Blaine found it absurdly sexy.

“She’s almost as cute as her mum,” he said.
              She smiled. “Can you hold her while I get my stuff?” Before Blaine could answer, Mia dropped the squirmy little dog in his arms. He held Perdita before his eyes. She wiggled in an attempt to get close enough to lick his nose. He finally relented. Perdita collapsed into his hands, a warm quivering bundle, as if she could rest now that she’d given him a kiss.

He watched Mia circle the apartment, grabbing her purse and a couple of water bottles and the dog’s leash.
Perdita panted in his arms. Mia clipped the leash on the dog’s collar. She took Perdita from Blaine and set her on the floor. She shook and took off out the door. Blaine laughed as Mia’s arm was nearly jerked from its socket.

“She’s excited!” he said.

“She loves to walk around the lake,” Mia replied. They followed the panting, straining sausage dog down the steps. “You want to walk her?”

Blaine grimaced. “I think I’ll lose my man card walking that foo-foo doggie.”

Mia punched his arm. “You have to be really secure in yourself to walk a foo-foo dog.”

Blaine grabbed the leash. “No one has ever accused me of being insecure.” He skipped a few steps.
Perdita yipped and jumped around his ankles. He tripped, almost falling on his face and squashing the dog.

Mia doubled over in laughter. “Please—please don’t step on my dog. Or skip on her.”

The sound of her laughter delighted Blaine, and it obviously delighted Perdita. She leaped against her mistress’ bare legs. “Okay—okay,” said Mia. “Go on now.” She smiled up at Blaine. “She’ll calm down in a few minutes. We might have to carry her home.”

Blaine took Mia’s hand. “You might have to carry me home if I fall on my
arse.” His phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out, saw Candice’s name, and stuck it back in his shorts.
              “Who’s Candice?” Mia asked.

Blaine took a deep breath. A pleasant breeze blew around the lake, but what he had to say made the air taste stale. “My ex-wife. My second ex-wife.”

“Oh,” said Mia. “Do you have children together?”
“No, thank goodness.”

“And you’re officially divorced? Not separated?”

Blaine nodded. He knew what was coming, so he went ahead and answered. “There’s not really any reason for her to call me anymore, but she does. I usually ignore her.”


Blaine wished he could erase question marks from the English language, but that didn’t seem to be a possibility. Besides, he’d decided he was going to let this woman in, so uncomfortable as it was, he had to open the door. “When we separated, she got a good bit of money from me, obviously. Most people would have been set up for life with that money. She screwed it all up. She bought this huge house.”

“How huge?” asked
Mia. “Like, Jennifer Anniston huge?”

Blaine nodded. “She was never good at managing money.
The house, all the furniture. Then just her day-to-day living. Traveling and clothes and spas. Not just for her, for her parents and siblings, too. She’s blown through most of her money. She put the house on the market, but she’s not even getting any nibbles. So now she wants me to invest in some business she wants to start. She wants to buy some chain massage therapy stores…” He sighed. “I don’t know what to do. I’d like to help her, but—“

Mia put a hand on his arm. “It sounds like you already helped her. She blew it. Is it your job to keep helping her?”

“No. You’re right. I guess I feel kind of guilty.”

“Why? You said she used you for your money, right?”

“Yeah. I’m pretty certain she never had any genuine feelings for me. But still, I wanted the divorce. She didn’t. So I feel responsible for her.”
              Mia took a moment to reply. Blaine could see ideas running through her head. “Okay, I get that. But if she never loved you in the first place—”
              “Maybe I also feel like a failure. Divorced twice before forty? Doesn’t look too good. It just validates all kinds of stereotypes about rich playboys. It’s almost like—” He struggled to find the words, because he wanted to make sure Mia understood. “This life I live, it’s forced me to become that stereotype. I’d rather have a stable home and a wife who loved me for me. Instead I get two divorces, and I’ve learned that it’s easier to just take care of myself and my needs by bouncing around.”

“Bouncing around the world,” said Mia. She frowned. “Bouncing around with women, too.”

Blaine stopped. “If I could meet a woman and I knew, one hundred percent, that she’d still love me if we lived on the street tomorrow, I’d stop bouncing.”

“Hey—Mia!” Another male voice entered the conversation.
Perdita began yapping and squealing. A jogger stopped beside Blaine and Mia on the gravel path. He looked to be in his late twenties, fit and handsome in a college boy kind of way. He wore a baseball cap.

“Hey.” Mia’s face had paled. “Hey, Jeff.”

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