Wildcat (18 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Brooks

Tags: #Romance Speculative Fiction

BOOK: Wildcat
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The only downside to this offer was how sore Sara would be from the violent contractions of muscles she’d seldom used until now. Those involuntary exercises would strengthen her in ways she’d never imagined.

Yet another factor she hadn’t considered. Rumor had it that Zetithian semen acted like a fertility drug, causing multiple ovulations and thus, multiple births, even in humans. Sara wouldn’t be the first and certainly not the last to face this eventuality. That she hadn’t heard of the human wife of a Zetithian man dying in childbirth was some consolation. Still, she didn’t particularly care for the idea of being the first.

She also questioned the wisdom of sucking a cock that caused such a spectacular reaction. “You’re sure I won’t inadvertently bite you when the juice gets to me?”

“Hasn’t happened yet.” His cheerful tone didn’t sound like that of a man who’d ever had his dick bitten. “Love it when someone bites my ass, though. If you ever feel the urge, you go right ahead and sink your teeth into me.” His wicked grin was accompanied by a wink. “Makes my dick hard.”

Sara burst out laughing. “If it gets any harder, it’ll explode.”

“Oh, it’ll do that in a little while whether you bite me or not.”

Her teeth tugged her lower lip. “Yeah. I guess it will.”

“Don’t look so disappointed, Sara,” he chided. “It’s not a once a day occurrence. My turnaround time is negligible.” His lips curled enticingly and his purring roughened as he traced the curve of her cheek with a fingertip. “Later on, we can do something a bit more… creative, but right now, I want you underneath me—naked and on your back—while I drive you absolutely wild.”

“Creative?” Her mouth was so dry, the word nearly stuck in her throat.

“Sara,” he said gently. “This is supposed to be fun—not educational or competitive, and certainly not a chore.” He aimed her face toward his with a finger beneath her chin. “Just
. Your brain might not understand, but your body does—finally. I can smell it. If you doubt it, just
to put a thumbprint in my dick.”

“I already did,” she said drily. “Couldn’t do it.”

“Then if you don’t trust yourself, trust me to know what you want. Believe me, I’ll know.”

Cocking her head, she quirked an eyebrow at him. “Naked, underneath you, and driven wild?”

He inhaled deeply. “I believe you found that idea… irresistible.”

She blew out a long breath, nodding. “Yeah.

“Then let’s get rid of those clothes.”

Sara had already changed out of her riding clothes, or she would’ve had boots to contend with. As it was, she was out of her shirt, jeans, and panties in record time—one of the rare times in her life when she didn’t regret not needing to wear a bra—though she did feel a moment of concern that her flat-chested body wouldn’t be to Jerden’s liking. However, when she caught the glint of lust in his eyes and the lascivious manner in which he licked his lips, she stopped worrying.

With a satisfied purr, he rolled her onto her back, trailing kisses from her neck to her chest. Her breasts may have been small, but the nipples were no less sensitive. As he suckled first one and then the other, she captured his head in her hands, spearing her fingers through his dark curls, praying he would never stop. Her back arched just as his had when she’d done the same thing to him. She understood the reason for it now—the hunger, the urgency, the flaming need…

Despite her protests, he moved onward, his lips traveling ever lower on her abdomen, teasing her navel before moving on to the rise of her mons.

“Gotta have a quick taste first,” he whispered as he parted her thighs. His head dipped down and his tongue darted into her slit with precision. His hot breath and even hotter tongue set her on fire, intensifying an ache that was already almost unbearable.

His purr added a vibration to his sigh. “Ahh… the Divine Essence of Sara Shield.” He sucked a breath in through his fangs and then went back for more. His rough tongue found her clitoris and teased it mercilessly—licking, sucking, devouring—until a piercing sensation heralded her climax.

“Jerden!” she cried. “
—” Her next words were lost in the throes of a pleasure so intense, so exquisite, she could only gasp and moan, unable to form an intelligible word or even a coherent thought.

With a low growl, he crawled up over her, hooking his arms under her legs as he went. Rearing up on his knees, he lifted her legs and thrust his hips forward. His hot, wet cock pressed against her labia—pushing, probing, teasing—until she finally understood why those mares had backed into the stallion, impaling themselves on his phallus. Jerden was a big man—a shorter woman couldn’t have done it—but Sara wrapped her long legs around his hips, crossed her ankles, and pulled him in.

His huge cock filled her so completely, there was some left over. Even so, she wanted all of him. He began to pump into her, exhaling with a hiss on the outstroke. “You wouldn’t believe how good that feels—how good
feel. Oh,

His pleasure couldn’t possibly be any greater than hers. The coronal fringe raked her inner walls with each stroke, and the blunt head bumped against a highly sensitive spot deep inside her, steadily escalating the pleasure until tears stung her eyes. Determined to give as good as she got, she squeezed him with her vaginal muscles, impeding his progress and prolonging each thrust.

His breath grew short, his pelvic thrusts more sweeping. No, it wasn’t his pelvis that was moving, it was his cock, rotating in circles deep within her tight passage. A moment later an orgasm seized her—similar to the ones she’d already had from tasting his coronal secretions, but different because he was inside her.

Her grip on his cock strengthened, and with a guttural cry, Jerden fell forward onto his hands, his face suspended directly above her own. His glowing pupils shone forth from the black iris like molten gold. “Bite me. Hard.”

His shoulder was closest, and she sank her teeth into it, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough that he felt it.

The sound he made was indescribable—like a snarl on top of a purr on top of a groan—as his head snapped back and his cock drove forward. Sara saw stars as he plunged in more deeply than ever. His ejaculation was so strong she felt each spurt of his semen. She would’ve screamed if she hadn’t felt something else, something truly extraordinary, almost as though the scalloped edge of his cockhead was moving, even though he was holding perfectly still.

Seconds later, a ball of heat formed in the small of her back, throbbing for a long moment before bursting forth in a flood that washed through her in great, crashing waves all the way to the outer limits of her being.

In the deepening twilight, she could only see the glow from his pupils but her vision seemed distorted—as though his eyes were two pebbles tossed into a quiet pool, sending concentric waves spreading out over the surface. The heat ebbed, leaving behind warmth so soothing and peaceful, it nearly broke her heart.

Jerden sank down onto his forearms, his lips seeking hers as though he would draw sustenance from them. “Okay. So you drove
wild. Nothing wrong with that… maybe next time I’ll do the same for you.”

But he already had.

Chapter 18

Sara smiled at him. “Didn’t I scream loud enough for you?”

“Well, yeah, you did… It’s just that…” Jerden wasn’t sure what the difference was. She’d responded as well as he could’ve hoped—perhaps even better. It was his own response that left him stunned. He’d intended to dazzle her with his technique, but his professionalism had deserted him at the most inopportune moment—and he wasn’t even sure when that moment was.


He was as bad as her damned rapist. Never intending to pound into her that hard, he was surprised she wasn’t sobbing. He’d wanted to take it slow, building on each new pinnacle until she was ready for more. She might’ve had sex once before, but with so many years in between, it might as well have been her first time.

“You’re sure you’re okay?” he asked.

“I’m fine, but I’m not so sure about you. What’s the matter? Did I do something wrong?”

“I didn’t hurt you?”

She shook her head. “No. I feel
. Better than I’ve felt in my whole life. That part at the end was incredible.”

“That’s the effect of Zetithian
. It’ll make a woman feel great even if she’s got a knife in her chest.”

“Somehow I doubt that. Nice feeling, though.” She frowned. “Wait a minute. What the hell is

“It’s the Zetithian word for semen. It sounds a little silly in the context of other languages—too much like other words for things that aren’t so nice—but then, it’s the only word we ever had for it. English and Stantongue have a hundred slang terms for semen, but for most species, semen is just sperm, a little prostatic fluid, and some hormones. Ours packs more of a punch.”

“I’ll say it does. I feel like I could sleep for a week.”

“That feeling is called
in Zetithian—there’s no other word for that, either. We had daybeds for our clients at the Palace, so they could recover before they had to go back out on the street.”

“Glad I’m in my own bed, then. The thought of having to get up and go anywhere right now is—well, let’s just say I’d rather stay put.”

“So you aren’t mad at me? You’ll still consider my proposal?”

Her peal of laughter delayed her reply long enough that Jerden
felt nervous—though her laughter felt pretty nice from the standpoint of his cock.

“Are you out of your Zetithian mind? You convince me beyond a shadow of a doubt, and now
not sure?”

She had a point. “I guess it does seem a little stupid.”

stupid.” Her expression sobered in an instant. “Oh. Oh, I

“See what?”

“Why you asked me that. You don’t need me anymore, do you?”

He gaped at her. “What are you talking about?”

“Now that you know your dick works, you don’t need me. You can do it with anybody.”

Although her reasoning was sound, obviously he hadn’t made himself clear. “Sara. I thought you understood. You’re
my mate, whether you agree to marry me or not. I won’t be
to do it with anybody else now.”

“Wait a minute. Don’t I have to
to be your mate?”

He shook his head. “You would if you were Zetithian. The mating between two Zetithians involves a commitment plus the physiological attraction. The fact that you’re human is what makes the difference.”

A frown clouded her face. “That’s what happened with Audrey, isn’t it?”

“No. My connection to Audrey was strictly physical. I’ve mated with you because it’s what I
—body, mind, and soul.”

She still seemed uncertain, her head tipped to one side, her expression puzzled. If Salan had been there, his lack of response to her would’ve proven it. He realized then that their mating
similar to what had happened with Audrey. He must’ve been
mated to Sara for some time, otherwise he would’ve responded to Salan, or even Drania. The only reason he hadn’t known it was because Sara’s neutral scent had never given him an erection.

No, that wasn’t true. Deep down, he’d known she was the one for him—probably from the first moment he’d seen her and inhaled her scent. He just wasn’t sure
knew it. From now on, he would make a point of reminding her every chance he got.

“You mean I don’t even have to accept your proposal and marry you?”

“There was no such thing as a marriage ceremony on Zetith—no need for it. The unions between men and women were established purely by mutual consent. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a wedding.”

She nodded. “To be legally binding on this world, we’d need the ceremony. Not sure Nate and Salan would be deterred by anything less—well, Salan would be, but not him. At least, I don’t think so…” Her voice grew ever softer, her expression pensive.

Jerden held his breath, waiting for her to speak.

“I suppose we could turn your party into a wedding—the only thing we’d have to do differently is to make sure the regional magistrate is there. Two weeks from Saturday, you said?”

Jerden would’ve preferred two minutes, but he also wanted his friends to attend—and her family, if possible. “We could put it off longer if you like. I assume you’d want your family to be there.” She hadn’t accepted his proposal yet, but discussing plans for a wedding seemed… promising.

She rolled her eyes. “Absolutely. My parents would
believe it otherwise.”

“Cat and Jack Tshevnoe would want to be here too—along with Leo and Tisana, of course. Have you ever met them?”

“Are you kidding?
knows Captain Jack. Market day just isn’t the same unless she makes a stop in Nimbaza. She carries the most amazing cargo on that ship of hers. Very clever trader, too.” She shook her head, chuckling. “Her husband was the first Zetithian I ever met. Scared the shit out of me the first time I saw him—what with those fangs and that scar on his cheek—but he’s always been very nice to me. She’s quite a character herself. Best I can tell, she’s the champion of Zetithian procreation.”

“Giving birth to three litters
pretty impressive. She thinks Tarq deserves a medal for spreading his
over half the galaxy.”

“I’m surprised she hasn’t gotten him one by now. She’s the most resourceful woman I’ve ever met.”

“I’m sure she’s working on it. You know, her ship is really fast—depending on where they are right now, she could probably pick up your family and still make it here in two weeks.”

Jack would undoubtedly jump for joy when she heard the news. Lynx’s impotence had had her bugged for months. Jerden’s was less of a problem, since he’d fathered hundreds of children through his work at the Palace. Still, in Jack’s eyes, an unmated adult Zetithian male was an abomination.

“Maybe.” She hesitated, nibbling a fingernail. “Then again, we might have to put this off another month or so. It’s starting to sound a whole lot more complicated than a cookout.”

“Not really. I mean, you’ve already got a dress. We’ll have a simple ceremony and then party the rest of the day.”

“I can see us now,” she said with a chuckle. “Me in a dress and you in your loincloth. We’ll look like Beauty and the Beast.”

Jerden shrugged. “Works for me. I can be quite beastly when I want to be.”

“So I’ve noticed,” she said slyly. “Remind me never to piss you off.”

“As if you ever could.” He meant it, too—at least, from his current perspective, which was looking down into her eyes while his cock was still firmly lodged inside her. Despite an ejaculation that he’d felt clear to his toes, his erection hadn’t faded one iota. An experimental side to side movement proved it—and so did her response.

Sara’s eyes rolled back in her head and a blissful smile touched her lips. “Something tells me that getting mad at you would be just as impossible.”

“I certainly hope so.” Lowering his head, he gave her a kiss that contained all of his heart and most of his soul. “And if you ever do, I’ll just kiss you until you’re not mad anymore.”

Her eyes misted as her lashes lowered. “Shouldn’t take more than a couple of kisses.” She drew in a deep breath, holding it for a moment before letting it out with a sigh. “Now that we’ve discussed all these plans, I guess there’s only one thing left for me to say.”

Jerden’s skin tingled with anticipation as she ran a fingertip down the center of his chest, then reached up to trace the line of his jaw. He leaned into her touch, purring.

“Yes, Jerden,” she whispered. “The answer is yes.”

Relief, exhilaration, and pure joy washed through him as he leaned down to capture her lips with a deep, lingering kiss. “I promise you’ll never regret it.” He made another careful move, this time an in and out stroke as he rotated his shaft. Seeing her capture her bottom lip with her teeth halted him. “Doesn’t hurt, does it?”

Releasing her lip, she shook her head. “Feels fabulous. Don’t stop.”

Jerden let his hips and back glide in a leisurely undulation that he knew he could keep up for hours. “Don’t worry. I won’t.”

“I think the
effect must’ve worn off. I’m not having the constant—” Her breath went in with a hiss as another climax gripped her. “Well, I guess I am.”

“That’s actually the cock syrup effect. If I keep going long enough, you’ll get to where it won’t trigger orgasms anymore.” He smiled. “Then I can fuck you into oblivion without any chemical interference.”

“You like doing that?”

“Oh, yeah.” He altered the angle slightly and was rewarded with a soft moan. “I want to see the joy in your eyes when I make you come all on my own. I missed it last time.” It was difficult to see a woman’s eyes with his face buried in her pussy—much easier when his dick did the work. “Of course, the
effect is pretty awesome to watch, too.”

He leaned closer, nuzzling her neck. No other woman’s fragrance had ever intoxicated him the way Sara’s did. He felt warm, languid, unhurried. He had control now, but he was drowning in her scent.

He simply allowed it to flow through him and guide his movements, exploring her inner surfaces with his cock, finding the places that made her sigh and moan, searching for the ones that made her cry out with pleasure.

The rising moon cast shadows on the planes and curves of her face. Jerden had never seen anything more beautiful. His own night vision was excellent—he could’ve seen her even in total darkness—but the moon added a romantic, ethereal touch to the scene that no other form of illumination could provide.

Unlike his clients, she didn’t demand fireworks at every turn, seeming content to let him rock her gently while he savored every moment, loving her with a depth of feeling he’d never known before.

And he
love her. There was no point in denying it now. Just as her scent washed through him, so did the power of love. “I love you, Sara.” The words were out before he even realized he’d spoken.

Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears. “I never thought I’d hear that—from anyone.”

“You’re hearing it from me now, and I’ll tell you every day until you believe it.”
It wouldn’t stop there, of course—he’d still tell her every day, and if words weren’t enough, he’d prove it with actions. He never wanted her to doubt it, not even for an instant.

“I suppose I should tell you I love you now, shouldn’t I?”

“You’ll tell me when you’re ready. Not before.”

She nodded slowly, but anything else she might have said was swallowed up by another orgasm. Her body contracted around him, squeezing even more fluid from his cock, prolonging the effect.

“See what I mean?” he said with a chuckle. “They tend to hit at the most inopportune times.”

“Whoa, momma, that was a good one!” Sara gasped. “Seems like they’re getting stronger, rather than going away.”

“Like I said, it takes a while. And we’ve got all night long.”

“No sleep?”

“Later. It’s not as late as you think—though we can stop if you like.” Quitting now was the last thing Jerden wanted to do, but he figured he should at least make the offer.

“No, keep going. I like the way you look—the way your hair sparkles in the moonlight. Love your eyes, too.”

He grinned wickedly. “What else do you love about me?”

“Well… let’s see now… I love your sense of humor, the way you look on a horse, you make a great
, and—I never thought I’d say this—but if anyone on the planet has a more awesome dick, he probably walks on four hooves.”

Jerden shouted with laughter. “Meaning I’m hung like a horse?”


The tender moment had passed, but Jerden had come out of it better than he’d hoped. There would be others. Right now, he focused on doing what he did best, but had actually only done once before: giving joy to the woman he loved.

Easing his hips forward, he penetrated her fully, feeling his nuts brush against the roundness of her luscious bottom—muscular, and yet soft, with skin that rivaled silk. She was such an interesting mix of traits. Strong, but yielding, firm, yet kind. How did a man explain why he loved a woman? What was it that drew him to her? Jerden didn’t know, but if a woman had ever gazed up at him with more adoration, he’d already forgotten her. Sara loved him. She just couldn’t say it yet.

Raining kisses on her upturned face, he felt her body give in to the pressure, relaxing enough to allow the freedom of movement he needed. Dancing, circling, vibrating, his cock fell back into old patterns and then found new ones. She gripped him with one orgasm and then another until they ceased altogether. Concentrating his efforts on her sweet spot, he raked it with his cockhead, feeling his way as he watched her face. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted, a light sheen of sweat highlighting her skin.

“Look at me, Sara.”

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