Willows, Jennifer - Lust for Life [The Moreland Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Allure) (15 page)

BOOK: Willows, Jennifer - Lust for Life [The Moreland Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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“You have a little too much sass. But I know what you’re up to. It’s not going to work.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“You want me to fuck you, nice and rough. But really the point is you don’t want to feel any closer to me than you already do.” Deven’s words shut Charli’s mouth for once. “I’ve slam-fucked you all weekend, and now I can think clearly. Right now I’m going to savor you, just like I originally planned this morning.”

Her lips gaped open to refute him, but no words would suffice and Charli was left mute at the moment she most needed to speak. She had to break the spell he had her under before she sank like the

* * * *

Deven knew Charli was torn, could see her wanting to fight him about yet another ruined piece of clothing, but yearning in the same breath to have her brains fucked out. He enjoyed confusing her, making her look outside the box with him. Toying with her not only diverted his attention from her too-tight pussy as it smothered his cock, but had the added bonus of making her crazy.

He rolled over, keeping her planted atop him, gently kissed her pouting lips to soothe her fears and ease her tension. She sat upright, rocked her hips back and forth as she wrapped her hands behind his neck. To aid her in her midmorning ride he sat forward using his forearms to bring himself closer to Charli’s constantly undulating torso. The pace of their mingled loins was now one set by her, and he allowed her full control of the ride. Her hips canted against his back and forth, winding counter-clockwise slowly. As he took time to enjoy the wet caverns of her mouth, Deven found it hard to resist taking her over. But he knew she needed to get some semblance of control back, and he had no problem giving her physical dominion, for the moment.

When Charli added an extra swivel to their rhythm, Deven was hard pressed to hold back. The natural sway of her hips, breasts bobbing, threw him. He bucked at her, unable to hold back the flex of hips. Her mewl of delight let him know that Charli didn’t mind the contribution to the symphony of sex. The marriage of hips made sultry slaps of flesh on flesh, which became the bass line for the rhythm driving them higher. The erotic vignette was a dance conducted under the early beams of light, and ribbons of rays rippled over their meshed skin. She goaded him, riding him slowly, gyrating to her personal rhythm and smiling at his hasty need.

Deven became impatient, unable to hold back the thundering smacks his pelvis made against hers. Charli bounced back and forth on his hips, letting any clout she wielded in the position go. He made it easy for her to submit to him, as their desires were evenly matched and his lover didn’t really want the reins anyway. Within moments, he wrested back supremacy and he ground her small pelvis into dust.

The instant he began taking ownership Charli clung to him, wet and wanting. He didn’t leave her hungering long, churning her honeyed sheath to a creamy froth by shuttling her back and forth along his cock. She gripped his hair, using the wheaten locks as a tether holding her earthbound and fixed in the earthly pleasures of the moment.

“Deven... Please!” She begged for more, though there was nothing more to have. Both were working at full speed and given the position they were in, there wasn’t much more to get or give. Deven bestowed her every inch of cock he could, although there was just a bit left over that their seated position kept him from giving her. Charli leaned backwards, hands propped behind her on the mattress. Deven used the added space to lean forward and dig deeper.

He watched her shudder under the pressure before her hands gave way and wrapped one arm behind her back to stop her descent. Charli’s eyes fluttered closed, as Deven watched her loving the way she was in rapture to her senses. Within moments, she was close to giving in to the demands he made of her pussy and he brought his legs underneath him. The change in position allowed him to be on top, so he could give her that last crucial inch keeping him from fully rooting her.

“Shit, Dev!” were the only words Charli was able to speak, everything else was a gibberish blend of moans, grunts, and keening cries. Deven couldn’t keep himself from digging deeper. The choke hold her walls made around his cock was an addiction he would never get weary of indulging in. The taut grip of muscles made him hot, sweat beading his body in random places. Charli rubbed her hands over him, washing his skin of sweat with her bare fingers and palms. Deven wiped hers away as well, using his hands, lips and tongue.

The aftershocks still exploited his cock, and the lingering rhythmic suction from her satisfaction brought him over. The peak hit him in the spine first, winging south swiftly to encompass his balls and cock. She was just too delicious. Charli could make a saint into a sinner, and every occasion they were together felt like his first time inside a woman’s sodden pussy.

* * * *

Charli felt him coming, the hot jets of seed ballooning the condom against her cervix. Replete, the pair collapsed to the bed, shuddering with aftershock. Deven rolled over, bringing her to rest on top. She could feel her pussy still quaking around him.

“So what are we doing today?” Charli asked, curious as to what he would say.

“Isn’t this enough for you? Greedy little minx.” Deven smiled at her, flashing white teeth against tanned skin.

“I dunno. Today seems like a great day for an adventure.”

“Okay then, what is adventurous enough for you? Rock climbing? Diving? Wanna take my catamaran boat out?”

“I was thinking along the lines of something more normal.” Charli was thinking more along the lines of bowling or dancing. She shook her head., Leave it to Dev to automatically go for the crazy, death-defying stunts, she thought.

“Hmmm, want to go whitewater rafting?”

“Deven, where the hell are we going to do that here? I know the word
came outta my mouth.” Charli frowned, unable to believe Dev’s gall.

“Don’t be like that, Charli. Everything we’ve done so far you’ve loved. Seems like you’d trust me just a wee bit.” Deven’s tone was filled with poorly disguised mirth.

“Deven, you have no sense whatsoever. I just want to hang out, do regular activities. Maybe fly a kite or go dancing. You knew what I meant.” Charli shook her head at him, lips scrunched sideways.

“So you want to go dancing, huh? Even if I’m a white boy with two left feet?” Deven asked and his amusement was no longer contained.

“I highly doubt you have two left feet, Dev. Any man who fucks like you has to have some rhythm,” Charli said with a straight face, looking away from him. He leaned closer to her, their faces almost touching, and looking away from him no longer helped. Even then she still attempted to tune him out, simply closing her eyes.

“Is that how you’re going to be, Charli? Pretending like I don’t exist? Like we don’t combust when I’m inside of you? You can do many things to me, Charli, and you have, while I kept quiet. However, this time is the last you get to be so cavalier in how you address me.”

“Deven, I enjoy you as a person, but right now I don’t think I’m ready.” Charli’s phrasing was blunt, no leeway given.

“You’re mine, pixie, whether you know it or not.”

“What the hell is wrong with you? This is just a weekend of fun, no strings attached.”

“Yeah, fun. Do you think I’ve ever bothered with the niceties with any woman? I don’t date, Charlene, never had to. No one woman has ever taken more of my time than you have in this single weekend.”

“So I’m supposed to be grateful that the mighty Deven wanted more from me than a fuck-and-suck?”

Deven sat upright, demeanor revealing his lack of surprise at the vehemence of her words. She was on a hair trigger, and he was crosshaired in her sight.

“Whoa, Nelly, hold your horses. What is the real problem here? It’s not me. It’s not us, so why the anger?”

“I’m perfectly fine, Deven.” Charli wasn’t of course, but a lady had to keep her secrets.

“And if I said I don’t believe you?”

“You don’t have to, and I don’t have to tell you anything.”

“You’re right about that. However, you can have your secrets for now, but eventually...” Deven’s voice trailed off, leaving no doubt as to his meaning.

“Eventually what, Deven? I’m going to bare my soul to you? I’m going to let you in? What about your secrets? Are you going to give them to me? Are you willing to put every disturbing memory on display for me to dissect?”

“What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, Charli. Yes, I’m willing to put myself on display for your amusement. Are you willing to say the same?”

Actually, Charli thought it wasn’t a bad idea. She was really feeling Dev, more than she’d ever thought. At least she could force him to take a good whiff of what she had going on in her life. Maybe then he would leave her be. As is, she was feeling too much for him. He only had to look at her right and she was ass-up, ready to give whatever he wanted.

That was a problem for Charli. No way did she want to feel something for him and get burned. Life taught her those salient facts years ago. Most people weren’t going to stick around. Better to push him away now than to nurse a broken heart later.

“All right, Deven, I’ll bite. For every piece of information one of us gives about ourselves, we get the same in return. I do mean like-for-like. If I tell you about my prior lovers, you have to tell me about yours. If you want to know about the most embarrassing moment in my life, I want to learn about yours. Capish?”

* * * *

“That sounds fair to me. Ladies first?” Deven asked, wanting to see how deep she would delve into her history with him. The words stopped Charli in her tracks, and Deven saw the thoughts flit across her face. The left eye twitched slightly, and he knew she had made her choice. Whether or not it was to be honest and forthcoming was the only question remaining.

“Nope, you started this. You can go first, and we can just see how it plays out.”

Deven decided to start light and told her about when he had “the birds and bees” talk with his dad.

“When I was thirteen, I used to sneak downstairs to my dad’s study and nab his Playboy magazines. One night I went to the study and started looking at the pictures. I hadn’t figured how everything quite worked yet, let alone learned what a clitoris was. I had the book sideways, peeking hard, trying to sort it all out, when my dad walked in on me. He just looked at me and said, ‘I guess it’s time for the talk.’ I was so embarrassed I must have turned five shades of red, and my dad just told me it was normal. That most men like women, and that nothing was wrong with desire for the right person. Of course, I asked him why he had the magazines then, and he said, ‘Because I like looking at them with your mom.’ I think I turned purple at that point.”

“Oh my god, for real Dev?” Charli leaned forward, laughter making her face burgundy from lack of oxygen.

“Yep, and to make matters worse, Mom strolled into the study halfway through the ‘talk’ to meet Dad for their monthly peek in the newest edition. I don’t think I was able to look either of them in the face for an entire month.” He chuckled and asked, “When did you get the talk?”

“You don’t know this, but my mom was a hooker. For all I know, she still is.” If she weren’t looking him in the face, he may have been able to conceal the shock. He knew she saw it, and instead of acknowledging his faux pas, kept silent so she could continue with her narrative.

“Yep. Don’t be surprised. It happens more than you think. But either way, Mom was always boning somebody, so I already knew ‘the birds and bees.’ When I finally got the talk, Ms. Stafford took me to the side. She got a funny look on her face, and I knew what she wanted to talk about. It was the day I got my first menstruation, and I guess she wanted to explain what it all meant. Before she could say a word, I just told her I already knew. She looked relieved, just like I was. Definitely didn’t want to have to look her in the eye after the talk.”

Deven knew she told him about part of her dark past to scare him away and show how incompatible they were. That only meant one thing. That he was getting to her. He was claiming parts of her mind and emotions, not just her body. She just didn’t realize that he didn’t care about her history, as they could each have a fresh start together. His past was far from perfect, even though he was provided a much better beginning than she was given.

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