Willows, Jennifer - Lust for Life [The Moreland Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Allure) (21 page)

BOOK: Willows, Jennifer - Lust for Life [The Moreland Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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“Whoa, that’s gotta be for later. I don’t want to yell this place down.”

Her expression spoke volumes. “I know, pixie, but we can do this instead.” Deven pulled his pants off and laid Charli across his desk. She licked her lips, and Deven lost it. His cock was halfway inside her before he knew it. Charli was already coming, exploiting his cock and he leaned over her, crushing her mouth with his. The leaking gasps from both of them sounded as if someone were choking, and he was. He was incapable of drawing a single, oxygenated breath. Any air his lungs stole came from hers, as Deven pressed deeper with his cock. He was gentle, had to be, due to the sensitivity of the waxed skin. But though he was temperate, Charli wasn’t.

Her hips rolled and snapped, taking his cock in greedy swallows. Only to relinquish it reluctantly as her tight walls did their job well and clenched snugly, making each retreat difficult. Deven wasn’t going to let her take him over. To prove it, he clasped a hip in each hand and held her still. Charli fought him, but he was too strong for any other outcome than his winning this battle of the sexes. But she won the war as he speared her once more and looked her in the eyes.

Deven leaned close, lips next to her ears. “You’re lucky we are not at home right now. Or I’d be teaching you a lesson.” His voice was deep and rasping, the husky bass accentuating the differences between man and woman, masculine control and feminine need.

He pushed against her and let her ride him from beneath. The silken slide of lock and key had them each grunting, and Deven let the hair surrounding his groin caress the bare pussy of his lover. Charli jerked as if burned and convulsed around him. The pulsing of her sheath took Deven along, and he kissed her until their sexes stopped spasming.

Deven lay atop Charli, near smothering her and unable to think straight, until his desk phone rang.

“Deven.” The greeting was terse and little more than a growl. He calmed once he heard his brother on the other end of the line asking if he was finished with his lunch.

“Yes, just give two or three more minutes.” Deven hung up and kissed Charli once more.

“That was my brother, wanted to know if we were finished yet.” Dev grinned, and Charli smiled back. Deven walked her to the adjoining bathroom and helped her clean up. She tugged on her jeans and sneakers. Deven fixed his pants and walked her to the office door.

“I’ve got something for you.” Deven pulled out a large manila folder and handed it to her.

“What is it?”

“I want you every night without protection. Ergo, I called for a copy of my STD test results. I had my doctor send these by courier earlier this morning.”

“Oh.” He watched her face as she carefully rifled through the results. “I’ll have yours when you get off work.” Charli smiled and kissed him, square on the jaw.

“I’ll call you in a few hours then.” Deven felt his cock rise as she opened the door, her signature spice carried away once the door closed. It was setting up to be a long afternoon.

Chapter Ten:

From Oooh…To Uggh

For the next three months, Charli saw Deven almost daily. If she didn’t come to him, he came to her. But she knew it couldn’t last forever. Shoot, all good things came to an end sometime, even if she wished that it didn’t have to. They had done so much in the last months, things she never thought she would like or enjoy. He had taken her rock climbing and her prize for making it to the summit without complaint was a long, lusty fuck under sunlight and a panoramic view of burnished, baked-clay peaks. They had gone whitewater rafting one weekend and her reward was a sizzling episode of tantric sex once they reached calm waters on the small vessel. But her favorite of all their sexcapades was the weekend they went camping.

Charli wasn’t much for nature and considered herself to be a city girl. But there was a primal beauty in the world around her that had until now, been unexplored. The two days spent camping was amazingly wonderful in a way she never knew existed. Eating beef hot dogs and marshmallows roasted over an open fire for dinner, with him for dessert.

They slept in a small tent, her atop him each night, and filled with his wickedly large cock. He fucked her against a tree when they arrived to set up camp. She could remember every detail of their lovemaking, aligned perfectly with him in front, and rough bark rasping her back. It all started when they pulled out the tent and somehow Charli rolled herself up in it during her clumsy attempts to set up. When she peered inside, she heard a noise and paranoid, turned and fell over. Deven laughed so hard that when he liberated her from the mummy wrappings of fabric, Charli was kicking and scratching in fury. He silenced her noise quickly by backing her into a nearby tree. One thing led to another and they were both naked in moments. He was inside her so fast, she didn’t remember to this day when or how their clothes came off.

Charli had never known that she could scream so loud and of all their fantastic sex, the orgasms against the old oak tree were the best she ever had. He said the entire time she chanted like a Buddhist monk. Deven jokingly claimed he was marking his territory, but it was no yarn he spun. His body was so attuned to hers that every shudder and shiver rolling across her flesh was noted and appreciated. Mercifully, she only ended up with two splinters. One was at the nape of her neck and the other in her right buttock. Deven however took the brunt of the bark shrapnel on his forearms, even in his elbows from bracing her at her hip and back. Once the tent was erected, she spent the evening pulling them out with a pair of tweezers. Each one made her quiver inside with flashbacks of his thick dick possessing every wet inch she had inside as he took her against the knobby, gnarled trunk. His eyes said he remembered too, grew molten with each splinter she pulled free and discarded into the small fire.

Even with the sultry sex, she found she liked him, the man, just as much as she loved his cock. With the last months Deven had been supportive of her latest endeavor, a business of her own. This morning she was meeting with the credit union about a loan. She was going to try and open a restaurant. It would be a Creole fusion bistro. She already owned the building unit for her location, but to get the place up and running... The list was long, but she was halfway there.

She made some of her menu dishes and would use that as part of the presentation. Packing crab cakes, beignets, and chicory coffee in a thermos, Charli left her dreams riding on this. She wanted something to dedicate herself to, something that she could put all of her energy in. Charli handed Deven the box containing her food and walked to the aging Honda that she couldn’t bear to part with.

“You sure you don’t want...” Deven didn’t finish the query. This was already a sore point between them. He kept asking her, and every time Charli said no. He didn’t get it. She wanted to get this on her own, not because her lover helped her.

“For the last time, no. Thank you… but let me be a woman on her grind. Okay?”

Deven didn’t agree with her desire to be independent, but still gave her his full support. He told Charli that she was a wonderful chef and had even talked with her about helping out in the kitchen every now and again when he was off work. When she checked the time, she needed to leave right then and there. Deven escorted her outside, where Charli climbed in the classic Honda and backed away from the person quickly stealing her heart.

The loan meeting went wonderfully. Charlene was well prepared with color handouts, depicting important information. She needed them to understand she was serious and had the will and drive to make this work. There were graphs showing that, out of the different types of cuisine in the area, none were Creole. That left her a wide field to play in with no competition. She gave them small servings of the sample menu she made and the coffee she brewed. When the three men finished tasting, all looked hungry for more, and she knew if the bistro was open now they would be there for lunch. That was when she knew it was in the bag. The bank’s loan officer gave her a discrete thumbs-up before he walked her to the door. So now it was just a matter of waiting for a callback in the next twenty-four hours.

She was going to head home, and if Deven was there, he was going to give up some of his scandalously wonderful dick to celebrate. Speaking of which, Charli reminded herself to get a bottle of her favorite ros
on the way back.

* * * *

Deven’s morning was nowhere near as productive as it should have been. When Charli left, he was all set to get her place ready for a surprise. He knew his own mind, and he wanted Charli. They had already wasted time, an entire year, and he didn’t want to waste another minute. He was working hard on binding her to him, being there for her when she needed him. Little by little he was getting closer, enough that he could see the bonds of trust form between them before his eyes. She trusted him with her body first, but he was making moves on her heart. There was a hesitation in her eyes that told him she wasn’t ready for more. Hence, they hadn’t put a name to their relationship. She was so much more than ‘girlfriend’ to him.

There was so much he wanted from her, and with her. He never thought how much richer his life could feel. If asked before Charli, he would have said his life was perfect. Now he understood how dull the patina glossing his existence was. Deven knew he could be happy living a quiet suburban life with her, a fistful of children and a couple of pets to round the menagerie out. After they swapped STD test results the Monday afternoon following the first weekend, they continued to make love without protection, in every position either of them imagined. Even though Charli was on birth control, Dev practiced daily at the base mechanics of getting her pregnant. He craved to see her belly round with the seed of his loins, but there was one thing he had to do first.

Deven was in the process of frosting the cake he baked for her, the one they shared at ¡Baila! a few months ago. The cake was a version of an Aztec wedding cake and purported to be an aphrodisiac. He baked the engagement ring in one of the layers. He snuck in and did the baking yesterday in his kitchen, while Charli was out, so she wouldn’t smell it. The lavender and heavy cream he warmed had the chance to meld, and he cooled it in the fridge so it could be whipped. The cake was ready short minutes later, and he sliced the special piece for her. After it was plated, Deven went to shower and get changed.

But before he could get down the hall to the bath, the doorbell rang out. When Deven cracked the door open, a vagrant stood at the door. The person was covered in grime on all the exposed skin he saw and wore several layers of everything. He noted the multiple pairs of pants, jackets, and several shirts. The extra clothes made it harder to determine the sex or age of the person before him. He didn’t know if it was a male or female, but either way he or she smelled terrible.

“Can I help you?” Deven asked, but not sure what he was letting himself in for. The bundle of rags lifted its head, and he saw it was a woman. She looked at him then looked back down at the ground.

“I don’t think so. I was looking for someone else.” Her voice was husky and hoarse, a smoker’s rasp.

“May I ask who?” Deven had to know if what he thought was right. There was something...about the face and build that niggled along the back of his brain. It was almost as if he knew her. Either that or he should know who she was.

“Oh, Charlene Anderson?”

“She lives here. May I ask who is here to see her?” Deven wanted to hear it from her lips.

“I’m her mother.”

Deven felt sick to his stomach, but did the only thing he could. He opened the door and let the transient walk inside. He didn’t seat her at the couch, but at the dining table. Charli would have a conniption if her couch was smudged with filth. Now he knew why Charli kept herself from loving him. Why after all they had done together and what they were to each other, she held a small piece of herself back from him. The only time she gave her all was when they made love, and then he saw the unbridled emotions in her eyes. Deven looked at the woman and asked the questions he wanted to know the answers to.

“My name is Deven Moreland, and you are?”

“My name is Geraldine Morris. Where is Charlene?”

“She went out for a little while, and she will be back later.” Deven wasn’t giving her anything, not until her knew what she wanted from Charli.

“Who are you? Are you her boyfriend?”

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