Windows Server 2008 R2 Unleashed (277 page)

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6. Click the Start button on the main Network Monitor menu bar or press the F5 key to

start the capture.

Parsing Captured Network Traffic Data

Parsing captured data allows the information to be converted into a format that is more

legible to the naked eye. Parsing captured data makes analysis of the captured data

easier—in fact, it’s almost essential. The Network Monitor parsing engine was completely

rewritten to support the new functionality of Network Monitor 3.3.

To modify parsing of captured data in Network Monitor 3.3, do the following:

1. With a capture running or loaded from a saved file, select the Parsers tab in Network

Monitor, as shown in Figure 34.8.



Parsers tab of Network Monitor 3.3.

2. Expand the appropriate parsing category and double-click on the desired parser to

load the parser code into the editor. Parsers use Network Monitor Parser Language

(NPL), a simple-to-use language. Help for NPL is included in the Network Monitor

3.3 Help file.

Using Capacity-Analysis Tools


Windows Performance Monitor

The Performance Monitor in Windows Server 2008 R2, shown in Figure 34.9, has been

modified since Windows Server 2008 as it no longer includes the Reliability Monitor snap-

in. The Performance Monitor is composed of three main components: monitoring tools

such as Performance Monitor, Data Collector Sets, and a reporting component. The

Performance Monitor can be launched from within the Windows Server 2008 R2 Server

Manager or from the Start, All Programs, Administrative Tools menu.




Performance Monitor in Windows 2008 R2.

Using Performance Monitor, administrators can identify bottlenecks and pinpoint resource

issues with applications, processes, or hardware. Monitoring these items can help identify

and resolve issues, plan for capacity changes, and help establish baselines that can be used

for analysis in the future. Upon launching the Performance Monitor, a summary of system

performance is displayed, showing current memory, disk, processor, and network loads.

Performance Monitor

Many IT professionals rely on the Performance Monitor because it is bundled with the

operating system, and it allows you to capture and monitor every measurable system

object within Windows Server 2008 R2. Using the tool involves little effort to become

familiar with it. You can find and start the Performance Monitor from within the



Capacity Analysis and Performance Optimization

Performance Monitor program under Monitoring Tools in the console view. The

Performance Monitor, shown in Figure 34.10, is by far the best utility provided in the

operating system for capacity-analysis purposes. With this utility, you can analyze data

from virtually all aspects of the system both in real time and historically. This data analy-

sis can be viewed through charts, reports, and logs. The log format can be stored for use

later so that you can scrutinize data from succinct periods of time.


FIGURE 34.10

Performance Monitor expanded Data Collector Sets.

Data Collector Sets

As mentioned previously, Data Collector Sets are a collective grouping of items to be

monitored. You can use one of the predefined sets or create your own to group together

items that you want to monitor. Data Collector Sets are useful for several reasons. First,

data collectors can be a common theme or a mix of items. For example, you could have

one Data Collector Set that monitors only memory or a Data Collector Set that contains a

myriad of items such as memory, disk usage, processor time, and more. Data Collector Sets

can also be scheduled to run when needed. The Data Collector Sets section of the

Performance Monitor is shown in Figure 34.11.


As previously discussed, the Performance Monitor includes an updated reporting mecha-

nism and several template performance and diagnostic reports for use. In addition, reports

can also be created manually or generated from Data Collector Sets. Three system reports

are included for diagnosing and assessing system performance: LAN Diagnostics, System

Diagnostics, and System Performance. The following steps outline the process to view a

System Diagnostics report. Figure 34.12 shows a sample System Diagnostics report.

Using Capacity-Analysis Tools



FIGURE 34.11

Data Collector Sets in Performance Monitor.


FIGURE 34.12

System Diagnostics report in Performance Monitor.



Capacity Analysis and Performance Optimization

To create and view reports in Performance Monitor, do the following:

1. Expand Data Collector Sets and System in the console tree of Performance Monitor.

2. Right-click on either the System Diagnostics or System Performance sets and select

Start. Windows will begin collecting data for the report.

3. When you have collected enough data, right-click the collection set again, and

select Stop.

4. Expand Reports, System and click the collection set you chose earlier. Double-click

the report listed under that performance set.

5. The report will be compiled and displayed, as in Figure 34.12.

Other Microsoft Assessment and Planning Tools

Several other products and tools are available from Microsoft to assist with proper capacity

analysis and performance monitoring. Some of these tools are available for purchase sepa-

rately or can be downloaded for free. Selecting the right tool or product depends on the

goal you are trying to accomplish. For example, the Windows System Resource Manager

(WSRM) would be used if you want to implement thresholds for the amount of resources

an application or process is allowed to consume, and System Center Operations Manager

might be deployed if you want to be notified when critical processes behave abnormally


on production servers.

Discussing each of these tools in depth is beyond the scope of this book; however, a basic

understanding and overview of their purposes will help you make an informed decision

when selecting the right technologies for analyzing system resources, availability, and


Windows System Resource Manager

Windows System Resource Manager is included in the feature set of Windows Server 2008

R2 and provides an interface that allows you to configure how processor and memory

resources are allocated among applications, services, and processes. Having the ability to

control these items at such a granular level can help ensure system stability, thus improv-

ing system availability, improving the user experience. Assigning thresholds to services,

applications, and processes can prevent issues like high CPU consumption. System

Resource Manager is installed as a feature in Server Manager. System Resource Manager

can manage multiple items on the local system and remote computers (if Remote Desktop

Services is installed). The System Resource Manager interface is shown in Figure 34.13.

To install System Resource Manager, do the following:

1. Launch Server Manager by choosing it in the Administrative Tools folder.

2. Click Features in the Scope pane on the left.

3. Click Add Features in the central Details pane; the Select Features window opens.

4. Scroll down and select Windows System Resource Manager.

5. If it isn’t already installed, a notification window opens stating that the Windows

Internal Database feature must also be installed. Click the Add Required Features

button to accept the addition of the feature.

Using Capacity-Analysis Tools



FIGURE 34.13

Windows System Resource Manager.


6. Click Next.

7. Click Install to install the Windows System Resource Manager and required


8. Click Close when the installation completes.


A warning appears in Server Manager if the Windows System Resource Manager service

is not started. This service must be running to use Windows System Resource Manager.

After WSRM is installed, you can start fine-tuning the Windows Server 2008 R2 server’s

processes, services, applications, and other items to ensure CPU cycles and memory usage

are allocated appropriately. WSRM provides administrators with a means of adjusting the

system to meet the demands of those accessing it. WSRM can allocate CPU time and

memory usage through the use of the included resource allocation policies or a

customized one. Observed system usage and data obtained from tools like Performance

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