Wingless Book Series (book 1) (11 page)

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Authors: Holly Hood

Tags: #series

BOOK: Wingless Book Series (book 1)
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I’m fine. I’m even better because
you’re honest.”

No reason not to be. The other
guy, that was my brother and roommate, Kenny,” he said, sighing and
pulling me close. “Can we go to sleep?”

Of course,” I said. He kissed my
cheek and never spoke again that night. He was out like a

Chapter 11




The water was so refreshing in the
shower that morning and I was feeling amazing. I didn’t wake up at
home and I was in a great mood. As I made my way out, I could smell
food. Was he cooking breakfast? I found the idea

What’s that smell, Evan?” I
teased, coming into the kitchen.

Evan was standing over the stove.
His brother, the guy that I had seen last night, stood next to him
scrambling eggs. He looked up, smiling, then went back to what he
was doing.

I am making you breakfast and
then we are going somewhere,” he said cheerfully.

Kenny turned to face me clutching
the bowl. He eyed me up and down. I grasped the towel on my head
making sure it hadn’t fallen. He had a huge smirk on his

I’m sorry, we
haven’t met officially. I’m Kenny.” He extended his hand; I shook
it, heading over
to sit at the

It’s nice to meet you. I didn’t
know guys cooked.”

Oh yeah, in our family we do. I
think Evan is trying to impress you, though,” he laughed, punching
Evan in his arm. Evan grabbed plates from the cabinet setting them
on the Island. He smiled as he leaned across it to kiss

It’s just too
bad it’s not something you can get used to. And good morning,” he
said, going back to the stove. Kenny watched me closely
making me start to feel uneasy.

If it’s edible, I could get used
to it,” I joked, looking away from his glances.

No, I meant we don’t usually stay
the night so it’s not something I could do a lot for

He turned the burner off,
and started transferring the food into serving dishes, everything
from bacon to eggs and pancakes. And it really
looked good.

Oh, yeah. “

Kenny sat on the stool next to me
making his plate.

Evan swatted his hand. “Dude, be a
gentleman for once and let her get her food first.”

Kenny stopped, handing me a

Thanks,” I said, uncomfortable.
Evan made my plate and we all ate quietly at first. It was
surprisingly good.

So how did you end up hanging out
with this guy?” Kenny set his fork down already finished. I could
tell he was a cocky type and, judging by his looks, I could tell he
thought a great deal about himself. He probably was the type to
think every girl was into him. He had a joker-like smile and bright
blue eyes that conveyed a hint of wildness. And he was tan, with
dark, almost black hair.

I guess it just happened. We met
and I liked his charm.” I smiled at Evan.

Kenny was looking at Evan now.
“You think he is charming?”

Yes, I do.”

Well, you must be into boring.”
He started laughing out loud at that one and Evan let out a chuckle
or two as well.

I wasn’t as amused. “Not in the
least.” I pushed my pancake across my plate. “I don’t think
anything about him is boring.”

Kenny stood up, taking his plate
to the sink. “That’s awesome, I’m happy for the two of you. Evan, I
think she seems like a legit girl. And I’ll see you sometime next
week, or at Dad’s.”

They did the manly high-five type
thing and Kenny headed out, squealing whatever car he was

Evan started cleaning up the
dishes. I watched him intently just so pleased at everything that
was happening. It was an awesome feeling that was going on, he
impressed me.

Was the food okay?” he asked,
catching my daydream look.

I got up stacking the plates on
top of each other, and grabbing up the cups. “It was actually
really good. Have you always known how to cook?”

My dad has always made us pay
attention to those sorts of things. Food is very important in our

That’s awesome, makes me like you
even more.”

He loaded the dishwasher in a flash
and started cleaning the counter up.

So, you said we were going
somewhere. Where’s that?”

I wanted to take you to my
family’s house; it’s outside of town a way, in Erie

Erie Ridge was a gated community
in what was known as the high class part of the city- you only
lived there if you could afford it.

Evan, are you sure?” The thought
of meeting his family made me nervous. I wasn’t the best at first
impressions. What if they didn’t like me?

Yes, I’m sure. I think you should
meet my dad and see where I come from.” He headed to his room
pulling some clothes out of a closet; going about his business like
this was just an ordinary thing. I felt panicked. I had no change
of clothes and no idea how it would turn out.

I don’t have
anything to wear, and I really don’t get why you want to do this,”
I said harshly. When I felt over stimulated my brain went into
defense like always- it was something I never could hold back. And
it probably sounded bad,
but that was

Evan sat down on the bed; his
expression wasn’t annoyed from what I could tell. “I’m going to be
honest. It wasn’t something I would have thought I would want to
do, but I really feel like it’s the right thing now.”

Why now?” I stood in the doorway
leaning against the frame.

It’s what I feel is right. It
just feels right. Why all the questions? Can’t you just go with

I feel odd, I don’t know. I mean,
what do I say or do?”

He laughed at me. And just kept
laughing. I brought my hands to my hips, not amused. “Evan, it’s
not funny at all.”

It’s hilarious. You think way too
much into stuff.”

I think you’re being a jerk. Why
is this something we have to do today?”

Look, either you want to do this
for me, or you don’t. Don’t make it so complicated for once. Can’t
I just do something without all your questions or insecure
behavior?” he snapped, heading to the bathroom. He caught the door
before it shut giving me a hard glare. “I have a gift in the closet
in the red bag. Put it on and try to appreciate how much I care
about you for the day. I’m taking you to meet my parent. That’s a
good sign, Crazy.”

He shut the door with a bang. The
water started up, and I gave in. Opening up the closet doors, I
went inside the big walk-in closet with his array of high-priced
jeans, sneakers and shirts- all organized, tons of hats and even a
couple suits. In a corner, a small red bag that barely looked like
it could fit clothes, was sitting out easy to see.

I opened the bag, pulling
out a light peach cotton gauze-type summer dress; it was just my
style, sort of bohemian-like, so airy and light. I tried it on,
going to a mirror to study my figure. It fit just right- snug from
my shoulders to my waist and billowed out just right above the
knee. I found a brush in my purse and brushed my hair out.
Sometimes I hated my hair, but the loose
curl to it fell nicely for once. I pulled part of it up with
a pearl clip I had with me, letting a thin wisp of bang

I wasn’t a fan of much makeup, lip
gloss and blush was the most I would wear. My mother told me
natural wasn’t her thing, but she always told me I had the best of
her heritage- a splash of Greek. It gave me a natural olive
complexion. Finally, I felt like I was decent enough. I never had
been that satisfied with myself. I was used to that though. Sitting
down on the bed, I wondered if I could do this, but I was going to
try my hardest because it seemed very important to Evan.

Evan came out of the
bathroom toweling himself off as he made his way into the room; he
was in boxers and nothing else. I couldn’t help but feel overly
awkward as he carried on doing what he was doing. His body was just
beautiful. Muscular and flawless, he wasn’t hairy or anything.
Maybe he waxed or something, I thought to myself. Gray and my
more hair
on their body than he did. Or maybe he just had better genes; hair
on men was not attractive to me. So once again, he was getting

You look amazingly beautiful,” he
said, pulling his jeans on with a huge smile on his face that made
me blush.

Thanks, never heard beautiful

Never what?
You’re joking me. You’re, like, an exotic goddess,” he laughed,
putting on a gray T-shirt with metallic embellishments that
sort of like graffiti. His body
showed nicely in the shirt, his whole appearance always looked so
good I could have sworn it took him hours to look that nice, but
apparently, he could just throw it together and look

Exotic goddess. Oh, grow up. You
don’t need to flatter me.” I poked his chest.

He grabbed my arm, spinning me in
a circle with way too much amusement, and my dress swirled with it.
“I’m not joking, you’re amazing. I’m not trying to flatter you,
just telling you the truth. Now, kiss me so we can get on the
road.” He roughly grabbed my face, his mouth finding mine. I
steadied myself by grabbing onto his back. He guided me to his bed
and we both fell so fast I tensed, thinking we were going to miss
it and land on the floor.

I wasn’t sure what had gotten into
him, but I wasn’t fighting any of it. Evan rolled on his side so
not to crush me, and continued to kiss me, and I was enjoying every
bit of it. My hands made their way from his hair to his shirt and
then under, feeling every muscle of his abs, up to his chest. Evan
worked his way down my neck. I sat up, pulling his shirt off and
throwing it on the floor; he stared into my eyes before we met up
again, kissing longer and longer each time. I started to pull my
dress strap off my shoulders. It felt right, no matter how soon it
was happening. Evan stopped almost immediately. He pulled my straps
up, kissing me one last time.

What?” I was puzzled and rather

He sighed, pulling his shirt over
his head. “No, this is not good.”

What? Why?”

We really don’t need to get into
this right now. I mean, it’s horribly tempting, but I can’t do
that.” He fumbled for words, highly agitated.

I don’t get it, it just feels
right.” I grabbed his hand, trying my hardest to get him back to
the bed with me; I was not offended at all.

It does feel right, and I’m sure
it would feel right during and after. I just don’t want to get into
all that right now. There is a time for that, and this is not

Fine, but you’re a tease, just
remember that,” I said, getting off the bed.

I’m not saying it has to be
planned or anything corny like that, but it will be better if we
just hold out longer.”

I’m glad you have endurance,” I

I don’t want to sound rude so
punch me if you want, but have you, uh….”

Have I had sex before? No. I
never have. Not trying to save myself for marriage or anything, I
just haven’t felt like anyone deserved getting that from me.” I
headed to the door as he stared at my exit.

Are you saying I deserve?” he
called from his room.

Yes, Evan,
don’t get too cocky though.” I sat down on the couch waiting for
him to come out. Hopefully
his head would
make it out the door after that ego boost.

Sex was never a big thing to me.
It was a natural means of expression between people who cared about
each other and, honestly, no guy had made me want to open up that
part of my life. Until now, I thought to myself. It was obvious he
was feeling more like the guy that was going to take my heart. I
just prayed that he wasn’t careless with it.

Chapter 12




We pulled into Erie Ridge gates; I
took in each and every huge mansion. The lawns were perfectly green
and manicured. It was all way too amazing to actually be there. The
houses were something you saw on television- bigger than schools.
My parent’s house was minute compared to the size of each and every
one. I was starting to feel rather shabby even before I stepped out
of the truck. I could see crystal chandeliers hanging from just
about every window I peered into.

We pulled up to an all tan
home with windows so large that it barely looked as if it had any
walls at all and it glowed from all the light on in it. I stared in
awe as I waited for Evan to get out of the truck. Pillars and
balconies lined every side of it; an endless pool sat sparkling
beautifully. Everything was so remarkable
and expensive looking. And it was so clean and concrete it
didn’t even seem like anyone could live in the

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