Winterland Destiny

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Authors: Jaci Burton

Tags: #Book - Paranormal Erotica Series

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Winterland Destiny

Jaci Burton


To my editor, Briana St. James , for *cough*lovingmyfaeries*cough*

To my Paradise Group…thank you for helping me title this book. It’s always fun having your help.


And to Charlie…my destiny, my fate, my heart and my soul. You are the true magic in my life.

Chapter One

Noele sighed heavily as the entourage approached the elvin castle where she was to make her new home.

Behind lay the forests of D’Naath, her home for almost twenty-five seasons. Ahead lay her future, as uncertain and overwhelming as the castle towers that reached high above the clouds of Winterland.

“You fear the joining?”

Noele turned to her sister. Solara’s red wings fluttered in the cool northern breeze. She shook her head and flew closer to Solara, squeezing her petite hand. “Do not worry for me, sister. I have known of this betrothal my entire life. I do not dread what may be.”

‘Twas true, at least partly. Resigned to do her duty as the new queen of the Winterland, she did not fear joining with the elvin king, Garick. Neither did she feel joy at the upcoming nuptials. It was simply the faerie way.

Their entourage was protected by the elvin guards who’d accompanied them on the trek from the D’Naath forests to Winterland. Somber and quiet, the men concentrated on the woodlands on either side of the trail.

Noele knew what they watched for. Or rather, who. She shuddered, suddenly anxious to reach the safety of Winterland’s gates.

She flapped her wings quickly, rushing toward the castle entrance. She only hoped her mate-to-be wouldn’t possess the visage of an ogre. If he were moderately pleasing to look upon, she could at least tolerate the union.

The tall gates opened before them. She took a deep breath and peered inside. The common area was filled with people bustling about. All activity came to a halt as they stood at the entrance, awaiting an official greeting.

“M’lady Noele of D’Naath, welcome to Winterland.” An old elvin male greeted her with a bow, his gnarled hand sweeping forward as a signal for them to enter the courtyard. “I am Limon, the ancient.” Noele nodded and smiled politely at Limon, ignoring the curious stares of the elvin people assembled there. She turned quickly to glance once more at the deep green forests of D’Naath. She hoped one day to return to her woodland for a visit. She would miss all her family and friends.

Especially her parents, who had bravely sent her on her way with tears in their eyes. But they, like she, knew that this union would provide protection for them all. Hopefully her new husband would allow her to go back to D’Naath and see them. As King and Queen of D’Naath, her parents could not leave the woodland forest, lest it fall under attack by those who wished to harm the faerie people.

They could not even see their daughter marry. Noele fought back the tears. She would cry no more. She had duties. Duties she’d prepared her entire life for. And she would not shame her family by acting like a child.

At least she had Solara and her other sisters to keep her company, as well as the guardians of the faerie and a handful of elders who’d come to witness the union.

Limon spoke, breaking her mental connection to her past. “Garick will be joining you later. He wishes you to have enough time to settle in. He will have the evening meal with you in your chambers.” Grateful she wouldn’t have to undergo the inspection rite just yet, she let out a sigh of relief and followed the old man through the castle.

It was certainly spacious, and the doorways and chambers were wide enough that she could keep her wings extended. She was settled in a spacious room with a lovely bed draped in a silver gossamer to match her wings. Waving her wings excitedly at the gray stone hearth near the bed, she anticipated the warmth it would put out on the chilled, northern nights. Large rugs were scattered over the wooden flooring and would ward off the chill at night. . She settled on the floor and brushed her toes against the thick carpet, thankful for its softness against her feet.

A floor to ceiling window nearby overlooked D’Naath forest. An open view upon her homeland, a constant reminder of the place of her birth. The sight brought her great comfort, almost as if she could still feel the warm embrace of home and family.

For a castle that had always appeared so imposing from far away, it held a strange comfort she hadn’t expected. Many times she had stood at the edge of the forest and looked across at the great castle, wondering what lay within the walls of Winterland. Knowing it would someday be her home had made her curious.

If only the king would turn out to be as warm and comfortable as his castle.

A young elvin woman appeared, curtsying and scurrying about the room. “I am Isolde, your handmaiden,” she announced, curtsying again.

“It is not necessary to curtsy before me, Isolde. I am happy to know you and welcome your aid.” The young girl appeared as nervous as Noele felt. “Thank you, my queen.”

Queen. By tomorrow’s sunset she would be a queen. Although not her choice, she accepted her fate as did all faerie, knowing their destiny had been decided the moment of their birth. As the first female child of her parents, Noele had known early on that she would some day become a queen and rule alongside her mate.

She’d pushed her destiny to the back of her mind for all these years until the inevitable twenty-fifth solstice approached. Now there was no turning back. Her days of frolic and gaiety were over. No more playing in the woodlands with her sisters. No more spying on the other creatures of the forest. No more basking away the days in the sunshine by the lake.

Why did she equate this marriage with the cessation of everything joyful in her life?

“What troubles you, sister?”

Solara had arrived to help her bathe and dress, as had her other sisters. Elise, Mina and Trista. She introduced them to Isolde. The handmaiden’s eyes widened and she said, “You are all so beautiful, and yet so different from each other.”

“Thank you, Isolde,” Noelle said. They’d often heard their beauty praised by both their own people and strangers visiting their lands. Whereas Solara bore the colors of summer with her hair like the flames of the sun and wings a blood red, Noele was fair, with almost white hair and eyes an icy winter blue.

Noele’s wings were white as snow and threaded with silver that matched the glittery shimmer of her skin.

The twins, Elise and Mina, bore colors of autumn…burnished gold and sienna, and the youngest, Trista, wore the fresh green wings of a blossoming spring, her hair as darkly rich as the fertile soil of D’Naath.

When they stood together they encompassed all the faerie seasons and were quite a sight to behold.

She would miss her sisters greatly when they traveled back to D’Naath after the nuptial period. But they, too, had duties and destinies to fulfill. A sudden emptiness filled her being and she brushed the ache aside with a determined flap of her wings.

The large bathing tub was prepared with heated water. Noele retracted her wings until they were tucked deep inside her flesh. The water was steamy and inviting, and she laid back and allowed Isolde to minister to her. Her sisters remained with her in the oversized bathing chamber.

“My queen, will you tell me of D’Naath?” Isolde broached the question in a whispered voice.

Noele reached for Isolde’s hand and patted it. “You do not need to fear me, Isolde. If you have questions, you may ask them. Neither I nor my sisters will do you any harm, nor do we expect you to speak in a servile manner to us. Please, we are all women, although you are elvin and we are faerie. That is our only difference.”

Isolde nodded and smiled, the tips of her elvin ears as red as her round cheeks.

“Now, about D’Naath. What do you wish to know?”

“Your cultures, your customs. I’ve heard stories…”

Noele laughed when Isolde reddened. “You mean stories of our sexual frolic?”

The woman nodded.

Trista fluttered over to the edge of the tub, undressing and sliding into the bath with her sister. “Mostly, they are true,” she said with a wicked grin. Trista was the most devious of her sisters, fiery hot and passionate. Many times Noele had to rescue Trista from the arms of a faerie boy intent on enjoying her pleasures. Her ardent nature was bound to land her in trouble some day.

“D’Naath is a land of pleasures,” Noele explained. “Many outside our realm come to enjoy faerie delights. Our days are warm despite the northern climate. The wood glen contains a magical heat that keeps out the wintry chill. It truly is a paradise.”

“Not to mention the desirable faerie women who live in D’Naath.” Noele nodded at Mina’s statement. “‘Tis true. Many of the female faerie are quite pleasing to look upon.

My sisters, for example, have an unparalled beauty.”

“As do you, dear sister!” Elise added. “Why, Noele has been sought after since the day of her birth.

Many have tried to capture and hold her, and yet she has been promised to your king and therefore unable to accept their overtures.”

Noele laughed at Elise’s disappointed face. She had enjoyed enough pleasures without laying with a man, yet to Elise, the fact she had to wait to give herself until now was unheard of. “I am no prettier than my four lovely sisters.”

Isolde smiled. “You are all so lovely. And a bond exists between you that I envy. I have no sisters.” Solara fluttered over and sat next to Isolde on the stone bench above the bath. “Then we shall be your sisters.”

They laughed and splashed water, playing like children. Eventually, her sisters joined her in the bath, giggling and making Isolde blush with their bawdy stories. Noele knew this would be the last time she would enjoy such closeness with her sisters. Her heart ached at what she was losing.

“I will miss summers in the meadow,” Noele said.

“Ah yes,” Solara added, recalling their adventures for Isolde. “Lying upon the warming moss and swimming in the frigid lakes hidden deep in the forest glen. Many a warm day we’d lounge upon the rocks to dry, pleasuring ourselves with our fingers and fucking ourselves with the long, sleek tubara until whimpers and cries of delight echoed through the trees.” Isolde’s eyes widened in shock. She gazed at Noele. “My queen, are you not to be virgin when you come to Garick?”

Noele laughed, relaxed by the warm bath and memories shared with her sisters. “I am still a virgin, untouched by a man. Your king knows full well of the pleasures faerie partake of, including fucking ourselves with the tubara, which is shaped very similarly to a cock.”

“A well endowed cock,” Trista added, bursting into a fit of giggles with her sisters.

After Noele’s bath, she dressed in a simple sheath of silver and paced the room, awaiting her intended mate.

“Quit fluttering so wildly. You are creating a breeze and I am chilled.” Noele turned to Solara. “Go stand by the fire, then and warm yourself.” Solara stepped behind her and held her wings still, then leaned her chin on Noele’s shoulder. “You are nervous. It is understandable.”

Noele reached for Solara’s cheek, the magical touch of her sister’s skin calming her. “I cannot help it.” Trista approached her from the front and held her hands, a merry twinkle in her crystalline eyes. “Elvin men are very virile. I’ve heard stories of their cocks. They are quite impressive. Long and very hard and they can make love for hours without tiring.”

“Yes, I’ve heard that, too,” Solara said, squeezing her shoulders. “You will have a lusty man in your bed, my sister. I am envious.”

She had dreamed of so much more than simply fucking an elvin king. Dreams of a magical love, an undying, soul-binding joining that would last beyond eternity. But her dreams didn’t matter.

Noele grew more nervous with each passing moment, her mind conjuring up an ugly monster she’d have to submit to tomorrow. Tonight too, remembering the required inspection. Excitement warred with trepidation. If he were pleasing to look upon, the inspection and consummation could be quite enjoyable.

But if he were hideous, or mean-spirited, then she would dread the upcoming events.

For many years she had looked forward to lovemaking, tired of pleasuring herself with her own fingers or the tubara. She was ready for a man, wanted a man’s thick cock inside her.

She’d just about convinced herself that she could endure the beast’s fucking with her eyes shut tightly when steps sounded outside her door. She sucked in her lower lip and breathed deeply as the door opened, a shadowy figure emerging from the darkness.

Her sisters lined up beside her, eager to view her intended mate.

When he stepped from the shadows, her heartbeat halted.

By all that was magical—he was a beautiful man! Tall, over six lengths at least, and well-muscled. His hair hung straight to his shoulders and was black as a moonless night. Would it be soft to the touch? A sudden urge to thread her fingers into his hair overwhelmed her. His eyes were grey as a winter storm, and yet she felt no chill from their depths. Black breeches covered his muscular thighs. His shirt matched his eyes, the colors making him look imposing.

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