Winter's Touch (The Last Riders Book 8) (10 page)

BOOK: Winter's Touch (The Last Riders Book 8)
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, the doctor will see you in his office when you get dressed.” Evie gave her a reassuring smile as she closed the door of the exam room.

Winter’s hands fumbled as she put her dress back on. During her examination, the doctor had listed several things that could have led to her fainting. He had Evie test her blood and urine samples, telling her not to trouble herself until the tests came back.

She was eager to leave the sterile room, going to the office across the hall.

When Dr. Matthews saw her, he stood, motioning for her to take a seat. Apprehensively, she saw Evie come to stand in the doorway.

“I’ve made you an appointment for tomorrow.”

“For a mammogram?” She was deathly afraid he was going to tell her that he had the same suspicions as her.

He shook his head, grinning. “With my grandson, Dr. Price. You’re pregnant, Winter.”

She didn’t know how to react. She simply stared at him in shock.

“I can’t be pregnant.”

“No protection is infallible. Your blood work isn’t back yet, but from the pregnancy test I took from your urine, you’re pregnant. I made you an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. Is that good for you? Your blood work will be back in the morning. If it’s positive, I’ll have Evie call you and confirm your appointment with Dr. Price.”

“I can’t be pregnant. It must be a mistake.” Winter burst into tears.

She was deliriously happy, but Viper was going to be so angry. She was terrified, afraid he was going to be furious and think she had gone behind his back to achieve the pregnancy she had prayed for.

Evie put a supportive arm around her. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Winter, you becoming pregnant has never been an issue. It was if you could carry it safely. Lucky for you, my grandson is one of the top doctors in his field. He specializes in high-risk pregnancies.”

“He told me he was an obstetrician, but I didn’t realize he dealt with high-risk pregnancies.”

Dr. Matthew patted her hand. “You’ll receive excellent care, but Winter, I did warn both you and Viper how difficult a pregnancy could be to your health and the baby’s. For now, we’re not going to worry about that until Dr. Price has a chance to examine you. Today, just enjoy finding out the good news.”

“Thank you, Dr. Matthews.”

“I have another patient waiting. Evie will stay until you’re ready to leave.” The doctor left the two women alone, closing his office door.

She stood, still disbelieving she was really pregnant.

Evie hugged her. “Those better be happy tears. I know how much you’ve been wanting a baby.” She and Penni had been the only ones Winter had told about her desire to have a child.

“They are. I’m just worried about how Viper’s going to take the news.”

Evie’s face fell. “When are you going to tell him?”

“Cash dropped me off. I’ll get him to drive me to the clubhouse and talk to him then.”

Evie’s frown deepened. “You can’t tell him while he’s working. Make him a nice dinner, and then tell him when your aunt goes to bed.”

“You think he’s going to be that upset?” Evie’s advice was making her fears worse.

“No! I didn’t mean that. I thought you wanted to tell him by yourself first so you can reassure him alone. Viper isn’t going to blame you for getting pregnant. Accidents happen. Once, I was afraid I would get pregnant when a condom broke. King reassured me everything was fine. Viper will, too; you’ll see.”

“I hope you’re right. I’ll make him a steak and a chocolate pie.”

“There you go. If I didn’t think you should tell him alone, I would come over for dinner,” she joked, giving her some Kleenex to wipe her face. “You ready?”

Winter nodded.

“Call Cash. Then go to the bathroom to wash your face. We don’t want him calling Viper to tell him you’ve been crying.”

“I will.”

“Good. I’ll call you in the morning when your results come in.”


“Bye… and congratulations.” Evie hugged her again before the women parted ways.

Winter texted Cash as she entered the restrooms. Splashing the cold water onto her cheeks, she stared into the mirror. The joy in their depths had Winter telling herself Viper would be as happy.

“What if he isn’t?” Winter whispered to the empty bathroom.

She was so nervous about telling her husband that it took two tries to open the restroom door. Thank God Evie had convinced her to wait until dinner. She needed the time to prepare herself in case Viper blamed her for the unexpected pregnancy. She still couldn’t believe it herself.

She’d had an implant put in four months ago, switching from the pill at the gynecologist’s advice. She had warned her to take other precautions during the first two weeks, and they had. Regardless, worrying about it now wasn’t going to change the fact she was now pregnant.

Cash pulled up in front of the doctor’s office as she came out.

“Everything go okay?” Cash asked when she climbed inside.

“Yes.” She kept a straight face as he drove her to her aunt’s house.

“You look like you’ve been digging a ditch,” Winter observed, changing the topic.

Cash grimaced at his dusty clothes. “Sorry. Rachel had me helping plant some of her seeds.”

“I hope she didn’t get them from her brothers,” she wisecracked, as Cash parked his truck in her aunt’s driveway.

“Her brothers are too stingy to share their seeds. They are as much in demand as their pot.”

He walked her to the door. “If your aunt is doing better, Rachel and Holly will be over on Saturday. They’re going to bring Logan and Ema over to spend the afternoon, if that’s okay with you?”

“Yes.” Winter knew Aunt Shay would be excited about seeing Cash’s baby.

“Make sure you lock the door,” he ordered, waiting for her to go inside.

“I will,” she said, telling him goodbye as she closed the door, locking it.

Winter checked on her aunt, who was taking a nap, before changing into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.

She wanted tonight to be one they would never forget. She made a salad, putting it in the fridge so all she would have to do is take it out. She texted Beth for her pie recipe, tempted to order one of Willa’s cakes. When Beth emailed her the recipe, she was relieved by how simple it was. She spent the next hour making two pies: one for Viper and one for Aunt Shay.

As the clock ticked by, Winter became more anxious about his reaction. She was so overwrought she almost burned the pies, and she forgot to lay out the steaks.

She made Aunt Shay an early dinner then started her a movie in her room. Then Winter changed into a sundress with shades of soft greens and yellows. She slipped on a pair of cream sandals before going downstairs to bring her aunt a piece of pie and a glass of milk.

“I’m going to go start the grill. If you need anything, just call out. I’ll leave the door open.”

“I’ll be fine. You two enjoy your dinner. I’m going to talk to Ton and see how his garden is doing. Then I’m going to watch my movie.”

“Tell Ton I said hi.”

“I will. I’m going to tell him I’m still waiting for my tomatoes.”

Winter laughed as she left the room. Maybe Rachel or the Porter brothers could give him some gardening tips.

She had started the grill, when she saw Viper coming through the sliding glass doors.

“Need some help? I’ll grab myself a beer. You want one?” he asked.

“No, thanks. I made some lemonade. If you want some, it’s in the fridge.”

Winter turned over the steaks, smiling over her shoulder when Viper came back to take over the job.

“I’ll go get the salad and some plates. I thought we could eat out here.”

“Sounds good.”

Winter set the table and even lit a candle before coming to stand behind Viper. As he put the steaks on the plate she had set to the side of the grill, she saw a dark purple bruise on the back of his hand.

“What happened to your hand?” she asked.

He shrugged. “I accidently hit it when I closed the trunk while helping Cash pack in Rachel’s plants.”

Winter took his hand, kissing the purple bruise. “Cash said he was planting them today. Where was he planting them?” She took the chair he held out for her.

Viper took the chair across from her before answering her question. “I don’t know. I just helped him pack them into the factory.”

“Oh.” Winter took a bite of her steak, deciding to wait until after dinner to tell him her news. She didn’t want him choking on his steak.

“So, I was thinking…” She lifted her eyes when he spoke between taking bites of his salad. “We should stay another week with Aunt Shay and use the opportunity to talk to her about the future.”

Winter paused, her fork poised over her food. “You want us to talk to her about her future?”

“Yes. I’m not happy with her staying here in this house by herself. When was the last time she went upstairs?”

“I imagine it’s been a while. Her knees make it impossible for her to go up there.”

He nodded, taking another bite of his food before continuing. “I’ve talked to her before about letting me build her a house on Last Riders’ property. I want us to try again. Maybe she’ll listen this time.”

She gave a sigh of relief. “I was afraid you were going to try to talk her into a retirement community.”

“She has family: us. I would just feel better if I could check on her every day, instead of having Beth doing it.”

“I agree. I think it’s a great idea. I’m enjoying spending time with her. I think she’s also enjoying having us in the house.” Winter moved her food around more than she ate.

Viper took the last few bites of his dinner, and she knew the time was nearing when she would have to break the news of their pregnancy.

“Cash told me that you said Dr. Matthews said everything was all right.”

Winter nodded, unable to speak. “I made you dessert. I’ll be right back.”

Feeling like a coward, she escaped to the kitchen. She cut herself a small slice of pie and then half the pie for Viper, practically smothering it in whipped cream, her hand shaking.

“I’m going to have a nervous breakdown before I can tell him,” she told herself.

Carrying the plate toward the sliding glass door, she paused when she heard Viper talking. Not wanting to interrupt his call, she tried to open the door quietly.

“I told you I want it done.” Viper had his back to her as he spoke on his phone. He was brushing down the grill, twisting the knobs to make sure the gas was off. “I want Raul found before someone else gets hurt. Shade, we can’t assume his targets are just Hennessy or the Predators. The whole club is at risk until that fucking murderer is found. It gives me nightmares to think about how John, Chance, Noah, and Ema could be his targets. He won’t give a fuck about hurting children to pay us back.” Viper shoved his hand into his back pocket. “Tell Rachel, if she doesn’t want to stay at the clubhouse, then move into the Porters’, but those are her only choices.

“Thank God I only have Winter and Aunt Shay to worry about. I’ve convinced Winter to stay here for another week. That way, I can keep an eye on Aunt Shay until you catch the fucker or I convince Aunt Shay to move.” Viper stopped to listen to whatever Shade was saying.

“Don’t jinx me by telling me that I need to have a kid to loosen me up. The last thing I need right now is a kid. Just tell Jackal to find the bastard so I can get some sleep.”

Winter saw Viper disconnect the call, turning to shove it angrily into his jeans pocket.

“I’m pregnant.”


inter set
the pie plates on the table, waiting for his reaction. One by one, she could see his emotions play out in his expression. Shock, concern, disbelief, none of the myriad of emotions included joy.

“Please tell me you’re joking.” His harsh voice had her jumping.

“No. I’m pregnant… I just found out today.” She spun around when Viper tried to pass her. “Wait…” She caught his arm as he brushed past.

“How long have you known?” He turned back with a furious expression when she wouldn’t let go of his arm.

“I told you… I just found out this morning. Wh-where are you going?” she stuttered.

“I don’t believe you! The last six months, you’ve done nothing but nag at me to get you pregnant.”

Shocked, she released his arm. “I would never do this to you on purpose!”

“What made you decide to take matters into your own hands? Was it Sasha? Or Fat Louise getting pregnant?”

“I didn’t do it deliberately.” Tears poured down her cheeks. She had expected Viper to be upset, but his anger was much worse than she had imagined. He didn’t even look like he believed her.

“I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I’ll make Rider watch the house.”

“Viper! Please don’t go. I swear I didn’t do it on purpose. Please, I’m begging you… Viper…” Winter followed Viper through the living room to the front door.

He slammed the door open then closed, leaving without a backward glance.

She sank down on the bottom step, crying, holding her belly as she sobbed.

“Winter? What happened? Did you and Viper have a fight?” Aunt Shay’s pale face stared down at her.

“I told him I’m pregnant. Aunt Shay, he doesn’t want it. I could tell from his face he doesn’t want his child.”

Her aunt lifted her to her feet, murmuring as she led her to the couch. Winter cried on her shoulder until she ran out of tears.

“I’m going to go make us a cup of tea.” Aunt Shay left her sitting on the couch, staring into space.

Viper’s reaction had broken her heart. However, when he had time to think, he would realize it was an accident. Even if he did, though, Winter didn’t think she could forgive him. She would never forget his voice or the look on his face as he had accused her of deliberately becoming pregnant.

Aunt Shay set a teacup down on the end table by her side. “Drink it. Viper will come to his senses. He’ll realize it is a blessing.”

Not wanting to hurt her aunt’s feelings, she sipped her tea. “He hates me.”

“He doesn’t hate you. He loves you. That, I’m sure of. You’re just going through a rough patch. He will come by tomorrow and apologize.”

“Some things can’t be forgiven,” Winter said numbly.

“Nonsense. Do you think your uncle and I never had our arguments? We separated for a year, and it was the most miserable year of my life. Even worse than the year he died. At least when I buried him, I knew where he was. The year he was gone, he rode around the country on the motorcycle he bought.”

“Uncle Dennis had a motorcycle?” Winter thought back through the years before her uncle’s death, not remembering seeing him on a motorcycle once.

“I made him sell it when I took him back.” Aunt Shay had a smug smile on her face.

Winter couldn’t believe her aunt would have made the demand. She had catered to Uncle Dennis’s every want and need. Hell, he had been dead for twenty-two years before she would cut her hair, because she knew how much he liked it long.

“Why did you take him back?”

Her aunt sighed. “Because I had a baby who needed her father. When I married Dennis, I knew he didn’t love me. He married me for money. I let him squander and waste the fortune my parents had left me until it was gone. That’s when he bought the motorcycle with the last two thousand dollars we had in the bank, kissed our daughter on her cheek, and I didn’t hear from him again until he showed up at the door, begging me to take him back.”

“I would have slammed the door in his face.” Winter wished her uncle were still alive so she could kick his ass for her sweet aunt.

“If I had done that, then I wouldn’t have had a marriage that lasted twenty-six years.” She sighed. “When Dennis came back, he got a job, working day and night mining coal. It was only when he managed to buy this house back for me that I let him back in my bed. It took him a year.

He was an excellent father. He was there to help our daughter learn how to ride a bike, drive a car, and warn her about marrying Vincent. The years weren’t all good, but he was there to hold my hand through three miscarriages. He was by my side when the doctor told me I needed a hysterectomy, and he was there, holding me when we lost our daughter.

“To make a marriage last, you have to take the years one step at a time. One year, the path may be a clear walk. Another year, you might find yourself walking on gravel, thinking you’ll never get through it. But you do if you want to badly enough. That’s why some marriages don’t end up making it—couples get tired of the walk. Sometimes, you have to rest. Then there are times you stumble, and you have to take turns carrying each other.

“Viper and you have been coasting along, and you’ve come to a place that he stumbled on. You can let him take your hand and lean on you, or you can leave him behind and go back to finding another path on your own.”

Her aunt kissed her cheek. “Goodnight. I’m going to bed. It’s way past my bedtime.”

“Goodnight, Aunt Shay. I love you.”

“I know you do, dear. I love you. You’re my favorite niece.”

Despite her broken heart, she couldn’t help smiling at her attempt to lift her spirit. “I’m your only niece.”

“For now,” she said as she left.

Winter stared down at her flat belly, her hand resting on the child she and Viper had conceived. She had a choice to make. A few weeks ago, she had thought it was whether she and Viper would have a child. The choice had been taken out of their hands now, but she wasn’t going to let him run away from either her or the baby. His days of midnight runs were over.

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