With Me in Seattle Bundle One (122 page)

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Fuck you, asshole. You don’t know what I want.

“I’m crazy about her, dude. If you think I’ll let anything hurt her, you’re nuts.”

“You can’t protect her from this business, and you know that. You should leave her alone now, before it goes any further.”

“I will do everything to keep her safe,” I repeat, my jaw aching from being clenched so tightly. “I’m not going to stop seeing her.”

Luke watches me rub my chest, where an ache at the thought of not seeing Sam anymore has taken up residence, just shakes his head and sighs. “I can’t believe she’s doing this again,” he whispers. But before I can ask him what the fuck that means, he follows it up with, “I’m telling you, when you’re done with her, she’ll be a wreck. It took her years to recover from last time, and I don’t know that she could do it again.”

What the fuck happened?

“Ready?” Natalie asks as she comes out of the building, holding Liv on her hip. The baby’s face lights up at the sight of her daddy.

“Yeah,” Luke responds and watches me thoughtfully as Natalie settles Olivia in her car seat. “You better protect her, Nash, or I’ll fucking kill you.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


Chapter Nine



“Ms. Williams, your references are impeccable, and your credentials are spot-on. We’d love to have you come down to LA to meet with us and the other editors to see if this would be a good fit for all involved.”

“Thank you, Mr. Foss.” I grin into the webcam on my Mac, and the handsome man on the other end smiles in return. “I’d like that.”

“Would next week work for you?”

“Yes, I believe my calendar is open next week.” I’m bouncing up and down on the inside but manage to remain calm on the outside.

“I’ll have my assistant e-mail with the travel arrangements. I look forward to meeting you in person. Have a good week, Ms. Williams.”

“Thank you, and likewise.”

The screen goes black as Mr. Foss disconnects the Skype chat, and I sit back in my chair, chewing on my lip.

I need new interview clothes.

Shopping helps me think. It may sound stupid, and my brothers tease me incessantly, but roaming through racks and racks of clothes and shoes helps me clear my head.

So I throw on a jacket and grab my handbag and set out for the shopping district.

I don’t live far.

One of the reasons that I chose to buy this condo was the convenience of being downtown. It was close to my old job, shopping, the market, and I love being in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the city.

I’m a city girl.

I push my way into Nordstrom. The heat from inside the store is a deep contrast to the cold weather outside. I make my way to my favorite section of the store, the underwear, and let my mind wander.

LA.  Do I want to move to LA?


But I desperately need a job. I have a mortgage and a car and a
to pay for. I’m blessed with a healthy savings, but it won’t last forever.

And I will die before I ask anyone for a handout.

But leaving Seattle means leaving my family. My friends.


I still, a pair of black panties with ruffles on the butt in my hands, and feel my face flush. These are exactly like the ones he ripped off me that night in my kitchen.

I may as well replace them.

And grab some pretty new bras while I’m here.

It’s been more than a week since our fight, since I was sick. Since we watched Olivia together.

I carry my undergarment finds over to the women’s section to pick out a new suit for my interview next week and end up with three new outfits, all suitable for interviews.

Because even if the LA job doesn’t work out, I’ll have other interviews to go to.

I hope.

As I make my way home with my purchases, my mind wanders back to the sexy, tattooed man who has wormed his way into my life. And it feels natural to have him here.

He’s attentive and caring. He’s amazing in bed. He’s funny.

And I just want to lick him.

But there will come a time, in the not-too-distant future, that he’ll be gone the majority of the time. He and his band will release the new album, and all the hoopla that goes along with it will begin: tours, promo, TV appearances. Lots and lots of travel.

He doesn’t even have a home in Seattle. He’s staying at Meg’s old place. He owns a home in LA.

Oh God, I don’t want him to think that I’m considering a job in California just because he lives there. How mortifying.

The thought of Leo leaving makes me sad. Okay, it makes me feel like my heart is being torn from my bloody body.

But I’ll survive it. And I’ll enjoy him in the mean time.

I kicked him out of my apartment yesterday and told him to go home for a day. Time apart is healthy. We don’t have to be in each other’s pockets twenty-four/seven.

I don’t want him to get sick of me.

He’d reluctantly gone, but then he’d called me at two a.m., complaining that he couldn’t sleep.

I wasn’t sleeping either.

And we had the most fun, sexy-as-hell phone sex I’d ever had in my life.

Yeah, I like him.

I drop my purchases on the ottoman in the center of my closet room and sigh happily. I love this room. Three walls are lined with clothes, separated by occasion: casual, work, formal. The fourth wall houses my handbags and shoes.

And in the center of the room is a long, plush sand-colored ottoman for dressing. Before I can begin putting my newest finds away, my phone rings.

The display reads simply,

I grin as I answer, “Hey, there, ridiculously sexy rock star.”

“Hey. What are you up to?” His voice is warm and deep and smooth, and I have to lower myself to the ottoman before my knees buckle.

God, I have it bad.

“I had to go shopping, so I’m putting some things away.”

“Shopping for anything special?” he asks.

“I got some new interview outfits and some new underwear.”

“Hmm… I definitely wanna see the underwear.”

I grin. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“Do you have dinner plans tonight?” Why does he sound uncertain?

“No, what’s up?” I ask.

“Meg has invited us to have dinner with her and Will at their place.” He exhales deeply.

“You don’t want to go?” I ask.

“I’m fine with it, if you are.”

“Okay, I’m in.”

“Okay. I’ll pick you up at six.” He clears his throat, and I hear voices in the background.

“What are you up to?” I ask, my curiosity piqued.

“I’m hanging out with a few of the guys. We’re looking at song choices for the new album, and they’re being stupid.”

I laugh and cradle the phone between my ear and shoulder as I stand and begin hanging my new clothes.

“What are they doing?”

“Jake is substituting dirty words for the regular words in the songs. I swear these guys are ten years old.”

“You love them,” I murmur with a grin.

“They’re all crazy.” There is mumbling in the background, and I hear someone start to play an acoustic guitar, and I wish I was there to listen. “I’m gonna go finish with these guys, and I’ll see you at six.”

“It’s a date.” I glance down at the black panties in my hand and think about how far we’ve come since that horrible night in my kitchen.

“Good. And, baby?”


“You’re not sleeping alone tonight.”

He hangs up, leaving me with a wide grin and wet panties.

Thank God.




“You look fantastic,” Leo mutters and looks me up and down appreciatively, taking in my red sweater and black jeans.

My red heels increase my height by four inches, and he’s still way taller than I am.

“So do you.” And he does, in his faded blue jeans and black button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, revealing those hot tats on his forearms.

“Come on, Meg will kill us if we’re late, and if I come in, we may not make it there at all.”

He settles me in his car and pulls into traffic toward Will’s home.

“So, you bought interview clothes. I suppose that means you have an interview?” He raises an eyebrow at me and offers me half a smile.

“I do. Next week.” I clench my hands in my lap and pray that he doesn’t ask me where.

No such luck.


“In LA.”

His head whips around, and he stares at me with his jaw dropped, and then he scowls deeply and turns back to the road, his knuckles going white on the steering wheel.

“Why LA?” he asks, his voice deceptively low.

“Because they offered.” I shrug and look out my window, not paying attention to the landscape.

“But you don’t want to move out of Seattle.”

“Leo, sometimes what we want and what we get are two different things.” I take a deep breath and frown. “What’s the big deal?”

“You shouldn’t have to settle.” He glares at me.

“I need a job.” I say the words slowly and clearly. “I’m going a bit crazy here, Leo. I need to work. I like to work. No one in Seattle is offering.”

“I’ll help you until you find something here.”

He sounds so sure, and I want to soften, just at the thought that he wants to help me, but that is absolutely not going to happen.

“I don’t need any help.”


“Leo, I’m not thinking about the LA job because that’s where you’re based, if that’s what makes you nervous. I may not even get the job, but they called, want to fly me there next week, and I’m going.”

“That’s what you think?”

“I just…”

“Sam, I don’t want you to take a job that you don’t really want. There’s no reason for you to.”

I shake my head and rub my forehead with my fingertips. “I don’t do anything I don’t want to.”

“Yeah, no shit.”

“Like I said, I might not get it. It’s good practice for the interview process.”

“Hey.” He takes my hand in his and kisses my knuckles. “You’ll be great. They’d be stupid not to scoop you up.”

“Thank you.” I offer him a small smile. He still looks upset but not angry.  “How did it go with the band today?”

“It was good to hang out for a while and talk shop.”

“How are they doing?”

“Good. Enjoying their time off.” He pulls into Will and Meg’s driveway and cuts the engine.

“Why did you sound nervous about bringing me here tonight?” I ask when he turns to me in the dark car.

“Because I’d rather be at your place, or mine, alone with you.” He runs his hand down my face and cups my cheek gently. “I missed you last night.”

“Me, too,” I whisper.

“Let’s get this over with so we can leave and I can lose myself in you for about ten hours.”

Damn, I love it when he says stuff like that. I feel the same way; when I’m with him, I lose myself in him.

“Can I lick your stars?” I ask and laugh when his eyes dilate and his breathing quickens.

“Fuck, you can lick anything you want.”

“We’ll start with the stars.”

“Get out now, or I’ll take you back home.”

He escorts me to the door, his hand on my low back, and as we wait for our hosts to answer the door, he leans in and whispers against my ear, “As soon as I get you home, I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk.”

I swallow hard but grin sassily. “Promises, promises.”

He swats my ass just as the door opens then spreads his arms for Meg to give him a big hug.

“Hey, Meg-Pie.”

“Hi, jerk.” She snuggles into him for a minute, and then backs away and smiles over at me. “Any diaper mishaps lately?”

“No.” I shudder and follow her inside. “I think I’ll leave the babysitting to my mom.”

“You’ll learn.” Meg grins.

“Hey, you’re here!” Will looks fantastic in his jeans and football T-shirt.

Will looks fantastic in anything.

“Thanks for inviting us,” Leo responds and shakes his hand.

“Come into the kitchen.” Meg turns to lead us through the house to their pretty kitchen. “Dinner’s almost ready.”

I help her set the table and fill wine glasses.

“This smells delicious.” She’s prepared salmon with a rice pilaf and salad, and my stomach growls. “I haven’t eaten today.”

“Why haven’t you eaten?” Leo asks from across the room.

“Because I had the meeting this morning, and then I went shopping, and I guess I forgot.”

“I do that, too.” Meg nods. “I made a ton of food, so please eat it up.”

“You can count on me.” I assure her, and we all claim a seat at the table and begin dishing up.

“So, Meg”—Leo slides a big piece of salmon onto my plate and then one onto his—“what are your plans for your birthday?”

“The Montgomerys do a monthly birthday party for all the members of the family with a birthday that month, so we’ll do that.” She shrugs like it’s no big deal, but her eyes are happy.

She loves her birthday.

“I’m buying her a new car to finally replace that piece of shit that broke down on her a few months ago,” Will adds, and Meg shifts uncomfortably in her chair.

I feel Leo stiffen beside me.

“Why were you driving a piece of shit, Megan?” he asks, his voice low.

“Because it’s what I could afford.” She takes a sip of wine, not meeting anyone’s eyes.

Will frowns at her.

“That’s bullshit,” Leo snaps at her.

Will turns his confused gaze to Leo’s. “No, it’s not.”

Leo shakes his head and drops his fork to his plate. “Meg, I know for a fact that you could have bought anything you wanted. I made sure that you were set up to receive your fifty percent of the royalties from all the songs we co-wrote on the past two albums.”

I can’t help the gasp that escapes my lungs as my eyes widen. Meg’s cheeks go red with embarrassment.

“What?” Will demands.

“Where is the money?” Leo asks.

“I donated it.” She shrugs and continues to look down at her plate.

“Fucking A,” Leo mutters under his breath and runs his hand down his face. “You mean to tell me that I spent the better part of fifteen years of my life taking care of you, and I’m gone for a couple of years, and while I’m making millions, you’re living paycheck to paycheck? What the fuck, Megan?”

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