WMIS 04 Rock With Me (14 page)

Read WMIS 04 Rock With Me Online

Authors: Kristen Proby

Tags: #With Me in Seattle#4

BOOK: WMIS 04 Rock With Me
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I find him in the dark of the living room, rocking quietly in a big recliner. It’s
too dark to see his face, but I know he’s awake because the chair is moving rhythmically.

“Babe?” I ask quietly.

“Come here,” he whispers.

I climb into his lap, and his arms close around me tightly, pulling me against him,
and he buries his nose in my hair and takes a deep, deep breath.

“What is it?” I ask.

“Couldn’t sleep.”

“I thought I wore you out,” I respond with a smile. When he said earlier that I was
dessert and he was going to fuck the hell out of me, he hadn’t been kidding.

I feel him grin against my hair. “I love making love to you.”

“Hey,” the wistful tone in his voice worries me. I lean back and take his face in
my hands, making him look me in the eye. “Talk to me.”

He tangles his fingers in my hair and watches them comb through it. His knuckles brush
down my cheeks. He’s softly touching me, and he’s quiet for so long I don’t think
he’s going to talk at all, when finally he starts to speak, so quietly that if I weren’t
just a few inches from his mouth, I wouldn’t be able to hear him.

“When I met Meg, she was tiny. Underweight. She was all red hair and long limbs. And
she was so scared.” He closes his eyes and leans his forehead against mine, remembering
the little girl he loved. “I was headed for bad things. Bad people. But then she came
to the foster home I was in, and she became mine.”

He takes a breath, swallows hard, and keeps talking. “She followed me everywhere,
and I didn’t mind. If my friends didn’t want her around, they weren’t my friends anymore.”

“You’re kindred spirits,” I whisper to him and he nods.

“Yeah, and I knew what it was like to be thrust into foster care at her age. So I
claimed her. I taught her how to play guitar. And when I got placed elsewhere, I made
sure I always had a job so I could pay for her to have a cell phone.”

He brushes my hair back from my face as he speaks, his eyes distant, lost in another

“We’ve always looked out for each other. Even when things were really shitty; and
they did get really shitty, we had each other.”

He swallows hard again and swears under his breath, and I feel his muscles tense even
further under my hands.

“And now I learn tonight that she’s been struggling for years and I wasn’t here to
take care of her.”

“Leo, she’s a grown woman. She made her choices for a reason.”

“Yeah, because I hurt her.” He shakes his head and growls in frustration. “I knew
it would hurt her to leave her here, but damn it, she’d just started her career, and
chasing this music thing can be unpredictable and brutal. I didn’t want that for her.”
He kisses my forehead, as though he just needs the contact, and runs his hands up
and down my back. “I made sure she was set to receive that royalty money so that I
wouldn’t have to worry about her financial situation.”

“Meg doesn’t care about the money. She’s all about the people she loves,” I remind

“I know.” He sighs. “I love that girl more than just about anything. It kills me that
she was driving an unsafe car.”

“Sweetie,” I whisper and kiss him softly, needing to comfort him. “She’s okay.”

His arms tighten around me again and he pulls me into a hug, tucking my face against
his neck.

“And now I have you.” His hands continue to run up and down my back. “Another stubborn

He grips my shoulders and pulls me up so he can look me in the eye again. “I know
you’re strong and independent and I respect that, but this is who I am, Sam. I take
care of what is mine. You’re mine.”

He waits for me to argue, but I can’t. I feel tears prick my eyes, and I bite my lip.

“Don’t cry,” he whispers. “Just let me do what I do best, baby. Let me take care of

“It’s hard for me to let people in, Leo.”

“I’m already in,” he reminds me. “And I’m not going anywhere.”


His hands wander under the shirt, making my body come alive. He lifts me so I’m straddling
his naked lap and unbuttons the shirt, peeling it down my arms to throw it on the
floor, but I rescue the condom from the pocket and grin at his raised eyebrow.

“I’m a planner.”

“I see.” He pulls the sleeves over my hands and throws it to the floor.

“That’s better,” he whispers and leans forward to capture a nipple in his lips.

“God.” I grip his soft brown hair in my fingers and hold on as he wrecks havoc on
my body. His hands cup my ass; his lips are all over my breasts and neck.

Finally, he lifts me, takes care of the condom, and slowly fills me, kissing me gently.

“You. Are. So. Amazing.” His soft lips brush over mine, back and forth, over and over
again as he begins to move inside me. “Rock with me, baby.”

And we begin to rock in the chair, so the chair is doing all the work, pushing his
cock in and out of me, our arms wrap around the other and cling, our faces touching
from forehead to nose, and we just lose ourselves in each other until I don’t know
where I end and he begins.

“So close,” he whispers and bites his lower lip, and I feel my own climax approaching,
my body tightening, thighs beginning to shake.

“Me too.”

“Go over with me,” he demands softly and catches my lips with his as I cry out, my
orgasm consuming me. He growls low in his throat and follows me over, panting and
clenching his hands on my ass.

“Not going anywhere,” he whispers.






Chapter Ten




“You made breakfast?” I ask as I stumble bleary-eyed into my kitchen. Sam is wearing
my black shirt again, and damn if she doesn’t look edible in it. Her light blonde
hair is pulled into a messy pile on the top of her head, and her face is clean of

My dick twitches at the sight of her, and I agree. She’s beautiful.

“Yeah, I didn’t want to wake you,” she grins happily and piles hash browns and eggs
on a plate.

“I know I didn’t have that stuff in the kitchen,” I mutter and kiss her cheek before
I fill a mug with hot coffee. “God, you even made coffee.”

“I went to the grocery store this morning. You didn’t have much of anything except
beer and pizza boxes.”

“You went to the store looking like that?” I’ll have to kill every man she came across
today, on principle alone.

She rolls her eyes and smirks. “No, jackass, I wore pants.”

“Gee, that’s reassuring.” I take a sip of my life-affirming coffee and watch her set
the table.

She looks good in my kitchen.

She looks good anywhere.

“I hope you like your eggs scrambled,” she mutters and pulls bacon out of the oven.
“I don’t know how to make an omelet.”

“You don’t?”

“No, I always mess them up.” She shrugs and motions for me to sit.

“This looks great, thank you.” I lean over and kiss her softly, thoroughly, and then
dig in.

“You’re welcome.” She smiles softly. God, I’d do anything to get her to smile at me
like that.

“What’s up for today?” I ask and shovel potatoes into my mouth. Damn, she’s a good

“I have to go to yoga. I haven’t worked out much since I got sick.”


“How about you?” She asks and sips some orange juice.

“I have to make some calls, do a little work.” She fidgets in her chair and she frowns
for just a second, but I catch it. “What’s wrong?”

She looks up, startled. “Nothing.”

“You frowned.”

“I did?”

“You did.”

She shakes her head and shrugs. “I didn’t do it consciously.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yeah.” She eats her bacon and licks her lips, and damn if I don’t want to scoop her
up and take her back to bed.

We clean our plates, and I clear the table and load the dishwasher. My eyes constantly
move back to the beautiful woman sitting at my table, sipping orange juice.

“I noticed when I went through your t-shirt drawer that you don’t have the shirt from
our last tour,” I mention casually.

“I don’t. I couldn’t go to the show. We were in Tahiti for Luke and Nat’s wedding.”
She scowls then, and sticks her lower lip out in a pout and I can’t help but laugh.

“It’s just a concert, sunshine.”

“I literally had a moment when I thought about telling them I couldn’t go to Tahiti
so I could go to the show.” She shrugs, her cheeks going pink with embarrassment.
I pull her to her feet and lead her to the stairs.

“Well, that’s just crazy.”

“I wanted to go.” I look back at her, following me up the stairs, and her eyes are
on my ass. “Besides, your drummer is hot.”

I round on her when we get to the landing. “Excuse me?”

“The drummer. You know, the guy who sits behind the big round things that make noise?”

“Yes, I’m aware of what a drummer is.”

“Well, yours is hot.”

“You like Eric, do you?”

“Oh, is that his name?” she asks innocently. Little brat.

“You know it is,” I respond and pin her against the wall. Her breathing increases,
eyes go wide, and fall to my lips, to my piercing.

It’s funny to me that the lip is what turns her on.

I drop my lips to hers and kiss her long and slow, thoroughly, press my cock against
her belly as I lift her off the floor. She moans and wraps her arms around my neck,
sinks her hands in my hair and pulls on my metal with her teeth.

I lower her back to her feet and turn away toward the bedroom.

“Hey!” she exclaims.

“What?” I glance back with a raised brow.

“What was that for?”

“For teasing me about my band. You can never meet Eric now. I’ll have to kill him,
and he’s too good to replace.”

She laughs her raspy, throaty laugh, and follows me into the bedroom.

“So, back to the original subject.”

“Yeah, back to the kissing.”

“No, sweetheart, the subject before that.” I laugh. God, she’s funny. I pull a gift
bag out of my closet and hand it to her nervously.

Maybe this is a stupid idea.

Her eyes light up like it’s Christmas morning at the sight of the red gift bag.

“For me?” She asks and bounces on the balls of her feet.

Note to self: she likes presents.

“I don’t see anyone else here, baby.”

“Gimme.” She extends her arms, wiggling her fingers, her sweet face all happy and
glowing and she looks like a kid.

I hand her the bag and stuff my hands in the pockets of the jeans I threw on before
heading downstairs.

“Why are you nervous?” She tilts her head to the side, watching me.

“I’m not.”

Her eyes narrow as she studies me. “Uh huh. Sure.”

She knows me too well already.

“Open it.”

She tosses the white tissue paper on the floor and pulls the soft white t-shirt out
of the bag, snaps it open and stares at the front, her mouth gaping open.

“It’s a Nash t-shirt,” she whispers, her eyes traveling over the photo of me and the
guys on the front.

“Yeah, you were in Tahiti.” I shrug.

She immediately strips out of my shirt and pulls the tee over her head, looks down
at it and back up at me with a wide smile. “I love it.”

“Good. I love seeing my name on you,” I whisper.

She launches herself into my arms and kisses me soundly. “It’s really soft,” she murmurs.
“Do you have a sharpie?”

“Probably, why?”

“Will you sign it?” She’s bouncing again, like a fan, and it makes me still for just
a moment.

I don’t need a crazy fan-girl as my girlfriend.

And then I remember; this is Sam. She’s no one’s fan-girl.

“Why?” I ask again.

“In case I want to sell it on eBay.” She bats her lashes at me and my stomach loosens.
I dig around in my computer bag and pull out a black marker.

“Where do you want me to sign it, smart ass?”

“Duh.” She rolls her eyes. She’s so getting spanked. “On my boob!”

“On your boob!” I pinch the bridge of my nose and laugh.

“Like you’ve never signed boobs before,” she smirks.

“Oh, I’ve signed my share.”

“I figured. So mine shouldn’t shock you.”

“I love your boobs.” I lean down and kiss her cheek. She has great tits.

“So sign them.” She steps back and thrusts her breast toward me and my cock immediately
strains against my jeans.

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