Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4 (10 page)

Read Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4 Online

Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Shapeshifters;werewolves;paranormal romance;hot romance

BOOK: Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4
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Oh, it wasn’t perfect. She wasn’t silly enough to believe that. At the end of the day, Jacque was still alpha and his word was law. But this pack was more than she’d ever dreamed of finding.

Cherise and Armand were already seated at the table. Her brother rose when they entered the room. He walked over to her and brushed his hand over her hair. “Sleep well?” He studied her intently. “You look rested.”

She nodded, unable to speak past the lump in her throat. Plus, she was afraid if she opened her mouth she’d blurt out exactly how she’d spent a good part of her night.

“Coffee.” Gator stepped into view. He looked absolutely yummy in a pair of worn jeans and a black muscle shirt that clung to his torso. The clothes were simple, but the man inside them was anything but. The sleeveless top displayed his wide shoulders and the roped muscles in his arms. He held out a mug of steaming coffee and waited for her to take it.

She reached out and took the mug, sucking in a breath when their fingers grazed. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He turned and strode back to the stove. His feet were bare and the sight made her stomach tighten. She really needed to get a grip if she was getting excited over his feet.

She took a mouthful of the coffee and swallowed. She needed the caffeine to get her brain firing on all cylinders. “Morning, Cherise,” she greeted Cole’s mate.

“Morning.” The dark-haired woman motioned her over to the chair next to her. “Take a load off. Gator will have breakfast ready in a minute.”

She gripped the mug like her life depended on it. “I should help.” She needed to do something to start earning her keep around here. She didn’t expect to be allowed to stay if she didn’t contribute.

.” Gator brought a platter filled with bacon to the table. “Everyone needs to stay out of my kitchen.”

Anny batted her eyelashes at him. “Your kitchen?”

He flashed her a grin. “You may play in it from time to time, but it’s still mine.” He went back to the kitchen for more food. Sylvie tried not to be jealous of the easy banter between the two. Anny was her brother’s mate, and he didn’t seem bothered at all by the byplay.

“Gator only allows most of us in the kitchen when it’s time for cleanup,” Armand confided.

“That’s fair.” Sylvie sat in the chair next to Cherise, still gripping her mug.

Armand laughed. “Don’t give the man any more encouragement.”

Gator returned to the table with a huge platter of waffles. He set it down right in front of her. “Don’t listen to your brother,
,” he told her. Then he winked at her. “I’m a humble werewolf.”

Even she joined in with the others when they laughed. There was nothing humble about Gator.

Elise LaForge fought the urge to glance over her shoulder. She could do nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that might bring attention her way. She strolled to the clothesline in the yard, lowered her basket to the ground and began to pin clothes. It was early morning and Pierre was off plotting and planning with some of the other men.

She hated the man who was her mate and was eternally grateful her sons were nothing like him.

“Morning, Elise.” Corrine Blanchard strolled toward her. “Beautiful day.”

“A good laundry day.” There were ears everywhere. She knew her husband almost always had someone watching her. It was one of the main reasons she hadn’t left with her sons when they’d gone. There was no way Pierre would let her go. He would have chased after them immediately.

It was one thing for his sons to sow their wild oats, as he liked to call it, but another thing totally for a female to leave her mate. It just wasn’t done.

Look how they were ready to go after poor Sylvie. Elise chewed on her bottom lip. Had she done the right thing in encouraging the younger woman to seek out the Salvation Pack? It had been such a shock to discover Sylvie was still alive. She’d been so sure Andre had killed her.

Elise continued to work. Pierre didn’t like it when she was idle. She almost snorted. She hadn’t had an idle day in the past thirty-five years. Not since the day her father had given her to Pierre as a mate.

“I bottled some jam yesterday. Do you think your husband would like some?”

“I will ask him.” Pierre liked to believe the others curried his favor by offering him gifts. In reality, it was a way for Elise to visit some of her female friends without getting in trouble with her mate. If it were his idea, he could not object.

“Ask me what?” came his booming voice. Elise jolted a little but quickly regained her composure.

“Corrine was wondering if you might enjoy some of the jam she bottled yesterday?” Elise kept her gaze slightly lowered and her voice pleasant.

Pierre studied Corrine for so long Elise began to worry. Then he suddenly nodded. “

Corrine didn’t miss a beat. “I will bring some to you.”

Pierre shook his head. “No, she will come with you and get it.”

Elise managed not to smile. If there were one man in the pack her mate walked softly around, it was Joseph Blanchard. He mostly kept to himself and Pierre wanted to keep it that way.

“Go now,” her husband ordered. “I want some of that jam with my dinner.”

“Of course.” Elise pinned the last piece of clothing on the line and left the basket where it was. She knew better than not to jump when her husband gave her an order.

The two women were a few feet away when Pierre spoke again. “Where is your mate today, Corrine?”

The other woman turned and faced her alpha. “He’s off fishing.”

Pierre nodded and then waved them away, but Elise could feel his eyes watching her as they walked away.

Chapter Ten

Damn, Sylvie looked good enough to eat, and she smelled even better—like his soap. He could easily imagine her wet and soapy in his shower. He turned back to the counter and clamped down on his sexual fantasies. The last thing he wanted at the breakfast table was a hard-on. He seemed to have had a perpetual one since she’d arrived.

He grabbed his coffee and made his way back to the table. The others were already loading their plates with food.

Sylvie was seated between Cherise and Anny so he sat across from her. Her hair was braided and her clothing clean and crisp. He had the urge to mess her up. She’d looked flushed and sweaty last night. Delectable.

“You okay?” Armand asked him, pulling him away from his wayward thoughts.

.” He had to get his head back on straight before he caused problems for himself and Sylvie. “We need to be more careful in the coming days. There is something in the air.” He couldn’t explain it, but he trusted his instincts.

“You think Pierre will attack again?” Cole asked.

Gator shrugged. “If not him, then some of his flunkies.” Because, honestly, you’d have to be an idiot to come up here looking for trouble unless it was a direct order from your alpha. Too many men had already died for Pierre’s pride and his inability to let Jacque and Louis and the rest of them go.

Of course, having Sylvie here added another layer of problems.

Armand glanced at his sister and then back at Gator. “We will talk later.”

“No.” Sylvie set her fork back on the side of her plate without taking a bite. “I want to know what is going on. You expect trouble because I’m here, don’t you?”

Since she’d addressed her question to him, Gator answered her honestly. “I do. There’s almost always someone watching us. If they caught a glimpse of you, it’s only a matter of time before Pierre knows.”

“Enough.” Armand shoved back his chair and planted his hands on the table. “You didn’t need to tell her that,” he insisted.

Gator noticed Sylvie flinched when her brother jumped up but she held her ground and squared her shoulders.

“I won’t lie to her.” He was pissed at his friend but managed to hold his temper in check.

“I’m not a child, Armand.” Her voice quivered slightly when she began but soon steadied. “In fact, I’m older than you. If I’m going to be a part of this pack, I deserve the truth.”

“We all do.” It was Anny who spoke up. She placed her hand lightly on Armand’s arm. “I know you’re upset, but we need to talk about this. If there’s a threat, we all need to be aware of it.”

He raked his hand through his hair and heaved out a breath. “I don’t like it.”

“But you know I’m right?” Anny teased.

Armand shook his head and gave a rueful laugh. “And you’ll never let me forget it?”

“Never,” she agreed.

Armand picked up her hand and brought it to his lips. The two of them never failed to amuse Gator. He glanced at Sylvie and saw confusion quickly followed by some softer emotion. No doubt, this pack was a lot different from what she was used to.

“Everyone needs to eat before breakfast gets cold,” he informed them. “I didn’t slave over a hot stove for a whole half hour for nothing.”

As he hoped, Armand laughed, sat back down and picked up his fork.

,” he told Sylvie. She grabbed her fork and cut off a piece of waffle. He wished he had a camera to snap a photo of the expression on her face when she took her first bite. She closed her eyes and a small moan escaped her. It sounded eerily similar to the one she’d made when he’d touched her last night. He was thankful for the cover of the table when his dick suddenly sprang to life once again.

Anny laughed. “I know, right? Gator makes the best waffles. They’re so light and amazingly good. Wait ’til you taste his pancakes. Oh my God, they’re so fluffy.”

“You’re gonna make me blush,” he told her.

Anny grinned. “No, I’m going to give you a big head.”

“That too,” he conceded.

“But my chocolate cake is better.”

He picked up his mug and raised it. “Those are fighting words.” Sylvie’s eyes were going back and forth between him and Anny like she was watching some sports match. “Maybe we’ll both make one and let the newest pack member decide.”

His comment teased a tiny smile from her. Gator’s chest swelled with pleasure. “Oh, no,” Sylvie protested. “I’m not getting in the middle of that. I’ll take chocolate cake any way I can get it.”

Anny shoveled in another forkful of waffle, chewed and sighed. “I’m so glad I no longer have to worry about my weight. I’d have put on twenty pounds by now with Gator’s cooking and my baking.” She shot Armand a grin. “Werewolf metabolism rocks.”

Sylvie laughed. It was a small laugh and over quickly, but it settled something deep inside Gator. He realized the restlessness he usually felt was much less prevalent when he was around Sylvie. He was almost…relaxed. What a strange sensation.

“What are you ladies doing today?” Gator was glad Cole had asked. He wanted to know what Sylvie’s plans were but couldn’t exactly come out and ask without raising questions.

Anny shot Gator a sideways glance. “I don’t know about the rest of you but I’m making a chocolate cake.”

Gator laughed. “I’m not about to protest. You know your cake is good.” He dug into his breakfast.

Anny sniffed. “It’s better than good.”

“I’ve got some homework from the online class I’m taking.” Cherise turned to Sylvie. “I never had a chance to go to college so I’m doing it by correspondence.”

Sylvie seemed shocked, which wasn’t all that surprising. Women from the Louisiana Pack were lucky if they finished high school. None of them went on to college. There was no need as far as Pierre was concerned. They were meant to be mates and mothers. Schooling was wasted. Hell, most of the young men never saw the inside of a college either. He never had.

“What are you taking?” Sylvie asked.

“I’m just doing a couple of basic courses right now, but I’m thinking about financial management.” Cherise’s eyes brightened with excitement, so different from the woman she’d been only a few weeks ago. But there was trepidation there too.

“You’re smart enough to do whatever you want to,” Cole informed her. Gator didn’t think anyone would argue with the man, not with the intimidating scowl on his face.

Cherise simply smiled at her mate. “Maybe. We’ll see. I really like the idea of playing with money and investing.”

“Whenever you’re ready, I’ve got some money in my sock drawer,” Gator informed her. The pack had more than enough money. In fact, they were quite wealthy. Both Jacque and Armand had a knack for the stock market. They also bought and sold property all over the country. Cole sold some of the furniture and stuff he made in his woodshop through a dealer in Charlotte. Louis tinkered with their machinery, keeping everything running in tiptop condition.

Gator had never thought about the fact he didn’t have a traditional job. The safety of the pack was his one and only concern. He patrolled and fought to keep them safe. Beyond that, he made sure they were well fed. He considered himself a guardian, a security expert who could also whip up a mean spicy chili.

What would Sylvie think?

Shit, why should he care? But he did. This relationship stuff was complicated.

“Someday I’ll take you up on that,” Cherise told him.

Cole sat back in his chair and it gave an ominous groan. Gator was always surprised when the wood didn’t simply give way under Cole’s immense size. “I’m heading out to the woodshop. I’m going to stop by Jacque’s first and get the patrol rotation for today and tonight.”

Gator finished chewing his last slice of bacon and stood. Usually, he liked to linger over his coffee, but there was too much to be done. “I’m going to get these dishes squared away.”

Sylvie practically sprang from her chair. “No, I’ll take care of them.” She grabbed several plates and hurried to the counter.

“You sure?” He sure as hell wouldn’t mind her sticking around to help.


Armand snagged his sister’s hand when she came back to the table. “Will you hang around here with the others today? I’ll feel better if I know you’re safe.”

Sylvie’s expression softened. “For today.”

Armand nodded and kissed his sister’s hand. “Thank you.” He released Sylvie and turned to his wife. “And you stay out of trouble.”

Anny laughed and threw her arms around Armand’s neck. “I’ll do my best.”

He groaned. “Why does that worry me?” Armand kissed her and then headed toward the door. “I’m going to have a quick look around the area.”

When he left, Cole took that as his cue. He kissed Cherise. “Howl if you need me.” Then he was gone, leaving Gator with the three women.

Gator hurriedly finished his coffee. “I’ll be around if you need me.”

“Scared?” Anny teased.

“Terrified,” he told her.

Feminine laughter followed him all the way out the door. He glanced over his shoulder, unable to resist one last glance at Sylvie. She was watching him. No, she was watching his butt.

He grinned and winked at her when she glanced up. Her cheeks turned pink and she looked away. He wanted to go back inside, scoop her up and carrying her to his bedroom. Instead, he made himself keep going.

The men really needed to talk about security. The safety of their women came first. Everything else would be put on hold until the threat was eliminated.

Gator growled and wondered if it might be better for him to go back to Louisiana, sneak into Pierre’s house and kill the bastard. He could do it. He was as stealthy and mean as any gator in the swamps.

A big hand slapped him on the back, driving him forward several feet. He scowled at his friend. “One day I’m going to snap that hand clean off,” he warned.

Cole simply grinned. “You keep telling yourself that.” The two of them headed toward Jacque’s home, knowing Armand would join them as soon as he’d done a quick check of the perimeter.

Gator tried not to think about Sylvie, but it was a lost cause. He wondered what she would do today.

Sylvie could feel the other women staring at her. She ducked her head and went back to clearing the dirty dishes.

“You do realize they’re all going to meet at Jacque’s to discuss
the situation
.” Cherise put air quotes around her last words.

“Yeah.” Anny grabbed several mugs and carried them to the dishwasher, expertly sidestepping the cat that was underfoot. “I expect Gwen will show up shortly.” Anny leaned down and absently scratched Seymour between the ears. “Try not to be too mad at Armand. He means well.”

Sylvie sighed and rolled her shoulders. “I know.” She knew Armand was only trying to protect her, but that didn’t make it right.

Anny straightened and Seymour left her and went over to his food dish. Tigger joined him. It was strange to see cats around all these werewolves, but the animals seemed to accept them.

“I spent most of my life being dictated to and kept in the dark. I won’t live that way anymore.” And if that meant she had to leave, then she would.

The thought soured her stomach, but she was determined.

“It won’t come to that.” Cherise poured herself another cup of coffee and perched on one of the stools by the counter. “They’ll talk amongst themselves but they’ll tell us everything. They’ll want us to be aware of the dangers. Problem is, they’re used to being a group of men who deal with everything alone. We haven’t been among them all that long.”

Anny closed the door of the dishwasher and turned on the machine. “That’s true. They’re still getting used to the idea of having women in their domain.” She turned toward the door. “And speaking of women.”

The back door was thrown open and Gwen stomped in. Seymour let out a surprised hiss and hustled out of the room with Tigger hot on his heels. “Honestly, some days I want to take the man and shake him.”

Sylvie was more than a little surprised to hear Gwen talk about the alpha in such a manner. Her own mother had rarely had anything to say, especially nothing negative about her mate. That would have only lead to trouble. But Gwen showed no fear.

Anny laughed. “I can’t exactly picture that.”

“Yeah,” Cerise added. “Can you see me trying to shake Cole? Not going to happen. The man is built like a mountain.”

“Don’t mind me, Sylvie.” Gwen slid onto the stool next to Cherise. “I need another coffee.” Anny poured her one and slid it in front of her. Then she pushed over the sugar bowl as well. “Thanks. You know, of course, that your men folk are over the main house.”

Cherise slapped a hand to her chest. “I’m shocked.”

Gwen snorted. “Yeah. I can see that.” She put two sugars in her mug and stirred. Sylvie figured she might as well join them and got herself another coffee.

“Anny is making chocolate cake.” Sylvie laughed when Gwen did a passable imitation of Gator. Gwen shot her a grin. “As if that’s supposed to make me jump up and run out the door.”

“What happened next?” Anny asked.

“Then Armand started talking about investments and stocks and suggested they go to Jacque’s office. Louis is sitting there nodding his head. Cole, of course, is standing there with his arms crossed over his chest saying absolutely nothing.”

“That’s my man,” Cherise agreed.

“So why did you leave?” Sylvie had to know.

Gwen took a sip of her coffee. “That’s good. I had to leave mine half finished.” She smiled at Sylvie. “I told them they could have their little male powwow. That I was going to have one of my own with the women.”

“Bet that scared them.” Anny opened a cupboard door and pulled down a large bowl.

“Bet your ass it did,” Gwen continued. “I think Jacque and Louis actually went a little pale. Armand looked downright uncomfortable. Gator laughed.” She glanced at Cherise.

“And Cole just stood there with his arms crossed,” Cherise finished.

“That about covers it. So what’s going on?”

“They think someone might have seen me coming here.” Sylvie felt more relaxed around these women than she ever had around anyone else in her life. She’d never had women friends, but she’d really like to try it with these women.

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